Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)

1 'Friday, February 97 1 Bo Eau Clair Leader-Telegram 58-Miscellarieous for.Sale 53-Musical Items 41 Apartments Unfurnished 33-Mobile Homes 58-Miscellanebusfor Sale sTrSTcarifdige recorderi and playback r) Wr7. P.u Claire. 834-4417. Your" Horne With WONDER FOAM "The Professional" Carpeting Furniture Stairways CLlel.rum', Paint 1 Hardware 30 Homes for Sale TWO OR Three bedroom horn. Approximately 2 acres land Phone 877-4310.

FARMS HOMES BUSINESSES MIDWEST REALTY CO. Robert Bockus, Realtor Office! Osseo 597-365 Home: Strum 495-3157 T. H. Erlckson, Salesmen, 495-3422 Branch Office. Augusta, Wii.

Selden Russell, Manager, 284-3841 Listings Wanted! Prepare now for SPRING SALES. Let NEW SHIPMENT Of PANT DRESSES Junior, Missy Vj Sites BYE'S DRESS SHOP Osseo, wn. SHOP IN, COMFORT! In Your Own Home You'll Find Exciting Everyday in The Classified Section WHEELHORSE SNOWBLOWERS Sales ft Service ELECTRIC HOME HEADQUARTERS 2905 Sevmour Eau Claire 832-1401 SNOWBLOWER SPECIALS HP Jacobson Garden Tractor with mower ft snow thrower. Used only about hours. substantial reduction now $844 ONLY HP Simplicity Snowthrower 2 Stage Reg.

$347 Special Price $293 SEE THE NEW JOHN DEERE 7 H.P. SNOWTHROWEK MORRISON IMPLEMENT Z. Chlppewai Falfs Phone 723-2874 59-Miscellaneous Wanted ANTIQUES ALL Cutg'ass, -lewelry, dishes, lamps, furniture. One item or houseful. 832-4401 days.

30 Homes for. Sale NEW North Side J. bedroom." Full basement. All carpeted. Gas Furnace.

$14,900. Phone 832-4443 HOLMGREEN REALTY Gaylord Holmgreen, Realtor 424 W. 5th St. Osseo, WU. Dial 497-3939 TWO BEDROOMS with garage and breezeway.

Extra lot near -goii course and lake. Reasonable. Peter. Berg, 435 Woodland. 495-2684, Strum.

Lively- Living! fieore' long Spring will be here, the birds will be singing and we will want fo enjoy life at its best. Here rs how! Use any one of these four sugges tions. ALTOONA save money this SDrine bv seeding your own lawn at this new three bedroom home selling lor only $17,900. NORTH SIDEslide open the patio doors, step out onto the patio and enjoy your early Spring steaks, $23,900. NORTH SHORE DRIVE-a beautiful beach and boathouse will soon capture your interes; away from the two fireplaces in this cute A-frame home.

$24,900. PUTNAM HEIGHTS the lawn is all seeded for you at -this top quality, new -three bedroom er Tastefully decorated and ready for your occupancy $32,000 When buying or selling, please dial COVIN. Realtor-Dial 832-2715 If no answer call 832-9658 DON LUNDEENj SALES $9,600 3 bedroom home. Art. garage, oil furnace.

Remodeled. 2 blocks from downtown Chippewa Falls. $10,300 Neat 2-3 bedroom home. Oil furnace, garage, 2 lots. New lew pricel $12,500 3 Bedrooms.

Gas furnace, full bath first Jloor. Close to busline shopping center. 1516 Sherwin Ave. Give us a call 832-4317 We Will BUY -TRADE -SELL Your Home. Commercial Management 0t mm PJ nAHTlD 85 HAnVltr WD1IIV1 sale, coppenone.

wrin" i Typewriters-royal: standard, Electric, ether mlscellenaous JWI ATHrWe'iOUSEHOLD and Persona to 4 tale KJitiirnav aim only. 1432 Harriet Altoona. THREE NEON Illuminated 4' show cases. Tk. ni.ie slass shelves each, Good rnnditlon.

835-5434, SOLID OAK secretarial desk, typewriter "pedestal with elevator platform on left. H.r and three shelves on right. GoodjoroJW740, nmn enitui flWsir. NU. I 4 Iwsa powerV excellent condition.

723- 981. SOUP'S ON1, the rug that is, so clean i lutre. Rent electric SVSZZn: Paint 8. Hardware. TWO MINK coets, ONE BEIGE coat, $125 each fox fur, Ilka new-, Call 832-5810.

large Used entrance rugs mtx5') $4 5'xlO' HUEBSCH LAUNDRY, 101 N. Dewey. Eau Claire Vacuum Repair ALL MAKES. CALL 832-0092. NEW-OFFICE FURNITURE Desks, rhilrt.

flies. Discount prices. Variety Office Furniture, 189 Vestgate Rd Eau Claire. WIGS FOR SALE Vt PRICE OR LESS Shown In your home at no oongaiion Call 723189. iiict ADoivprt.

7 eu. ft. chest freeiers, Harrf.tfMiar tern, umnea suubit. yours now. Epp Refrigeration, Hy, In Hallle.

40" ELECTRIC STOVE EXCELLENT CONDITION 834-3058 GRANDMOTHER'S CLOCK, oak, With Westminster emmee; cnimo hour, strikes hour. saw. ian wit SMITH CORONA portable typewriter. Like Phone SNOW BLOWER SPECIAL 5 h. 2-stage Wheelhorse $249 7 h.

2-stage Gilson Including chains $299 Free Delivery River Repair Center-Rt. 5, Chippewa Falls 723-9194 15' Snow-rake The Ideal wav to remove snow from your roof. NOW ONLY $7.96 K-MART iicui a iKPn-SFWING MACHINES YETTER'S SEWING CENTER "We Service ah Maxes-121 W. Grand, Eau Claire 834-0341 CAMPOO SHAMPOO dmiiIai- nrntl ihamooot also, kitchen carpet shampoo. Rent machine $1 at Slkets Furniture ft Carpeting, 407 Water St.

Open Monday ft Thursday nights until 9 p.m CHAIRS RECOVERED Kitchen chairs, regular s.w. NOW $7.50 SONNY- MAC'S SEAT COVER CENTER (formerly Carlson Seat Cover) "1719 Brackett, Eau Claire 834-1912 H-BRACE truss rafter I Ig, makes rafters up to 40', Some clips and nails included. $385. Hehl-Grohn Co. Inc.

834-2711 SLENDERIZERS Rent our belt vibrators, exercise cycles, massage rollers and Slender Gems. A-1 RENTAL CENTER 832-1488 FILTER QUEEN REPAIR, HOSES, 832-0092. New Used TVs appliances Wa Service What We Sell I BRAATZ APPLIANCE CENTER (Formerly Samue (son's Appliance Center) 2424 S. London Road Diet 832-8874 1ft to 25 PER CENT OFF DECORATOR BEDSPREADS Twin Full King ft Queen Sizes SfcAR, we s. oarsrew SHOP IN YOUR HOME.

We'll bring: eerpet and drapery samples to you In your own surroundings. see me exen rig colors and patterns. Fsres oecoranpg advice. WALKER'S Carpets Interiors, 832-1245 Ladv's storm coat, fur collar, size 18; man's overcoat, size 44; both almost new. Two snow tires ice cnisei.

Two small Ice fishing poles, lines and minnow buckets. See from 10 A.M.-5P.M. 740 Chippewa St. KNIT A PANTS SUIT, DRESS, OR SWEATER IN ONE DAY, With the world famous PASSAP DUOMATIC knitting machine FREE LESSONS ft COUNSELING Orders also accepted for knitted items CARLSON KNIT CERAMIC CLASSES Greenware for I sale. Other ceramic supplies.

Gifts made to order. 2910 Leslie. 834-3802. MAGNAVOX AM-FM radio-stereo console, 8 Want to BUY: MAPLE BUNKS, GOOD CONDITION. CALL 834-2444.

WANTED TO BUY: Pusher-type propeller for4ranklln alrboat engine. Sydney Lee, Rt. Eleva, 878-4228 after p.m. WE PAY cash for antique and all used guns. Gun Exchange, 507 Bellinger St.

834-1453. 60 Pets and Supplies AQUARIUM OUTFIT, 15 gallons, $5S value for only $35. Phone 834-4329. AKC apricot miniature male poodle puppies for sale, $75 and up. Call 835- 9650 Or PUPPIES cute weeks old, half beagles.

$15. Phone 834-4329, BEAUTIFULTfIMALE Irish Setter, excellent hunter and pet; also English Setters and Samoyeds Call 832-3332. Irish Setter puppies, AKC EXCELLENT PEDIGREE. 834-8430. All Breed Dog Grooming PAMPERED POOCH 1339 Menomonie Ph 834-0401 WANTED: PIANO In excellent condition.

Must be studio upright er console sue. Phone 834-2387. WANTED: BASS amplifier must have 15" sneakers, in good condition, rirait 834-2387. Hammond Oraan A-1 00 series EXCELLENT CONDITION www vamaha pianoSi tone, oualltv, price, acceptance. Now on saie.

irappe Service, 1320 Rust Eau Claire, Wis, 832 2454. 1 LOWREY Spinet organ $550 HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIO EVERETT PIANOS Highway S3, at Kwlk Trip corner PROFESSIONAL Polka Accordion (Pan Amur run) Inrludlno stereo empinwr, Perfect condition. Cost $1700 new, best after over $500. Bruce, Wis. $48-3445.

ELECTRIC GUITAR $2 MORGAN MUSIC Across from K-Mart 1 USED full-size, 25 pedal-note Baldwin organs. Less than Vi original Just right for ctiurcltorgenlst to In own home. ROBINSON PIANO UKUAn 2511 E. Clalremont, next to Jolly Troll Your authorized Baldwin Dealer USED SPINET PIANO Used WURLtTZER concert organ MOORE'S PIANO ft OKliAN SIUUIU Madison, bottom of Madison ST. Open Monday through Saturday id to 5 o.m.

except luesoays, iv io SPECIAL RECORD OF THE MONTH! Three Dog Night Golden Bisquits Only $3.50 plus tax DAY MUSIC. INC. S. Barstow St. Dial 832-5544 Kohler ft Campbell PIANOS Heirloom Quality Pianos Since 1896 Invite vou to compare the la comparable tone of a Kohler ft Campbell piano wlln any other piano; rices $795.

DAY MUSIC, INC. S. Barstow St. Dial 832-5544 54-TV-Hi-Fi-Stereo CHURCHILL'S ZENITH SALES SERVICE ft Radio Repairing $35-9717 Stereo-Two 50 watt Pioneer speakers, Pioneer 100 watt Am-l-m stereo receiver. $350 832-4954.

ZENITH PHILCO G.E. COLOR TV Never Undersold or Out-traded LINK BROS. FURNITURE ft APPLIANCES Crossroads 12-53-93 Eau Claire Phono834-2021 56 Good Things to Eat man FFD FOR SALE Fronts 45c lbs. Sides 50c Hinds-J7c Butchered bv Fennie Meat Plant. CALL Dale Miorecht, Colfex, 942-3404 57 Business Equipment complete llne'of: Fixtures and shelving.

Also card rack and bulk candy case. Available after March 1, Phone Jim Goodman 715-924-4401. MAC'SJTYPEWRITER Sales Service Rentals 2527 E. Clairemont Dial 834-3966 Used Paymaster check writer, keyboard, like new SEVERSON OFFICE MACHINES 314 Gibson Eau Claire 834-7179 Your downtown office machine dealer. 58 Miscellaneous for Sale frigidaire refrigerator for sale.

Good condition. Call 834-8794 after 3 p.m. 40" hotpoint electric range, white $35. Kelvinator refrigerator white tan $32-7912. "SMALL COIN COLLECTION for "Sale.

Liberty Franklin halves, silver dollars, etc. $250 book value-715-287-4429. WOOD FOR SALE: White birch or split and dried hard mania, any length. $14 oar cord, delivered In Eau Claire- cnippewa area, corn minimum; 5427. See our large selection of ROOF SNOW SCRAPERS 15' -to 18' aluminum handles Charlson's Building Center from $7.95 to 7 W.

Madison St. Dial 835-5144. DO IT YOURSELF PORTABLE ICE SHANTY PLANS Folds to 3" 4' carrying case. Unfolds to 4' 4' Ice shanty. WRITE ft SPORT PLAN SALES P.O.

Box 412 Eau Claire, Wis. FORMICA 35c SQ. FT. lumber Core Table Tops. Reasonable.

CiP'tN SATURDAYS ONLY 9-5 32-771 BARGAIN BARNS Household Items end furniture. Lowes Creek Road. 832-4873 ELECTRIC OVERHEAD door openers. Fireproof file safes, drive racnets. AT MENOMONIE ST.

CAR WASH "FREE-NO OBLIGATION KITCHEN ESTIMATES available i Menard's. Call Menard's Cabinet ft Appliance Department. 874-5585. CLIP crJ I MAIL Use This $4 BEDROOM duplex, seperete basamenis ana Bares, eiw. im Blvd.

Call after 4. TTddcp modern two bedrooms, kitchen, lying room, poinrgom, yarv. itove. refrigerator furnished. Call Saturday or Sunday, Februery 120'A Illinois Street.

H3 JEFFERSON 3 bedrooms, $150 per month, DIAL $34-1217 or UPPER 1 bedroom; heat, retrigereior nH renaa. not ana cola water, vr month. Near downtown Chippewa oik. block from bus line. Suitable for one person or- retired couple.

723 7048. One Two Bedroom STUDENT APARTMENTS Available June 1st HOLLEEN REALTY, Dial 834-3095 MIDELFORT CLINIC area: 1 bedroom apartment; stove, refrigerator, car- peted, Ir-condltloned. Available Feb, is. No students, children or pets. $135 per month.

Call 832-qsm to view, BEDROOM luxury lower duplex, DrMt. stove, refrigerator, annwasner, central air conditioning, washer, dryer, sarage, $175. wear college. BEDROOM apartment at 2939 Moon Ave, Stove refrigerator mrnisnsa. $130 month.

HASELWANDER REALTY, Dial 834-3454. NEAR DOWNTOWN Ideal tor young couple or two womers. iw mommy. 834-4454. iiVWOOD APARTMENTS In a 1 1 1 a.

One bedroomi range; r.irin-r.tnrt Air conditioning; drapes; r.rrurtlna Inrludad. $120 Der month. No pets. 723-3991. 1 and I Bedroom LUXURY APARTMENTS In River Edee students.

BEZANSON, Inc. 134-2411 2411 BEDROOM lower, all electric. Married couple, neterencei requiieu, Available February l. hhto. MnriFRKi THREE room upper apart.

mentt stove, retrigeretor. mmrwu rouole. No pets. Deposit required. Call 832-0298.

2 bedroom duplex with stove, aisposai and refrigerator, in -gooo- rocoiion, south of Mldelf ort Cllntc. $1 70. 2 bedroom lower apartment, in Altoona. Available Marcn ist. neaieo.

For i KLEVEN MLS' Realtor Dial 834-1501 42 Houses for Rent VERY ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom home in lower Third ward, interior enrireiy reflnished. $150 monthly. 832-1733. completely remodeled 1 bedroom upper west. Avaueoie mr $125.

8354329. ueuu Turn hedraam duolex, all carpeted; Stove, garage. Skeels. Ave. Available February 15.

No pets. $150. Call $34-3827 after 5:30. NEW THREE bedroom, brick duplex. Stein Blvd.

$175 per month with garage. 8-5 p.m., phone 834-l5l. THREE BEDROOM house for rent or sale. $140 month rental. Will sell on land contract.

Write Rte. 5, Box 238, Chippewa Falls. LARGE. THREE bedroom duplex. Full nriuAta hAsnmant: garage.

$155, Available February 15. 2509 E. Hamilton. Phone 447-3427. 43 Sleeping Rooms SLEEPING ROOM for 'young working gentleman; private entrance, cablTV.

Call 832-3058 after 4 p.m. WEEKLY RATES, TV'S, electric heat. Soma efficiency units, ciairemonr woiei, 1905 E. Clalremont, Phone 832-7411. ATTENTION GIRLS: Share kitchen; TV lounge; laundry; walking distance to downtown or Luther.

Real Nlcelll Phone 832-5973. SLEEPING ROOM to share with another girl on East Side. Kitchen privileges. Phone 832-2241. FIRST FLOOR well furnished, warm sleeping room for employed Close In.

Phone 8J4-4B2. SLEEPING ROOMS for gentlemen Washer, dryer, lounge with television. Kitchen facilities, parking lot. Single and double rooms. 834-1472.

SLEEPING No pets. Call mornings, 834-7447. REASONABLE RATES for workers- truck drivers, salesmen, construction, Day-Week Permanent. Free parking Hotel Chippewa, 723-4894. SLEEPING ROOMS.

Private bath, entrance. TV. linen, ohone. Efficiency units. Available by week.

Badger Motel 723-9351. WORKERS SALESMEN TRAVELERS Day, week or permanent. INN TOWNE HOTEL 478 Wisconsin St. 834-8421 SPECIAL RATES Fair construction workers ft entertainers. Free perking.

Hotel-Motel Edwards, 2-3411 45 Mobile Homes Lsra- MVrie Momp Lots IN THE COUNTRY 874-5519 1 ft 2 bedroom homes for rent MOBILE HOME SITES available. GRIMH'S ROLLING MEADOWS VILLAGE Vh ml. East of Crossroads on 12 834-4802 Pine Edge- Mobile Home Park "The most modern mobile home park In the area." Choice lots now available Several rental units available Hwy. 37 ft Mitchell Road Eau Claire PhoneJMS.BO 46 Business and Office OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Carpeted, air-conditioned. 405 S.

Farwell Kappus Building 3A-417 or 832-0454 49-Wanted to Rent HOME FOR student to work for room and board while attending City College of Cosmetology. 834-2028. WANT APARTMENT for five women students, for next fall. Call 834-5755 after 1:30 p.m. TOR 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT.

Preferably West hill of Chippewa Falls. Call after 2 p.m. 723-7153. RESPONSIBLE PARTY wants one bedroom apartment with stove and ef a i or Prefer West Side. Reasonable rent, write box m-ui Leader-Telegram.

i 9 MERCHANDISE 50 Auctions Used TWO cost. have iie Hill. a.m. 417 wa at 41 TV 69 Liberty Homev 2 bedrooms 1 IS TriliFFiEOROOM mobTCe'HOMe lrxeir. call, euwrncn wu Set up and furnished, sxceiieni eonwnivn, CALL 134-eiu ener a r.m.

ui uii tan niSTOM Built wree bedrooms; front oming rami iwv porches; skirted; cerpetedi picture winnow, aluminum house elding. Cell efter 4 for appointment, 834-9374. EAU CLAIRE MOBILE HOME SALES (formerly Brandrup's) SIMM We have ROLLOHOME 4 WISCONSIN PENNBROOK mobile homes. Sizes, styles and prices to tit every need, taste and pocketbookl We sell, deliver and service our homes. Full Year Werranty on each home.

FINANCING AVAILABLE Come In and see ou' ROLLOHOME I PENNBROOK mobile homes at: 14W w. ciairemonr (, Eeu Claire, Wisconsin (across from Holiday Inn) Phone. 832-2001 4th ANNUAL SUB-ZERO SALE NO PAYMENTS TIL 'JULY No interest or Carrying Charges ALL HOMES REDUCED Prices as low as the temperature 37 HOMES TO PICK FROM American National Bank Financing Liberal Trade Alowances. NORTHLAND: HOMES Open 8 a.m. -9 p.m.

Monday thru Friday Saturday Sunday til 5 p.m. 2304 E. Clalremont Eau Claire PHONE 834-7143 34 Lots and Acreage LOTS HIAWATHA ST. AREA CALL EARL LOUIS, 832-1992 evenings. DUPLEX LOTS tmDrovea.

choice Pleasant Acres estate. BEZANSON INC. 834-2611 37-Real Estate Wanted BEDROOM RANCH style house with basement and 2 car garage within 15 miles of EauClalre. Phono B3'. 'WantedTi-'bedroom'and family room.

East 'or South Side Phone 832-0441. The Newest ft Easiest Way "-Ta sell Your Home In Eau LIST WITH AN MLS MEMBER WANT TO BUY: 3 BEDROOM RANCH IN EAU" CLAIRE upper west, up ro wuwv 835-3911. LIST WITH THE HASKINS AGENCY Dial 832-0271 WANTED IMMEDIATELY: 3 bedroom home in Altoona school District, must be able to trede In 12 40 mobile home. Cell 832-0994. WANTED 2 or 3 BEDROOM Suburban Home rPrefer ranch tvoe or one floor.

Will seriously consider older home, In good repair. Minimum acreage. What have you to offer? All replies held in strictest confidence. Write Box B-200 Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, it- 0 RENTALS 40 Apartments Furnished REMODELED AND furnished large, lower apartment for four girls or boys. Available Immediately.

834-4027. 1 One bedroom, Thomas Drive $140 FARMER-BUGHER REAL ESTATE 715 S. Barstow St. Dial 834-2491 UPPER TWO rooms furnished apartment, with bath. 528M Lake Drive, can -3544.

GIRLS SHARE HOUSE with other girls, three blocks from downtown, call jcris, 834-0239. TWO GIRLS to share furnished house. $40 each and S25 deposit. All utilities furnished. 835-4011.

WANT ONE GIRL TO SHARE APARTMENT 834-7513 after FOR MARRIED Large, furnished, one or two bedroom apartment for leese, Includes hot water, heat, garbage service. $130: call 832-5973. ATTRACTIVE ONE bedroom apartment available now. All utilities paid. No children, pets.

Responsible party. 834- 4241. HEATED furnished lower apartment near college; for married couple. Call 834- 1993. LOVELY APARTMENT for girl to share; laundry privileges.

Cell 834-1334. ONE BEDROOM furnished upper apartment in downtown Eleva. Available now. $45. Call 924-5313.

ATTENTION GIRLS Share kitchen, TV lounge; laundry, Walking distance to downtown or Luther. Real Nlcelll Phone 832-5973. ICOZY. FURNISHED rooms: TV, linens, I refrigerator, private bath anot entrance. Near Presto.

$22 per week. 835-4145 -or UPPER ONE bedroom furnished apart ment, including heat, water, garbage service. Youns couple preferred. Available March 1st. $150.

Call 834-2343. ATTRACTIVE 3 room heated furnished downtown apartment. Privete bath. Couples or working girls. 832-4114, GIRLS STUDENT, HOUSING 832-3354 NEAR UNIVERSITY NICE 8'x40 MOBILE HOME TWO 7.

t7 TWO ONE Ne nut: I BRITTANY SPANIEL Pointer, AKC, -two 1 us inspect your properly esiaonsn lair market value and tell your noma In quiet, efficient! professional manner. Cox Realty Co, W. A. Bingham, Broker. Dial $35 361,8 Low Monthly jnts New 3 4 bedroom homes built for you.

9: Prlcee itart at 360 payments as low as $98 per month Including taxes and insurance. Interest as low as I percent per an num. or mora children to qualify. Wayne el ENSEN REALTORS Dial 834-2059 IF NO ANSWER CALL Bob Wheeler, 835-8806 STEWART Near tilt it shopping center. A vary nicely decorated and wall kept 3-bedroom hern.

1,150 plus finished basement, fancad in back yard, attached garage). You'll want to see it. Only $21,000.00. 2 and 3 bedroom duplex -en South aide. With the present development-This it prime rental property.

Excellent condition, $33,000.00 2-Story 4 bedroom, formal din ing room, completely finished recreation room with bar. 2-car attached garage and much more for the selective buyer. Meticu lously well kept, tee it now. 1 233 East Lexington $32,900. Over 33 other properties to choose from.

For your real estate needs, call today. FARMSHOfAESlAND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES If we don't hove it we will find it. L.L. STEWART INC. REALTORS 1703 Fairfax, Alt.

Add Ph. 834-6664 tVfNIusS UVecne Stewart, 834-5209 Carl Mickelson, $32-1427 "ActiM and, Saliifwlnn wild tvtiy liwiMcinn Ample sized lVz Baths $200 Down Ibw C.i!iis3 is Vkst 4 bsdrecra years old, male. Excellent pedigree. Frank Gruber, Wilson POODLES. One male, one female.

$40. Phone 834-5958 'Eau Claire or Menomonie 235-7948. GROOMING BATHING CLIPPING PETS and PET ACCESSORIES MICHEL'S PET SHOP 1804 Brackett, Eau Claire. 832-3933 AKC REGISTERED Golden Retriever pups. Born Nov.

1. Cleghorn 878-4434. avr PFr.iSTFRED Golden Retriever. 30 Homes for Sale "-COUNTRY LIVING New Homes For Sale No down payment Interest rets as low as percent or 4 bedrooms Completely carpeted With garege BLAKELEYS', INC. 1122 Birch Eau Claire, Wisconsin Phone 834 9221 32 Business Property Office building for sale and office space for lease.

Air conditioned, private parking lot. Will remodel to suit tenant or buyer. For particulars call Farmer-Bugher MLS -REALTOR 715 S. Barstow St. 834-2691 Evenings, Cell: Bill Davenport, 832-9966 33 Mobile Homes 1949 MOBILE HOME, 12'x40' LIKE IN LOCAL COURT CALL 835-8402 70 SCHULTZ CUSTOM.

Lived In four months. Being transferred. Must sell. On tot end skirted. Immediate possession Call 634-5227 1970 MOBILE HOME, 14'xM', House of Harmony, Like new.

Call Menomonie 235-2811 evenings; 235-2855 days. MOBILE HOME, 14' 48' Deluxe model 15 Months old. Excellent condition. CALL 382-4104, Jim Falls. 10'x50' ROLLOHOME, FURNISHED.

Newly decorated. $2700. Set up at Bonnie Vale Park 834-4004. 49 12x40 ELCONA Custom two Tlpouts, all carpeted, avocado appliances. Like new.

See evenings or weekends. Dial 832-0994. TAKE OVER BALANCE-12'x54', two bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished. Call 834-5491 before 5) 834-7052 after JEVNE MOBILE HOMES 10 minutes South of Eau Claire on Hy. 37.

Phone 875-4222 MOBILE HOMES HUGE SELECTION Highway 35 Nelson, Wis. GRIMH'S MOBILE HOME SALES (Under NEW management) Excluslvt dealer for the New NORTH AMERICAN HOME Advanced heating systems available. Open 8 to 8 daily; Sunday 1 to 5 See Dale Wleker or Col. Augie Johnson V2 ml. East of Crossroads on 12 834-9421 KNAPP MOBILE HOMES, Hwy 12, Knapp, Wis.

Phone Closing out all 1970 models In stock at greatly reduced prices. See us before you buy. Wa have Artcraft, Marshfield, Liberty, Harmony, Kenwood, Richardson. New 35 ft. Concords.

Financing, delivery, set-up, insurance, supplies. Open 7 days a week Sundays 11 to 5. 48 MOBILE home, 12' 44'; completely furnished, steps, tank, etc. On park lot. On busline.

Only $3200. Days, 835- 3583; evenings, B32-4M2? MUST SELL Immediately! '49 Pennbrook luxury mobile home 12 48', bedrooms, carpeted. Full radio Intercom system, spacious bath, set up on large lot, garden space, shrubbery, roses, $4900. Phone 832-7558'. SEE THE NEW 1971 RUSTIC MANOR! 14x48 Three Bedroom Comoletely furnished, carpeted throughout $5995 DAIRYLAND HOMES Hwy.

13, south city limits Marshfield, Wis. Call 387-2534 HOURS: 9 to 9, Mon. thru Frl. 9 to 5 Sat.j 1 to Sun. BLUFF CREST HOMES Save Up to $1,000 14x52 ft.

1971 model, set-up, Immediate $4790; 1970 Wtfshfleld Manor, 3 bedroom, now $o890; late model Schult, 45 ft.i Immediate occupancy, very neat attractive, will sacrifice, may finance, make offer; regular $7500; new, late model Marshfield, 48 $4945; one rental unit, $125 month. Phone 814-3353 or 884-8822. v. 832-1858 Excellent bloodlines. Nine weeks old.

Roland Hewitt, Cleghorn, 878-4008. like new, $200. Davenport, matching! chair $50. Early American maple' HREE FOXHOUNDS -NE a)redale, 2V years old. LeRoy Larson, 597-3295 after i.

UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 1 1 Name Brand SLAVING MACHINES I 1970 models. Dial-a-stitch, zig-iag, fancy patterns, but tenholer, blind hem overcasting For 8 payments of $6 each or discount for cash. $38 EACH New guarantee. 'May be seen locally. Call collect 612-645- 4637 or write: Sewing Ma chines, 681 N.

Snelling St. Paul, Minn. 55 104. to Piece ajp $200 DOWN 3 4 Csdrwa Wzzn Ycj Gilt kzi zzM (fci-bvel cr rest, styls) Kec room space Pointed inside two coots bedrooms Your Lcdcr Telcgrca Vcnt-Ad by MAIL SLL REf JT HMD DUY 0 SAVE Leader-Telegram Want Ads a re. Used in over 37,000 homes every day No other medium of advertising offers to much for so little! The exact cost it quoted in rate tchedule.

Your name, addrett, telephone number or box number should be counted at wordt. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LOW 10 DAY RATE. Rates quoted apply to Want Adt for which payment it included with order. When retultt are obtained cancel the ad and inquire about REFUND) cradle, $20 834-2803. SIZE 11 Never worn, white A-line wedding dress.

832-9703 ask for Marsha. Whirlpool refrigerator, 11 cu. 2 years old. 3-piece bedroom set with poster bed. 2 twin poster maple beds, complete with matching chest.

Dining room set table, 4 chairs and buffeWSix matching oak chairs, need refinlshmg and cane seats. Color TV, other furniture ft appliances ANTIQUES OF ALL KINDS FURNITURE 407 Wisconsin 832-4401 OPEN 9:30 5 P.M. Convenient Form CASH No. 10 Words Pays 15 5.40 20 7.20 25 9.00 30 10.80 35 12.60 40 1 4.40 1 1,150 sq ft. pf living space (3 bedroom 916 sq.

ft.) Maintenance-free aluminum siding exterior Large lot -some wooded Poured concrete basements Concrete walk and driveway 4" black dirt spread en entire lot 1 year builder's, warranty (it j. Ml HATES FEBRUARY 7 Sunday, 1:30 P.M. New merchandise auction, Albertvllle Sales Barn. "Wild auctioneer. 52-Household Goods lwn ok balance in 360 consecutive monthly payments 7Va percentage rate of interest.

A minimum of 2 dependents required Write Ycur Ad Here print with dark pencil or ballpoint pen (ink may blur), uting one tpace for each word. Call 834-8904 ROOM FOR one male University student share house for second semester. 835-9214. FURNISHED: UPPER three rooms bath. East Side.

$130 Includes heat, Call 200 onnuol Call to quality. USED 3 piece LIVING ROOM SECTIONAL Priced to sell. Phone 835-8424 now for information and appointment hot water and garbage. No students 1 I r- 1 FOUND: A Way to turn unused furniture and household Items into ready casni Just call 834-3471 and place a Classified 4 1 PY Py Day 3.99 2.88 V.50 5.32 3.84 2.00 6.65 4.80 2.50 7.93 5.76 3.00 9. 6.72 3.50 ll 0.64 7.63 4.00 MEM A.

or pets. Call between 4 and 4 p.m 335-4880. APARTMENTS MARRIED STUDENTS ENTS iments ar 1 and 2 bedroom apartments New Carpeted Stove ft Refrigerator I Apply. FARMER BUGHER Real Estate, Inc. Phone I34-2A91.

Ad. SHOP BENEDICT'S for used TV's, refrigerators, washers dryers, ranges. 408 Water St. 832-1479 WeSERVICE what we SELLII Buy at Montgomery Ward Be sura of service. Eau Clalra 832-9781 REAL ESTATE INC.

41 Apartments Unfurnished Garbage garage. $140. TWO BEDROOM Duplex disposal; fully carpeted; Call 834-9403 after 5. CLEAN -USED APPLIANCES Electric dryers; wringer washers; electric ranges; gas ranges; portable TV's black ft white, and Color TV. ELECTRIC HOME HEADQUARTERS 171 Foirfex Altoona, Wis.

Phone 834-6646 NEW ONE bedroom apartment; carpeted; refrigerator, range furnished. Available On bus line. Call 834-1434-. a Tujm KawlpAnm nr I Inlustriitw $150 $155 Please publish my ad for dayt ttorting In for which (day, month, date) (name of clattifieotion) it encloted. Any over-payment it to be refunded, or I will pay any (Amount) additional amount due.

lZ tiaVH Appliances M. 834-2883 EVENINGS 1401 NAME up Two bedroom duplex, garage FARMER-BUGHER REAL ESTATE 715 S. Barstow St. Dial 834 ft oi Seymour Eau Claire, 832 $150; Co-op Chopping Center ii menu nee mm 2691 53 Musical Items USED GUITARS $10 I NORTH SIDE MUSIC STUDIO 1314 Birch Eeu Claire LOVELY 2 bedroom apartment. Fully cerpe ed utility room; stove; refrigerator; garbage disposal furnished.

$150. 2804 Birch St. 835-9373 or 835-5208. I.

Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.