The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

40 W91, 99. do Mi 01 ho 10 cb August 19, 1978 DES MOINES REGISTER 3B CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I To place an ad, CALL: in the toll-free 284-8141 Des 800-362-1836 from Moines other calling parts The Want Ads Will Special 2 lines for 2 days for as low Reaching over million Iowans every day! JOBS INTEREST OF 195 BANQUET SERVER Part time. Experience necessary. Apply to Betty. ADVENTURELAND INN Hwy 65 and I-80 Des Moines BARMAID 6 nights weeK from 3 to 12.

244-4643 or 243-9822. BARTENDER Experienced. Apply in person, noon til 4 PM. Ramada Inn West 11,000 Douglas. BARTENDER Full time.

40 hr. week. For good experienced bartender. Pay accordingly to ability. Also, part time party bartenders.

Apply in person to Bill McCormack. ADVENTURELAND INN Hwy. 65 and 1-80 Des Moines BARTENDER Nights, 5 PM to 1 AM, Tues, thru Sat. Above average wage. Apply in person, Mon.

Noon to 8 PM. RAY MERCER'S LOUNGE 4424 S.E, 14th Bartenders-co*cktail Servers and Barhelp Apply to Mary Ann or Marlin Thunderbird Lanes Lounge 3200 Delaware, 262-9374 for app'l BARTENDER -GRILL WORK Runnells Inn 966-9352 MANAGER Guaranteed salary. Take over established clientele. Webster City, IA. Call 515-832-1685.

BEAUTICIAN, Full or part time. 277-9113. BODY SHOP Body and fender repair helpers needed. Some hand tools required. Apply in person only UNITED TRUCK BODY CO.

5129 NE 17th, Des Moines BOOKKEEPER Des Moines Retail Lumber Company needs person part time to assist our bookkeeper with accounts receivable, accounts payable, and other clerical duties. Apply in person after 1:00 pm daily. CONSUMER LUMBER 6777 Hickman Road BOOKKEEPER Free parking, some experience would be nice. Salary to $750. Start immediately.

283-0116 ask for Larry. BOOKSTORE CLERKS Managerial trainee willing to relocate. Also part time. 225-0082. BRANCH STORE CLERK Need dependable person to work counter part-time al one of our branch stores.

Students and retired persons are weicome to apply Call 282-8121 or come to 1930 Cottage Grove. CORWIN CLEANERS BUILDING MAINTENANCE We are now taking applications for full maintenance. Work during evenings while store is closed. train. General cleaning and floor maintenance.

APPLY IN PERSON RICHMAN GORDMAN 2590 HUBBELL AVE 7900 HICKMAN An Equal Opportunity Employer Bus Girls Full time. Day shifts, weekend off. Good hourly wage plus tips. Inquire in person: Matties Restaurant, 1238 W. 8th, WDM.

BUS HELP Apply in person to Jo Pitman ADVENTURELAND INN Hwy 65 and. 1-80 Altoona, la. BUS HELP Days and evenings. Full time part time. APPLY IN PERSON THE DRAW BRIDGE 1300-8th Street West Des Moines, lowa BUS HELP Full time nights.

Apply after 4 NOAH'S ARK 2400 Ingersoll BUSINESS ANALYST Entry level position. Interesting work Interviewing business people. Possible relocation within Iowa at a later date. 1 year of college with a business back- ground preferred. Excellent benefits.

For information contact Steve Hoffman or Darrell Lawson at (AC515) 244-4261. DUN BRADSTREET, INC. 808-5th. Ave. Des Moines 50309 An equal opportunity employer CAB DRIVERS Full or part time.

Hours to meet your schedule. Good earnings. YELLOW CAB CO. 550-7th Street CABLE TV INSTALLERS Must have pickup. Excellent pay.

Will train. 285-8531 or 287-2215. CAFETERIA HELP PART TIME Hours 7 A.M. to 2 P.M., thru Fri. Duties include preparation of salads and sandwiches.

No experience necessary. Ideal for homemakers with schoolage children. For interview contact Personnel Department, 225-2000 ext. 329. GENERAL UNITED LIFE INSURANCE CO.

Jct. 1-80 and 235 West Des Moines, Iowa Equal opportunity employer CAFETERIA HOMEMAKERS We have part time and full time daytime hours while the kids are in school. STUDENTS Evening and weekend part time jobs available. to Manager BISHOP BUFFET Merle Hay Mall CAFETERIA HELP Openings at Massey Ferguson cafeteria. Full and part time.

Cook and other positions avail. Apply in person at cafeteria at 1901 Bell Ave. bet. 1:30 and 3 on weekdays. Excellent positions for growth.

Experience in production camera work required. Good opportunity in modern Cedar Rapids plant. Call George Powers collect. CAR CLEAN- UP Full time. Apply in person Karl Chevrolet, Ankeny, la.

CARPENTER CREWS Exp. only to bulld garages, plenty work, top pay. Midwest Builders, SE 14th and Maury. 283-2418. CARPENTER EXPERIENCED Salary Negotiable.

Apply. American Home Improvement 2035 Dean Ave. Des Moines 265-1612 Toll Free 1-800-532-1120 CARPENTER Experienced. Pay with experience. Management experience preferred.

274-3526 CARPENTERS Experienced carpenters wanted for home-building: framing carpenters, concrete formers, concrete finishers. Laborers with experience in home-building and lead persons with experience or potential wanted. Year around work. BUILDERS 803 24th St, Ames, IA 515-232-4214 Ask for Don. 1 JOBS INTEREST OF 195 JOBS INTEREST OF 195 CLERICAL POSITIONS Need secretaries, typists, bookkeepers.

NO FEE. Call CAREER PLACEMENTS, Toni or Jan, 225-6562. CLERICAL TYPIST Full 4:30. Will be trained for bookkeeping. 243-7695.

CLERICAL We have an immediate opening in our Collections Department for someone with good typing and filing skills and who enjoys a variety of office duties. Accuracy and detailed record keeping a must. Salary $600, mo. plus company benefits. Call for interview.

C.I.C. 304-15th 244-6223 An Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL WORKERS If you have good general clerical skills, we may have the iob you are looking for. Our excellent salary plan is complimented with outstanding benefits, including insurance, tuition to Drake University and Grandview College. Come in and visit our Personnel Office. AMERICAN REPUBLIC INSURANCE CO.

Phone: 245-2000 6th and Keo Way Des Moines, Iowa Affirmative Action Employer Purchasing Assistant To help buyer with sales history, proiections, and order follow -up. Typing and use of 10-key adding machine required. Excellent fringe benefits. Call Jerry at: 515-289-1600 Davis Equipment Corporation CLERK TYPIST Research Department Interesting position handling mail surveys for leading farm magazine. Aptitude for detail including figures and excellent, typing required.

Contact Rieck. Wallace Homestead Co. 243-6181 An Equal Opportunity Employer co*ckTAIL SERVERS Full time and part time. APPLY IN PERSON THE DRAW BRIDGE 1300-8th Street West Des Moines, lowa co*ckTAIL SERVER Apply in person Between 2:30 and 5. COURT AVENUE STATION E.

7th and Court co*ckTAIL SERVERS Night hours. Experienced. Good pay, many benefits. Apply to Steve Reed or Jim Capps; DES MOINES HYATT HOUSE 6215 Fleur Drive co*ckTAIL SERVER Full or Part time. Apply in person to Bill McCormack.

ADVENTURELAND INN Hwy 65 and 1-80 Des Moines co*ckTAIL SERVER Nights. All in the Family Lounge. 285-9450 Apply after 6. co*ckTAIL SERVERS The Denver Disco is proud to announce we need more help! Call 276-9987 for appointment. CREDIT DEPARTMENT FULL TIME Good starting salary with regular scheduled increases -excellent employee benefit program.

Experience not ncessary, as we will train you. Apply at the Personnel Office 9:30 to 4:30 Monday thru Saturday Sears, Roebuck Co. 4000 Merle Hay Road Des Moines, lowa An Equal Oppotunity Employer COLLECTION CLERK Equal Opportunity Employer Computer Keypuncher Immediate opening for Candidate interested in meeting the public; phonework, and general clerical functions also. Hospital Insurance and collection experience desired. If you are interested in putting your skills to work call the Personnel Office; 265-9545 GENERAL HOSPITAL DES MOINES An equal opportunity employer COLLECTORS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Excellent benefits CONTACT PERSONNEL OFFICE 7th Floor, Downtown YOUNKERS An Equal Opportunity Employer COMMERCIAL ARTIST Entry level position.

Excellent opportunity for beginning artist. Contact Art Director, Mach Ill Inc. Box 1355, Mason City, la. 50401. 515-424-1911 HELP North side location.

Excellent working conditions. Apply at 208 E. Aurora. 243-6902. Automatique, Inc.

COMPTROLLER Established position in Municipality of 4500 for city and utility. Experience in accounting and city government. Competitive salary. Apply with resume to Rosalinda Argabright, Clerk: City Hall, Emmettsburg, IA 50536. Immediate opening for experienced Experience on Univac 9200 or similar machine helpful.

For details Call Bob 283-2411 ROBERTS DYBDAHL, INC An Equal Opportunity Employer Computer Operator Day time. Individual with keypunch and card disc system prefered. Current system Univac 9200. Advancement and opportunity in programming. Excellent benefits.

For Details Call Brad 283-2411 ROBERTS DYBDAHL, INC An Equal Opportunity Employer COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Nebraska computer company associated with an accounting firm looking for programmer with at least two years of experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Outstanding school performance required. Please send resume to Box 63245 Register and Tribune. CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT.

in light construction carpentry necessary SITE WORK CREW CHIEF Full time. Carpentry or masonry exper, necessary, start. Paul Luthringer or Tim Urban URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 244-4321 or 225-6732 after 6 Jobs start Sept. Equal Opportunity Employer Advancement opportunities. CONSERVATION WORKERS Wanted 3 workers for the young Adult Conservation Corps to work in Polk County Parks and Recreation area.

Minimum wage plus benefits. Contact Tom Pray, 1a.m. 10 5 p.m. a a a a a a a a JOBS INTEREST OF 195 DENTAL ASSISTANT Experience not necessary. X-294 NW office.

Send resume to Box Register and Tribune. DENTAL ASSISTANT Exp. 4 day week. Progressive westside practice. 277-6183.

DENTAL ASSISTANT Experience preferred, not necessary. Box X-348 Register and Tribune, DENTAL ASST. Experienced. Full or part time. 262-9582 DENTAL HYGIENIST Broadlawns Polk County Dental Program.

Community program specialist, Clinical Instructor or above according to credentials. Bachelors degree in dental hylowa gienist and licensed to practice in or eligible for licensure Iowa. Appropriate background in community dental health. 2 years of experience desired salary negotiable. For interview contact Personnel 282-2210.

Broadlawns Polk County Hospital 18th, Hickman Des Moines, la. An Equal Opportunity Employer DENTAL OFFICE MANAGER Good pay. Pleasant working conditions. Write: Box 55555, Register and Tribune. DESK CLERK AND BELL PERSON Full time Monday thru Friday.

Desk hrs. 3 PM to 11 PM. Bell hrs. 7 AM to 3 PM. Bell person must be 18.

Please apply to Beverly. SHERATON INN 11040 Hickman Road DESK CLERK Experienced preferred. Please in person only Inntowner Apt. Motel 1313 High St. DESK CLERK Full or part -time.

11pm to 7am. Apply in person to Steve Jones TraveLodge 2021 Grand Ave DESK CLERK Full time, day or nights. Experience helpful. Apply in person. Hotel Savery, 4th and Locust.

DESK CLERK Part Time 4-12 Fri. and Sat. YMCA 101 LOCUST DESK CLERK Some Experience Preferred APPLY IN PERSON RAMADA INN 4685 NE 14th An Equal Opportunity DESK -EVENING Mon. thru Fri. 5-12.

Excellent opportunity for reliable, sincere person. Apply in person, Dave Courter. WALNUT CREEK INN 1258-8th St. W.D.M.. DISHWASHERS Johnston Station Restaurant is now hiring full and part time dishwashers, all shifts.

Apply in person. 5055 Merle Hay Road (Travel Lodge) or call 278-2871 and ask Scott for the good news. NEED boat, motor, bike, camera? Let WANT AD do your JOBS INTEREST OF 195 DISHWASHER 12:00 8:00, Monday Friday. Rusty Nail Restaurant Merle Hay Lanes DISHWASHER Full or Part time. Good wages.

Apply after 4:30 JOHNNIE'S VETS CLUB 3rd Lincoin West Moines. DISPATCHER-CLERICAL For DSM contrete manufacturer. Duties include telephone, dispatching trucks, production records, inventory records and etc. Good pay, hospital insurance and pension plan. Send resume and recent photo to: P.O.

Box 312, Ames, la. 50010. An Equal Opportunity Employer. DISPATCHERS Full and part time positions available, evenings and weekends. PER MAR SECURITY 1720-6th Ave.

FOE DRAFTER For swine confinement manufacturer with 2-3 years exp. Prefer architectural background. FARMSTEAD INDUSTRIES Waterloo, IA 319-235-6261 DRIVER Experienced with furniture. Apply in person only. Absolutely no phone calls! STONEHOCKER VAN LINES 616 New York.

area of Iowa as ort: Today's Pattern Column Mohi Serving Set! bots 7109 1-fo 90 by Alice Brooks Handy and handsome! Crochet set for yourself, gifts For smart serving, crochet 9" round and oval casserole holders. 10" pie size. hot plate mat of bedspread cotton or heavy cord in two colors. Pattern 7109: directions $1.50 for each pattern. Add 404 each pattern for first -class.

airmail and handling. Send to: Alice Brooks Needlecraft Des Moines Register, Box Old Chelsea New York, NY 10011. Print Name, Address, Zip and Pattern Number. DEATHS A CARD OF THANKS published in the Register and Tribune is a fitting way to express your ap- oh preciation of floral tributes, gifts and other kindnesses. Call 284- 8141 for suggested messages.

EVANS Services for Kenneth K. Evans, of 3319 S.W. Twelfth Street, will be Monday 2 PM at Dunn's on SW Ninth. Interment Sunset Memorial Gardens. KUENKEL For Information regarding services for William D.

Kuenkel, of Cape Coral, Florida, call the Westover Funeral Home 276-4567 KURTZ Services for Miss Mary I. Kurtz, of 6107 Franklin, will be 2 PM Friday at the Westover Funeral Home. Further services 1:30 PM Saturday at the Vogel Funeral Home in Hampton. Interment Lindenwood Cemetery, Geneva, la. MILLER Services for Arnold M.

Miller, of 1824 Sixty-fourth Street, will be 9:30 AM Saturday at St. Theresa's Catholic Church. interment Glendale Cemetery. Rosary 8 PM Friday at the Westover Euneral Home, NELSON Services for Evah F. Nelson, age 64, of 5009 S.W.

Sixth Street, will be Monday 11 AM at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3301 Ashworth Road. Visitation 12-9 PM Sunday. Interment West City Cemetery, Panora. Memorials to the CRANDVIEW FUNERAL HOME 3211 Hubbell 265-1652 NELSON Services for Paul R. Neison, 1107 Twenty-third Street, will be PM Saturday at the Funeral Home.

Interment Glendale Cemetery. CALDWELL-BRIEN-ROBBINS "PETERSON Services for Thomas G. Peterson, of 1614 S.W. Evans, will be 1 PM Saturday at the Funeral Home. Interment Highland Gardens.

fIVE DAHLSTROM PRATTI Services for Mrs. Blanche Pratt, of 5404 S.W. Seventh Street, will be Monday, 11 AM at Dunn's on SW Ninth. Interment Glendale Cemetery. SEIBERT Services for Mrs.

Eleanor Seibert, of 233 University Avenue, will be 11 AM Monday at Westover Funeral Home. Interment McDivitt Grove Cemetery. Visitation after PM Sunday. Family will receive friends 7-9 PM Sunday at the Funeral Home. SMITH Private funeral services for Mrs.

Judith W. Smith, of 1751 Rio Valley Drive, will be Saturday at the Westover Funeral Home, Cremation. SMITH Services for Dwight L. Smith, of 5906 Hickman Road, will be 10 AM Saturday at St. John's Lutheran Church.

Interment Masonic Cemetery. Friends may call at the Westover Funeral Home. WILLIAMS Services for Richard E. Williams, of 1116 Seventh St, West Des Moines, will be Monday 10:30 AM at Dunn's on Grand. Interment Masonic.

Services Scheduled For Hamilton's Funeral Home SATURDAY MATTHEW F. SCHRIER 3004 Carr Private services at the Funeral Home Interment Laurel Hill MONDAY CELIA KLING 1734 Des Moines Street 10:30 AM at the Funeral Home Interment Laurel Hill SHERYL LYNN STEELE 822 E. Broadway 1:30 PM at the Funeral Home Highland Memory Gardens HAMILTON'S 243-5221 OSCEOLA ROBINSON Services for Mrs. Richard (Jane) Robinson, will be held Sunday 2 PM at WebsterKale Funeral Home, 11 Osceola. Private interment Monday AM at Resthaven Mausoleum, Des Moines.

PLEASANTVILLE REED Services for Chase Reed, will be Monday 10 AM at the Mason Funeral Horne. Interment Sandyville Cemetery. WINTERSET GREENWOOD Services Guiher Greenwood, will be 10:30 AM Monday at Collins Funeral Home. Interment Winterset Cemetery, IN MEMORIAMS 5 IN LOVING Memory of my father, Vernard Eugene 22nd Foster 1928 of Runnells, IA. February August 19th 1977.

Shelley Faye Foster Pasedena. CA. COINS STAMPS. 70 LARGE Collection World paper money, several payable all, in worth GOLD alo1 units, 1st $60 buys COIN SHOW more. 515-752-5077.

Holiday Inn, Aug. 20, 10:00 to 4:30, Ames. A Card of Thanks in the Des Moines Register and Tribune Want Ads is an inexpensive, yet effective way of showing gratitude to friends and relatives. Call: 284-8141 Des Moines calling area 800-362-1836 Towa free long distance Want Ads Will! LOST and FOUND 80 BEAGLE puppy, FOUND West Hickman Road on Wednesday. Owner identify.

276-3764. BRITTANY Spaniel. FOUND vic. SW 9th Watrous. Owner identify.

Call 265-3703. CAT, gray and white, lost vic Bell and Indianoia, red collar with bell, 288-0792 co*ck-A-POO, Black paws. Just had 3 pups. NEED BACK. Vic of 54th and Douglas.

283-4512 or 278-0789 DOBERMAN FOUND. Hit by car E. 27th and Maple Thurs. night. Wants to go home.

265-5009 DOBERMAN Pup. LOST in the vic of Watrous Indianola Rd. Red Collar. 284-1028 REWARD. German Shepherd found Columbia-Madison, Highland Pk.

Yng female injured leg 280-7835. GERMAN SHEPHERD male found, 10-11 mos. old, black and silver, vic, Easter Lake. 243-4449 GERMAN Shepherd, white fem. Collar.

Owner ident. FOUND Lower Beaver area. 262-3241 GLASSES, LOST. Gold frame Bifocals. 225-2423.

GOLDEN Retriever, 5 mo. fem. LOST Saylorville Lake-Polk City area. Lovable pup, Please return. 984-6192 IRISH Seller, male, brown collar.

LOST vic. Norwalk, 981-4655 LOST SIBERIAN Husky, near E.14th and Lyon. months, tag number 38101. Reward. 262-0826.

POODLE: Brownish-black. Collar. FOUND vic 62nd and Aurora. 276-3507. PUPPY Female Black FOUND Vic 41st and Rollins.

Identify. 279-7431. PUPPY FOUND vicinity SE 14th and Park Avenue. Please identify. 287-5856.

PUPPY LOST Vic 27th and Boston 2 to 3 wks ago. Black, white paws, floppy ears. Was seen hurt. 287-6600 PUPPY, black paws, brown leg, found vic. Birdland Park area.

266-2464 after 5. REWARD LOST Great Dane, August 17 near East 12th, Cleveland. Tan with black face, long ears, silver chain 265-50811 SCHNAUZER, BLACK WITH TAN MALE. Buddy. Lost 900 bik of SE 14th.

Rew. 282-8790. SIAMESE CAT, brown and white, with dark brown on tail, feet, and face, with white whiskers. Answers to Dagwood. Lost in vicinty of SE 30th and VanDalia, 8-13-78.

If found or have information call Animal Control at 283- 4528, after hours contact Crime Alert, 283-4811. Or Mrs. Parker 282-9673 or Mr. Reynolds 282-7426. (In regards to bite A WATCH, man's.

FOUND vic. 13th and Ashworth. Owner identify. 225-0211 WATCH, woman's Seiko lost af store on Hickman and Merle Hay, 276-5979 NOTICES 90 ALL DECORATIONS MUST BE REMOVED Pinehill Cemetary by Sept. 15.

Dan M. Deskin, 2006 N.W. 10th, Ankeny, will not be responsible for debts other than my own. WOODBURY COUNTY and the -HOUSE SHELTER CARE FACILITY hereby give notice to the public and prospective venders of intent to procure, in part with Iowa Crime Commission Funds, the following: -House Shelter Care Evaluation. Sealed bids for said item for services will be received until 3 PM local time, Sept.

7, 1978. For further information concerning the above procurement contact: John L. Jennewein, Director, -House Shelter Care Facility, 722 Nebraska Sioux City, IA. 51101. Phone 712-252-3099.

WE WHERE GO SHALL 110 ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL to Nashville, Tenn. and The GRAND OLE OPRY Nov. $159 per person, two in a room. ANNUAL MARDI GRAS Tour Feb. 21-Mar.

1. Tours via Jefferson Coach. For complete information, write: Smokey Smith Tours, P.O. Box 674, Des 50303 RUTH SHOPE and Lillian Shope Grasty, would like to invite all their friends to join them in Calvary Apostolic Church, 2611 Easton Blvd.

CROATIAN FOOD FAIR Croatian Center 6575 Indianola Road Sunday, August 20, 11am-4pm Lake Robbins Woodward Closed Saturday Jane Russell Sun. 6 to 10 GUIDE VACATION 111 FOR RENT Cottage on East Miltona Lake, Minnesota. Restful and quiet. Retired people preferred. Telephone 218-943-4333 MEADOW BROOK RESORT Wisconsin Dells, $22 for 2, up to $42 for 6, 608-253-3201.

PERSONALS 140 Recently divorced gentleman would like to meet attractive, honest, sincere lady, 28-38, DM area. Recent picture please. Box X-223, Register and Tribune. ATTR. Well educated female Loves sports, wants to meet athletic, easy going, down to earth man, mid 20's to late 30's.

Write Box X-286, Register and Tribune. SPIRITUALIST Reader and Advisor Help with all problems of life 515-265-6911 1653 E. Grand JERRY STEWART-PSYCHIC Counseling, lose weight, future Phone now for appt. 515-225-6077 Call for "One Free Question" LOW RATES for auto, cycles, home owners, fire and campers. Fast SR -22 filings.


LEVICH ROGERS JEWELERS, 313 7th. BOWLERS WANTED NOW! For fall leagues forming at the ail new Des Moines Bowling Center. Call 278-2442 JOHN WOLTZ, invites his friends and neighbors to Calvary Aposfolic Church, 2611 Easton Blvd, LIFE memb. 24hr. gym and swim 561.80 Senior citizens price, sauna and whirlpool 262-5626 PREGNANT? Need aid, BIRTHRIGHT, 288-7785.

Help is free, confidential MOVING TO WEST COAST? Reduced rates. Wheaten Van Lines- Stonehocker's 243-5158. TROUBLED CHILDREN Call HEALTHLINE 282-5235 IF you're 18, single and want to have fun, join our Singles Bowling League. Call Sue, 262-9374. NEW Custom Made Bridal set, 3 carat diamond, $1850.

266-2800. HYPNOSIS. STOP SMOKING. Ankeny. TRANSPORTATION 150 HELP drive to Tamarac, Fla.

Leaving Aug. 25.279-6292. SEED. NURSERY PLANTS 160 BLUEGRASS SOD, quality sod sold by the square at reasonable prices. Harvey Kenoyer 515-758- 2439 after 6.

LANDSCAPING ROCKS Call 987-1459 INSTRUCTION 180 Applications now being accepted For morning, afternoon and night classes to become an Electronics Technician. Approved for VA training. Jobs graduation. UNITED ELECTRONICS 1119 5th St. West Des Moines Open Bam to 8pm 515-223-1488 Real Estate School Pre-License Instruction AND 30 Hour Courses Weekly pre-license instruction and scheduled 30 hour courses in in lowa.

Call toll free 1- 9 locations 800-332-8127 or write Real Estate School Of Iowa, 3700 1st Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids, la. 52402. BE A COURT REPORTER Starting Salary $14,000 For Beginning Court Reporters NEW QUARTER SEPTEMBER 5TH Day Night Classes Computer Programming Business Administration, Retail Management, Secretarial, Accounting. OVER 75 SUBJECTS Degree Diploma Courses WRITE, VISIT OR CALL A.I.B.

244-4221 TOLL FREE 800-532-1151 For Free 64 Page Catalog 2500 Fleur D.M. 50321 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS INSTRUCTION 180 lowa Truck Driving School Future Semi 536 Drivers Wanted 225-3724 So. 19th WDM REAL ESTATE CLASS State Accredited by lowa Real Estate Commission. Exceeds minimum 30 hour for sales person. Class Thurs.

Sept. 7th, 6 P.M., Sat. Sept. 9th A.M. AlB 244-4221 (800-532-1151) for more into.

AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS 2500 Fleur Drive, DM.IA. SEMI DRIVER TRAINING Iowa Midwest Training, Inc. 1025 Ashworth Rd. Rm 460 225-3636 JOBS INTEREST OF 195 Regarding Sex or Age Preference In Heip-Wanted Advertising In accordance with the rules adopted by the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, the Register and Tribune cannot accept Help -Wanted advertising copy which in any way expresses a sex or age preference unless the advertiser files an affidavit with the newspaper lustifying the sex or age preference on the basis of a bonafide occupational requirement. (Advertising in classifications 195, 200, 210, 220, 260 and Run of Affidavits are available the Classified Advertising Department.

ACCOUNTANTS TAX PROFESSIONALS Peat, seeks tax Marwick, seniors and Mitchell management group personnel to serve a diverse clientele in Des Moines, lowa and other midwest We require two to ten years tax experience in public accounting, industry the IRS. Our Firm offers continuing and comprehensive tax training and the opportunity to work in a highIly visible, specialized tax practice. If you aspire to the top demands and rewards of the profession, we will provide a confidential review of your credentials and compensation requirements. Please Keith Ellerman, Partner, 2500 Ruan Center, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. 515-288-7465.

An Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTANT, JR. Variety of accounting functions. Challenging opportunity for the right person. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to, or contact: Duane Johnson EDKO MFG.

INC. 2725 2nd Ave Des Moines, IA 50313 244-5121 ACCOUNTANT Immediate opening accounting dept. for aggressive, responsible individual. Accounting degree, work experience and computer programming operations helpful but not necessary. Contact.

Ron Haase for interview. 515-266-1136 Port Huron Machinery Co. ACCOUNTANT Must have degree. Some experience helpful. For details call Brad, 283-2411.

ROBERTS DYBDAHL INC. Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTANT CPA firm seeking degreed staff accountant. 0-5 years experience. Send resume or contact Thompson, Biorio, Kalseim la. PO Box 1066, Mason City, 50401, 515-424-6110.

Accounts Payable Opportunity now exists with growth oriented company. Excellent working conditions, benefits and pay. Prior, experience helpful. Please apply in person. Payless Cashway Lumber 10320 Hickman Road Administration Analyst We presently have openings for persons desiring a career in Methods and Procedures.

Individuals emploved will gather information, prepare oral and written reports, develop operating manuals and assist in implementing new methods. This position offers an excellent opportunity to progress into systems analysis and programming. Although not required, a college degree in a nontechnical field and some experience in method analysis is preferred. Our excellent salary plan is complimented with outstanding benefits including life-health insurance, tuition to Drake University or Grandview College. Apply immediately to the Personnel Office.

AMERICAN REPUBLIC INSURANCE CO. Phone 245-2000 6th and Keo Way Des Moines, Iowa Affirmative Action Employer ADMITTING CLERK PART TIME Weekends 7 to 3 and Wednesday 3 to 11. Varied duties for person with ability to relate and interact with people. Accurate typist, hospital experience. Liberal benefits and salary.

Contact Personnel 282-2210. Broadlawns Polk County Hospital 18th, Hickman Des Moines, An Equal Opportunity Employer ADULT CARRIER We have several positions available for adult route carriers in the Metro area. Responsibilities involve delivery of the morning, evening and Sunday papers. Excellent proiect for the entire family. Reliable car a must! This is a full-time position and entitles you to company benefits.

Good starting salary and allowance. Apply before to Circulation Dept. on 6th floor, Des Moines Register and Tribune Building. Des Moines Register and Tribune ALTERATIONS Full time. Apply: Theatrical Shop, 145-5th, WDM, 274-3661 ALTERATIONS PERSON Experience preferred.

Part time or full time. 276 1833. ALTERATION PERSON Full or part time. Schaffer's Bridal Shop. 304 8th Street.

APARTMENT MANAGER 100 UNITS, URBANDALE Great opportunity for hard working, responsible COUPLE. Husband clined must to be handle mechanically maintenance inproblems, wife must be avail. to show and rent Apts. along cleaning. 3 BR unfurn.

apt. plus phone, Idry, salary. All replies confidential. 274-3591 from 910 4. 287-1258 after 6 pm.

APARTMENT MANAGERS We have an employment opportunity in South Des Moines (72 units with pool) due to a promotion. We prefer a mature couple with management experience. Record keeping and light maintenance skills are necessary requirements. We offer training and back up assistance for all of our on-site managers. collection, painting, and carpet cleaning are not included in our man'agers.

Job description. Please contact us by phone (255-3121) or mail (3111 Douglas Ave. Des Moines, Iowa 50310). John Leavengood, CPM STANBROUGH REALTORS BETTER HOMES GARDENS Property Management Div. APARTMENT MGR.

No experience necess. Man wife to take cho. of new 54 unit apt. bidg. Free apt.

salary. Apply 10 In person af 3900 3:30 7:00 P.M. or call Ken Grandquist or George Benson at Universal Realty 278-6711. Universal Realty 8400 Hickman APPLIANCE SERVICE TECHNICIAN Frigidaire, Maytag exper, prefered. 515-823-4143 or 823-4273 JOBS OF INTEREST I 195 ARCHITECT'S FIELD REPRESENTATIVE For maior hospital proiect in North Central lowa.

Must be experienced in multi-story construction and institutional finishing trades. Must inspect mechanical and electrical work with engineer's assistance. Only expe- rienced, qualified applicants will be interviewed. Submit complete resume to: KARLSBERGER ASSOCIATES, INC. 180 East Broad St.

Columbus, Ohio 43215 614-461-9500 Equal Opportunity Employer ART DEPARTMENT MANAGER Must have art experience. Must be able to supervise several paste-up and commercial artists. Long established corporation doing nation-wide business. Excellent fringe benefits such as: company paid insurance, pension plan, 11 paid holidays, educational assistance programs, etc. This position provides security and promotion potential for the person desiring continued growth in the art field.

Send name and resume to: Box X-307, Register and Tribune. ASSEMBLY WORKERS Good future to right person. Noland Manufacturing Co. Carlisle, la. 989-3976 ASSISTANT CUSTOMER ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE Ford Motor Credit Co has an immediate opening in the Des Moines Branch.

Job includes collection of delinquent accounts. Good salary and benefits. 278- 2371, Mr. Gosch or Mr. Jones.

An Equal Opportunity Employer ASS'T MANAGER TRAINEE Expansion program and promotion leaves vacancies for 2 energetic persons interested in their future. Credit or collection experience unnecessary but helpful. Must be able to meet people, make decisions and absorb training. VA Approved. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

Ph. Avco Financial Services, Inc. 287-1001 ASS'T MANAGERS FAST FOOD WORKERS We need responsible dependable workers for B-BQ Restaurant, day and night help. Contact Cousin Lester's, 244-6414. ATTENDANTS Must be neat and ambitious.

Day or night shifts. Management potential. Apply in person to Don Henry, Mon. through Fri. 8 to 5.

MACMILLAN OIL INC. 4306-2nd. Ave. Des Moines An equal opportunity employer ATTENDANTS Mechanically inclined. Neat, clean, references.

VALLEY STANDARD 4th Grand, West Des Moines ATTENDANT--TRUCK STOP shift. Apply in TRUCK person. CYCLONE STOP 2110 Guthrie 266-2293 ATTENDENT Full or part time. Apply in person ASHWORTH STANDARD 1-80 and Ashworth Rd. AUDITING REPRESENTATIVE Nation wide company with.

Des Moines Office providing financial services to banks and commercial companies for over 40 years needs person with financial degree for auditing. Sales experience a plus. Car and expenses and benefits furnished. $900 per month. Send resume to: E.A.

Ames, P.O. Box 3107, St. Paul, Minnesota 55165 AUDITOR Well known Des Moines Company is seeking a graduate with 2-3 years auditing experience. Send resume in confidence to Box X-250 Register and Tribune AUTO RUSTPROOFING Earn while you learn, 18 mo. training program.

Mechanical ability required. Reliable, mature person. Applications in person 9- 10AM. No phone calls from applicants or agencies, 417-16th. St.

BABYSITTER My home. 3 6 pm, after school. Boys 7 9 yrs. Oak Park area. 280-9901 after 6 pm.

BABYSITTER, mature, reliable, for good natured 1 year old in my home. Sherman Hill area. 5 or 6 days a week, 8 to BABYSITTER, full time, for 1 yr old boy, must be loving-dependable. Drake Park Area. 243-5814.

BABYSITTER Wanted. Days and evenings. 265-0820. BAKER'S HELPER Early AM hours. Apply in person.

Maugers Bakery, Before 10 AM. BANKING OPPORTUNITIES FULL TIME Teller and Clerical positions available immediately. Monday thru Friday, every other Saturday morning. PART TIME Monday thru Friday 3 6 PM and Saturday morning 8 12. To train as part time teller.

Contact Marlene Cox. WEST DES MOINES STATE BANK 225-2300 BANK TELLER Full time Exp prefered Drive- In, Merle Mon Hay -Fri. loc. Sat. day week.

For interview contact Marie Cole, 278-1671 PLAZA STATE BANK 301 Merle Hay Mall DM BANK TELLER Part-time, experience preferred, but will train. Apply in person EAST DES MOINES NATIONAL BANK E. 14th Euclid BANK TELLER Full time positions available, experience preferred, apply in person, Brenton National Bank of South Des Moines, SW 9th and Mckinley or Wakonda shopping center 4303 Fleur Dr. Equal Opportunity Employer BANQUET SET UP Full time. Involves tear down and set up of meeting room.

and, tips. Good benefits. Please apply to Linda, Mon -Fri at SHERATON INN 11040 Hickman Road GAIN greater driving confidence and safety with a later model used car or a new car! Check the auto classification. JOBS OF INTEREST 195 CARPENTERS-FINISH Steady employment. Good wages.

Good advancement. Est. company. 285-3703 CARPENTERS-EXP Must have truck and tools. Can make over $20,000 per year with no travel.

289-1700 CARPENTERS-Good experienced rough-in need Immediately. Full Time. 287-5271. Cashier Full and part time opportunities now exist with growth oriented company. Excellent working conditions, benefits and pay.

Prior experience helpful. Please apply in person. Payless Cashway Lumber 10320 Hickman Road CASHIER Full and part time. Apply in person. Eastgate Best Steak House.

CASHIERS Night shift, 5, days per week, days and evenings split to 5 days, experience helpful, but not necessary. Apply in person to Bob Gillespie or Dick Stacy at Crossroads USA, 11957 Douglas Ave. Des Moines. CASHIERS Part Time Day and Eve. Hours Available Must be 18 yrs.

old Apply in person Monday thru Friday 10 AM to 4 PM ARDAN 4080 Merle Hay Rd. CASHIER West Des Moines location. Excellent working conditions, Hours 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Apply af 208 E. Aurora.

243-6902. Automatique, Inc. CASHIER-GROCERY Now hiring full and part time, days and evenings. Apply in son. Linn's Super Mkt, 6605 CASHIER -HOSTESS now hiring full time cashier and part time hostess.

Up to $3.00 per hr. Also hiring part time bus help. Apply in person WAIDS FAMILY RESTAURANT Valley West Mall CEMENT FINISHERS Julian Nixon 225-3005 CHEMIST ANALYTICAL Successful candidate will have broad practical experience and theoretical knowledge in most areas of analytical chemistry with emphasis on gas chromatography and spectrophotometry. Contact Ivan Schwabbauer, Univ. of Iowa Hygenic Laboratory, lowa City, 319-353-5990.

The University of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity Employer. CLEANING HELP Full and Part time help for cleaning apartments. Call 225-8663. CLEANING PERSON Full time-for large apartment complex. Must be willing to work hard.

Excellent company benefits. Call 287-3210 Equal opportunity employers. CLEANING PERSON Apt, owner needs cleaning person. Must have good work and driving record. 274-0434.

CLERICAL STENO Must have good typing skills, transcribing experience beneficial, to work in Mental Health unit Monday through Friday. 8:00 4:30. Salary commensurate with experience. Liberal benefits. Contact Personnel 282-2210.

Broadlawns Polk County Hospital 18th, Hickman Des Moines, An Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL FULL OR PART TIME 1. Cashiers-Credit. 2. Customer Serivce. 3.

General Office -Math skills helpful. 4. Telephone Operator. 5. Typist.

Excellent fringe benefits. Apply Personnel 7th Floor Downtown. YOUNKERS An Equal Opprtunity Employer CLERICAL INEXPERIENCED OFFICE WORKERS If you are looking for permanent employment and have no previous office experience, we invite you to visit with us. Our current openings include: Typists (40-50 cwpm) File Clerk Stenos Claim Processor Besides an excellent salary we offer many outstanding employee benefits. THE BANKERSLIFE 711 High Street 247-5052 247-6155 An Equal Opportunity Employer CLerical Opportunities for INEXPERIENCED ARITHMETIC CLERKS Because of the growth of our Company, we have several excellent beginning level opportunities for people who enjoy working with figures.

THE BANKERS LIFE 711 HIGH STREET 247-5052 247-6155 An Equal Opportunity Employer. CLERICAL INVENTORY CLERK Immediate opening for a reliable person with good math background, good pay and fringe benefits. Apply: Midwest Distribution Center, 2400 Broadway, Des moines, IA FOE, CLERICAL MAXIMIZE YOUR SKILLS FULL TIME POSITIONS. DAY FORCE, FROM 8 AM 10 4:45 PM, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. COMPETITIVE STARTING SALARIES, EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFIT PACKAGE.

COME INTO PERSONNEL MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, AM to 4PM. Des Moines Office FEDERAL RESERVE BANK 616 10th Street Des Moines, lowa 50306 An Equal Opportunity CONCRETE WORKERS Sub-contractors wanted immediately to do garage slabs, must have own truck and equipment, apply in person af Des Moines Custom Garage Builders, 2956 E. University CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT For, well established lowa firm, must be experienced in building construction and able to relocate, right party will well compensated. Send resume to Box X-329, Register and Tribune. Construction Workers Interesting work with contractor.

Construction experience preferred. Travel necessary. W. G. Jaques Co.

2183 NW 86th 276-5464 An Equal Opportunity Employer COOK Experienced. Good wages, 4 day week, must be able to work weekends. Chance for advancement. Contact Mr. Edman.

INN WEST 11.000 Douglas COOK FATINO'S RESTAURANT Fleur Dr and Stanton 285-8444 COOK Mature person with quantity cooking experience helpful but not necessary. 40 hour week. Fringe benefits. Call 277-6141 ext. 424.

CALVIN MANOR 4210 Hickman COOK NEEDED Must be experienced in all phases plus have broiler experience. Salary negotiable. No Sundays or holicays. Apply in person from 1- 2 PM or 6-7 PM. No Phone Calls! WIMPY'S STEAK HOUSE 1604 South Union.

COOKS Breakfast and dinner shifts. Excellent pay. Full company benefits. Uniforms furnished. Apply in person HOLIDAY INN SOUTH 2101 Fleur Drive COOKS DISHWASHERS HOWARD JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT Is now accepting applications for full and part time.

All shifts available. Benefits include health and life insurance, paid vacation and uniforms furnished. Apply in person to Mr. Stovner. HOWARD JOHNSON COMPLEX 4800 Merle Hay Rd.

COOKS Full and part time cooks for day and evening shifts. Excellent benefits, good pay and working conditions. Apply Monday through Friday at: Golden Harvest Restaurant 2nd. 1-80 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT An equal opportunity employer COOKS fuil-part time. up to $4.00 per hr.

Exp preferred. Apply in person. WAIDS FAMILY RESTAURANT Valley West Mall COOKS Full time days and nights. Excellent wages and benefits. Apply in person Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m. PERKINS CAKE STEAK 2425 E. Euclid Des Moines, IA. An Equal Opportunity Employer COOKS Full-time. 2pm to 10pm.

Experienced on broiler. Top wages. Uniforms provided, fringe benefits, paid vacation. Apply in person to Mr. Butler.

HOLIDAY INN MERLE HAY 5000 Merle Hay COOKS Line and Prep Hospitalization, paid vacation, overtime. Apply to Gary Harmon-276-4789 CROSSROADS USA UNITED INC CUSTOMER SALES TRAINEE 1-80 and Douglas COOKS Part time eves. and wknds. $2.65 per hr. Also waiter, waitress full or part time eves and wknds.

$2.30 per hr plus tips. Apply VILLAGE INN PIZZA PARLOR 3600 Merle Hay Rd COOKS 2 full time on day shift. Full and part time on the night shift. Experience preferred, but will train. Must be available for some weekends.

Good wages, contact John Lane, MATTIE'S INC. 223-4140 COOKS (2) broiler cook and swing cook. Good salary, fringe benefits and working condiitons. Contact Chef. WAKONDA CLUB 3915 Fleur Dr.

COOK'S HELPER Full or part-time nights. Apply in person to: Maxie's West, 1311 Grand, West Des Moines. COOK-NIGHTS Full-time Apply after 5pm COMPIANO'S 5601 Douglas COTTAGE TREATMENT STAFF Future openings for live-in counselors with adolescent boys. Prefer couple without children, but will consider singles. Must have characteristics to relate therapeutically with emotionally disturbed boys.

Education experience in social service disciplines. Beautiful campus, dynamand comprehensive treatment program, Meals and apartment. for the couple, plus annual vacation, and excellent benefits. Work schedule-5 days out of 10. CHADDOCK BOYS SCHOOL, 217-222-0036 COUNTER HELP Night hours, apply in person Dunkin Donuts, 3715 Douglas.

COUNTER HELP Part time, 3:30 to 6 and Saturdays, apply in person Victoria Cleaners, 541 6th Ave. CRANE OPERATOR Bridge construction. Must be experienced. Apply at job site on Hwy 65 in An Equal Opportunity Employer We are a maior construction and industrial supply distributor looking for person who will meet the following job requirements. Neat, aggressive, some sales experience helpful.

Will be responsible for inventory control, overcounter sales, handling phone and mail-in orders. Must be prompt and reliable. Excellent opportunity for advancement. We promote from within. 40 hour week.

2 weeks paid, vacation. Excellent fringe benefits. Starting salary $4 10 $4.50 hour. Call Steve O'Brien 265-7313. for interview DELIVERIES and General Help.

Apply in person, 417-12th. DELIVERY PARTS Good driving record and dependability a must. Apply in person Karl Chevrolet, Ankeny, la. DEMONSTRATOR For Iowa State Fair. Eve Glass Cleaner.

Will train. Top commission. Call early or after 10 PM, 265-1827 DENTAL ASSISTANT Good salary, good hours. No experience necessary. Benefits.

Pleasant office. Send resume to 1245-81h. W. Des Moines. 50265.

IF YOU feel stymied in your present job, you may find lust the chance to better yourself. See Classification 195. DRIVERS BE HOME WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS Experienced drivers needed to run Midwest, hauling building materials and agricultural products. Top pay plus health and hospitalization insurance, vacations, and retirement plan. If you like to drive a truck and aren't afraid of hard work, we can provide with top pay and time for your homelife.

Apply to: Steve; UMTHUN TRUCKING CO. 90 oh Eagle Grove, Iowa 1-800-722-3933 from lowa da 1-800-247-4846 outside of lows DUPLICATING Machine Operator The Business Department has an opening for a duplicating machine operator in the Stockroom. This individual must be experienced operating a multilith. Skill in operating a folder as well as knowledge of stock inventory would be desirable. Good opportunity for a responsible individual! Pleasant working conditions and outstanding Company benefits.

Apply 8th Floor, Register and Tribune Building. The Des Moines Register and Tribune is an Employer. Electronic Technician Leading Manufacturer of bank equipment, with expanding service organization, has immediate need for general service and installation Rep. for systems, drive- up windows, safes, and other bank equipment. Limited travel.

Expenses, vechile, Tools, Excellent company benefits. Will train qualified person. Send resume to: LeFebure Corp, 633 58th Ave Court S.W., Cedar Rapids, la. 52404 Equal Opportunity Employer Sell silver your fox? Want Ads Will! Classification 450-Clothing- Furs is eligible for the Want Ads Will .2 lines 2 days To place WILL an Ad, call, 284-8141 Des Moines calling area 800-362-1836 lowa free long distance Sellyour topper? Want Ads Will! In classification 545-Travel Trailers-Campers. This classification is eligible for the Want Ads Will Special rate 2 lines 2 days WILL To place an ad, call: 284-8141 Des Moines calling area 800-362-1836 lowa free long distance Advertise your sale? Want Ads Will! Want Ad classification 505 Garage Sales is eligible for the Want Ads Will Special rate 2 lines 2 days WILL To place your ad, call: 284-8141 Des Moines calling area 800-362-1836 lowa free long distance.

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.