Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview 发布 - 游戏资讯 (2024)

本帖最后由 Cinder 于 2024-7-13 11:24 编辑

|Minecraft 基岩版是指运行在移动平台(Android、iOS)、Windows 10/11、主机(Xbox One、Switch、PlayStation 4/5)上,使用「基岩引擎」(C++语言)开发的 Minecraft 版本。

|测试版是 Minecraft 基岩版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。



|Minecraft 基岩版 1.21.20 仍未发布,Beta & Preview 为其第 2 个测试版。

|本文内容按照 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 协议进行授权,转载本帖时须注明原作者以及本帖地址

Minecraft Beta & Preview -
Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview

Information on Minecraft Preview and Beta:
关于 Minecraft Preview 和 Beta 版的信息:
  • Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation 4, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
  • Minecraft Preview 在 Xbox, PlayStation 4, Windows 10/11, 和 iOS 设备上可用. 在 aka.ms/PreviewFAQ 上查阅更多信息
  • The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
  • 此 beta 版在 Android (Google Play) 设备上可用。要加入/离开测试,请访问 aka.ms/JoinMCBeta 以获取详细指引

Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview 发布 - 游戏资讯 (1)

There’s a new Minecraft Preview and Beta rolling out, with more tweaks and bug fixes! Here’s a list of what’s new this week:
我们推出了全新的 Minecraft Preview 及 Beta 版,带来了更多改动与漏洞修复!这是本周新特性的列表:FEATURES AND BUG FIXES
  • Fixed an issue where Screen Narration would not describe how to accept a game invitation on Android and iOS
  • 修复了 Android 及 iOS 设备上的屏幕旁白不会描述如何接受游戏邀请的问题
  • Text to speech for UI now reads the how to play screens by hovering over, tapping on or navigating to the respective headers and paragraphs
  • 游玩指南屏幕上的 UI 文本转语音现在可通过悬停、点击或导航到对应的标题及段落来读出文本
  • Trapdoors and Fence Gates no longer push players or mobs when activated by Redstone
  • 红石激活的活板门及栅栏门不再会推动玩家及实体
  • Added VanillaBlockTag "one_way_collidable" that can be used to emulate the one way collision of Doors, Trapdoors, and Fence Gates that don't push out a mob when inside their collision box
  • 加入了原版方块标签 one_way_collidable,用于模拟不会推动碰撞箱内的生物的门、活板门和栅栏门的单向碰撞
  • The Rooted Dirt block now has unique sounds, to better match the Java Edition (MCPE-121664)
  • 为缠根泥土加入了独特的音效,以更好地匹配 Java 版 (MCPE-121664)
  • Copper Door's "open" sound is now pitched differently
  • 调整了铜门打开音效的音高
  • A damaged Anvil block may now spawn in Trail Ruins, as it would in Java Edition
  • 古迹废墟中现在会生成损坏的铁砧,与 Java 版相同
  • "anvil" block is now split into unique instances: "anvil", "chipped_anvil", "damaged_anvil", "deprecated_anvil"
  • "anvil" 方块现在被拆分为独立的实例: "anvil", "chipped_anvil", "damaged_anvil", "deprecated_anvil"
  • "quartz_block" is now split into unique instances "quartz_block", "chiseled_quartz_block", "quartz_pillar", and "smooth_quartz"
  • "quartz_block" 现在被拆分为独立的实例 "quartz_block", "chiseled_quartz_block", "quartz_pillar", 和 "smooth_quartz"
  • Smooth Quartz has had its destroy-time adjusted to match Java Edition (MCPE-101893)
  • 调整了平滑石英块的挖掘时间以更好地匹配 Java 版 (MCPE-101893)
  • Pillar Quartz Block has been renamed to Quartz Pillar
  • 将石英柱的英文 Pillar Quartz Block 重命名为 Quartz Pillar
  • "red_sandstone" block is now split into unique instances "red_sandstone", "chiseled_red_sandstone", "cut_red_sandstone", and "smooth_red_sandstone"
  • "red_sandstone" 方块现在被拆分为独立的实例 "red_sandstone", "chiseled_red_sandstone", "cut_red_sandstone", 和 "smooth_red_sandstone"
    • "smooth_red_sandstone" destroy time changed from 0.8 to 2.0
    • 将平滑红砂岩的挖掘时间由 0.8 增加至 2.0
  • "dirt" block is now split into unique instances: "dirt" and "coarse_dirt"
  • "dirt" 方块现在被拆分为独立的实例: "dirt" 及 "coarse_dirt"
  • "sand" block is now split into unique instances "sand" and "red_sand"
  • "sand" 方块现在被拆分为独立的实例 "sand" 及 "red_sand"
  • Added a game tip that informs players on touch devices that they are sneaking in order to avoid having new players stuck in crouch
  • 添加了提醒触控模式下的玩家处于潜行状态的游戏提示,避免新玩家卡在潜行模式
  • Added some minor tip interruption improvements for existing game tips
  • 为游戏提示的中断加入了一些微小的优化
  • Fixed Torch item icon being temporarily misplaced when transferring it between the inventory and the hotbar when quick-moved (MCPE-180913)
  • 修复了在物品栏和快捷栏之间快速移动火把时,火把物品图标会暂时错位的问题 (MCPE-180913)
  • Mounts and vehicles are no longer given a slight velocity during a dismount
  • 取消骑乘坐骑和载具时,其不会再获得略微的运动速度
  • Fixed mob animations not playing when mobs were unloaded in split screen
  • 修复了分屏模式中生物被卸下某物时动画不会播放的问题
  • Fixed an issue so that Marketplace content is properly imported before you create or start a world
  • 修复了玩家创建或开启一个世界前不会正确导入市场内容的问题
  • Legacy worlds no longer have chunks at the edge of the world that don't render
  • 旧世界不再会在世界边缘处出现无法渲染的区块

  • Fixed fog JSON validation to allow for max_density_height and zero_density_height values to range from (-64,320)
  • 修改了迷雾 JSON 验证,以允许 max_density_height 及 zero_density_height 的值介于 (-64,320)
  • Fixed an issue where structure icons or other map decorations were not visible at map edges on maps with unlimited tracking, such as Trial Explorer Maps (MCPE-182681)
  • 修复了具有无限追踪功能的地图(如试炼探险家地图)的地图边缘处的结构图标和其他地图图标会变得不可见的问题 (MCPE-182681)
  • Bogged no longer levitates when riding a Boat, Raft, or Minecart (MCPE-178876)
  • 沼骸在乘坐船、竹筏及矿车时不再会悬浮 (MCPE-178876)
  • Rare loot now has 80% chance of dropping from Ominous Vaults (MCPE-180654)
  • 现在不祥宝库掉落稀有战利品的概率为 80% (MCPE-180654)
REALMS 邀请链接We are making some changes to how Realms invite links work to make it easier than ever to invite your friends and to keep your Realm safe from unwanted joiners:
我们正在对 Realms 邀请链接的工作方式进行一些更改,以使邀请您的朋友更加容易,并保护您的 Realm 免受不受欢迎的加入者的破坏:
  • You can now create up to 5 invite links per Realm
  • 你现在可以为每个 Realm 创建至多 5 个邀请链接
  • Invite links can be enabled or disabled at will, or set to have an expiration date in the future
  • 未来邀请链接将可以随意启用/禁用,或是设置过期日期
  • Invite links can be deleted entirely
  • 邀请链接可以彻底删除
  • Newly created invite links codes will be 15 characters long (increased from 11)
  • 新创建的邀请代码长度将为 15 (先前为 11)
  • Existing Preview Realms will keep their existing invite links, but all new Preview Realms will start with 0 invite links by default moving forward
  • 现有的 Realms 预览将会保留其邀请链接,但新创建的 Realms 预览邀请链接数量都将默认为 0

Realms Bug Fixes
Realms 漏洞修复
  • Fixed issues with the Realms button sticking around when it shouldn't or not showing up when it should
  • 修复了 Realms 按钮会在不该出现时停留,应该出现时不显示的问题
  • Fixed a bug that locked players on an infinite loop after cancelling the process of joining a recently claimed preview Realm
  • 修复了将加入最近认领的预览版 Realm 的流程取消时,玩家会困在无限循环中的漏洞
  • Fixed a bug where players with a freshly installed Minecraft needed to restart before being able to see Realms Stories
  • 修复了新安装 Minecraft 的玩家需要重启游戏才能看到 Realms 故事的漏洞
  • Cleaned up the disabled Realms Stories button interface on the pause screen when playing as a second user in split screen
  • 整理了在分屏模式中作为第二个玩家进行游戏时的暂停屏幕上的 Realms 故事按钮界面
  • Removed an unnecessary warning from 2 Player realms subscription
  • 移除了用于 2 个玩家的 Realms 订阅中的一则不必要的警告
  • Fix so that pressing "Join Realm" on the new Play screen does not lead into an empty void
  • 修复了在新的游玩屏幕上点击“加入 Realm”按钮会进入空白区域的问题
  • The new Bedtime screen now cancels sleeping when pressing the escape keyboard button (MCPE-183434)
  • 现在在新的睡眠时间屏幕上按下键盘的 ESC 键时会取消睡觉 (MCPE-183434)

  • Fixed a crash with getTags method on Item Stack when called on the Air Block Item
  • 修复了在空气方块物品上调用 Item Stack 上的 getTags 方法时会崩溃的问题
  • Dimension
  • 维度
    • Released method getTopmostBlock from beta to 1.13.0
    • 发布了 getTopmostBlock 方法的 1.13.0 版本,以取代 beta
    • Released interface VectorXZ from beta to 1.13.0
    • 发布了 VectorXZ 界面的 1.13.0 版本,以取代 beta

  • The "blocks.json" files found in resource packs are now versioned
  • 为资源包中的 "blocks.json" 文件添加了版本号
    • Overriding the block "stone" with a format_version of 1.20.50 or higher will assume the texture data in terrain_texture.json is flattened and not using an array
    • 使用 1.20.50 或更高的 format_version 覆盖方块“stone”将会假定 terrain_texture.json 中的纹理数据已扁平化,并且不使用数组
    • Overriding the block "prismarine" with a format_version of 1.21.10 or higher will assume the texture data in terrain_texture.json is flattened and not using an array
    • 使用 1.20.10 或更高的 format_version 覆盖方块“prismarine”将会假定 terrain_texture.json 中的纹理数据已扁平化,并且不使用数组
    • Overriding the block "anvil", "quartz_block", "red_sandstone", "sand" and "sandstone" with a format_version of 1.21.20 or higher will assume the texture data in terrain_texture.json is flattened and not using an array
    • 使用 1.20.20 或更高的 format_version 覆盖方块 "anvil", "quartz_block", "red_sandstone", "sand" 及 "sandstone" 将会假定 terrain_texture.json 中的纹理数据已扁平化,并且不使用数组
  • "infested_stone" and its derivatives now have their block sound defined (MCPE-182290)
  • 定义了"infested_stone" 及其衍生方块的方块音效 (MCPE-182290)
  • The /locate structure command now uses namespaced structure names. Structure names provided without a namespace will assume the “minecraft” namespace (MCPE-151807)
  • /locate structure 命令现在使用命名空间结构名称。不带命名空间的结构名称将默认使用“minecraft”命名空间 (MCPE-151807)
编辑器The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.
编辑器及其对应的 API 处于早期开发阶段,可用于 Windows PC Bedrock Preview 版本上的键盘/鼠标。在社交渠道上用 #BedrockEditor 标记我们。Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples .
了解如何使用编辑器,加入 GitHub 讨论与团队互动,并通过初学者工具包示例开始构建扩展。Updates this week:
  • Updated set of blocks + entities that appear within the Editor picker
  • 更新了编辑器选取器中显示的方块 + 实体集
  • Added 'Attach Debugger' ActionBarItem shortcut for attaching to the scripting debugger
  • 添加了“附加调试器” ActionBarItem 快捷方式,用于附加到脚本调试器
  • Implemented single entity transaction payload for entity delete/create
  • 为实体删除/创建实现了单个实体事件有效负载
  • Implemented Undo/Redo of single entity creation and deletion
  • 实现了创建和删除单个实体时的撤消/重做功能
  • Added isFloat to support floating point values in addNumber Editor Property Pane API
  • 添加了 isFloat 以支持 addNumber 编辑器属性窗格 API 中的浮点值
  • Added copy to clipboard button to log panel messages
  • 添加了复制到剪贴板按钮以记录面板消息
  • Added localized field names into the Deferred Lighting property editor dropdown
  • 将本地化的字段名称添加到“延迟照明”属性编辑器下拉列表中
  • Added Global Illumination settings to the Deferred Lighting property editor
  • 将全局照明设置添加到“延迟照明”属性编辑器中
  • Fixed bug that caused visual artifacts when enabling Deferred Lighting in Editor
  • 修复了在编辑器中启用延迟照明时会导致视觉伪影的漏洞
  • Removed fallback display text properties from API in favor of single localized property.
  • 从 API 中删除了回退显示文本属性,以支持单个本地化属性
    • Added label property to IDropdownItem API, removed displayAltText and displayStringId properties
    • IDropdownItem API 添加了 label 属性, 同时移除了 displayAltTextdisplayStringId 属性
    • Added label property to IMenuCreationParams API, removed name and displayStringId properties
    • IMenuCreationParams API 添加了 label 属性, 同时移除了 namedisplayStringId 属性
    • Added title property to IPropertyItemOptions and IPropertyItem APIs, removed titleAltText and titleStringId properties
    • IPropertyItemOptionsIPropertyItem APIs 添加了 title 属性, 同时移除了 titleAltTexttitleStringId 属性
    • Added title and tooltip properties to ModalToolCreationParameters API, removed titleAltText, titleStringId, tooltipAltText and tooltipStringId properties
    • ModalToolCreationParameters API 添加了 title tooltip 属性, 同时移除了 titleAltText, titleStringId, tooltipAltTexttooltipStringId 属性

  • Added the "behavior.teleport_to_owner" goal, which allows an entity to teleport to its owner
  • 添加了“behavior.teleport_to_owner”目标,该目标允许实体传送到其所有者身边
    • This goal is designed for emergency situations where "behavior.follow_owner" could be too slow or too low priority
    • 此目标专为“behavior.follow_owner”可能太慢或优先级太低的紧急情况而设计
    • The "filters" field allows defining the conditions for teleportation using entity filters
    • “filters”字段允许使用实体过滤器定义传送条件
    • The "cooldown" field allows defining how often the entity should attempt to teleport
    • “cooldown”字段允许定义实体尝试传送的频率
  • minecraft:behavior.move_away_from_target has been renamed to minecraft:behavior.move_around_target to better describe what the goal does, since it can be used both for moving away from the target, but also to move towards a random position around the target
  • minecraft:behavior.move_away_from_target 重命名为 minecraft:behavior.move_around_target ,以更好描述该目标的功能, 因其既可用于远离目标,也可用于向目标周围的随机位置移动
  • Added new entity filter "owner_distance", which checks the distance of an entity from its owner
  • 添加了新的实体过滤器 "owner_distance", 用于检查实体与其所有者的距离
  • Modified ItemUseInventoryTransaction packet by adding Trigger Type . This new value tells us if the packet is sent from a direct player input or the simulation tick from the button being held down
  • 通过添加 Trigger Type 修改了 ItemUseInventoryTransaction 数据包。这个新值可提示数据包是从玩家直接输入发送的,还是从按住的按钮发送的模拟 tick
  • Entities that fail to load due to missing content will now be preserved inside the level. These entities will re-appear when the missing content becomes available (I.E Removing and re-applying an Add-On)
  • 由于缺少内容而无法加载的实体现在将保留在关卡中。当缺少的内容可用时,这些实体将重新出现(即删除并重新应用附加组件)
  • Using 'minecraft:wearable' with slot set to 'slot.weapon.offhand' in combination with 'minecraft:allow_off_hand' set to false will now cause a content error
  • 将槽位设置为“slot.weapon.offhand”的“minecraft:wearable”与设置为 false 的“minecraft:allow_off_hand”结合使用现在会导致内容错误

  • Camera
  • 相机
    • Added `CameraFixedBoomOptions` to the options for the `setCamera` function in beta.
    • 在测试版中,将 CameraFixedBoomOptions 添加到了 setCamera 函数的选项中

  • New interface added to beta
  • 为测试版添加的新界面
  • Allows you to customize `minecraft:follow_orbit` cameras only when the third person camera presets toggle is enabled.
  • 仅当启用第三人称相机预设切换时,才能自定义 minecraft:follow_orbit 的相机
  • Introduces `viewOffset?: Vector2`. This property allows you to change the offset of the camera relative to the player to create an over the shoulder effect.
  • 介绍 viewOffset?: Vector2', 此属性允许您更改摄像机相对于玩家的偏移量,以创建过肩效果。
  • Extended TextureSet capabilities to support Items in the Deferred Technical Preview. See updated documentation on the Creator portal for details.
  • 扩展了 TextureSet 功能以支持延迟技术预览中的物品。有关详细信息,请参阅创建者门户上的更新文档。
  • Added the new bio-optical lighting model for water in the Deferred Technical Preview. The ability to customize and data-drive water will be made available in future updates
  • 在延迟技术预览中添加了水的新生物光学照明模型。自定义和数据驱动水方块的功能将在未来的更新中提供
    • Known issue: there is a volumetrics boundary 8 blocks below the water surface that creates a harsh lighting transition when the camera passes through it.
    • 已知问题:水面以下 8 个方块处有一个体积边界,当摄像机穿过它时,会产生刺眼的照明过渡。
    • Known issue: waterfalls or thin bodies of water can be difficult to see.
    • 已知问题:瀑布或稀薄的水体可能难以看到
  • Added Screen Space Reflections to the Deferred Technical Preview. These reflections are included as part of the Reflections quality slider in the Deferred graphics settings menu. On mobile devices, screen space reflections are only available when running at Ultra settings. See updated documentation on the Creator portal for details.
  • 在延迟技术预览中添加了屏幕空间反射。这些反射可通过“延迟图形设置”菜单中的“反射质量”调节。在移动设备上,屏幕空间反射仅在极致设置下运行时可用。有关详细信息,请参阅创建者门户上的更新文档。
  • Fixed a bug on iOS that resulted in undefined graphics behaviour (such as no point lights or washed-out lighting) in the Deferred Technical Preview.
  • 修复了 iOS 设备上会导致延迟技术预览中的图形行为未定义(例如没有点光源或模糊光照)的漏洞
  • Fixed a gamma-correction bug that caused the textures of Candles, Glass, Ice, Honey, Slime, Beacons, Cauldrons and portals to be overly bright in the Deferred Technical Preview
  • 修复了会导致蜡烛、玻璃、冰、蜂蜜块、黏液块、信标、炼药锅和传送门方块的纹理在延迟技术预览中过于明亮的伽玛值校正错误

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Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview 发布 - 游戏资讯 (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.