The Swarthmorean, 1939-10 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)

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FIRE 5 WA I~T HMO I~ LIB I~ Jo\ I~ Y SUP'ORT PREIEITIOI WEEI THESYIArttHMO 'YOUR FIRE COM'AIY OCT 6 -VOL. XI, No. 40 SW ARTBMORE, PA., OCTOBER 6, 1939 ,2.50 PER YEAR MANY ENROLL FOR "ADULT NIGHT" - REGISTRATION CONTINUES Large Crowd Braves Stormy Weather to Hear Dean Speight and Punue Hobbies Motor Volunteers Needed Anyone willing to use his car-' for errands is asked to call Mrs. Sewell Hodge, Swarthmore 290, and volunteer for Red Cross motor service. An investment banker, the color ris­ing in his cheeks, self-consciously filled aut a card and handed it to the regis­ttrhaer .s aHmies twhiinfeg,, aaltt hhoius glhe fwt, itwh alse ssd oeivnig- '-______________- J LEGION WOMEN TO MEET NEXT WEEK REGISTER IN "BACK TO SCHOOL" MOVEMENT UNDEMAN H. & S. SPEAKER, ·OCT. 29 Membership Committee, Mrs. George Warren, Chairman, Plans Drive to Enron All Parents, Teachers Eduard C. Lindeman, Director of the New York School for Social work, whose Ilame stands high among Am­erica's educational leaders, has been secured by the Program Committee of the Home and School Association for dent embarrassment. All around him his lawyer neighbor, the insurance man on the opposite corner, the dentist down the street, the mechanic from the gar­age, the college professor, the engin­eer, the druggist and the barber, dozens of housewives and their spouses from neighboring communities, all were go­The American Legion Auxiliary will its first meeting on Friday, Octobe,. 2OIh, hold its first regular meeting of the instead of October 10th. Mr. J. B. Pope, season next Wednesda), October 11, Chairman of this Committee, announces at 2:30 P. M. in the Legion room, Bor- the change of meeting date, in order c~ugh H~all. M~ember~s are ~urged ~to be ~~ili~~~~ thimble to sew tobacco pouches for speaker while he is filling other speak-the Coatesville Veterans' Hospital and ing engagements in the area of Phila-ing through the same Illotions. It was registration night for Swarth­more's "Adult Night at School:' More than 200 grown-ups from this area ap­peared at the high school building last Monday evening, determined to spend the next ten Monday nights learning to be participants nther than onlookers in the pursuit of one or more intrigu­finish articles for the Needlework Guild. delphia and Wilmington. Dr. Linde- Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth, president, will man's topic will be "Tests for Dem-conduct the meeting and plans will be Advocate Photo ocracy,". challenging the thought of made (or the coming year. Discovered signin. . up for Adult Nishi classes at the local school are, left to d t h h' D parents an eac ers on t IS pertinent Since the proceeds from last week's ri,ht, around the table: Mr. and Mrs. Carl DeMoll, Mrs. J. Paul Brown, subject. Members of the Program Com- bridge benefit were disappointing and Mrs. A. B. Reavis, Charles PalUOn, Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore, Becky Robinson lUI' tt ee f or t h e current year are: Chair- and Mrs. Robert C. Powell, and that back looks suspiciously like Mrs. J. M J B P M W I will drastically decrease the amount of . man, r.. . ope, rs. a do Fish-ing hobbies or other interests. local and Christmas welfare the Aux- Howard Smith, er, Mrs. George Allen, Mr. H. Lindley The banker's obvious embarrassment was explained by his confession of a secret yearning for "escape" from the headaches of the market through a paint brush and easel. Never until now, he said, had he worked up the nerve to try it, but the encouraging words of Cyril Gardner, the Swarthmore artist who is to instruct the class in sketching and drawing, had finally swayed him. Mr. Gardner had dubbed "talent" a somewhat doubtful quality and had ex­uberantly invited all "hesitators·on-the­brink" to jump in. The banker jumped. iliary will be able to meet, it is an- Peel, and Mrs. David McCahan, as nounced that any individuals who feel _---------------.1 W I L. OCTOBER Chairman of the Grade Group Mothers. they would personally like to contribute Register Now '. • Staff Member. Welcome to charities through the Auxiliary may MEETING ON 11th Mrs. Frederick W. Luehring,.~resi-give donations no matter how small to Anyone interested in entering , de.nt, spoke at a recent me~t1Dg of any member of the organization. The a Red Cross First Aid Course HIgh School teachers, calling attention Auxiliary works to aid the Swarthmore in Swarthmore, is asked to con- First Meeting of Swarthmore to the fact that the Home and School Welfare Centers (both Health and tact Mrs. Joseph S. Bates, Branch Season Will be Held in Association had recently become a "par- Family Service); the mental victims Swarthmore 131 at once. Several Bond Hall on the Campus ent, rather than a parent and teacher at Coatesville; to give Christmas bask- persons have shown their eager- organization," hoping that this year ets to local needy, holiday gifts to their ness to join such a course, but Next Wednesday, on October 11, there should be a 1000/'0 membership adopted blind leper and assist in any its progress of organization will there will be held at 2 :jO in Bond Hall, among the faculty as wen as among other worthy cause regardless of creed, be speeded up by the prompt on the Swarthmore College campus, the parents. "The few active teachers race or affiliation. registration of all local persons the first meeting for this season of have been so helpful, that aU are needed interested. the Women's International League for to cooperate with the parents for the Peace and Freedom, Swarthmore best interest of the children as well His wife, too, was tempted to try her hand at sketching but. decided to wait until another semester, on the theory that her husband might feel greater restraint in his first venture into Art if she were in the same class. She sought relaxation in the rhythmic danc­.. , NEEDLEWORK GUILD TO EXHIBIT OCTOBER 25 NEW EXEC. SEC'Y F A.l\DL Y SOCIETY branch. This meeting is open to any as for the teachers themselves." person who may be interested. On October 9th Mrs. George K. War-ing course, instead. The Swarthmore branch of the Needlework Guild announces that an exhibition will be· held at the Woman's Club on October 25th of articles of clothing contributed for charitable dis:' tribution. For those not already famil­iar with the Guild's activities, it mght Mrs. Emily Johnson, chairman ()f ren will make a like request at a meet­the W. I. L. for Pennsylvania, will ing of the elementary school teachers, be present to explain the exact policies in line with the' current trend to help advocatec,l in current affairs by the na- groups of parents and teachers become The insurance man and' his wife both Donaldlne Dudley, Named by tional organization. There will be op- partners in the job of providing richer went into the interior decorating class. The lawyer, whose shins were sore from his failure to make his bid three times in succession at last Friday's party, thought his contract bridge game needed a bit of brushing up. The me­chanic had envied the professor his ability to speak in public and now saw an opportunity to make strides toward Committee, Has Seen Service in' portuitity' (or each person who wantS educational experiences for children. Philadelphia and Chicago in {ormation on present activities of the Committee Annouuced Swarthmore branch to meet the leaders As Chairman of the Membership be added that the clothing donated is Donaldine Dudley was unanimously distributed among many worthy char-in those fields: . Committee, Mrs. Georg€: K. Warren Returns from the Peace Activities has secured the following members for Survey . cards sent to members last her committee, who will contact all spring have been helpful to the execu- parents and teachers during the next tive board in {orming wide plans for few weeks in an early fall membership carrying on the fundamental work of canvass: Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson, this organization. At the meeting on Mrs. Richard Haig. Mrs. Birney K. Wednesday various coming events of Morse, William Gordon Minich, and interest will be announced. J. Paul Brown. Plans were made for that goal himself. itable organizations. elected executive secretary of the Fam- Local members of the Guild are re- ily Society of Swarthmore and Vicinity quested to have their contributions in at a recent meeting of the executive the hands of their community leaders and replacement committees, acting for by the evening of Tuesday, October the board of directors. The professor himself had persuaded his wife to take the course in weaving as a means of solving permanently the annoying Christmas gift problem. Many others preferred the lecture course on "American Policy Toward· the Euro­pean War" and classes in home sewing and design, photography, social danc­ing, music appreciation and everyday 24t~, ~n. order that the arrangements f~r M iss Dudley was graduated from exh.lbltlon may be completed~ Contrl- Vassar College in 1930 and from the but~ons are needed and welcome. Any Smith College School of Social Work reSIdents of the bora not already mem-. 1931 Sh d'd h fi Id k t th bers of the Guild are invited to become III •• e I .er e war. a .e members, and those wishing to contri- Instttute of J uvemle Resea~ch, 10 ChI-A drive for new members, under the the canvass at Mrs. Warren's home direction of Olive Cleaves, chairman of last evening. The committee requests the state as well as the local member- all parents and faculty to become mem­ship committee, is being started this bers this year, not on a basis of what week. they can get out of the meetincs, but bute this year should get in touch cago, and served for a year III the Med­with Mrs. J. Horace Walter, 508 Cedar ical Social Serviec Department of Johns • • • in the interest of the child. Meetings lane. Hopkins' University. For nearly seven Music Club to Illustrate are 110t necessary, but when they are law. • • • years she has been associated with the Early Music held their dates will be adjusted to ob-tain speakers of national reputation. The objectives of the Association have likewise been broadened beyond pro­viding one boy or girl with a scholar­ship. It is hoped to increase this schol­arship interest, using part of the As­sociation dues as well as further funds to be raised under the Scholarship Committee to be headed by Mrs. J. Paul Brown. Moral an\l financial sup­port of the effective work of commit­tees and individuals working for school and home interests of children is an opportunity not to be missed this year. Work Begins Monda,. Actual classwork, covering the twelve courses referred to above. will begin at the Swarthmore high school building next Monday evening and will be held for ten Monday nights until Dec. 11. 'fhe classes, ranging from one to two hours in length, all will be conducted between 8 and 10 P. M. and the tuition will be from $2.50 to $5 a course. MUST CHOOSE BROWNIE Family Society in Philadelphia and was LEADERS MONDAY connected with its branches in South The Swarthmore Music Club will hold its fi·st meeting 011 Tuesday, October 10 at the home of Mrs. S. D. Clyde, Swarthmore and Ogden avenues. Mrs. Clyde will discuss the earliest forms of music and trace its development up to the year 1400. Her talk will be illus­trated with solos on the Pipes of Pan, primituve Rute, recorder and zither, played by Miss Antonica Fairbanks and others. Prospective members and a limited number of guests are welcome. For information call .. Mrs. Roy Dela­On the basis of the registration night's attendance Horace 11. Hopkins, chairman of the executive committee, was hopeful that nearly 300 "pupils" would be on hand Monday for the start of classes. In reviewing the one-year history of the Swarthmore "Adult Night at School" he pointed out that as a result of a surplus from last year it had been possible to reduce the tui­tion for the one-hour .classes from $3 to $2.50. He said that if the patronage increased fees' could be reduced fur­ther, with the high standard of instruc­tion retained. Dean Harold E. B. Speight of Swarthmore College, who has served as an instructor at the Wayne adult school, told those at the registration meeting that America was "in grave danger of becoming a nation of spec­tators." and West Philadelphia before her more recent associations with the German­town branch. Miss Dudley was highly recom­mended to the local society by Betsy Libby, president of the Philadelphia Family Society, and by Eric H. Biddle, of the Community Fund. She brings to Swarthmore a wealth of practical experience which is made effective by her engaging personality. plaine, secretary. Mrs. Ernest R. Laws, a member of the County troop organization commit­tee and advisor to Swarthmore troops, has called a meeting of Brownie mo­thers for next Monday afternoon at 3 :15 in the Rutgers avenlle kindergar­ten room to locate and choose Brownie leaders for the current year. Mrs. J. Paul Brown and Mrs. Peter E. Told having resigned it is very important if the Brownie work is to be carried 011 this season to have the attendance :---------------------------------, of interested ,s. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR Fall Fashion Show Anticipated The Junior Club announces it faUI Fashion Show and Bridge at the Wo­man's Club House, Wednesday, Octo­ber 18. at 8 P. M. There will be table prizes. Tea and sandwiches will be served. Two door prizes will be given, one a black suede bag, the other a I Chinese brass bowl on a black stand for bulbs or Rowers. Sport frocks, afternoon dresses, even- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6 2:30 P. M. _ Soccer: College VB. Gettysburg ....................... COllege Pleld SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 2 :15 P. M. _ Football: College VB. Washington .................... COllege Pleld SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 11:00 A. M. _ Momlng Worship ................ • .... •• ...... ·· .. Local Churches 8:15 P. Me _ COllege Lecture serles Opens .••••••.•••.. Friends' Meeting House MONDAY. OCTOBBB 9 2:00 P. M. _ Women's Roosevelt Club ................ · .... 405 Harvard Avenue 3:15 P. M.-Brownle Mothers' Meeting .... Rutgers Avenue kindergarten room 8:00 P. Me-Adult Night at School ............................ : .. B1gh School TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10 10:00 A. M. _ League of Women Voters Study Group .......... 526 Walnut Lane 2:30 P. M. _ American Folk Songs ................ • .. ·• .... ••• .. Woman's Club 6:30 P. M. - Junior Club Supper ....•...••..• •··•···•••••••••·• Woman's ClUb 7:30 to 9:30 P. M.-Sproul Observatory Open to Vlslton ............... COllege 8:00 P. M. _ Swarthmore Music Club Meeting - •. Swartbmore &; Ogden Aves. 8:00 to 10:00 P. Me-Badminton Club ....................... B1gh School OJID. WBDNESDAY.OCTOBB&ll "There is danger," he said, "of losing the art, gift, . and pleasure of doing things for ourselves. SeriO'Us things happen to people exposed to this dan­ger," Dean Speight said he did not need !o "apologize" for saying that "there IS an escape value" in some of the courses in the "Adult Night" curriculum, which would enable the students to ob­tain surcease "a little while from the ing gownS, cloth coats. fur coats and millinery will be shown against a back­ground of palms and flowers. ~iano music will be set by Mrs. F,redenck J. Bogardus. Mrs. E. Grafton Carlisle is in charge of all plans for the Fashion Show. Margaret Latimer will be the commentator. Tickets may be obtained from .any 2:30 P. M. - W; I. L. MeeUng ....................................... Bond Hall 2:30 P. M. _ Legion AUlt1llarJ .................... ·, ...... •• .. •• .. Borough Ball 8:00 to 10:00 P. M.-Badmlnton Club ....................... HIgh SchoolOJDl THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12 .5:30 to 7:00 P. J4.-OJBter supper ...................... Ilethodlst Soch.' Ball 8:00 to 10:00 P. M.-Badminton Club ...................... ·B1gh School ~~ club member. Please make res~rvatlo.ns early for' your table by calling VIr­ginia Perkins. Swarthmore 543-R, or Mrs. Laurens C. Van Dyke, Swarth-strain." more M2-R. L-__- --------------------------------------------------- The Membership Committee caUs at­tention to the fact that a parent as­sociation's prime objective is to help the child, by establishing harmony ~e­tween the home and school working toward the same goals with sympathy and understanding. The most important single function of a parent group is to interpret the school, its needs, objec­tives, methods and curriculum. The aim "Know Your School'" is adopted for the present year. On November 14th, Dr. Hadley Can­trill, of Princeton University will speak on "Propaganda in Education." Later in the year, Dr. Stoddard, Philadelphia's new Superintendent of Schools from Denver, Colorado,' will appear on the Home and School Program. The Board, the Program Committee, and the Pres­ident will gladly receive suggestions and criticisms for the Association this year. ••• Somerville Tea The Somerville Society of Swarth­more College invited local alumnae to meet the class of 1943 at a tea in Bond Memorial from 4 until 6 o'clock yester­day afternoon, Thursday, October S. " ,. .; .;,. . >,.

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FIRE PREVEIITION WEEK s w ,.4 I~ T H M () I? E COLLFCTE L. i I J I ~ '"" j 1 1 THE swiRtHMO OCT 6 1939 SUPPORT YOUR FIRE COMPAII" -... H)L. XI, No. 40 SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 6, 1939 82.50 PER YEAR ~IANY ENROLL FOR" ADULT NIGHT" - REGISTRATION CONTINUES +~----------------------------~ : .arge Crowd Braves Stormy Weather to lIear Dean Slteight and Pursue Hohbies .\n im'l'stJllent banker, the color ris- Ig ill his checks, seH-consciously filled ,ut a card and handed it to the regis­( ar. His wife, at his left, was doing :ll' same thing, a1thou~h with less evi­;,' lIt cl11harrasslllcnt. All around him ,j~ lawyer neighbor, the insurance man .011 the opposite corner, the dentist down , ~ Ie st reet, t he mechanic from the gar- ~c, the college profcssor, the engin­l'r, the druggist and the harbcr, dozens "i housewives and their spouses from .,.ighboring comlllunities, all were go­illg through the sallie motions. Motor Volunteers Needed Anyone willing to usc his car' for errands is asked to call ~I rs. Sewell I'lodge, Swarthmore 290, ami volunteer for H.ed Cross motor ser\'ice. LEGION WOMEN TO l\IEET NEXT WEEK REGISTEIt IN ~~BACK TO SCHOOL" I\IOVEl\IENT LINDEMAN H. & s. SPEAI(ER, OCT. 29 i Mc~nltcrt!hil' Committee, I\lrs. I George \Varren, Chairman, Plans Drive to Enroll All Parents, Teachers , I i Eduard C. Lindcman, Dircctor of the o :"\:1'\\' Y(lrk ~chool for Social work, : \\'hl ,,'l' naml' ,tands high among AIIl­i erica's cducalional lc'l(lcr~, has been i "'l'ured lIy t h... Program Committee of \ ' the H01lle and Sehoul Association for ih lirst lIleeting on Friday. Oc/over 20th, ! ill,kall of October 101 h. ),1 r. J. B. Pope. iChairman of Ihi~ COJlllllittee, announces Ithl' change (If mccting date, in order It was registration night ior Swarth­Illure's "Adult !'\ ight at SchooL" More illall 2(X) grown-ups from this area ap­I ,eared at the high school building last .\1 (lnday evening, dctermined to spend i hl' next ten 1\1 onday nights learning ." he participants rather than onlookers ill the pursuit of onc or more iutrigu­IlIg hohhit·s or othcr interests. The American Legion Auxiliary will hold its first regular meeting of the season next \Vcdllesday, October 11, at 2 :30 P. ~1. ill the Legion room, Bor­( ugh Hall. ~I embers are urged to be punct \lOll and equipped with scissors and thimblc to sew tobacco pouches for the Coatesville Veterans' Hospital and finish articles for the Needlework Guild. 11.1 rs. L. I.. Hedgepeth, president, will conduct the meeting and plans will be made fur the coming year. Since thc proceeds from last week's bridge hellefit were disappointing and will drastically decreasc the amount of local and Christmas wclfare the Aux­iliary will hI.' ahle to meet, it is all­Ilounced t hat allY individuals who feci t ht·y would personally like to contribute to charities through the Auxiliary may give donat ions no matter how small to any memher of the organization. The Auxiliary works to aid the Swarthmore \Velfare Centcrs (both Health and Family Service); the mental victims at Coatesville; to give Christmas bask­ets to local needy, holiday gifts to their adopted blind leper and assist in any other ",orthy cause rcgardless of creed, race or affiliation. Ad\·ocate Photo Di~co"cr(~d ~igning 01' for Adult Night da~sc!S tit thc loclli ~eho()1 art', Idt to right, around the tablc: Mr. ami Mr,;. (:llrl De:\lull, Mr ... J- I'uul lJr01nl, Mrs. A. B. RCllvi~. Charlcs "IlX~OIl, Mr!i. Uul.,h Dinsmorl', Becky nobillso" nml Mrs. Robt'rt C. l'o"'cIl, and that bat'k looks "ll"l)idoll~ly Iik(~ Mrs. J. to sn:urc I his popular and eminent speakcr while hI.' is lilling other speak­ing cngagclllents in thc area of Phila­dclphia and \\'ilmington. Dr. Linde­man's topic will hI.' "T~sts for Dem­ocracy," chailcnging thc thought of parents and Il:achers on this pertinent suhject. ),1 embers of the Program Com­millec for the current year arc: Chair­man, )'Ir. }. 13. Pope, ~Irs. \Valdo Fish­l'r, ~I rs. Gcorge Allen, ),1 r. H. Lindley Peel, and ),1 rs. J);I\'id ~lcCahan, as Chairman of the Grade Group ~lothers. Howard Smith. Thc hanker's ohvious embarrassment .-. ---_._--------- lias explained by his confession of a -C'act yearning for "escape- from the hl'adaches of the market through a lnint brush and easel. Never until now, ill' said, had he worked up the nerve I" try it, but the encouraging words of Cyril Gartlncr, thc Swarthmore artist \\ho is to instruct the class in sketching ami drawing, had finally swayed him. ~I r. Gardner had dubbed "talent" a "'Jllewhat douht ful quality and had ex­l1hl'rantly invited all "hesitators-on-thc­ilrillk" to jump in. The banker jumped. ;-----R-e-gi-st-er-N-o~-. ---.' W. I. L. OCTOBER MEETING ON 11tl1 Staff Memben Welcome ~I rs. Frcdcrick \V. Luehring, Presi­dent, spoke al a recent meeting of lligh School teacill'rs, cailing attention to thl.' iact that the Home and School Association had recent Iy become a "par­Cllt, rathl.'r thall a parent and teacher organizatioll," hoping that this year thlTe should he a loo',to membership alllollg thc faculty as well as among thc parents. "The few act ive teachers ha\'e hcen so helpful, that all arc needed to cooperate with the parents for the hest intcrest of the children as well as fur the teachers themselves." ••• Anyollc interested in entering a Red Cross First Aid Course in Swarthmon', is asked to con­tact ),1 rs. J osel'h S. Bate~, Swarthmore 131 at once. Scveral persons have shown their eager­ness to join such a coursl.'. hut its progress of organization will he speeded up by the prompt n·gistration of all local persons interested. First Meeting of Swarthmore Branch Season Will he Held in Bond Hall on the Campus II i~ wife, too, was tempted to try her hand at sketching but decided to wait ulltil another semester, on the theory 1 hat her husband might feci greater n·~traint in his first venture into Art NEEDLEWORK GUILD TO EXHIBIT OCTOBER 25 NEW EXEC. SEC'Y ~ ext \ \' ednesday, on Octohl'r II, tlrcrc will he held at .2 :30 in Bond Hall, on the Swarthmore College campus, the first meeting for this 5eason of the \Voml.'n's International League for Peace and Frcedom, Swarthmore hranch. This meeting is open to any person who Illay he interested. ~I rs. Emily J ohnsoll, chairman of 011 Octoher 9th ~lr5. George K. War­ren will make a like request at a meet­illg of the elementary school teachers, ill line with the current trend to help gnlups of parents amI teachers become part \ll'rs in t he job of providing richer ct!tlcati(lnal experienccs for children. ii she were in the same class. She ".ught relaxation in the rhythmic c1anc- The Swarthmore branch of the illg course, instead. Xeedlework Guild announces that an ~I'he insurance man and his wife hath \ exhihition will be held at the ~omall's " ... ~!t into ~Ill' intcrinr dt'c ... ratin!~ class. Club on Octoher 25th of articles of Tire lawycr, whose shins were sorc cl~lthi~lg contributed for charitable di.s­iroJII his failure to make his bid three tnbutlOII, For those not alrcady fanl1l­tillll'S in slIccession at last Friday's iar with the Guild's acti.vitics, it mgl~t parly, thought his contract bridge game h~ a~lded that the clotillng donated IS lIel'ded a hit of brllshing UI). The 111e- ~hstrrbuted a.lIlC~lg many worthy char- .. hanie had ellvied thc professor his Ita hie organIzations.. . ahility to speak in puhlic and now saw Local members 01. the Gu~ld ~re r~­; LI1 opportunity to make strides toward quested to h.ave ~helr contr~butJOns 111 I hat goal himsel f. the hands 01. theIr. c?mmt11uty leaders The professor himself had persuaded by tl~t, l.'\,enJllg 01 fuesday, October his wife to take the course in weaving. 24t h, III order that thc arrangements f~r as a means of solving permanently the eXh.ihition may he completed. Contn­al111l1ying Christmas gift problem. Many hut!ons arc neetled and wt'lcome. Any TIthers preferred the lecture coursc on rcs\(lel~ts of ~11t: boro 1.lOt. already mem­.':\ l1Icriean Policy Toward the Euro- hers 01 thl.' {,U\ld arc lI~vI~ed to hecom.e l'l'an \Var" anti ~Iasses in home sewing meJ\lher~, alld those \\'Islung t? contrl­and (\l.'sign, photography, social danc- In.lte tins year shoult! get 111 touch . . . \\'Itll ~I r~ J Horace Walter 508 Cedar IIlg, I1IUSIC apprecmtlon and evcryday .... , la\\'. lane. ••• Work Begins Monday twelvc MUST CHOOSE BROWNIE Actual classwork, covering the LEADERS MONDAY ""nrses referred to above, will begin at the Swarthmore high school building Ilcxt ~I onday evening and wiII be held illr ten ~I onday nights until Dec. 11. Thc classes, ranging from one to two hours in length, all will he conducted IlCl ween 8 :Inel 10 P. ~L and the tuition will he i rom $2.50 to $5 a course. ),1 rs. Ernest R. Laws, a member of the County troop organization commit­tl..' l.' and advisor to Swarthmore troops, has called a meeting of Brownie mo­thers for next )[onday afternoon at ,1 : 15 in the Rl1t~ers avellue kindergar­tell room to locate and choose Brownie leadcrs for the current year. 'Mrs. J. Paul Brown and ~I rs. Peter E. Told having resigned it is very important if the Brownie work is to be carried 011 this season to ha\'e the attendancc (Ii interested mothers. ••• Fall Fashion Show Anticil)atetl FAMILY SOCIETY \the \V. I. L. for. Pennsylvania, .\~il1 he present to expla11l the exact poliCIes advocatcd in current affairs bv the \1a­Donaldine Dudley, Named by': tional orgaJlizati(ln. There wfn be 01'­Comnlillee, Has Seen Service in port unity lor eacll person wilo waUlS Philadelphia ami Chicago iniormation on present activities of the Swart hmore "ranch to meet the leaders . . in tllllse fi e Ids, J)onaldJlle Dudley was unannllously : Returns from the Peace Acti\'ities clected executivc secretary of the Fam- i Surve)' cards sent to memhers la~t ily Society of Swarthmore and Vicinity spring havc been helpful to the exccu­at a recent meeting (If the executive ti\'c hoard in forming wide plans for alld replacement committees, acting for carrvill~ (In the fundamental work of t hI.' hoard of directors. this - organization. At the meeting on :\1 iss Dndley was graduated from \\'t'dnesday various COllling events of Vassar College in 1930 and from the intl-re~t will be announced. .. \ tlri\'l.' ior new mcmhcrs, under thc direction of Olive Clcaves, chairman of thc state as well as thc local member­~ hip cOillmittce, is heing started this \\'~ek. ••• Music Cluh to Illustrate Committee Announced .:\s Chairman of the Membership Committee, ~lr5. George K. \Varrell has sccured the following members for her committee, who will contact all parents and tC;lc!ters during the next few wl"l·ks in an early fall membership canvass: ~lrs. \Valter H. Dickinson, ).[ rs. Richard Haig, )'lrs. Birney K. )'lor5l', \ \'iIIialll Gordon )1 inich, and J. Paul Brown. Plans were made for thc can\'ass at ~[rs. \Varren's home la~t evening. The committee requests all pan'nts and faculty to become mem­hers this year, not on a basis of what t hey can get out of the 111eetings, but in the intercst of the child. ~Ieetings arc not nCCl.'s,;ary, hut when they arc held their datcs will be adjusted to o\)- Smith College School of Social \Vork in 1931. Shc did her field work at the Institute of Juvenile Rc,·.earch. ill Chi­cago, and served for a year in the ~l ed­ical Social Sen'iec Departmt'nt of J ollJls Hopkins' Univcrsity. For lIl'arly scvell years she has hcen associated with the Family Society in Philadelphia and was cOlllll'cted with its branchl's in Suuth and \\'est Philadelphia hciore her more recent associations with the German­Thc Swarthmore )1 usic Clull will hold tain speakcr,; of national reputation. The ohjl.'cti\'l's of the Association have it s first Illel.'ting on Tucsday, October Early Musie town branch. ),1 iss Dudley was highly recom­mended to the local society by Betsy Lihhy, president of the Philadelphia Family Society, and hy Eric H. Biddle. of the Comlllunity Fund. She brings to Swarthmore a wealth of practical experil'ncc which is m;llle effectin: lIy 10 at the hOllle of ~[rs. S. D. Clyde, likewise IH'cn broad.:'ncd heyond pro­viding onc boy ur girl with a scholar- Swarthmore and Ogden avenues. :Mrs. ship. It is hopcd to increase this schol- Clnle will discuss the earliest forms of m;lsic and trace its development up to arship intcrcst, using part of the As­sociation dues as wcIl as further funds t hc year 1·'[()O. Her talk will be iIlus- to be raised under the Scholarship tratl.'d with solos O!l the Pipes of Pan, Committee to he headed by Mrs. J. primituve Ilute, recorder and zither, Paul Brown. ~[oral and financial sup- 1)la\'''(1 1)\' '. II' "." ,\Iltolli"a Fal'rl>allks • _ ~ _.; ~.> • ~ port oi the eficcti\'c work of commit-a. n d. ot hl.'rs. I rospectlVe memhers and a t ees all(I I.I I d'l V.I (I u a Is work 'I'l lg l' or sch 001 Illlllted Illlmher of guests arc welcome. '111(1 II 1 I' t t f 1 'Id . D 1 , 011 e n eres soc 11 rell IS an For iniormation call ~Irs. Roy e a-10P\lllftunity not to be missed Utis year. her engaging personality. plainI.', secretary. 'I' he ~[embership Committee calls at- ~ ___________ ---__ - __ --_-__ -_------~ I tcntiol1 to the fact that a parent as- THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6 2:30 P. M.-Soccer: Col\cge VS. Gettysburg ....................... College Field On the basis of thc registration Ilight's attendance Horace H. Hopkins, chairman of the executivc committee, was hopeful that nearly 300 "pupils" wOllld he on hand ~{onday for the start oj c\assl.'s. III reviewing the onc-year history of the Swarthmore "Adult \ight at School" he pointed out that as a result of a surplus from last year it had hcell Jlossible to reduce the tui- 1 ion ior the olle-hour classcs from $3 to $2.50. He said that if the patronage increased iees could he reduced fur­Ihn, with the high staudard of instruc­t ion retained. \)ean Harold E. B. Speight of Swarthmore College, who has served ;\, an instructor at the \Vaync adult 'l·hoo!. told those at the registration ;:tl'{'1 in~ that .\ mcrica ,vas "in gravc o\an~er oi hccoming a nation of spec­tators." The Junior Cluh announces it fall Fashion Show and Bridge at the \Vo­man's Cluh House, \Vednesday, OctO-I her 18, at 8 P. )'L There will be table. prizes. Tea and sa!ldwicl~es Will. be I served. Two door prizes Will be glVcn, Ol1e a hlack suede hag, the other a I Chinese hrass bowl on a black stand I ior hulhs or flowers. SATURDAY, OCTOBER j 2:15 P. M. _ Football: College \'s. Washington .................... College Field SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 11 :00 A. M. _ Morning Worship ................ · ..... ··········· Local Churches 8:15 P. M. _ College Lecture Series opens ............. Friends' Meeting House MONDAY. OCTOBER 9 2:00 P. M. _ \Vornell's Roosevelt Club ............... · ..... 405 Harvard A\'enue 3 :15 P. M. _ Brownie Mothers' Meeting .... Rutgers Avenue ktnqergarten room 8:00 P. M. _ Adult Night at SchooL .............................. High School TlJESIMY. OCTOBER 10 sociation's prime objcctive is to help the child, hy establishing harmony be­tween the home and school working toward the same goals with sympathy and understanding. The most important single function of a parent group is to interpret the school, its necds, objec­th'cs, mcthods and curriculum. The aim "Know Your School" is adopted for t he present ycar. On Xovember l·hh, Dr. Hadley Can­trill, oi Princeton University will speak 011 "Propaganda in Education." Later in thc year, Ur. Stoddard, Philadelphia's IWW Superintl.'IHlcnt of Schools from Denn'r, Colorado, will appear 011 the 1101111.' amI School Pwgram. The Board, the Program Committee, and the Pres­idcnt \\·ill gladly receive suggestions and crit icisms for the Association this ycar, "Therc is dangl'r ," he said, "of losing lilt' art, gift, and pleasure of doing things for ourselves. Serious things happen to people cxposed to this daJl­gl'r.'" Dean Speight said he did not need to "apologize" for saying that "there i, an cscape value" in sollle of the courses in the "Adult Night" curriculum, which would enable the students to oh­lain surcease "a little while from the "train." I/'ol/Ii,med QII Page Siz) Sport irock~, afternoon dresses, c\'en- ' 10:00 A. M. _ League of Women VOt<'f5 Study Group .......... 526 Walnut Laue 2:30 P. M. _ American Folk Songs .................. ············ Woman's Club 6:30 P. M.-Junlor Club Supper ............................... Woman's Club 7 :30 to 9:30 P. M. - Sproul Observatory Open to Visitors ............ ,. ,College 8:00 P. M. _ Swarthmore Music Club Meeting - .. Swarthmorp. & Ogden Aves. 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. _ Badminton Club ........... , ........... High School Gym ing gowns, cloth coats, fu~ coats and millincry will he shown agalllst a b~ck­ground of palms and flowers. !'Iano I music will he set by }'Irs. Fredenck J, Bllgardus. 1{ rs. E. Grafton Carlisle. is I ill charge of all plans for the Fasl1lon Show. ~I argarct Latimer will be the 2:30 P. M, _ W. I. L. MeWetEinDgN .E.S..D.A..Y... .O..C.T..O ·B··E .R. · .1.1. ... · .. · ........ Bond Hall ••• Somerville Tea commentator. 2:30 P. M. - Legion Auxiliary ........... · .. ····················· . Borough Hall 'l'I'ck .~. ts ilia)' he obtained from .any 8:0 0 to 10:0 0 P. M.-Badmlnton Cl u b ....................... HI gh S ch 001 a ym '1'1 S '11 c· f S h cluh member. Please make res~rvatlO.ns Ie oilier\'! e ",oClety a wart-earl_" ior your table by calhng Vlr- I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 Illore Collegc invited local alumnae to I 5 '3 R or 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. - Oyslt!r Supper .................. · ... Methodlst Social Hall 111"Ct til" cia -s of 19'3 at a t a' B d gl 'llia Perkins, Swart nllOrC .. -, I ' ~, s .. e 111 all k S th ~I 8:00 to 10:00 P. M.-Badmlnton Club ...................... ·Hlgh School Gym I~I . If' t'16' 1 k t rs. Laurens C. Van Dy c, war _ . Clllona rom .. un I 0 C oc yes er- IBorr 8~2-R. ~~~~~~~~~----~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~--~~~~ day afiernoon, Thursday, October 5.

---------- Page 3 ----------

THE SWARTH ocroBEJl 1939 2 Sociability Flourishes Over Tea Cups in Prevailing Fall Custom wood Park, will be the maid of ho,no"lblue lace goWII made' aJ9I1II Mrs. Robert Duning Dripps Jr., .;,I.rl I;{er CI!.'J8ge will of ~urpl. Do y- ~ the groom, <>1 Mt. Airy, P~'ila," .;p' 'i'" De ..... C1IN t. aIQ' .- S'NdIef will be the matron 01 honor. receptioi!"~i11 wear pale apricot laille taffeta The House 01 the Colonial Dames, Call 440. Gracious charm of English custom revived currently by some host­esses while mid-day luncheons and supper parties are given prefer­ence by others. But, after aU, there's nothing like a genuine, hearty weinie roast for the younger set.' made with tight bodices, short Philadelphia. TIIH 'AN..... ..",_ sleeves, low necks alld lull skirts. After their wedding trip Mr. Re."e.,,! I will carry round bouquets 01 and his bride will live in Wayne. RUSSELL'S SERVICE roses, heliotrope, and daphne surrounded • I • D ....... oalla aDd I..f~ A,,_ EXtend Laundry Serviee "We OOa" - -- oy rose geranium leaves and tied with W. IIa ,100 - green streamers. In their hair they will The Foirest Laundry, "The House I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wear wreaths of flowers to match the a Thousand Servants," bas extended I! Mrs. Philip M. Alden, of North Ches- where she was made head of the Table ter road, will entertain with a tea this Tennis Club late last term, )he first afternoon in honor of Mrs. Elsa Miller. time a freshman has led any College of Cleveland, who is spending some time organization, and also is· chairman of flowers in their bouquets. The brides- Philadelphia suburban seriice to maids will be: Miss Jane Elizabeth Rice Swarthmore. Its large Phila- SHINE! Biglerville, Pa.; Miss Eleanor Booth, .St: plant now brings a complete Davids, Pa., a cousin of the bcidegnoo.n; and cleaning service to Phila- Dust Ooths Floor Mops Chamois Waxes and Poli&hes Window Cleanera All, Supplies Miss Marjorie Blinn, Ardmore, Pa., and nearly forty outlying dis- Mrs. William J. Hoffman returned to Miss Lucy Garfield. of Syracuse, N. Y. and its shore services cover At-with Miss Margaret Price, 01 Walling- the Outing Club. ford. Miss June Avery, of Ogden avenue, her home on Park avenue last week in They will wear the same model" ~·::I~!!!!!.~C2i~ty~a~n~d~0!c~e~a~n~C~it~y~'.;N~·2J~· __ 1 is entertaining with a tea on Sunday af- the Linwood Fire Company ambulance as the maid·and matron of honor in sea te-moon from 4 until 6 o'clock. from Williamsport Hospital, Williams- green faille taffeta, and will carry porl. Pa. Her broken neck vertebrae Jar. bouquets with pciler roscs, tied Mrs. Walter Reynolds, of South Ches- necessitates her remaining in a cast apncat streamers. They also will ter rood, entertained with a luncheon and in bed for some time but the is wreaths of matching flowers in an afternoon of conversation, sewing and resting comfortably since returning hair. aB itnatbelye oKf. bMridogres.e , HMerr s~.: e~Cs~.t s~~w~~e~r~e,~M~~rs~'I;O:~t~h~ ers who· were less seriously m- Mr. Adair wRilol gearcst, athse bbersot thmear no. f The Swan, Mrs. Irvin R. in the same automobile in an ushers be: Mr. J. Berton Carnett George Dunn, Mrs. Robert on Labor Day are recovering Philadelphia; Mr. Paul Leslie McPhel~ A. Prescott Willis, Mrs. Alfred H. ; Mrs. William Quinn is still con- ran, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia; Mr. Mrs. John Pearson and Mrs. J. L. to bed at her home on Girard Thomas Taylor Chase, Montclair, N. J.; ruff. avenue, Mr. Hoffman is· able to be Mr. John A. Wilson, Philadelphia; Mr. the house as also is Mrs. Emily Keith Reeves Rodney Jr., cousin of Mr. Young, of Ocala, Fla., who continues Rogers, Elizabeth, N . ..T.; Mr. Robert her visit to. her sister, Mrs. Hoffman. 1 Dunning Dripps, Jr., brother-in-law of the Mrs. John E. Michael, 01 Park ave­nuc. entertained with a luncheon in honor of Mrs. Eugene Plachter 01 Medford Lakes, N. J. last Friday atller··1 Mrs. Helen Hall, of Swarthmore and noon at the Ingleneuk Tea Room. Westtown, will represent George School, of which she is dean, at the IZSth anniversary of founding of Emm~ Willard School in Troy, N. Y., this week-end. Mrs. John Koch, 01 Camp Hill, ac­companied by five women from Harris~ burg, was the luncheon guest of her sister, Mrs. Alvin J. Herr, of Michigan avenue, on Wednesday. ______ .'41~.~---- Rogera - Witman bridegroom, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia; Mr. William Oscar LaMotte, Wilmington, Del.; Mr. William Wibnan, II, brother of the bride, Moylan, and Dr. Everett Reynolds, New Castle. DeI. The bride's mother will wear· a royal blue velvet gown, with short sleeves low neck, caught on either side by I nlonld clips. She will wear a corsage white orchids with purple lips. Virginia Wilson, 01 Ogden avenue, The wedding of Miss Barbara Car- M rs. R ogers WI'1 I wear a periwinkle I entertained several girl friends at a many Witman, daughter of Mr. and· Mrs. --------:------ supper party in honor of her fifteenth Montgomery Witman, of birlhday last Saturday evening. Alter and Mr. Daniel Rogers, son 01 RED ;800K Both for At SUPLEE'S Tms WEEK-ENniS SPECIAL 11 So th Ch t R d ;;:;~it:S;I.oo;,;Mrtcan Vlole_7;5c;;;;;:;~~:;;;~u;=;e:.;e;r;;;o:a;;~ GOWN SHOP Headquarten for K. WRAGGE Classics ON PARK AVENUE SMART CLOTHES FOR SPORTWEAR, IN BETWEEN AND FORMALS. Choose from the latest selection supper the party attended the Manor Mrs. I~ussat Richter R(>gers,1 $2.50 per ~. Theatre perlormance. I "Ilooth"lfst," New Castle, Del., will McCALLS Only place on Friday evening, October 6 at $2.80 Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins, 01 8 o'clock in the Swarthmore ' $1.00_ 7<. -...:...- II~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ lane, are to entertain their bridge club rian Church. The Rev. David at dessert-bridge this evening, Friday, pastor of the Church, and the Rev. sw. ~~. LLOYD E. KAJi~outh October 6. cey Blakely, former minister of the Fa'ron..! subscriptions lor ALL MapzlDes Congregational Church, ~~If~:~n~;: I Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lange, of Balti. Conn., and now a resident of more pike. entertained with a wienie will perform the ceremony. roast Saturday evening in honor of The bride, who wilt be given in mar­their son, Bobby's birthday. His guests, riage by her father, will wear an ivory fifty-two boys and girls roasted wienies t~fI"eta gown ;nade with very tight bodice, and other goodies around the Lange's tmy puffed sleeves and a low neck with open fire place in the yard until it a berth~ of duch*ess lace with insets started raining when they scrambled to rose pomt lace; the skirt is very tlie front porch and spent the rest of an~ has a ·wide long train. She will wear the evening dancing. veil of duch*ess and rose point lace, '::~~~~ I has been in the family for several", Mr. Grant E. Benjamin will return this ations.; the lac.e forms the c:'lP and week-end to his Swarthmore avenue home held 10 place In the back With, ,~.~':::: after an extended business trip through blossoms. ~nd the lace veil is n the Southern States on a long IVOry tulle veil, to which it is . attached at intervals with orange blos- Mrs. Ralph itittle, of Park avenue, soms. She will carry a round bouquet of has returned from a two month's west- bouvardia and lilies of the val-ern trip with her brother, Major John surrounded by a tuUe frill and tied F DIS P I a tulle bow with Iillies of the valley . ruar. 0 t. au. on the streamers. Victor D. S. Troxell, of avenue, returned to Ursinus College, Collegevi1le, Pa., Thursday, September 28, to enter his iunior year of college. Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Brown, of Pleasantville, N. Y., have been spend­ing a few days with Miss E. B. Corsenl of Yale avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were graduated from Swarthmore Col­Miss Mary Elizabeth Kister, of Beech- MANOR FREB PARKING Fri.-Sal. Hedy Robert LAMAR-TAYLOR lege last spring. "Lady 0/ the Tropics" Postmaster Alfred P. Smalley, of i~~;;:=~~~~~;;~~ Yale avenue, will attend the national conyention of postmasters in Washing­to, D. C., on October 10, 11 and 12. Ruth Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilson, of Ogden avenue, has entered her sophom*ore year at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., MEDIA Friday-Saturday MYRNA LOY TYRONE POWER GEORGE BJIENT In "THE RAINS CAME" with .Joseph Schlldkraut - Jane DarweJl Breda Joyce - ltiigel BruceJ Henry Travers-H. B. Warner Schusslers FrIday and Saturday BILL BOYD in "RANGE WAIl" Extra Added-liTRE BILL OF RIGHTS" WE PAY THE PHONE CALL SPECIAL Every Friday and Saturday Box of Choice Assorted Flowers , .... ,1.50 Les. 'Phone Call .. , , .. .05 - Nel .......... , ... '1.45 Free Delivery MESSMER Florist Call Chester 6119 716 Welsh SL Chester ROBERT TAYLOR HEDY LAMARR in For that Ideal Full Course MEAL "LADY OF THE TROPICS" New "Mareh of Time" and Fint Run World News For that after theatre SNACK WE ARE OPEN UNTIL 12:30 A. M. City Line & Drexel Ave. Drexel Hill NOLDE & HORST STOCKINGS TRIPLE GUARD HEEL ........... '1.00 SNOWDEN'S State Street PHONE MEDIA 800 EXPRESSED in the simple terms of the above statement is the first and foremost fundamental of sound banking. This basic prin­ciple is the bedrock upon which successful com· mercial banking is built. In our daily work at this bank, we endeavor to ea£eguard the' deposited funds of our depositors with all of the diligence humanly possible for us to exerciae. It is the first consideration of this institution in diacbarging its obHgations to de­positor&, to stockholders and to the COIWilunity. Media SWARTHMORE NA'I10NAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member oJ Fed d'" De,."., ._ Corpor ..... 1939 THE SWARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMOREAN and congregation are urged to attend this opening meeting. actor singer. wiu be featured. Guests and their friends· are cordially invited. ANTONICA 'w '. '. . ~ CAMILLA FAIl\BANit~ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. THE SWABTBIIIOBEAlI, INC., PUBLISBIB ' pBONI SWARTHMORE 900 " ,.'" PITIB E. ToU), Editor M.uuOBII ToU), Auodau Editor Ros.u.a: 1'&IBIot, Society E4iI<Ir Aua< N'C"USOII, R.pon. All departments 01 the Church School meet at 9.45 on Sunday '7()~i:~;I~t~ Church Hour Nursery is at 11 the Young People's Fellowshill ing is at 6 o"clock on Sunday evenings. The Girls' Choir and the Boys' Choir will meet Sunday at .3 P. M. for rehear~ sat. New members in the Girls' Choir, The Media Gown Slwp • Modbte • DomClltie 6: Imported Y IIl'IU 12 South Avenne TeL_Hl-W o,~$ 0/ PMhtI, ! Cl1lU"...~ D/ .,uil: 2M P AIlK AV£lIu£ 'Phone 509·1 En1end u Second a- Matt«, January ~ 1929, at tho Poet 05ce at Swarthmore, Po., and« tho Act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY; ocrOBER 6, 1939 ten and upward, and new members the Boy's Choir, ages nine and MRS. A. M. BOSSHARDT There'll Stal Room lor YOU ward, will be welcome. 410 PARK AVENUE The first meeting of the Women' A';50·1 Will Resnme Ber A Story and a Tribute ciation will be held on Friday, O':lol",rl FRENCH 13, in the Church Parish House, with CLASSES Our attention, has been called to two adjacent counties in a state se»:ing at 10 A. Ai.; at 12:30 P. M. de_I!~~~~~0CT0~~~B~ER~~1~5~~2~~ bo d d ' . . Th . I d h~' vouonals; and at I P. M. luncheon. The Please Call Sw, 725-J whose r ers a Jom our own. ese counties were sett e by t e guest speaker ill be '·1 F . W I f I · hid .' w "rs. rancls . ORNSTEIN SCHOOL 0/ MUSIC in Swarthmore' Il "ADULT NIGHT AT SCHOOL" same c ass 0 peop e m t e ong ago, an are equal In prospenty. Palmer. But 'one' is self-centered, with only a fonnal interest in movements The Session will entertain Ule Clm;"\ for social welfare, while the other is active in every effort for com- ~t its annual dinner on Thursday ev,,,,·1 munity and social bettennent. This discrepancy was shown recently :"o~m~ctober 12, at the Ingleneuk tea· in a marked manner. The .nnual concert for the benefit Both counties are approximately equi-distant from Washington, Ihe Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Hos· and both were invited to send delegatt!s to a convention in that city pital will be held on Tuesday afternoon, in the interest of international peace. The one county sent one lone Ohrcotookb erP r2e4s,b yfrtoemri an2 uCnhtiul rc5h, aHt othuese ,O 'c,oerr-- ' Announces the reopenlDg of the combined. Drexel Bl11 and Swarthmore Branches at School Laue Arms Apartments Drexellllll. with MIss Ronoro Furtade In <barn Once-a-week clasaes iu 12 intriguing subjeets start Monday at Swarthmore high sclIool building. Come at 8 delegate, who was persuaded to go by vigorous solicitation, while the ner of Lancasler avenue and Cily Line. other had more than one hundred persons seeking appointment, and The program will begin promptly at 2:30. actually sent the quota of delegates allowed together with a full There will be a sale of pantry and house· roster of altermites. This is just one striking example of the differing hold things, for which gifts are asked. Lessons at Home­at tbe Branch or at the school. 2515 s. lath St.. PhJta. For lnfonnatton call Clearbrook 23OIJ.B or Pennypacker ~ P. M. ' '.ltt,'tude of th, e two counties. Treecae ivwedil. be served. An offering will We inquired as to the cause for such different attitudes, and our The Board of Trustees will meet Wed­informant attributed the greater interest and participation of the one nesday evening, October 11, al 8 o'cloclkl largely to the inflttence and leadership of one prominent married ill the church sIU~y. , couple. The husband is a broadminded and far-seeing judge of the Trinity Parish Notes courts, and the wife is a woman whose family connections, wealth and personal worth make her the, social arbiter of her community. Such soci.alposition often makes for exclusiveness, but this woman is most democratic in her interests. This was shown recently when a C. 1. O. organizer went to the county-seat town where she resides. Now she is reported as personally opposed to the c.I.a. in every way, but she said that the C. 1. O. is a significant and portentous factor in American life - so much so that no American could afford to be in ignorance concerning it. So this woman of patrician standing invited the influential women of the community to a tea at her home to meet and to /.ear this organiser And because of her commanding social position, tbe women wh'o were invited did not wish to refuse. Ernest Wcrnher has accepted ap­pointment as secretary of the Church School and will be in charge of all rec­ords. R. M. Richman and Margaret Allen are the latest additions to the teaching staff which has been greatly increased this year. That is social leadership with a purpose - the kind of social lead­ership which wiil preserve our democracy. It is leadership which keeps interest alive, which makes possible that informed discussion which must be the saving grace of our democracy, and which refuses to con­demn unheard the new movements which command the adherence of our fellow citizens. I t would be unfair to name these two counties. This report is not based upon real research. I t is based upon more or less casual conver­sations. It is, however; verified by the general reputation of the coun­ties referred to. And inrught toJ>e tnue! Social leadership ought to be like that. We have had an exemplification of it in our community in Dr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes. The responsiveness of our com­l\ 1unity to the significant movements of'today is due to the leadership of that influential couple as much as to any other cause. They have kept in touch with progressive thought, and have led us with them. They even have espoused unpopular causes into which many of us have not followed. But they have made us think i and that has kept tiS alive! Allen W. Carpenter has been ap­pointed chairman of the Every-Mem­ber Canvas Committee. Plans are well under way for the annual visitation of every family connected with Trinity Church. Sergeant B. Brewster and W. Minton Harvey have developed the work to a high efficiency during the past sever=al~y=ea=r:.os ...... __ _ I I MRS. HARLAN UPDEGRAFF WiU, shock and deep grief word come to us of the sudden passing Pasadena, Cal., on the early morning October 3, of Mrs. Harlan Updegraff. Dr. and Mrs. Updegraff were a of this community for many yearsl Dr. Updegraff. was connected with University of Pennsylvania. Their dreo, Ruth and Harlan, attended schools. The U pdegraffs were intereste,i I in all the finer things connected with Swarthmore. Dr. Updegraff as an elder in the Presbyterian Church, Mrs. graff as a member of the Woman's and on its board, her unusual rmosical ability made her a valued member. SOCCER Gellysburg vs. Swarthmore College ........... on Swarthmore Field 2:30 P. M. Today - Admission Free FOOTBALL Washington V8. Swarthmore CoUege ............. Swarthmore Field TOMORROW, SATURDAY, OCT 7, at 2:15 P. M. Admi .. i9n ,1.00 THE MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER SERVED AT STRATH HAVEN INN For Only 50c Has proved 80 popular we have decided to add to our rteWar meDU a similar dinner on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and of eo~ For 50 Cents Telephone Swarthmore 680 F. M. sCHElBLEY, Mana •• HORSES Are AV AlLA8LE to TOWNSPEOPLE at the COLLEGE STABLES Anytime durin. the week. when not in use at regular ~eduled elass period. and 9:30 a. m. '05:30 p. m. Satnrdayand Sande,. TickettJ-$l an Iwur A children'. cia •• haa been arranged Jor Sarurday Morning. For Information CaD: MISS ALEXANDER-SWARTHMORE 200 " Continues Quaker Talks Janet Payne Whitney will give the second in her series of six talks on "Quaker Thought and History" this Sunday morning at 9 :45 o'clock at the Sunday morning Forum in the Friends' Meeting House. get not all his benefits: who forgiveth al1 thine iniquities; who healeth aU thy diseases" (Psalms 103: 2, 3). ••• were members of the Players Club interested in everything for civic better-\ ment. When they left us to go to Iowa, their home state, where Dr. Updegraff was to hecome president of Cornell Col-lege, Mount Vernon, Iowa" it was withl~::=:::=::=:::=::::::::::::::::=::=; a sense of deep loss we saw them go. I, For some years now and since Dr Updegraff's retirement from Cornell <';011-1010 lege they have made their home in Pasa­dena, though returning to us at intervals A . c·ordial- invitation is eXtended to for brief visits. all interested. I •• Cbristian Scienee Church "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real ell is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christl Scientist, 011 Sunday, October 8, The Golden Text is j "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and for- Methodist Church Notes This evening at 8 o'clock the regular business meeting of the Official Board will be held al Ihe Church. Sunday at 9 :45 the Church School will assemble for its opening exercises which will be followed by the lesson study. The morning worship at 11 o'co*ck will have for its sermon theme, "The Church, an Expense or an Investment." It is hard for us to realize that we will never see here again that and lovely spirit, Gertrude Nature had endowed her with fonn and feature, but beyond and all that she had that rarer qualitYI beauty of spirit in the highest form. The evening worship at 7 :45 will have as its guest speaker, Mr. Octavius Narbeth, Mr. Narbeth has been a local CHURCH NEWS preacher since 1902. He has a daughter VirAim~~~~~~~~~=mliiiWiEi I who is a missionary in Africa and a She has left us for a time, but she has also l~ft in our minds and in our hearts m~mory of that radiant. beautiful spiirill: of hers that transcends an ti.I1e--Slorelly can be said of herl "None knew her but to lover her, None named her but to praise." -Eleanor SteVcnso,J Perry. • I • SWARTlD4.0B.B. PREBBY'l'ElUAN son who is a minister in New York. Bev. DaviSdU BNrDauAnY, !4lD1eter ·Monday at 10 A. M. a special mee. t- 9:45 A.M.-Church SchOOl. ing of the Philadelphia Annual Con- 9:45 A. M. - Men's Bible ClaBB. ference wl'll be held in the Arch street MRS. FRANCES B. KEEN 10:00 A. M. - Woman's Bible ClaBS. 11:00 A.M.-Morn1DB Worablp. sermon Church in Philadelphia . ltlhgelomn,e": "The doments of Be- Wednesday afternoon the missionary societies will hold their monthly meet- Mrs. Frances B. Keen passed away Sunday evening at the Yale avenue hOlnel ing. of her daughter, Mrs. William W. Thursday from 5 :30 until 7 o·clock nero Mrs. KCt!n had trade her home an oyster supper will be held under the ~~~~M~. ~~~~~~~~~~:~ I ainu spthicee ss ocoifa l thhael l. Usher's Association, ----,.. -,--- "Mr. and Mrs. Turner for the past year. She had been in ill health for nearly a year, and had contracted pneumonia weeks ago. Another daughter, M,,.~arell P. Keen; also survives. 11:00 A. M., -, M'''~Oii 9:45 A.M. 9:45 A.M. Bermon An BX-In Presbyterian Church Notes Services were conducted at the Turner Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the ser- home at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon mon will be "The Moments of Religion." by the Rev. Malcolm VanDyke, The ),1e11'5 Bible Class will meet for of the Lansdowne Preshyterian Chlun,h,! its first session on Sunday morning, Oc- of which Mrs. Keen was a member dur­tober 8, at 9.45. A cordial invitation is ing her thirty-five years residence in I e"tellded to all men of the parish and LansdQwne. congregation. Interment was in Arlington Cemete,y. The Woman's Bible Class will meet for I I I first session Sunday morning, Octo· News of the Strath Haveu Inn "1iii'miT.\ 15 at 10 o'clock, in the Church. Mrs. :K L Ja~es Sheridan will be the guC$t Mrs. James P. Hunter has retur~ed sPeaker. Mrs. Sheridan was a missionary to the Strath ~aven Inn after spendmg Brazil for. a nmnber of years. after. a few weeks 10 Canada. . 1 ",hi(:h she ·was ver)' active in the Bra-! The Skilling family Sextette WIll C ib.i;.;'b T Government Schools, and in charge present a comedy musical sketch at Zlf Ia:eachers' training work in Rio de the Inn Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. o All, the women of-the ,Church Billy Skilling, the popular seven year SWARTHMORE BlJILDING ASSOCIATION having just completed its fortieth year of successful business operation has Money to Loan on First Mortgagell Apply at Mr. Noyes Office 23 So. Chester Road FORREST LAUNDRY ANN 0 U N ,(; I N G Additional Service to Swarthmore .......... ~ .. i'!""<.01 -........t""... '-~- ~,.. ... '.' ,'.. : ~ , .. : A Complete Institution Equipped to Handle All Your Launderlq and Cleanilljl Prohlems. For Promp. Sent..,' ,.' 'Call S'evenson 2100 or Park 4154 1225 COLUMBIA AVENUE : PIDLADELPmA ' "Quality for ' Half a Centrtry"'; ..... " ~

---------- Page 4 ----------

N E w s of THE WOMAN'S CLUB Seniors to Hear Folk Soa •• Next Tuesday will feature a program of American Folk Songs sung by a mixed quartette of Swarthmore sing­ers. following the stated meeting at 2:30 P. M, Mrs. H. Lindley Peel and ~frs. Ray S. Harlow wiH act as host­eSses. Mrs. Charles L. Bolton and Mrs. AII>crt Sidney Johnson wilt preside at the lea table. Junior Covered Di.h Supper Tuesday, October 10 at 6 :30 P. M. Ihe Junior CJub will have a covered dish supper at the Woman"s Club Housf'. All those who have not al­rc~ dy made arrangements for a "COT· ered dish," please caU Doreen McCon­cchy at Swarthmore 1409. SCHOOL NEWS S_"'" From TurlreT aI H. S. Last Friday the junior and senior schools heard John Karakan, a fa, .. u,· II, ~ :;~~;i:spr;e~~aker from Turkey who is now with the University of Penn· sylvania. Mr. Karakan presented new slants 011 the European situation. The accompanying slides were unique and colorful, showing conditions in the Bal­kan States. His tinted photographs of famous buildings and cities abroad were of special interest. Clau OJ!icer. During the past week the classes of I S"'.rll"n""e High have met and elected lollowing officers for the High - Ninth grade - Preside,ot, I THE' SWARTHMOREAN TravelO8Ue on Rio at Fortnipdy Mrs. Arthur Dana will be hostess to the Fortnightly at its first meeting this fall on Monday, October 9 at 2:30 Mrs. Arthur ]. Jones will present a travel talk descriptive of the trip which she and Dr. Jones and a party made Rio de Janerio the past summer. Mrs. ] ones has given several similar talks and members look forward one with pleasure. . Mrs. Horace Avery will read two stories. Memb-ers are .asked to remember • • Inquiry From Senator Davis Nancy t'cel; vice-president, Carl Mayo; A personal letter received this' week secretary, Hill Bates; treasurer, Duane from Senator James J. Davis (Pa.) asks "i'aylor. ~ighth grade-presidentl!:!~~1 what Swarthmore people wou1d wish a Thatcher; vice-president, Philip world meeting of ne'Ulrals to have on kern; sccretary-treasurer, Betty its agenda. He, in common with many Sevcnth grade-president, Dick Hootj Swarthmore citizens. is 'urging such a vice-president, Jack Tomlinson; secre- world meeting and spoke on the radio tary, Jean Gehring; treasurer, Frank to that effect on September 30. His Davis. Senior High-Twelfth attention was called to Swarthmore president, Hill Black; because a partially complete poll of Wallace J-'oteat; secretary, blocks in our town revealed 29 signa-wig; treasurer. Pete Ullman. Eleventh tures for his proposal (in an even more grade-president, Ford Wiggins; form) and only 1 refusal to president, Nick Wagner i sl~~~~~;t I Jean Evans; treasurer. Jim E matter of composing a reply Tenth grade-president, Louis De Mon; to him wilt be brought up at the Wo-vice ·president, Sam Gary; men's Roosevelt Club, Monday, October . Following the supper there will be Uuth Servais; treasurer, Martha at 2 P. M. at Mrs. George W. the first Stated Meeting and a Social "Get-Together" with games and fUD. The Juniors expect great things of Girl Re.ertJe AdiDitia their club this year. so come and join The Girl Reserves closed their mem­us. bership drive with a candle Hght recog­Casey's, 405 Harvard avenue. and prob­ably at the W. J. L. meeting. The meeting on the 9th i. a tea­meeting called to discuss the local elec­tion next month-always important, But time will be made for Senator Davis' inquiry. AU independent thinkers are always welcome at these meetings as well as Democrats. Ilitioll service for new members: Hilda Hostesses are Pearl Bastian; Pro- Thomas, Wilhelminia Van De Doe, gram Committee Chairman. Mrs. Betty Lou Tesnow and Amy Jane Grafton Carlisle, Carolyn Evan5~ Mrs. Davidson. Howard W. Emmons~ and Doreen Mc- The following were instaUed as the Conechy. new officers: president. Betty Mac- Art Mem~.,.-...'... Donald; vice-president. Bee Scott; --'--'-...,.. ..- -- Walter Weaver, Co. Controller" 'At a recent meeting of the Art Com- lfeasurer, Elsie Bernard; secretary, at Convention mittee, Mrs. A. W. Lackey, chairman, Hilda Thomas. Mrs . Ca rI d e 'uI 0 II a nd Mrs . Stanley Among the Girl Reserves who cooked Perfect attendan~e was recorded at L. MacMillan# were appointed to join lunch at The Hemlocks on Saturday the Convention of the Pennsylvar,.ia with Mrs. Ross W. Marriott of the were ~lsit Bernard, Marie a,'auger, State Association of County Controllers Garden Committee, as a memorial to Hilda Thomas. Doris Rowand, Betty held in Reading~ Penna., from Septem­Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol. Trips were MacDonald, Bee Scott and their ad- ber 26 to 79. Every Pennsylvania Coun-planned to the Water Color exhibtion visor, Gladys Overholt. ty was represented by controllers, dep-at .- th e Acade my 0 f A r t 1·1 1 Ph·1I a del phi'a, FlotDer S,",", W'ilUlel'. uties and solicitors from controllers' which will be open from October 22 Attending from Delaware Coun- UJijil November 26. The Swarthmore Public Schools con- ty were H. Walter Weaver, County Moving Picture Luncheon dTuI eted a flower • sI how last wRe ek on Controller, and Cantwell G. Wright, Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin entertained, ""'"u,,rs,eday at 2 0 co*ck in the ulgen Chief Deputy. 1 f . r; and College avenue buildings. Mr. Weaver. who was formerly secre-t \e members 0 the Movmg Picture Pupils of the th,'rd, fourth, fifth, six!' h, C · h h . R V 11 tary of Pennsylvania State Tax Collec-ommtttce at er orne 111 ose a ey and seventh grades were invited to Association and a member of their last Friday. Those present were: Mrs. enter exhibits. The purposes of the I;~~;\~~:~i:~ RUdolph.. H. Banks. Mrs. H. ·Weston and Executive Committees, Cl3tke, Mrs. Dwight Cooley, Mrs. show were to exhibit flowers and veg- as c h ai. rman over sessi.o ns held George M. Ewing, Mrs. William F. raised by children in home gar- the auditing committee. Mr. Weaver SMART CLOTHES FOR SMART WOMEN LEWIS" 210 W. Slate St., Media -.....~~ ......... ,~.~'y' 1 ,,/ ~ Everything Pertaining to PETS FRANK & SEDER'S PET 69th Street OCI'OBER VENETIAN BLINDS $1.98 to $4.98 Sada WeO·known mak. u Klnm. Colamhla, Empire, Majeotlc .... 0"'_ MemUl'ed and lruraUed lor You at No E:dra Co" Pho"". CheSter 9269 for Estimate TIw Chari'y TIua, Help. AU Chari,,... THE NEEDLEWORK GUILD OF AMERICA }OIN NOW NEW GARMENTS FOB TBII Nl!1!DY Communicate with Mn. Horace Walten, Sw. 543-J Presldeut of Swarthmore Branch r~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~-~~ I Fashion Demands Fastidious Care . , f' 11 ~ Call ~ ! at:4e .ouquet -'I 1 Beauty Salon ", ! .' 13 s. Chester Road ' SfD_4~.J L.-____ ..-..".... ___ .-...--..-..-..-..-..-..--..-~.-...-.. __ -....-...-... Sale of Comforts. Wool filled, smartly covered with fine Rayon taffeta in gorgeous shades of dust rose, blue, green, peach, wine and gold. $5.95 Wool is advancing &0 &4arply that we do not know when com/art. 0/ this quality will be available again at this price. THE lJNEN SHOP Charloue M. McCurdy in Ch ..... e 1318 Walnut St. H.T.PATI'ERSON Philadelphia I J dens; to become acquainted with the was also elected third vice-president Jo"asnepuyh, H.M. rsP.e r)k. inWs, aMrrersn. PFaraxnsocins, PMhrisl-. fall garden flowers, flowering of the Association and appointed a II '{ l''''~'''''':~:.<'¢,''''f'\I;:.<'~~f'o:~~\;:,''''f'\I;:.<'¢,~f'\I;~~\;:'''''f'o:~~\;:,'''';f\I;>,j!l hrick, Mrs. Edward C. Prescott, and fall leaves, and garden vegetables; and of the Legislative Committee. 1"================================= . M rs. J. C. Moore. The committee learn how to arrange flowers artistical- I I • hf'ilrd (lapers on "Censorship." by Mrs. Iy. The judges were Mrs. Roy Latimer, NEWS NOTES Mrs. Samuel Crothers, and Mrs. Harold PJiilbrick, "Education jn the Movies," There were three classes of by ?\.frs. Paxson, and "Main Street ~rccts HoJlywood/' by Airs. Prescott. exhibits: a miniature group. a living The chairman reported a visit to flower bouquet, and dining room HollYWOOd this summer which added bouquet. Ribbons were awarded for first, second~ and third places. The fol­to the interest of the meeting. Papers. lowing received blue ribbons for first were assigncd for the next meeting which will be a plate luncheon with places: College avenue-third grade­].~ TS. Moore and Mrs. P.hilbrick acting Lois Linton and Avery Blake: fourth as: hostesses. Mrs. Moore and grade-Billy Huey and Ann Pepper P~escott were appointed to represent Neal; fifth gl"ade-David Morey and t~~ chairman at the County Helen Hoot; sixth grade-Betty Wid- Mrs. } ohn Marshall, of Lincoln road, entertained the summer bridge club yes­terday afternoon. Her co-hostesses were Mrs. E. L. Mercer, of North Chester road, and Mrs. Elwood Garrett, of Princeton avenue. Miss Betty Smith, of Wallingford, ar­rived home from a summer in Europe last Saturday morning (.10 the Manhat­tan. Picture Forum which meets at dawson, Dorothy Germal1.~ Cornell Diuby next Monday. Archbold, Elizabeth Bryant and Betty Peter Hay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Widdowson. Rutgers avenue -third Edward N. Hay, of North Princeton \1 Entcrtaina New Membera grade-Walter Dickinson, Faber Me- avenue. is a freshman at Antioch Col- .. l\ rs. C. MacDonald Swan enter- Kerm.", Betty McCal,an and Arthur Ie ge, YeI I ow Sprm. gs, Ohio. A graduate ta,n~d new members of the Wo- Grover; fourth grade-)immy McCul- of Chestnut Hill Academy, and a form­Ulan s Club at a luncheon on Tuesday lough and Harriet Turner; fifth grade-· I er student at William Penn Charter. b~fore the opening tea at the club Jimmy Thomas, Charlotte Hobbs house. Those present were lirs. Russell Barbara Lukens; sixth grade-Jack :r..f Heath, Mrs. Ralph A. Nixdorf, Prichard, Carol Van Alen. Marilyn ltr;s. Henry). Weiland, Mrs. Birney K. and Babsy Sickle; seventh ~~~rse, and Mrs. A. Prescott Willis. grade-Mary Dure and Jane Carter. ~: Ch.innan Buay • I I Airs. S. H. Hemenway, of Park ave­nue, club chairman of the Welfare Committee will meet at the· home of Mrs. William O. Andes. of Upper Darby for a conference this afternoon. Mrs. ]. Paul Brown, of Walnut lane, ch.airman of Education attended the cQ:~ference called by the newly ap­poillted Education Chairman, Mrs. Al­fred H. High, in the Upper Darby M ullicipal Bililding. • I I New Board Members L. W. V. Study Series Starts Tuesday The first in a series of five weekly study group meetings of the local branch, League of Women Voters on "Background of the Present ~:~:~:; I will' be held, at 10 A. M. next • at the home -of Mrs. J. Paul Brown on Walnut lane. The meetings are open to League memberij. A smal1 charge made to non-members. Th C · Swarthmore---SP-E-C-I-AL-- e ommuDlty Health Society of Central Delaware County annou.nces Sweet BurYbs. ~~ the election of four new members who Shop Choc. Cov. Pepper-have agreed 10 serve on the Board, IIliDts ....... 4Oc lb. which meets 011 Thursday. October 12, Old Bank Bldg. Tel. Sw. 2149 in the American Legion room at Bor- Swarthmore Chocolcues Homemade PlUtries ough Hall. The new representatives are r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 Mrs. Bassett Ferguson, of Ridley Park, Mrs. A. S. Tozer. of Springfield, Mrs. O. M. Hook and Mrs. A. S. Wickham, of Swarthmore. COLAFEMINA GRAPES AT 11IE VINEYARD OR MAR1'EL!SSTORE 2237-39 Road Near I an I wue Lu~heon-DiIlllel'_T_ Drexel Park, DeI. Co.. Pa. Arrannment ..4,).e cBpee' _II ade ... BtedIJ, OYSTER SUPPER Sponsored by Ushers' Assoc. METHODiST CHURCH Recreation Room to 7:30 P. No Th1UlldCQ', Oct. 12 Adulta-5Oc Children 35c RODGER'S 608 Edgmont Ave. CHESTER "Vest Pocket" Junior Dresses Sizes 9·10-11·12 "Snuggle" Coats (Blanket Plaid Re.enlbleo) CHESTER'S NEW STYLE CENTER S'yle-Sen>ke-SatIi,.,. - L'S COMPLETE FOOD MARKET Chester Road at Rutgers Avenue-Route 320-Swartlun.ore, Pa. Phone - Swarthmore 2100 When Company is coming and you don't know what to Bel'Ve­Here Is the answer ••• Roast ehicken done to a 111m. Martel's freshly dressed full breasted Roasting Chicleens With Baked Potato, Fresh Peas and Cranberry Sauce FLOUR GOLD MEDAL CEIlESOTA CRISCO Shortening There's a treat In store for your iamUv when they taste Ibls "Melt·In·Your­mouth" ROast ChIcken. They'll devour It right down to the wlsh-bone and wish you had roast chicken more often • • • When they can be bought at a price-like Ibls - There'll be a lot of chicken roast· ing on sUnday. 5-1b. ave. ' 29 e pound 11.". 44e • .,. 18c 3 ."s. 4ge POST BRAN FLAKES 10.: AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE 1 pleg. 11c CAMPBELL Tomato SOUP 3 tins tOe CHIPSO FLAKES pleg. 1ge ROLL BUnER tilts. 63e LEGS of SPRING LAMB , , " oCl'OBER 6, 1939 CL/.5SIFIED FOR BENT Three rooma~ bath. entrance. Bellden­CIall SIdley Mothers' Groups Hostet18 10 Sophom*ore Group Mrs. W. Stanley Kile entertained TH'E: :SWAftTHMOREAN ______________ .-:5 I is the chairman.· Miss Margaret L. 8BBBIPP 8ALBS 8o1d u the property of B. W. '::i Sec-retary of BanklDtJ of the COIDlllOD tb Of Moore, teacher, discussed the year's Sherur'. Omce. Court. House, Media. Pa. PeDlllylvBDla. 1D pcIIUnlOD of .~h k Street Trust CompaDJ'. 8uOCIlIIIIOr to 'the wor • Satlll'day. October 28, 1139 Media Title & Trult Compap,· Bucutor The new committee members ap. ; under the .W of Joeeph B. Nocbo. de-pointed we~e: Mrs. E. J. Faul~~er, pro.. 9:30 A. M. Eastern Standard Time .~. J= .. ~ rr~m ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~I atht eh Tere nOlhg dGenra dave eMnuoel hheorms' eG Wroeudpn aets dteaya afternoon to meet the grade teachers. gram chairman; Mrs. W.lllCLrn S. Concl1t1ons: t250.00 cash or certUled chec:k 'Nacbo. Thelma Nocho and CharI. O. Hobbs. telephone chairman. and Mrs. at time of sale (unless othel"Wl8e stated In Nocho. Jr .• mlnonl. F k M C h · I' h . ,.dvertlsem*nt). balance In ten do ... Oth.r I ran C owau, osplta Ity c alrman.' conditions OD eta,. of sale. ALBBRT B. BOLL. Attorner. Following ~he business of the day t Levari Paclal No. 1004 ----- ~~~~i~1 'I' a tea and social get-to-gether was held. Levari Paew RD. 1CnO 9th Grade Opens With Tea CoU"IIe Grade V Parents All that certoln 10' or piece of 'III'OUDd June Term. Il13f1 • I • I JUDe Term. 1939 I " E • ed . with the eaa'terly one, of a. pair of brick All those certain Iota or pieces 01' pound In spite of the drenching rain on, ntertam l'dwellLDg houses. thereon erected, Situate In' with. the bulldings aDel lm~emmta H d f h' k b' ' the Borough of Media. in the CountJbed ot thereon erected. Su,uate 1D Haverford mon ay 0 t IS wee a out SIXty mo- On Tuesday evening the mothers and Delaware aforesaid. Bounded an4 desert TownshIp. Delaware Count)". I'eIlD87lv&Dla 'hers of local n,'nth grade pup,'ls met in j In accordance with a survey made by C. M .• to-"Id and known and deslR'J1ated .. ~ fathers of the College avenue fifth Broomall. Esq., C. B. on the twenty-sixth 10tl!l~~umbered sI:r.ty..une (81) BJ:.delxty-twD the High School cafeteria at 3 o'clock grade pupils were entertained at the ~y of June. A. D. 191'1. as follows: Resln- (62). In bloek numbered eleven. (11) on • for an iuformal tea and to meet the ,nlDg at a potnt on the'northerl,. aide of ~rtaln plan of Iota called "Brookline," sur-d b f th home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rumble, 'PaLDter Street at the cllitance of one hun-\veyed for Midland Realty Company, b,- an new mem ers 0 e of Yale and Swarthmore avenues. I'dred and thirty-seven feet and thlrt,-two I'Muton R. Yerkes, 01vll Bnllneer, Bryn .. ,hundredths of a foot measW'ed. In a west- Mawr. Penna., JUDe 25, 190"1. and recorded ~i~~~~~~~~~~~i~~i;I~~~M~~r s. F. Norton Landon, chairman, ouMtliInSSe Noerl l tWhei seymeaarn',s tewacohrker , agnadv e eaxn- ePralyin dte1rr eScttiroene tf raonmd thBer onookret hSwtereste tc; ortnheern coef 'Ifno rt hDe eOlafwficaer eo fC tohuen Rtye coarfdoerer eo.lfd D, eeInds , Deetce.d, 10lpe"cd the meeting with several an- . . by land belonglnJ to Mary B. FIelds north Book M No 12, page 624, and more par- . .. f h plalllcd about homework and a Dew Ilve degrees twenty-two minutes east one II tlcularli desCrtbed as follows. -to wit: SIt­nounccments m appreciation fl t e !",clf-analysis plan for children in which' hundred and forty feet and seventy-five, uate on the northwesterly side of Kenmore of the respective committees and. ... . hUndredths of a foot to a comer; thence Road at the dtstance of two hundred od FOR SALE h H a duld checks up on himself and wrttes by landll now or late of John M. Broomall, I twenty-five feet northeastwardly -from the ;~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~;~1 at s enp rcoaglrleadm ucphonai rmMarns. tHoe nprrye sIe.n t othoet gen. eral cI riticis-m of his ownd wordk . Somde ' nuoterst hw eelsgth ttyw-eentatyh-t odneeg refeese tf oarntyd- sesvue nt emntihnS-I tnaolrntlhnega stteorgleyt hseIrd eI no ff roAnllts tnono rtRhoeaadst: wCarodDl-y' proposed subject of this year·s study. wntten ast year were rca an prov'<! of a foot to s- comer: thence In line of along Kenmore Road flft.,. feet (each lot very intriguing. lands ·now or late of Samuel Falconi and heLDg twenty-five feet) and eztendlng of The program committee consisting of . • I • passing along the center line of the party· that width In depth northwestwardly be- •\r:~~~1~~~1.iii~~'~~~~~~~ I 'I L t M Cia G Ms. • wall between I5Bld houses' south four de-I' tween parallel lines at right angles to the .1, rs. nOO. rs. renee. yer French Circle Reopenmg 'grees forty.-..slx minutes west one hundred said Kenmore Road onE. bundred. and. and Mrs. A. F. Robinson, has decided and thirty-nine feet and five tenths of a twenty-five feet. j~~~;~I~~~~~~i~il h h "0 5 h I" th ..•.fo ot to a ])OInt In the northerly 11140 of I upon t e t erne .. - ur c 00 as e Le Cerc1e Francais will open ItS sea- Painter Street; thence along said nortJlerly Under and subject to Plntt Mortgage of ioeal point of this year's meetings. SOli Monday evening at 8 o'clock when side of PaInter Street south e.hty-ftve de- $3000. ~ th t . t t t f . '. Brees seventeen minutes east twenty feet ~Jl1ce e mos Impor an par 0 any memb(rs will be entertatned WIth Eur- and twelve hundredths of a foot to tbe Improvetnenta conalst of two and one-school is deemed to be its faculty .. Su- opean moving pictures by Mrs. Gray- place of beginning. half story· cement and clapboard hoWle. p e rV'ls.m g Pr"m clpa I F rank R . M 0 rey son McCouch at her home on Rose Improvements consIst of two and one-- 2lb6x1388 ffeeeett.; porch front: Clapboard. garaae, :~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~I twcaasc haesrk efdro tmo ienatcroh dduceep aar trmepenret smeneteattiinvge Tree road. Media, . I • fbeaeltf. story brick and concrete house, 14x48 Sold as the property of George B. KyOn and Jane P. Ryon, bls, wife, mortgaaors the ninth grade. Enrolled at Wooster College, Woost- Sold. as tbe property of John Rbondozzo, and real owners. Each teacher spoke about five min- cr. Ohio, from Swarthmore are Miss mortgagor and real owner. . presenting his or her objectives Mary Bonsall. of Cornell avenue, and ALBERT E. HOLL. Attomey. ALBERT B. BOLL, Attorney.' and hopes for this year. It was felt J amcs Jackson. of Park avenue. • ' . WILLIAM W. Mc1tIM. lQ-6-3t Sher1ll'. school should be congratulated up­its fine spirit of cooperation between facuJty and parents. The brief remarks of an teachers showed a knowledge of educational trends in their particular departments as well as a sincere deSire to workout as many individual proh­as possible in a public school sys­tem. During the social hour which followed ~;~~~i~~~fi~~~~i~lthethreers wofa so noep~ps ocrhtuilndirteyn f'so rs cmheoeotli nagss mocoi~- ates, another purpose of these group meetings. The work of the hospitality committee, headed by Mrs. . B. K. Morse. and the assistance which Elean­or kamage, of the cafeteria~ always supplies, were much appreciated. I I " 6th Grade Parents Tonight Mothers and fathers of pupils of the ~:'''~~!i~~~ I sixth grade, Rutgers avenue school, will ir: unite in the first meeting of the sea- ~\'I iW~ii~~~~l~ l1~~~~~~1~~~~~~ilsaslclho othl isa -uedvietnoirnigu min. the Rutgers avenue ---...,.. ..- -- l~~~~~pm~~;~~~il RAu tfgifetrhs gGrardaed me oVth eMrso' tmheeertsi nMg eweats held last Wednesday at the Rutgers avenue $chool. Mrs. H. Weston Clarke DR. M. BLOOMFIELD Oplome,ri., avenue. FOUND Complete Eye Service 1i12 WELSH STREET C.1l CheAter 8M Pound-A brown pocketbook With change and. compact. Saturday momtng. College A W M II tootball, grandstand. Call at The Swarth·". ayne oste er more&n oftlce. RENT - FURNISHED Electrical Con.trae'or Remodeled atone house, nearly century olel. 7 rms. oU hoo •• electric range. Newly dec- Telephone Swarthmore 2295 orated. $90 .mo. ,,' WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore In-l Notar,r PubUe -'IJlS1lranc&- Real Bltak CALL 1896 ELECTRICAL REP,aRS lUDIO Tubee---Wam1nc' Macldnee--Cleanen -INSTALLATIONS-­SWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP P ...... nd, Dartmonlh A ..... EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. Your Jeweler 25 East 7th St. Chester (oP_to New Stato Theatre) , 'Phone Chester 3764 MRs,. A. J. QUINBY & SON ~08BPH II. QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS BBLL PHONE 4 MEDIA; PA. CARUSO AND SONS All Musical Instruments 905 EDGMONT AVENUE, CHESTER Chester 2..2774, H. P. BARTOW Printer 615 Sproul Street Chester 'Phone Chester 2-1515 DON'T THROW THEM OUT, Or give them away! JAMES will b~y your Disearded Clolhu.. and HouoeflU'lli.hinp l41 W. 3rd St., Chester 'Phone Chester 2-2573 ROGER RUSSEU. Maker 01 Fine Photographs 416 HAVERFORD PLACE Munroe Albright, of Wallingford, has r'!turnoo to his studies at Cllrnell Uni­Levari Facias No. 1048 March Tenn, 1939 versity. AU that certain lot or pIece of ground ================== with the buUdIngs and improvements I ! thereon erected. Situate on the southeast- LEGAL NOTICES erly comer of Sixth and· Olive Streets lJIl the Borough of Media. County of Delaware ADVERTIsem*nT 'and State of Pennsylvania and. more par- SHEIUFP SALES Sheriff's Omce, Court Bouse. Media,. Pa. Saturday, October 21. 1939 9:30 A. Y. Ea.steru Standard TIme The School District of 'Swarthmore wlll tlcularly described 85 follows: CondItions: t250.00 eaab or certlfted Chea receive sealed bids at the Blgb School I. t tI t sal (un! .h Iso ta-_· In BullcU to 4 P m Yo day Ootober 9' Beginning at a poInt on the saId south- a me 0 e ess 0 erw s ~ 1939. f~ df~tLDg equ1pme~. SPecwcauonS (east corner of Sixth and OUve Streets and advertisem*nt). balance In ten day. other may be secured at the School DJatrlct omce. e:r.tendlng thence along the easterl, alde of I f.:ondltlons on day of sale. ... ollcRe Avenue BuUding. Tho Boarc1 re-~Ol1ve Street south ten degTee8 6lxteeD. m1u6 FIerI FacIas No 1049 serves the right to reject an,. or all blda in, utes. weat one bundred four and nlne- . whole or In part and to award the COD6 tenths feet to a poInt; thebce by a lIne at June Term, 1939 tracts to other than the low bIdder. right angles to Olive Street e:r.tending east- ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS, I wardly one bundred and tlJrty feet to a AU' those four lots of ground with the :9-..:22=.• : 3:.:t_-::=:-:-:===-====:-B_ecr_. tar Y......:... poInt; thence by a line -no.rth ten degrees bulldlngs thereon erected In J>rezel HUl. . sixteen minutes east slX:ty-four and BeV- UpPor Darby., Del. CO., Penna., be~ lUte DELAWARE COUNTY I enty-five one-hundredths feet more or less 169'7 898 699 and 700 on plan' of lots· called Bealed proposalS wUl be received at the to the southerly side of Sixth Btz:eet thence .Ar"On·mink Section of Drexel Blll Realty County Controller's omce,· Court House, along the SOUtherly side of ~lxth Street Company. Situate on the N. w . .ad. of State Media, Pa.. until 10 a. m. and pubUcl,. north sixty-three degrees forty-four mIn- Road and the N. e. sci. of WUde Ave. Con­opened at 11 a. m. on Wednesday, October utes west one hundred fol'ty-flve and forty- taining together in front on 'State Road 11. 1939. for furnishing F O. B. Court Itwo one-hundredths feet to the flrst men- 120' (each lot 3D') and erlendlng of that Bouse. Media, Fa .• two bundred forty-slX tloned point and pl&ee of beSlnnlng. width In length N. w. between ~el (246) &ets of election supplies for the Oen--, I .. 1st t t to- ton. lines at rlgbt angles to State Road 150'. era! ElectIon 1939. , mprovemen cons 0 wo a .~ s ,SubJect to certain condltlons and restr1c-- 1le'ta11ed speclllcattons and bidding sheet and ablilgle house, 24z28 feet; one stoty I tiona .. may be obtained at the Oftlce of the Coun- frame garage, 2O:r.42 feet. I ty Controller. and no bid wtll be enter-' Improvementtl consist of two and one-tamed unless made out on sald bld.d.lng F. ' d F S I 'half story frame house. 33x42 feet: en-, ........ " I 'Ire woo or· a e closedtton" porch: one ,story frame ad<U- The County Comm.lS8toners reserve the: Mon. 15X9 feet: frame garage, 21z21 teet. right to reject .nYH~\;!=· WEAVER, ,I $12.50 per cord delivered Bold .. the property ot _ B Jones.' ;9-r2-2--3t- -----------C-o-u-nt-y ..C....o.. ntroller. ! 'Ph 0 d E. Leroy van Roden, Frank B. Manclll, --.nV I one r er to Attorneys . ... \.LCUAUYJJJ.=WW .. \.LW.oJWJJJ. .. J.\I.\.L- I Colafelnina Sw. 261 WILLIAM W. McKDf, SherUl • EASY TERMS III 10'111' al 9ge PER WEEK on_1y 1ucI ... Plan with _n Down Payment ,4athori2ed Dealer lor the Completely Installed ROBERT HOWARTH'S SONS, Inc. 8 W. 6th St., Chester Swal,thmore Residents Call Swarlb. S2S-J J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Dispensing, .opticians Experts in the Making arid Fitting of Sper.tscles and Eye Glasses 1923 Chestnut Street 6913 Market Street • • • .' • Philadelphia Upper Darby, Pa. ., JOSEPH E. HAINES Preoid ... , COAL and co*kE FUEL OIL CALL SW ARTH~IORE 2075·R Enginered and Guaranteed by the -;::~~~:;;;;~;.~~~~::.:::.:--. i makers of Esso Gasoline. Installed.· VAN AI ,EN BROS. , Phone Sw. 10412 ,WOOD KOPPERS co*kE SUN FUEL OIL ~ Serviced and FUeled by , HoUlO _ of ;.u _. Qulclt low cost service. Wlm:..r=-__a_n cI cIeanerB rebUIlt and _re.----- WOOD ELECTRIC SERVICE Swar.12l13 YE Village Window Clean~ A. IlAUGER Swuthm .... 19 WILSON COAL & SUPPLY CO. 'WALLINGFOBD. FA. Phone Media lIS SwartlUDore 800 Phone or Mail Coupon for faD inFormaliou;. ,- Your Name .. :~ .. ' ........... . ·'Addreee! '":,. .. _ . , .. ~ •. _"~".;! .,• • :Clty ... ,.,., ............. . -are worth many times the cost of a telephone. Youea.".e , - • telephone 1J!l your ho.e fer ,less thau • "I-e a ".y. .. .. .. THB BBLL TELBPHONE COMPANY O' PBNNSYLVAN1 ...

---------- Page 5 ----------

6 WOMAN'S CLUB IN GALA OPENINGS Boreugh's Feminine Population Busy as All SeetioD8 Ente .... tain Members Members and friends of the Swarth­more Woman's Club gathered on Tues­day, October 3, for the annual opening tea. The club house was artistically decorated with fall flowers and foliage by the Garden Committee, under, the chairmanship of Mrs. Roy S. Latimer. The front of the stage, which was banked with masses of wild asters and goldenrod, received many comments from the large groups of women pres­ent throughout the afternoon. The club was pleased to welcome an unusually large number of flew members whose interest will add greatly to the sea­son ahead. Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, wearing a cor­sage of blue ageratum and talisman roses which the Junior Section had UDGET SHOE SHOP For the Entire Family AGIINVT FOR FLORSDEIM Shoes for Men MEDIA. PA. 1I11111111JI ~ THAT son or daugh-ter away at school or college may be "skating on thin ice" in more ways than one_ All man­ner of accidents can h .. .>­pen to young folks. fETNA-IZE Let u.s explaiD the man, protec;:tlve features of the low-cGn Student', Accidut Policy iuued by t~:e .tE.tna Life JUlInace Company of Hart· ford, Conn. PETER E. TOLD GENERAL INSURANCE 417 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 1833 c o THE SWARTHMOREAN A LULL IN THE LINE Advocate Photo An informal moment in the rece.iving line durinc tbe Woman's Club openinK tea lasl WedneBday afternoon. Mrs. Roland L. Eaton prel., and Mrs. J. Paul Brown chal with Mrs, W, F. Boyle. M ... Peter Told and M .. , Walter Did:­inson receive Mn. Frank Fitts while Mrs. George Hoadley convenes with Mrs. R. M. Richmond. given her, Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Mrs.liness meeting was opened by the read­Peter E. Told, Mrs. Walter Haines lillg of a letter of acceptance from the Dickinson, :Mrs. George A. Hoadley, Senior Board for the petition submitted and Mrs. R. M. Richmond, officers of by our Chartered Members. • the club received the members upon Mrs. Eaton, President of the Semor arrival. ' Club, extended us a most gracious wel- EnroU For Adult Night {('uHII""rd IrQm Palle OM) Frank Morey, superintendent of schools, pledged the cooperation of the school authorities in the adult educa­tion movement and said the faciHties of the schools were at its disposaL. The UAdult Night" instructors, some of whom conducted successful courses here last year, were introduced at the meeting. One of the popular courses, it was in­dicated, would be the lectures dealing with the war in Europe and this coun­try's attitude toward it. The opening lecture, on "Possible American Policies Toward the European War and their Likely Consequences," wilt be given at 8 P. M. Monday by Dr. James A. Per­kins · of the department of international relations at Princeton University A detailed outline of the twelve courses was printed in last week's Swarthmorean. Dr. Hopkins has an­nounced that prospective students who did not register Monday night may mail their registrations to Mrs. P. H. Brig­ham, J Swarthmore Cr~st, Swarthmore, or register at the high school next TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED Work Called For and Delivered Telephone: SWARTHMORE 1219-J OCTOBER 6, 1939 Monday evening. Any others· who wished to sign for the course in weav ... ing we;;'e advised. however, to get in touch immediately with the instructor, Mrs. W. B. Davison 01 730 Harvard - avenue, to arrange for the ordering of a loom and equipment. Shuholz Chocolate Shop 104 Park Avenue 'Phone Swarthmore ~ SPECIALI FBI. AND SAT. ONLY Butier and Old-'uh1onK Creams toelb, JOSEPH CELIA BST.I9M EXPERT SHOE MAKER Work Called For And Delivered 102 PARK AVENUE Phone 870-J Among the former presidents who come with the earnest wish for a flour .. presided at the tea table were Mrs. ishing club year. Robert L. Coatcs, Mrs. Martin B. We were greatly benefited by an ;n­Young, Mrs. Lovett Frescoln, Mrs. teresting resume of press and publicity William Earl KistlerJ Mrs. Roland G. information by Ethel G. Coates. I E. Ullman and Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes. H' h S h" '. D . One of Pennsylvania s Better Stores Record A .. e .. daDce at 19 C 00 rops I Junior AcquaintaJlce Tea 0 t D rby The Junior Club's Acquaintance Tea pener 0 a had a charming setting last Sunday af­ternoon. The club house presented an inviting picture to the many girls who attended the opening function of the club year. The donors of garden bouquets for the occasion were most generous, and the committee used the flowers very effectively. Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, president of the Senior ClubJ Mrs. Clifford Banta, past Senior advisor, and Mrs. John E. Michael, present Senior advisor, pre­sided at the tea table. Each wore a corsage of blue ageratum and talisman roses. Virginia Seal, the Junior Club Presi­dent, who cordiaHy welcomed all guests, wore a corsage of blue ageratum and gardenias. A most friendly and pleasant atmos­phere pervaded the entire company. Mary N. Tomlinson had charge of all arrangements for the tea. Helen In .. graham headed the hospitality commit­tee. The board members, officers, and club members were hostesses. Doreen McConechy was chairman of the re­freshment committee. Evening Section'. Initial Supper The Evening Section of the Wo­man's Club formally opened their sea­son with a covered dish supper. After enjoying a variety of delicacies the bus- FALL FAsmON SHOW AND BRIDGE Benefit Junior Club Phllanthropfc Fund 8 P. M. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 Reservations at 35c can be made by eaIl .. In&' Virginia Perkins, Sw. 543-s., or Mrs. {.aurens Van Dyck, Sw. 842-R or tickets at door. Hard Fighting Local Team Over­Powered by Faster Visitors in Annual "Hoodoo" Game For the third consecutive year, Darby spoiled Swarthmore High Schoo1's football season by defeating the Gar­net on opening day. The 1937 and 1938 defeats were by the slender margin of one point, the goal after touchdown, but there was nothing indecisive in the 1939 opener. Darby showed its su-! periority throughout the game and' wound up on the long end of a 19-0 score. Darby scored touchdowns in the first, second and fourth peri.ods and added thc extra point by a placement kick I after the third touchdown. In ground gaining Darby overshad­owed Swarthmore, by piling up 20 first downs to 6, with 274 yards gained by rushing and 49 by passing to .80 and 53 for the Garnet. Swarthmore recovered from the ini­tial set-back in previous years and went forward to successful seasons. This de­feat foreshadows, we hope, a "wow" of a season for 1939. Darby Swarthmore Greer .....•. left end ..•.. Bowditch Colbert ..... left tackle .... Effing D'Antonis •.. left guard .... Thorpe Natale ....... center ........ Wetten Salotti •..... right guard .. Livingston Reese ..... right tackle .. C. Brown j Sage ........ right end .... Robinson McKeag .... quarterback ...... Black Marshall .. left halfback .... Naisby Bishop .... right halfback .... , Roche Colucci ...... fullback ...... Shirley Darby ................. 6 6 0 7-19 Swarthmore ........... 0 0 0 0- 0 I I • "Problems of the War" The division of Social Sciel\ces and the WHliam J. Cooper Foundation of Swarthmore College announce a sertt!S· of lectures designed to contribute to Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streets Girls and Teen Age VANCE FROCKS $4·98 $5·98 $8·98 Girls' Sizes 10 to 14 Teen-Age Sizes 10 to 16 TAFFETAS - NETS In Smart New Styles Yards bf loveliness-details that count in exciting shades of Blue, Aqua, Apricot, American Beauty and White. Speares Downstairs Store FUEL THAT CREATES COMFORT ••• STORM SASH THAT PROTECTS IT! M \ 1 an understanding of the "Problems of the War." The lectures will be given Sunday evenings at 8 :15 in the Friends' I Meeting House on the campus as fol­lows: October 8-u The Military Situ­ation and Prospects," Troyer S. And­erson; October 15-"Thc Economic Position of Belligerents and Neutrals," Patrick Murphy Malin; October 2Z­" Problems of Neutrality," J. Roland Pennock; October 29-"America in War-Time," Clair Wilcox; November 5 -"What Kind 01 01 a Peace?" Clyde Eagleton, Professor of International Law at New York University. All lec­tures arc open to the public and will be followed by discussion. Since 1922, Mason-Heflin has been Swarthmore's favorite source of comfort-giving fuels •. Coal .. Fuel Oil •• co*ke •• Fireplace Log Wood, • Cannel Coal .. Ford Charcoal Briquets. More than that, we've protected tbe comfort we've created - with Mason·Heflin S:orm Sash and Window Conditioning. Such protection rids your home of drafts •• cuts your fuel bills as much as 30%. Turn to us for protected heating. SWARTHMORE'S REUABLE TAILOR ESI'ABLISHED una I N G Professors Malin land Wilcox are members of economics department of the College, Professor Anderson is a member of the history department and Professor "pennock of the political sci­ence department. Mason Heflin COAL CO. WILLIAM SPRENGEL, Manager- Swarthmore Yard, Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 6 Swarthmore 34S Upper Darhy Yam, Stale Road Clearbrook 3950 Samet 3707 HARRIS & CO. TAILORS AND FURRIERS TELEPtfONE SWARTHMORE 504 CLEANERS and DYERS NO. II PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. 1492.1939 America Still YOUDgI L I 131~ A I~ Y SW~I:fTHM(JI~E THE SWARTHM Keep America "Sailin. On"! VOL. XI, No. 41 SWARTHMORE, PA., OC1'OBER 13, 1939 t2,50 PER YEAR ADULTS TURN OUT 300 STRONG H. S. Game Today at Media The Swarthmore-Media High School football game, scheduled for 1 o'clock on the College Field, October 13, has been changed to 3~' o'clock, October 13, on the Media High School field. Ten Minute Alibi Is Curtain Raiser DOROTHY SIMONS BARRIE FANTASY COMING TO CLUB Opening of New Term of Hobby Courses Greeted Enthusiastic­ally Monday Night Mystery Play Direeted by Samuel Evans, Jr., Will Open Players Club 29th Season About three hundred men and women;L----------------'I The Players Club of Swarthmore will Favorite Characten of "Peter Pan" 'Will be Given Animation for Loeal ChHdren October 28 of Swarthmore and vicinity heard the FOI..K. MELODIES open its 29th season on Tuesday evening, The Darling family and Nana Tinker school bell ring last Monday night, and October 17, with "Ten Minute AI;.i" by Bell Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, gratified a staff 01 instructors by appear- AT WOMAN'S CLUB Anthony Annstrong. Produced under the Capiain Hook and the Pirates, Tiger ing for classes at the opening of the direction of Samuel Evans, Jr., Ute play Lily and the Indians make up a cast of Borough's uAdult Night at Schoo!." will continue throughout the week. thirty .. five who for the past five weeks FJOm 8 to 10 P. M. in a dozen rooms Swarthmore Singers Please With Two new players will appear in the has been in rehearsal for Sir James M. in the high school building residents who Varied Folk Songs; Dr. BIan- cast, which has been rehearsing for the Barrie's Peter Pan which will open the had put their school books behind them, shard to Speak Next Toesday past six weeks. Dorothy L. Simons and Junior season at the Player's Club of in some cases many years before, bent Thomas E. Lueders III wilt give their Swarthmore on Saturday, October 28. over the drawing pads, played "maximum The Swarthmore Singers in a pro- first Players Club perfonnances. Frank ~__c __~ .'- _'~" Behind the cast of thirty-five players hands" in the contract bridge class, lost gram of American Folk Songs and Bal- R. Ewing, William ]. Riehle, James , fit a committee of twenty has been at work themseh'es in rhythmic dancing, brushed lads, entertained at the Woman's Club Powell, will make their second appear- \ on costumes, properties. and scenery up their ballroom dance steps, got some on !uesday afternoon, October 1.0' fol- ance, ~nd two popular veterans, David ~. and in charge of dozens of production valuable tips on appreciating music and lowmg the regular stated meetmg. Narbeth and Joshua A. Christian com~ Former Swarthmore High School details that will enrich the matinee and tak,"lg pictures, excitedly learned first T. ht; Quartet, consisting of Mrs. Clair plete the cast. BlaekIriars player has only f ema le evening performances of this delightful stel}s in weaving, heard about possible Wilcox, Mrs. Laurence Stabler. Mr. "Ten Minute Alibi" enjoyed long runs role in the Playen Club opener, classic. American policies toward the European Glen Reznor and Mr. Everett Hunt in London and New York and was seen "Ten Minute Alibi," next week. Magie Made Real war and their likely consequences, or were a~ly accompanied by Mrs. Hunt on the Philadelphia stage just two sea. .. ~=============== If it was the crocodile that thrilled enjoyed classes in public speaking, home at the plano. Mr. Hunt commented that sons ago. Tense moments, breath-taking:;: you most come with the aSSUIance that sewing and design, interior decorating the wealth of lyric~ and ballads g~th- situations, a stiff mental drill in crimin- EDUCATOR TO you will see him I'in person." He is be .. and everyday law. ered from all sections of the Umted ology await its Club audiences. ing brought to life by Barbara Dolman P ak E 11m States refute the contention of various The following compose the cast: Dor- ADDRESS H & S Spencer and several members of. the e oro ent travellers from European countries that othy Simons, David Narbeth, Frank • • committee working under her sklllful The t~tal enrollm~nt exc~eded that of nothing had ever happened here to pro- Ewing, Thomas Lueders, III, J. H. direction. If it is Wendy's little house the opemng class. ntght last year! whep duce folk music. Christian, James Powell and William J., Local Organization Invites Neigh- that haunts your memory know that the adult ~ucabon movem~t 1n thiS The group were dressed effectively Riehle. bor School Diotricl8 to Hear ' it is being built "with roof of mossy form made Its .first appearance III Swarth· in bonnets and quaint calico dresses, The Club is a non~profit organization Eduard Lindeman green." If it was Peter's flying that held mor~. Indeed, It. was. not far short of last lumber jacks and overalls which added with a present adult membership of 847, you spellbound rest assured that he'll rear s Il.nal reglstrat1o~ total, ~, a fig- to the authenticity and informality of has a modern theatre costing $45,000, Next Friday evening, October 20th, at have fairy dust enough to enable Wen­ur. e winch the s~hool s e~ecUl1ve COffi- their singing. With true harmony and a which seats 320. One play each month is eight o'clock, local parents and teachers dy, John and Michael to fly also. nlltte~ e~pects ~YI1I be ea.sdy surpassed. rollicking air the quartet sang many of produced for eight subsequent months. wilt be privileged to hear Dr. Eduard Barrie dedicates his story of the UBoy Iithis sUl11 pOSSible tObreglshterboofork eleven the more familiar songs, including IIShe't1 Last season it played to a total of 8123 C. Lindeman of New York. A few years Who Would Not Gro~v Up" to th:; five o t e twe ve cour~es, ut t e !i we~l' be comin' round the mountain," UWait persons. ago Dr Li~deman was ·the Commenee- friends who inspired It. He says I al-closed. llonday U1g~t for the class 1!1 for the wagon," liThe Arkansas Trav- The Club House is located on Fairview • . k that I made Peter by rub-sketchmg and draWing, tau~ht by Cynl eller." Solo numbers of a narrative road at South Chester road. ment speaker at Swarthmore College. ways new f . I I t th r ~ardner, Swarth~re arUst. Twenty- styie sung were, UMy Lover is a Sailor .. _______________ ,IBecause of his eminence·and popularity bing the five ~hy:ov:~i~~!ypr~~:cee ~ eight eager recruits were on hand to Do "b Mrs Wilcox "Sweet Betsy as a speaker, the parents and teachers of as savages ~I . h kIt tax the.facilities of. the class. It witt n~t 01 yp' "keY," a"d' "Sourwo'od ~Iountain," Paintings at PuhHc Library nearby school districts are to be invited flame. That IS all he IS, t e ;par d go be bl d h I th to hear Dr Lindeman discuss UTests for from you. We first brought eter own, . paSS1 e, .accor 1I1g to sc 00 au on- sung by Mrs. Stabler, "Colorado Trail" A colorful group of paintings, Democraci'. It is expected that this sub- ~idn't ~e, with a blun!"headed arrow ties, to admIt even one more.. and uSpanish Johnny," by Mr. Hunt, varied in subject matter and tech- ject will be related. definitely to the pub- 111 Kensmgton Gardens. When Dr. J3;mes A; Perkins,. of the 1"1 Ride an Old Paint:' and liThe Old lie school situation. The October, 1939, Peter Pan Statue. Near~~ de~rtment o~ mt~rnatJOnal relations at '97:' a typical railroad song, sung by ~~~~;ih~o~~w ;:~~rc s~i~~a~t t~; issue of' the Survey Graphic, devoted en- One of the London shrmes y~slted a!l- Pn.nceton Umverslty, opened the lecture I Mr. Reznor. Exemplifying the fact that . tirely to ."Schools: The Challenge flf nually by thousands of Barfles admlr-series on. th~ European War ?e found; bal1ads were written and sung about ~~~~~~:o~h~:de.~~;::~ ~sch~! Demor.racy tp Erlucation", carries a lead- ers.ll;. the {amOl,Is statlJe 9£ _Peter Pa~ seventy-sIx hsteners, who constttuted by I the timplcst event!> ·of every d::;.y liv- I ing article by Dr, Lindeman on liThe in Kensington Gartle?s. There are but far the la~~est class in the UAcfult Night illg, both joyful and melancholy, were first of a series which will be hung I Goal of Americdn Education". three of the statues In the. world. The at School. . . "Erie Canal," "J oggin' Along," "Cripple at the Library during the winter As a departure. from the usual Home second is in Antwerp, BelgtUm and the The lecture 111 thiS course next Mon- Creek" "Water Boy'" and l'I'm Sad for the purpose of giving the pub· and School program, Mrs. Charles W. third in CamdenJ N. J. . . day night will be delivered by Professor and i'm Lonely." The singers closed lie an opportunity to become fa- I Lukens, Chairman of Hospitality, an- Mariam Lee Early Llppmcott, a J. Ro!a!ld Pe.nnock, of the department. their program with two old favorites miliar with the work of our local nounces that there will be a committee former teacher at the College and of pohtlcal sCIen.ce at" Swa.rthmore Col-I "The Church ,'n the w,'ldwood" and artists. S th reans had b W d I of hosts and hostesses to greet parents known to many war mo • l~ge. lOt the" su Jcct, ar an nterna- II) eannie," and in response to continued 1... ______________ '1 and teachers at this meeting. The moth- the honor of dedicatin~ the. Camden tiona aw. applause sang the lively "Cripple DELAWARE COUNTY ers of children in the seCond Grades of statue with a pageant m which three Weaving Popular . Creek" again as an encore. ARTISTS TO EXHIBIT the College and Rutgers Avenue Schools thousand children participated. Dr. Horace H. Hopkins, chairman of Tea was served following the meet- have offered to serve refreshments. This Memories of Maude Adam's perform- Ihe executive committee of "Adult ing. The new members were intro~uced Under the Art Section of the Dela- will provide a period for informal dis- ances in the old form of old programs, Night", said that the .opening of a class by Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, preSident, ware County Federation of Women's cussion of Dr. Lindeman's address, as pictures, anecdotes, 3.nd personal con-in weaving had met with an enthusiastic I and welcomed by the club. Clubs, Mrs. Nathaniel Saller, chaifi!13n' l well as an opportunity to meet parents (Con.,in.ued:n tClfle Fou,.) response, in spite of a small enrollment. uConflicl of Ideals" Next Week. there will be an exhibition of paintmgsland teachers. ANNE TSCHEBULL The opportunity to take a course of this On next Tuesday, October 17. Dr. by Delaware county artists at the Swarth- Mrs. George P. Warren announces that . kind, he added, might not be available to Brand Blanshard, Professor of Philos- more Woman's Club from November 5 membership dues will be payable to the RESIGNS POST S\\'art~morea~ls again. ophy at Swarthmore Colleg~, who has to 10. All artists over eighteen years following membership solicitors: Mr. An mspectJon of the classrooms Mo~- just returned from a year m Europe, of age, residing in Delaware county, may and Mrs. J. Burris West; Mr. and Mrs. day night showed that Interest in weav- will address the club on "The Present exhibit. Due to limited wall space only Walter H. Dickinson i Mr. and Mrs. ing, which is taught by Mrs. W. B. Da- ConRiet of Ideals." Mrs. Howard H. one picture from each artist may be en-Richard Haig; Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. vison, of Harvard avenue, was not con- Adams and Mrs. A. V. B. Orr wilt be teredo Pictures will ·be received at the I Morse; Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon fined to women alone. Mrs. Davison had hostesses and Mrs. Arthur C. Ho~- Woman's Club, Swarthmore, Saturday. Minich, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown. sixteen-inch looms set. up fO.r atl of ~er land and'Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave WIll morning, November 4, irom 10 o'clock Ernest G. Osborne, of Teachers Col- Popular Librarian Leaves Soon to Join Husband in N. J; New Lihrarian Assumes Duties Next Monday pupils, who took their eQU1pment With pres,'de at the tea table. until noon. For further particulars call lege, Columbia University, says: uPa_ them to do some pract..l ce "10 orne wo~k " Junior Section Well Attended Mrs. Alexander M. Lackey, Swart h more rents must see that chi'I d ren are was1 0 e d The resignation of Mrs. Anne fJ ohnh - be 1 o re t h e next c. Ia ss Il1lgot. D r. H 0 pk,ns Tuesday evening, a large group 0 1 1742. an d d resse d and fed an d sen t 0 f! t 0 sc1 0 00I. SO" Tschebull as librarian 0 t e announc ed t h at If any. wouI d -b e. weave r gl'rls attended the covered dish suo pper I I I I S thoIS t1e0 end 0 1 t he'l r responsl' bI'I I' ty?" Swarthmore Public Library was aLc .- '.v10. o had not yet registere d w.'s hed t 0 of the Jun',or Club. Everyone enjoyed A parent and teac1 0e r assOC.l a tI' on can 0 1• cepted with deep regret by theT 1- 10m the class he s1 0 ouI d get 10 t ouc 10 d prec',ated the results and efforts T 'r-ao'-.l'.t y RummaDC'I e Sale fer opportum.t•Ie s f or partnersh I' p .1 11 edu - brary's Board of Directors last • uesd- with the instructor be 1o re. next. Mo nd .ay aonf mapa ny good cooks, and especially Ch h eating chi· Idr eno It 'IS a c1 0 a II enge t 0 every day night. The resignation n. ecessItate to arrange for a loom, which, Wit 10 eqUIP- the success of the supper under the The Woman's Guild of Trinity urc parent and teacher to rnak e a V.i ta I con- by Mr. TschebuU's appomtmeInf t as will hold its Annual Autumn Rummage . h' 'ubI' h I German Instructor in the Je erson men" t, costs. $15,', . cha,'rmansh,'p of Doreen McConechy. d d tributton to t IS year s p IC SC 00 ex- J '11 Adult Night. c Ia sses WI II be 10 e Id e.v- Mrs. Roland L. Eaton and Mrs. John Sale at the Church on Wednes ay 1a8n1 0 pen.e nce bY '10 1.l1.1 ng th e L ocaI H orne and School of . Union Township, N. ., WI ery Monday mght for ten wee k s, WIt.1 0 E M' hael extended greet,'ngs to the Thursday of next week. On October t School ASSOC. iat.I on now. take effect on Saturday, October 2h1 . the tenn closing on December 1I. TUl-' IC (c• ••i nul!d on Page Four) the basem*nt of the Church will be openI Mrs. TschebuH came to the Swart - tion ranges from. $2.50 to $5 a course. I I from 7 to 10 P. M. This is the du su.a 0 ._" S more Library in December of 1936. hA The classes vary in· length from one to uPre-view and Sale" and a small a mdalS - eUl.Us oon graduate of Wellesley College and t e Red Cross S-LChairmen sion charge will be made. On Thurs Y, Drexel Library School, her personal two hours. lID'" the 19th, the sale will be from 9 A. M, F inaI arrangements f or t10e Re d charm and her excellent training Iit - Mrs. George F. Fenno, Red Cross until 5 P. M. . Cross First Aid course are being ted her ideally for service to this com· MONDAY TO MARK chainnan of production, announc~ that The Conmtittee, under the cha1nnan- completed. munity. Under her, the Library has de- LEGION INSTALLA.TION the Red Cross sewing groups w,n be ship 01 Mrs. John A. Murphy, has c?l- Full details will be published veloped steadily and happily taking its under the joint sponsorship of Mrs. Ar- lected an attractive lot of real bargamSI in an early issue of The Swarth- place as an important hub in commun- The October n:teeting of the. Harold, thur R. Dana, telephone Sw. 1901, and in clothin~, shoes, hats, household goods. morean. ity life. She has been particularly loved Ainsworth Post, No. 427, Amencan Le- Mrs. A. S. Wickham, telephone Sw. 2~. books, bnc-a~rac. by the children who consult her fre-gion, witt be held in Borough Hall next Mrs. Edward M. Bassett, Sw. 1010, .wtll quently for guidance in book selection. Monday evening, the 16th, when. the fol- head the Red Cross surgical dress!n~. Mrs. Tschebull will leave the latter lowing Post officers wi1l ~ tnsta,.Il~: Mrs. W. Burton Richards, Sw. 3, IS 10 THE WEEK'S CALENDAR part of this month to join Mr. Tsche- Commander, Dr. George B. Stckle; ~en~or charge of Red Cross knitting. FRIDAY, OCTOBBlt 13 bull who has been in Union Township, a "!ccacommander, Herbert Bassett; Jumor Mrs. Fenno caUs attention. to t~~1 10:00 A M -Presbyterian WOP18D.'S AsBOO ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Parlsh Bouse suburb of Newark, N. J., since Septem-vlce ·commander, Rev. Thomas A. Mery- fact that another lot of wool IS on !t:. 2:30 P: M:-Soccer: College VB. Pr1nceton ........................ COllege Field ber 18. weather; adjutant, Rex 1. Gary; finance way. Telephone calls fro?I volunteer knlt.\ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 New Librarian Appointed officer. Ferris B. Mitchell; sergeant-at- ters to either Mrs. RIchards or ~rs. 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng WorshlP ............................... ;Local Churches The appointment of Eleanor H. arms, Alexander Dryden. . Fenno will have their immediate attention. 8:15 P. M.-:-College Lecture Series conttnues ••••••••• Frlenda Mooting Bouse Wright as Librarian is announced by An interesting feature of the meetmg The Southeastern chapter of the Am- }WONDAY, OCTOBBB tS tite Board. will-be th~ presence of the two local boy.s er,'can Red Cross has· asked the bra. nches 8:00 P. Y.-AdUlt Night at 8chool ...................... lDgh School BuUdlng Miss Wrtaht is a graduate of the Ca 10 f 8,30 P. M.-Legton _t Meetlnll ..... _ ........ ·_ .. ··_·_···· .... Borough Hall - who attended the Boy's State. mp.t. 1S to start work at once in p~eparatlOn or University of Delaware and Drexel Lj~ sunvtter and wilt describe their actl.vtlleS d,'saster and emergency rehef. The sur~ TUBSDAY~ OCTOBBB 17 brary School. She has held positions in II be M B 10:00 A. M. - L. W. V. Study Group ....••.•••••••.•.•••••..•. 528 WalD'!t Lane while at the Camp. The evening WI gical dressing workers u.nder rs. as· I 2:30 P. Y.-Dr. Blanshard. Speiak.B: ............................. Womans Club the University of Delaware, the Witm-concluded by a collation. sell'S leadership will begm work on ~fs 8:00 to 10:00 P Y.-Badmlnton Club ....................... 1Ilgh SchoolOJDl ington Public Library and comes to • • tober 25 from ten until !welve .at WEDNBSDA.Y~ OCTOBBB 18 Swarthmore from the Sunny Hill North Chester road and wtll continue to 8:00 to 10:00 P. Iol.-BadmlDton Club ....................... JI1gh School Gpn School in Wilmington, Del. Her home meet on the second and fourth Wednes- TBUBSDAY. OCTOBBB. 19 is in Hittcrest, Wilmington, but she will d f h month Volunteers are asked 2:00 P U -PrleDcU7 Clrcle ................................. ··•·210 Park Ave. live in Swarthmore during the week. Mrs. Lovett Frescoln, of Harvard ave- ays C? eac roo ns and scissors with 8:00 to 10·;00 P. M.-BadmlDton Club ................. ~ ..... mah School OJlll nUe has been elected registrar of the to brtng caps, ap h k ill be on She will begin her duties next Mon- Del~\Vare County Chapter of .the Daugh-Ithem. Materi~ls for t e wor w IL _______________________________ ..J day, October 16. ters of the American RevolutIOn. hand. I I I Named by County D. A. R.

---------- Page 6 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 WOMAN'S CLUB IN : GALA OPENINGS I noroll~h '8 ."e'llinillc POlndatioll Bu., as All Set'lions Enler· . loin IIlemhers :\.lll11hlr .. lIul Irllllll ... or llil ~\\ Irlh­lIIort; \\ (llllttll!> (Iuh !-:.lthlfUI PH 'llH:~ I <I~t\ Oli(lhtf ~ for till' .l1Itllloll OPl'l1l11g le.l I hi.. dub hou .. \: \\.IS .lrtl~l1calh I lil'lor Ill,d \\1111 I.tli thl\\t:r .... 1IIt! foh.lg~ II, thl' (;ardtll lOlllllllttl.'t. Ulldtf thl'i lh.llflll.ll1,>hIP 01 ~lr" HlH S 1 .. ltlllllf f rhl frtlllt ot th .. st.lf,!t, \,luch \\a<; I h tllkld "nh 111 ...... 1.' .. (If \\lld .,,,Ier ... 1IIt! I g\ .1.illll"ll(1 fll:t.I\ U\ 111111\ (Oll1l11t'lI1-- I IroTII till 1.1fJ.,:l' gn11lp" 01 \\Ollllll pn .. I lilt tlH.' .ftt r1Wtlll '1 hl duh \\ '" pll •• " .. d 10 \\llltlIlH .111 1I11U"U.llh ilrgl Iltllllhlf (If IIt\\ 1I11.:II1I)1:r .. "ho"(' 11ltln .. ' \,111 IIII! gn.tth to the "CI- 1 "lUI i1u: ,III :\.Ir .. l~tlll1HII I .lltlll. \\l.lnllg ,I c(lr­~ Igt 0\ him Ij..:l r Itum .1IId t Ih ... m.l1l rll"'l'" \\hll.:h thl JUlllor Sec.::tllill had I ~--------------,' BUDGET SIIOI· THE SWARTIIMOREAN A LULL IN TilE LINE Ellroll For Adult Night OCTOBER 6, 1939 :\IOllcl.I\' t \ elllllg', AllY otlnrs who \\ I!>;llcd 10 'ioI~1I for tit\: c(Jur~c III \\t·.I\,- '('11111""H' !HI/<I /',,"(, (Jm. 1I1g' \\cn,' ,ldvl!>;eil, ho\\c\'('r, to get In Fr.tJIk ~I orc\. !>;upenntelldent of tom h 1I111m dlclteh \\ Ith the instructor, schools, phdJ..:ld Iht: (OOpl·r.ltlOn of thl' :\Irs \\ B Da\'1s011 of 730 Harvard "'eh(I(,1 .llltllOntt('!>; 111 the .({lult cduc.l- ,l\llllll. t(1 arrange {or the ordering o( tlOll IIlmCIIJ(,lIt .1IId s.l1d the {.IClhtICs o( .1 10ll1ll ami CllUlp1l1\:nt till Sc1Hlols \\l'rt.. al Its ulsposal -------- The' \cllIlt :,\'~hl" 'II'lrlleto" ,ollie Shuholz Chocolate Shop I ilf \\ hulU conduct\:d sllccessful courses 104 Park Avenue Advocate Photo All IIIfnrmul lIIom.·ul III thl r •• ·ehlll~ huc during tlU' WOnHln'ti Club Ol.cning h'~1 1.1". W.·fill( .... ~I' .Irt(·rnoun. l\Ir!OO. Itululld L. E.Hun l)rc~., and !\Irs. J. I'aul IIrn\HI ('hul ",hh ~fr!'i. "'. F. Hn1'll. I\lr!OO .. ,:Jclt'r Told and I\lrti. Waller Dick­m" oll r.·.· •• n.· l\1r!OO. "'rullk Flits ",hilt· i\lr!OO. (,enrltc IImulI." COIncr!<lI'S ~ith Mr ... n. M. JCit,hIllUIl". !.!I\lll htr :\Ir... P.IU\ B::n. ).[rs-llIllsS IlHttlllg \\.". opened \)\ thl.' rcad-h( re LI"t \C,lr. \\\:f( mtroduccd at the ltll'ctlllg OUl nl Ill(' courses. It n.l!; 111- (ht,<tt\:d \\ould h\: Ihe lecluHs dealmg \\llh thl.' \\,Ir 111 I.urope .1IId lhls COUIl­tn s .lttlitlCle to\\.lnl It Thc oJll.'lIIng le!.:tun'. on • Pos",hl\: \mcncan Pohclt:s 111\\ Inl till.': I, uropl.'.lI1 \Var .Hut thclr I.lkl·h COIlSUlUI.'IICeS, \\ III he gIVcn at S P 'I :\Ionel.l\ I" Dr 1.III1<:s A Plr- I J(\II~ of thl dql.lrtllll.:l1l (If mtern,ltltlllal rd"llolh .It PTlIICdOIl U 111\ (' rSlh \ dll.llled (lulhl1e tlf the t\\ehe courses \\.IS prllltul III list \\t.'l.'k' ... S\\.lrthlllorl'.tn I)r llopkms has all­Iltlullct: d tlhH pnlspec.::tl\C stllll(,lIts \\ho dul not rcglslu :\Ionday IIIght l11a\ m.ul tlu.·lr rq.{l ... tratulJIs to 11rs P H Ung­h. 11ll J S\\ Irthmore ensl, S\\arth1llore. or flJ..:l ... ttr .11 the 11ll,{h sdHlol Iltxt TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED ·l'hone Swarlhmore 2464 SPECIAL! FRI AND SAT. ONLY Butter and Old-rashioned Creams 40c lb. JOSEPH CELIA EST, 1904 EXPERT SHOE MAKER Work Called For AmI Delivered 102 PARK AVENUE "'or the ":ntire "'Hnlil~" A,6E1\i(' IlIJIl Pdl r I 'I old, :\1 r", \\ .11tU Hamcs 11Il~ of .1 Itttlr o( acCl ptallce from thc \Vork Called For and Delivered I i)Uklll"llll 'Ir ... (~eorgl 1\ Iloadle)" Sllllor for the.: Pltltloll ~tlhllllttCtI 'l~elcl)hone: R :\1 J{ IChllllllld officers of b\ Ollf Ch.lrtt red ~[I.' miJcr:; ",~S:·~W~A~R~T:H~II:I~O~R~E~~1~2~1~9~.J~~J;:::::::::::::::; Phone 870·J FLORSDEIM nCll\ed 'ht: me:nher~ upon ~Ir ... 1.111111 PnsHltnt of thc Sl.'l1ior Clull. txte.:lIIlulu ... ,I 1110st gr.lclOUS \\1.:1-1 ~ ---~- SI. ..e s (or ~I"n A11loll!-.{ tilt: f(lrmlr pn ... uknls \\110 (Ol1ll \\1111 thl (.lnll' .. 1 \\Ish for.l flour· I ~IE"'A. ' •. -\. , Ipll ... Ullil .It the 1l'.1 t,lhle \\ere ~Irs l..,hlllg du" Har I~tlhlrt I Coate", )'Irs ~Iarltn B \\ e \\trt gn.lth h(I1Cllh:d In an 1Il- I\,mllg' 'Irs I.O\l'tI Frcscoln, :\[rs h-'H..,tlllg n",Ullll (If press and publlclh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=I \\ lIlt 1111 Lid klsllcr. ~Irs Roland G IIIlorm.ltlOlI In I·,thcl G ((loItes I One of Pe1l1Isylva1lia's Better Stores J~IJIIIIIIIIIII.IIIIII' ~ec~~:":~t::~::' a;"" II lIolllle, High Sch~~l Drops III Jun;or Acqua;ntance Tea 0 t Darby Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streets '1'11(' 'tllIIor Cluh" \('(luamt.U1ce Tea peller 0 II I h.1(1 a char111111g- !>;cttlllg Sunday af- II • ~ ~ t.. tlrllOOIl 'I'l1t club hnu..;c presentcd an Hard Fighting Local Teanl Over.. II 1\ 4 J-'- - \1l\ltlllg pldur\: to Ihe lllall\ girls \\ho P()\\cred by Fasler Visitors in " \,/ I.ltllluled tl\e openlllg' fUIICtll}J1 of the Annual "Hoodoo" GanlC I II 4~,?"' /,iF ~2 ch"'I~~,e'\i':'lIor> o[ g,mlclI houquets [or For Ihe Ih,nl W'Ncll"'e H,Ir, Darl" I I _~ .3r Ihe OCC.ISIOIJ \\ere lIlo ... 1 g't'llcrous. ano spolll'" :\\ Irthmon IlIgh School's I the t:tlllllllltlt:l used the flO\\ers \cn fOllh.,11 st: , ... on In dtft:atlllg th(' Gar-Iii diccll\cl) uti llll 0IlUlIllg d.l\ TIlt' 1937 and 1938 1 I THAT son or daugh. ter away at school or college may be "~kating on thin ice" in more ways than one. All man· ner of accidents can h~". pen to young folks. lETNA-IZE Let us explam the many p-otcctlVC featur-es of the low-cost Student's Accident PolIcy u,sucd by t c .Etn:). Life Insurance Company of H:trt­ford, Conn PETER E. TOLD GENER \L INSURANCE 417 Dartmouth Ave. Sn.trthmorc 1833 :\Ir ... ROt.lIl'J L 1.ItOIl presldt:llt of (11."c.lts \\UC 1)\ the slclldt:r Ill.lrg-Ill of III till' Sltlltlr Cluh, Mrs (hlTord Banta, OUt POl11t, 111(' goal .ltlU touchdo\\Il. II p I ... t ~('1I10r a(h I!'>or, and "lr" John I', hut tht rc \\.1" Ilotilmg mdccishc 111 I \11(llo1ll, prt'!'>Cllt SellJOr a{hlsor. pre· till IIJW 1)lllllt:r Dtlrln sho\\ed Its su- ! ... ukd It til(: h.t 1,Ihl1.' Each \\orl.' a p( rlllnt\ thwughollt thl.' game and il c.::nrs.Ig:t' 01 hltlt: .lg:('r.lltnll and tahsman nOl111(1 up Oil till long (!lei of a It) 0 I rust... ..,(ort I I \ Irgl1l11 St.ll. thl' Junior Club PrcsI- 1>lrln s{elncl tl)tJ(hdt)\\IIS 111 the fir~t. I (kilt, \\lio tordl.llI\ \1dCOlllld .tli gllesls.\ stc(lIHi .1IHI Illllrth jl('nml ... and added II! \\ore .1 Ctlrsal.{l' of hlne ag:l.'ratt1ll1 .11ld thl.' I.'xtr,1 pumt b) ,I placcmcnt kick I I g.lTtllllldS .111t:r thl.' tlmd touchdo\\Jl j \ 1II0 .. t fnt:ndh and plt:asallt at1ll0~- III ground g.I111111g D.lrln mushad- I II l)\Hrt.' pl'n.l{lt:d tht entire compau)- o\\l(1 S\\arthuwrc. In lHlllIg up 20 first I :\1.Ir\ :'\ Illlllilnsoll h.ld c.::harge of all (lonlls Itl rt, \\Ith 27-l y.lrds g.11IH'd b\ II .lrr,lIlgellllllh ftlr tin te,l IIdcn In· lu..,llIlIg .11ld -l9 h} passlllg 10 80 and I gr.lh.lI1l he.Hled tht.' hO!>;llItdllt\ cOtlUllU 5J for Iht: G,lrIlct II ttl I he !Jtllnl tlIl.'lllhl'rs, olhcers, and ~\\,lrthIllOrl' nco\t:red from the mi· I II (luh IIl(IUht:r .. \\t.'rt: hOStl.'!>;"lS Dnnt:tl tMI set-hick III prc\lt11lS \ .. Iud \\ent I I 'I(lolll.'ch\ \\as c.::h.lIrm,IU of the rt:- \(In\.lrcl hi .. ucct.,s{lll S(.! ... \IIl" ThiS d('- I' Ireshlllellt c.::Olllllutttt Il It Itln .. h.ldll\\s. \\e htlp{, .1 "\\O\\"II~ Evenmg Section'. Initial Supper tlt.t ..,t.I"OI1 for 1939 I 'fill' I H'llll1g- Sect 1011 of thl' \Vo- lJ.lrln S\\arthmore I 1 111111 ... Cluh Illrm.lll\ Clptllld thclr se.l- (.nt:r kit t:1I11 BU\Hhh:h I) I III \\ It h .1 I U\ t: n (I dish supper A her Colin rt l( ft t.lckle I~ lilllg Illljtl\lIlg ,I \.Inc:t\ III (IeI 1(.ICI(:S t II e IH IS 1)\ ulonh ItI I gUta r(l 'l'l,o•r pellll I' I,:t:ntl.'r 'Vcltt'll I I I" \LL FASHION SIIO\V S"loIII n~hl,1 1;!\Il1g "OII II I i \ IheSl nghl t.lcklt: '- Bnl\\11 AND BRII)GE I S.lg(· nghl llld \{OhIllSOIl II Benefit Junior Club PhllanLhropic Fund :\llh.l.lJ.{ lllllrterhMk Black HI', M" WEDNESDAY, OCTOIlEIt 18 ~I I til 1<11 h"ltl"'k :<:,11<1>; llescr\.ttlOns at 35c can be made by call- .Ir .... 1. thJ:: virgmla l-erkIns, Sw 5.J3-R, or Mrs BI ... h{lp right h.llIll ll:k l{ochc Girls and Teen Age 'DANCE FROCKS Girls' Sizes 10 to 14 Teen·A!!e Sizes 10 to 16 III TAFFETAS· NETS 'I In Smart New Styles i' Yards of loveliness-details that count in exciting shades of Blue. Aqua, Apricot. American Beauty and White. Ihull Speare's Downstairs Store '.aurens Van DYlk. Sw S.f2-R or tickets at lolillct lullh.lCk SlurIe-, I I door _ I f).lr),\ " (I 0 7-19 I!ll~::::::::====::=::::::==:-:-:::=::::-::=:::===::======~ ~-----------------------------_____ ""itl ~\\.Irthnltlrc IJ 0 (I 0- 01.: c o \ ~--+'H'.~-- I "Prohlems of Ih,' \Var" I I 'J I.l ch\bllll1 (11 SOCIII ~CI('nClS .md I till \\'llh,1I11 I COllplr Iound.llioll (If S\\.lrtll1JJOrt: Collegt.' .lI1IHlllll((' a st.'rlCS (II lectures dl.''''lgllul til contnbute to I .W 1Illdl.'r~lalldlllg nt Ihe l'roblems of I tht: \\'.Ir '1 he It:ctun:~.. . \\111 he gl\el! SUllda\ C\ ClIIIIgS at 8 1.1 III Ihe Fncnds FUEL THAT CREATES COMFORT . . . STORM SASH THAT PROTECTS IT! M I 'I ectlllJ.,! 110\1..,c: 011 the c llnpus as fol- 110\\'" Olh)h('r ~ 'lilt ~llltt In Sltu­. lIlon Hill Prospec(!o;, I ro\ er S '\nd­cr ... oll Octohl.'r 15- I hl l'conOIllIC i'osttloll ot Ih lhglrent.. .l1ld ~llltrals.· 1\1t rick ~llIrpll\ ~I aim Octoher 22- SHI( c 1922, 1\l.lson.H(·fllIl IWC'1l S\\ arlhm{)Il~~S fa\ oritc source of HHllfOll·gl\ mg fucl~ .. Co,ll .. Flit'. Oil co*ke. Fireplace Log \\ 00(1 , . Cannel C~htl , . rOi d CIMrt o~ll Bllquets. l\lorc than that, \\(,'\t. Ploh>lted tilt' (omforL \\c\c (rcatcd - With ",Iason-Heflin ~ (Hill S<l';~h .111« \\ Indo" COIl(liliolllllg. Stu It protedlOll lids} our home of (hafl~ nib; )our fuel hills .IS much as ,'lOlL Turn to us £01 pro/toe/cd healing- SWARTHMORE'S RELIABLE TAILOR ESTABLISHED 1912 I N G Prohlems 01 ~eutrolhh, J Roland , Pcnnock, Odoher 29- Amcrlc~\ III \\ .Ir-TIIIII.'.' CI,ur \Vlkox, No\cmhu 51 ~'\\ Kllld of of 1 Peact: Ch<lt· 1 •• Ig'lelt'll, Profl.'s..,nr of 11lterllatlOtl.ll l La\\ .It ~t\\ York C11I\lr ... 11\ \11 lcc.::-i t lin ~ In OJlll1 10 till Jluhlll .mel \\ 111 hl' ' II 1111l\\ III In !lISlU ..... lllll Pn)te .. sor.. :\Iahn land 'VI1cox are IIllI1\IH_·r:-. of economiCs department of the Colkge, Proft'ssor Andnson IS .11 IIlcmher ot thc Illston d('llartlll(-'nt and I Proll" .. or Pennock of thl political SCI t lice clqlartmcnt Mason Heflin COAL co. \\ II.I.lAM :SPULNt.Et, lIfUlCIgl'r S",arlhl11orc '\ ard, D •• rlmontll A,e. S\\urlhmorl' 6 Swarthmore 34.5 UlllU'r Darh, Yard. Stale Road Clearl.rook 3950 SlIl1!lCI 3707 TAILORS AND FURRIERS TELEPHONE CLEANERS and DYERS NO II PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA 11I11I11I1I1I1111111111111111111111111111 III ... I III ••• ' I1IIII11II11111 1II111111III1I11111I t HARRIS & co. SWARTHMORE 504 1492·1939 America THE Still Young! VOL. XI, No. 41 s w '" I~ T H M () I? E L I 13 I~ '" I? ( [()LLE"r.E Sw,.\ I?THM(Il~E p,.\ •• \ '?J9 SWARTHMbR SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 13, 1939 Keep America "Sailing On"! $2.50 PER YEAR ADULTS TURN OUT 300 STRONG H. S. Game Today at Media 1 Ten Minute Alibi Is DOROTHY SIIIIONS ~'!::I T~~~I:~II'llIIo~~;,~,ed~~he!I~;~:: I Curtain Raiser ~'r" _\, I~ BARRIE FANTASY COMING TO CLUB Ol.ening of New Term of Hobby fur I o'do< k Oil Ihe Co\lege 1',c1d, I Myslery PIa) Direcled hy Samuel 1\_ ~~ .1~ Courses Greeted Enthusiaslic. October 13, has beell changed 10 3 E J W"n 0 PI I -T L _ u"clock, Oclober 13, UII Ihe ~I"h" ,ails. r., 1 pen ayers X. ally Monday Night Iligh Schuul held Clnb 291h Season .: .'il\ oril .. " t.:baraclers of "Peter Pan" Will be Givcn Animation for Locol Children Ocloher 28 \hvut three hunured l11en .lnd \\omell Ih( PI.l\uS Cluh of S\\.lrlhmort: \\1111;"11' , ~ "', I:. I ~\\arlhlllore and \1t:il1lt~ l!e,lrd the FOLI( MELODIES "lItl1 Its 2IJth st.'a"'on Oil llle .. d.l\ eHIlIIIg:, '~T'1 lil l)arilllM' f.lIl11h and X ma 'l'lI1ker "'lhonl hell f1l1g last )'londa\ night. and Ottuht:r 17, \\uh '1'\:11 :\llllute \lIbl" 1)\ I:lll Pl'llr P.11l alld tIll Lost BO)5, ....,13tlfleu a staff of l11!>;tlllltors h\ al'I)(ar- AT WOMAN'S CLUB \IIIIIUII\ Arlllstnlllg J'toduCl.:U under the /~'" .. _I. Clptal11 Ilook .lnd tllt: I'lr.lte .... 'llgcr ! IJ.!' for cI.lsses at thl' opell1l1g of the I dllldlUlI of S.lIlluc1 L\ans, Jr the pla\ ~ .. ~ I Ih .md the Imh 111'0 make up a cast of Horoltj!h .... ' \dllit ~Ight at School', • • \\111 (onlillut: thfllilg:hollt the \\('(k Ithl~t\-fi\(' \\lio lor Ihe JM ... t II\C \\ccks I'lflJIlI' ~110 110 II' b~Ildlll ,I dozlen rOOlllls I ~"Vaarrll"e',11noFroel'kSlsnogle)'grsS PDlcruscU' ~1/'Ianllh I \\ II I lit \\ I PI.I\lel s \\ 1III .IJlpC Ir 111 I J _ Ilia ~ hl ;1I1~1I rehl~ars'lllforl ~Irlll "I', lie',',' t~I,Ie '11 t II ug I .sc too 111 II1g resl( tills \\}O • ;.. II I \\ IIlh las )tl.'l1 rt.: lOr tIel 10~' .. lrTll ~ tttr an \\ HC 1\\1 0 lid put thcII school books hehllld them, shard to Sl.eak Next Tuesday I p.l ... l Sl~ \\ecks I}(,rotll\ I, 511111111" Uld ''-~ I IUlllllr .. e I till .It thl Pll\(r'.., Cluh O( 111 sull\t (ases many \C,lrs hdOie. hent Ihoma ... 1 11Ildtr ... III \\11I I-lI\C their I ~.". S\\.lrthIllOrt nn S.lturda\, October 28 \t:1 tht dra\\lIIg Jl.uls. pl.l\t:d IIIIXlmum I he S\\.lrthmore SlIlgers III .t pro- flr .. 1 l'll\lr ... Club ptllorm.llllt .. FI'llkl '\ HdlllHI tht.: ll .. t 01 tlllrh lI\l' pll\crs 111U .... In the lontr.let Lntlg'1.' d.l .. s lostlgr1m of .\mcrI( III I~olk ~Ol1gs .1IId IlII f{ J\\l1Ig \Vllh.ltll J Ru:hlt: J.lll1es 11.:.lllIlIlltte{ fit t\\tlll\ h.IS h('ln ,It \\llrk thtl1lsl:hts III rh\thnm d.lIlllllg. uruslwd I.Hb elltt.'rl.llIIt:d .It thl \\om.lII'" Cluhll",\\tl1 \tlll makl' thl.'lr st:ct,wl .lppelr 1{)(1 Cl1"tUl1Ie:-.. prop('rtlc", .lI1d scenery 11' tht:lr h.tllrtJllm clalltl ~tlJlS. got SOllll (111 'luc:sd.t\ .tflerllOOIl October 10, fol- IllC: .uul 1\\0 pOllultr \-ter.lIls 1)1\111 1.11HI 11\ dl.lrge ot dOZ(,lh ot productIOn \aluahll tlP~ on 'Illprc(latmg IHUSll and hmlllg the stated l1lt:dlllg- .\.Irhdh .11111 Josll1t.l \ Chn .. tlill lUm Forllur S"urllllIlOrt' III~h Schoul dd 111 ... th It \\111 (llrllh till mattllle and llkllU! }llllUrCS I.'xcltedl) ll.lfll(d flr ... t Ihl.: Ilulrtct, consl ... tlllg of ).Ir Clair pltte the cast I UI.u.krrlolrs 1,la-,.cl' h.I" onh female l\llll11g JllrIOrl1!l1lCe" 01 thl'" ddlghtlul tt p... til \Ha\ mg. he.lrd .Ihout pOSSIble \\ Ilc.::llX, ~I rs Laurcnn ~t.lhlcr. :\lr 1 en ~hnutc \hbl" cllJo)cd loll~ rullS I role in Ihe Pla\ er~ Club 0l.cRer, i ll.ISSll \lIIllt(al1 11olic1es ((mart! the Europcan GIlll }{t:zlwr .1Ild ~Ir LHntt UUllt 11\ 101ldo11 awl New York and \\as scell UTell llinuh' Ahhi." n('xl ",eek. I M.lglc lladc It.·ul 11.11 .Hld thclr hkd\ COllsC(jUt:nce ... or \\lrt' .Ibh .tccompalltl'cI h)- ~lr .. lIunt on thl' Pluladdpilla stage Just h\o sca I It It \\ I" thl crocOlhlc th It thnllld IIJI\\('O ll.lsse~ III pubhl sl'eaklllg hom!.: .It the ]11.1110 ~ir JIlI11t COllUl1ll1leu '-'ons IgH Tt'lbe moments, bH,lth t.lklll,..t \llll mo .. t (1111\(' \\Ith the IS"llf.l1lL:e th.u l\\I1Ij.! .md de"'Il,{Il. mtcnllr (l('col.lllng till \\I.'.llth of hnc ... IIld h.lllub g.lIh ~ltlllt1tJn .... I .. tift ment.11 dnl1 III (rlUUIl IEDUCATOR TO I\OU \\111 stl' hUll"1Il1Jlr .. OIl" ]1(' IS he-nd t\('r)d.l) 1.1\\ l red Iroll! .111 "'ectloll" of the Llutcd oln~\ .1\\.111 Its CII111 .1l1<ht:l1ces IIIg hroughl tn hit 11\ n Irh Ir.1 1>01111.111 Peak Enrollment\: ... r(lull th{ (tlllt(lltlOIl of \.tnou.... Ille Itll1o\\lII~ ltJIllpOSC the cast Oor ADDRE' SS H '-(">t'Tl S "1""'·"l'-.'r .11\<1 ~t\(r.11 1l11ll!her ... ot the 'I I II I I I Ir"dler ... frolll !.urope.111lountrll'::; Ih.11 0111\ SlllIUII" 1>.1\111 XlrlJdh Frank ,h,. "-. \tllllllllth(' \\nrkllll!' 111Hhr Illi ... kllhul III ttlt.1 lllro mel't exult I.'{ t loll 011 I I I I J II I I I I I IHltllng l.lI l.'\lrh.I])p(,lll( hlretOl'ro- I\\III"! 1holll.I'" luetll'ls. III. . I (li n.:ct It III It It I ... \\lIHl\ ... htttl.' IltIu ... e Iht OJlllllllg (.l!>;'" IlIg II .1 .. t •\ I.'al \\ Il'II 1(1l in I 0 Ik IIlU~IC Chnsthlll, Ja1111.:'" I'O\\C II md i'\l'a IIm' J II L {It'a I 0 rUUll"lzL"ltl oll I ll'l"t es Ne·1 2I1 - II.wltt ... \(l\lr IllllllUr\ kllon t Ih i I Ih, .Hlult edul<ltlOll lllmeltlen'tS 1I t tills II I I IT I I ,. ~ I I( gnH1]1 \\t.:n (n .. s('( ( ec.:: 1\1.' \ Richie , ])or School Districts to Hcur It Is helllg Inlllt '\\1111 wof (II mo"'S\ 1.)1111 mad( Its hr ... t .Ippt.lrancc 111 ,\\.irt I I I I I I I I TI CI I C I '11 II I II III HlIllle'" IlH quam c I 11I1 (re~ ... t:s Ie 1I) 1'0 I 11tHl prol1t orgalllza 1(1111 Eduard LilldcJuall 1l{Tl'lll ' If It \\.IS Peter s )-In~ 1.ll Ie ( II (lIt 11H1t:e<1 It \\,Is not lar "hort of last I I kill I I Id I I I I 1 I [ °4,' I 11 I I c'll 1II1l )I.'r jac ... lIlt O\l.'ra s \\ IIC} a( e( \\ltl.1 pIl ... tlll ,1I1i t IlIllll Ill" lip 0 _ 0 \(lll ..,pcllhlllliul re ... t .h","rC'( 1>1 1 \\ II'" 1111.11 nglstratlOn total ~()-l. a h~ tIl th( tllthenlHlt\ Ind ItIformaht, III 111'" I Iw)(lcrn tlll.ltlt.: llhtlll,.{ $·bOOO I, Xcxt 1'rlll.1\ 1.'\('1l1ll,.! October 20th at !le\\l lun dll ... t enough to lll.lhll \\CII- 1111 "hllh III slhe)ol ... ex•c cntl\l ((Jill 11 ll.'lr smg11lg' \\'Il l I I rue I1 .lnllOIl\ .Ill( I l \\l1\(:h ... e.l .... 320 One pl.l\ lilIl I1\Ol1Itl l"lelght odock. lOlal p.Ilt:l1t5 and tlacher:-.j(h [(11m .1IId ~rlch.lcI to 11\ a Is o ll11ttu lXpCcts \\111 be ('a~11y surpassed Inllhckmg .lIr thl Ijulrll't "'lllg 111.11\\ (If prodtlled tor tldlt "uh<;t:'1t1lJlt month ... \\i11 \ll prl\llegcd to Ilr I {Iu.lni golrne (h:rilcall .. llls ... ton of the' Bo\' It IS sull ))(hslhlc to rcgl!>;tt:r for 1.'11;\('11 thl ilion ( stlng".lIlcludlllg"~hc'lI I 1st sc.I"'''n It 111.l\ed ttl I tot.11 of 8121 (' I I [" Y k \ \\ ho \\ouM :\:ot l~rtl\\ Lp 10 the iI\c I I )t C0I11111 rOUll< Ie mOlln.1 ,ptrsons I I l IrH'lJd \\ho IJI"lllfltl It > l .... 1\... .1- I till t\\l.:1\e (Olll ... e .... hut thc hooks \\('n ,l I II It"" "\\'a,' \... ,lIHtlllan 4) ."e\\ or le\\ ,ea':;1 'I 'I I I lo ... ul ~1()n{I.l\ mght It II t 1t' l.I"S• III lor tht: \\.lgllll TI \ k 'f I I'a,r, '"'' .lgo III (lIHlcllllll \\.IS t 1e onmlt:IlCC- ,., I I \' I .. r b l{ I r .1lI~as ra\- Ihc Cluh II(llI~l' IS ltll,ltc( 011 "'- " 11 \\S knc\\ thtt ma(1.' e er u\' u- ... '~ttlhlll~ .lIIt! Ih.I\\lI1g' tlltght 1"1 (\llllel1er Solo Ilumhu ... of a narrative rOltl cIt ~()llih Chester road IlIUlt spt:.lkcl .It S\\.lrtil111(Jrl.' .... °1 cge ~\;I~ the fill ~f \Otl \Itlknth tll~elhtr, I. II dllt I S\\dlth1llon .Irtlst \\t:1I1\ I st\lt' !>;t1l1g \\t:r('. I I Bt:l.lthe of IllS 1..'1ll1f1l'IICe and pll]mant llg k d a ~I\ .o\tr \'0.1 S.lI11r I 1\ Igt: \\llh t\\O .,tlC ... pro \lee < 111.!ht lcl~('r rclrtnls \\tTl 011 tcJ nO\ 1)\ :\Ir ... \VI1cox. S\\('ct Bets) .1'0 .l speaker thc ".Inllts .Uld Itac ler ... 011 I'" .... ,... 11 I I rk I got IIX tl( 1.ltllltlt ... of the cl.l ...... It \\111 nOl lll1 )'Ikc"'" and Sonr\\IIOcl ~loullta1l1'1 Paintings at Public Lihrary 1ll.lrll\ schOll dl ... tncb .Ire tIl hcl' tt1\ltfed Ill.l1l1c\'!l!lol~\I~: j:r ... tl~r:~t~~I~~~~~cr dO\\11 I t po ..... II)I 1.', olt:con I lIlg I0 .. t I1 114I1 .1 IIth( J n sung h\ 1[rs Stabler, "Colvrado Trall" I to hear 1)1 I lIlt!etll.U1 db{US:. cst:; oI r I Ir OII ll t l \ Ilh a hlunt headt: d arnl\\ til" to ,l(Illl1t e\1:11 olle llIorC' I S I j<ll1l11\ In ~[r IIUl1t \ rnlorful g:roup 01 ]Ialntmgs. 1)\ It b l'xpectnl tliat Ilu~ .. 11) I I( 11 \\l \ • ." \\1 D J \ I, k [II .III( .110111151), , \a,n('(lm .. uh)tcl 1ll1ttl.'r .mel It:ch- )lCt \\111 h(' rd.ltl'd defimtd\ til the pllh III Kt:IlSlllgtoll ( •• Inlell 1('11 1 r anu_'s U Ills U Il I Rute .Itl Old Pamt, and "The Old I I s N b (Iq lclrt11l(,11 I 0 , 111 I ern,1 I IOllt I tc I a OilS. (17 I I I I "~ '"nl~ h; ..." ..... I-> I I " all ",<,1'" ,e 'I"~"~ 1 .... '111 0 sIH)\\n .tt the he sdlOol situation Tht: Oetoher. 1939 l'clt'r l'un tattlc 1. "ur , I I I "J.I \ I)1C.1 r31 rtl.t< so h hlP II I I I I"'SUl' 01 the SlIrH'\ Graphic dc\otecl ell- Ont: III the 1011(1011 .. Innt:s \lsltt:( all- 1'llIIC(t/,n em\elslt) ()Ilt.'tll'! t1e elture ~Ir Rezllor I-.xemphf\11lg tht (.Ict Ihat S\'I',a"~IIIII,::Jnf\e(>,,. a"'\)(I'CI)()r;;t;~,~r~ch:I\1 Ilirel; to "Schools The Challenge .)lll\ualh 1)\ lhou".I1H .... 01 nlrrleS .Hltmr- .... tnt~ till tht' l.UrllPCIll \\.Ir ht fotlntllMllad ... \\<.:rc \\rtttt:tl and "unl,{ about I ... ",~ .} P t Pm ~t.:\t:III\~I:xII ... tlllCrS,\\hoc'lllSl1tutt:dl)\I'1 I I " ,,1,11\ '1.I.:\l·\!an IlnsC'"ll1)ll!1C1llt .. th{" Il(1ll0(ral\l. lfl\1(.11I1I1I llrru ... aicad (r"'.l"lIH 111l101l" ... llttll O I et.'r . 1 ~ I I~ 'nUll t:' .. e\ell s n ~\l I 1IIg' .Irlllil In I)r Imdl'IIMIl on "'lhe 111 Kensl1l~ton G.lnlt:tls TIll'rl" .Irl hut III th(' 1.1~7cst cl.I!;S 111 the \<lu t I~ It Illg'. hoth Jodul and melanchoh \\l..'n Ilr~t 01 .t SUits \dndl \\111 he lUng (,tid HI \mnll.:an L.lm.ttuUl Ilhrc(' (II till ... tahl('" 111 thl \\orld I he II 'S-' l huol ,"I.nt' C• .maI, ''oJ ggl1l \o1llg'. C rlpp Ie It the Llhr.ln dUring thl.' "1IItcr I \.., .1 dllt.lrtlllc Irol1l the u .. ual Home second IS III \Ilh\erp, I,' c Ig llll11 an d II 1c Ihe 1((1t1le 111 tillS courst: n('xt ~ron CrClk '\\.ller nm' .mll I'm Sad lur the purpose 01 g1\111j.! the pub I ,. I , I II I I I I I I' [ r 1 , .1IId S(1iool Ilrogr.11lI ~lr .. Charles \\ liurd 11\ Camdlll -" 1 i\ 1lIJ.!: It \\1 Ie «(-' I\cret )\ ro esso and 1m Loneh The slllgcrs closed III an Oppl)rtlllllh to )eC01l1e a\ 1.lpPlllcoll, a I Roland Pltlno{k of the (l\:l'artment I II I II 'a"'f"" 1I11har \\!th tIlt "cllk of our local 1I.ukt1JS. Ch.lIrlll.lII of Ilosllltahh, all- ~lanall1 It{ I I C I t It:lr prtlgr.l111 \\1 I \\11 11 (. '-~ nOUllle'" that thert \\111 he a tOllumttt:l fl)rllllr tla(her .11 the College all( til pohllcal SlII.'IICt .It S\\.lrt Ullilre 0 T CI 1 I \\' II I' nd I artlsb S I I HI Ilg-l 011 the suhjell. '''.1I <\lui Intcrn.t-' he ~urcI III tiC ~(\\()O( a> II 01 hChI!>; .1Ilt! hO ... tl ..... l ... t(1 grt:et p.lrcllt<:; knll\\11 ttl mall\ .\\artIt1l0rt:.ln ... 1. I I Jellnlllt' .1lId In respell"'(' to contlllued and It'achers .It tillS mectlllg The moth· thl hnum of cledlcatmg the Camden tit/1M .a\\ applause slllg' till' Il\el\ Cnpplt DELAWARE COUNTY tr .. (II (Inltlnn 111 the Second Grade" ot .. ttitUl \\Ith a pag'lant til \\hlch thne "'eavmg I'opular Creck' .lgam as an l'nCl1re I ARTISTS TO EXHIBIT I the (olle,.;:c and Rutge,"" \UUtlt.: SdlOOIs thousand children p.lrtlclpated Dr Horacc 11 Hopklll", chairman 01 'l'c:a "as SI.:f\('d 101l0\\11Ig tht med- jl"IH cdhrC'(1 to ... ef\e rt:lnslulIClll:. TiltS I \letnortlS of ),I.mcit.: \d.nns pnl(lnn lIlt C'\C:llltIH {UlIumtttc 01 \dult WI{ Thl' Ill\\ Illtmhers \\en IIltrociuc('d I Cnder tht: \rt SectlOIl 01 the Del.l- \\111 111()\J(11.' .1 I){TlOcI for inlormal (hs- .Hues til Ihl.' old form of old progr.ulls, :'\lght" said that th\: U))('l11ng' 01 a d.l"s In :\lrs i{(llilld I. Laton. pn"ultnl 1\\lrc Counh 1'l.'der.ltlO11 01 \\01l1CI1·S I {U ..... 1011 01 Dr Lllld(,I1J.lIlS addres~ aSilllctllre ... Illt:tdntes, .md personal e{)ll· III \H.I\ltIg had met \\Ith an cnthllsla .. tll .11111 \\lkomed In tht: dull Iciuh ... \Irs Nalhamel S.lllll cha,rman,I"lll , .... Ill opll(JrlullIl\ to meet panntsl ((OII(Ulu('d fIn rltfl(' J.our) It"'I'Olhe, III ... pile of a small ellfollmt:llt I "'Confhel of Idcab" Next 'Veck Ithtlt: \\111 he .111 exillhilion 01 pamtlllgs alltl teachers :'" EBULL Ihe 11ll]lortl1ll1h to t.lke.1 lnurse of tillS 011 III.'Xt l'ucsda\, Octoher 17. Dr 11l\ I)cla\\an (Ollllt\ .ntl .. b at the S\\arth ~Irs Gturge P \\arrcll allnOllll(CS Ihlt ANNE TSCH kllld hl .ultlt:d. Ilught nnt hl .l\ulahll' tl) Brand BllIIsh.lni, Prott:~sor 01 Plulo ... Illlorl.' \\oman.., Club IWIII :\o\t:mher 5 11l\('l1Ilcl .. lup due... \\111 ht.' ]I.I)-ahle to the RESIGNS pos'r '-;\\,llthmor\:~ws .Igam (lph\ .It ~\\.Irthmtlrl.' Cnlltgl: \\lto hl'olt" 10 \11 Irtlsts o\er clghtt(,11 \CarSlft,lIo\\lIl/-f tl1(mher!>;ll1p sohcItors ~Ir I \11 IIlSp('(tlOll Clf thl ll.l!>;srootlls ~IOIl ju ... t rctUrllltl trolll a \car \11 '~tlrope'lol agc 1t'S\lltl1g- \\I DeI.m.lre ulunh maY1and \Irs J Burns \Vest :\Ir and :\Ir:; 1 d.l\ IlIght slu)\\ed that mtensl III \\ca\- \\111 addn ... .., tIll cluh nn I ht: Presttlt exll1l)1t I)ue to hlllltcd \\a1\ ... ptl:C onh \\'aher II Dlcklllson :\lr and )'1rs I P I L'I r rian Lcaves Soon mg \\lnch IS taught h~ ~I r... \\ B Da- COil nlct l)1 Idt at.. ).j r~ lIO\\ ard 11 lonl.' I'ldun f rom each artist m.1\ he ell Ril h In) HaJg ~I r and ~I r... Jhrne\ K OPj i.~r HI) t I' N J. New \1"011 ot Il.ll\anl 1\l'IlUt: \\a ... I\ot cun I \t1Il11 Il1d ":\Ir .. \ \ B Orr \\111 hl' ttred Pictures \0,;111 hl' rllll\t:ll at the l :\Iorse 11r and )'Irs \\lllIalll Gordon I to 0111 • liS JaJU 111 -D't" 11I1t:<I to \\oll1tn alont: ',\I I!>; I)a \ISOIl I1 al I ho!>,;t'tss,e . ....1 1ld :\Ir ... \rthur C II (h\-I\\umalls Clull, ::;"arlhtllore :-'Iuu(Ia \ \llIuch.alHl ~Ir and :\lrs 1 l'a u I B rO\\11 I Librarian AsslunIe s U les "'lxlllH mch looms .. et .tJl ttll all of ht'r land ,Ind ~Irs \ I~ 0 Redgrl\( \\11t l1\ullllng, NO\emhcr -l troll! 10 ()'dockl I rnl'~t G OshorHl.' ot I eachcrs .~ol- Ncxt l\lon( ny 11lI111)" ,\h() took tllltr Cq~~lplllellt \\It!1 prc ... "ie at the tt:a table until noon hll turt1wr l).1ttl(lIll1" call Icgt Colllmhl3 Um\erslt} ~a\s pa- I :\Irs \nlle John- Ihtlll til do sOllie platlill home \\ork I Junior Section Well Attended ~Irs .. \Iexander ~1 I.ackt:\ S\\.lrthmorelltllh Illn~t sn that chlldrell ale \\clshed I he rnlgnltiOll (It hhrarlan ot the Ilelort.: the 11l'xt (lass 111ght Dr HOJlklllSI T I ttlA' I large group of 17-l? latul drl'ssed and tell and sent off tt) school T ... (hehnll a ... HtntlUHlI:'ci tlut If .111\ \\ould-he \\ea\t'r lues(a\ tt:~e~; ~o~('r~d dbh ... upper l - • • lIs tlus the end of thclr rlSI)()lbllnht~'" S".lrthmnrt: Puhhc Llhrary \\as ac-nho had not \It I~glstercd \\lshcd to j.{lr"l attelH t( C'le I) I'"\ef"'_one cllJo}cd A parenl and teachcr aSsOCl3tHlI\ can oi- (epted \\11h (kql ngrl'l 1)\ the LI- JIIIlI tilt.' d.I"':, " he s I1 011 I(I get 111 tOllt II 01 t I\: JunIOr t t1l1 rLe:., sultJ s and effllrb I Trinity Rumnlage Sale Icr 0llportU1l1Ucs lor partnersI 1 111 III Cd \1- I IraT) ~ I,'o.l rd 01 Dlrt:clor ... last Tuesd- \\Ith tll\: IIlstnlltOl hd(lrc next :\1onda\ and apprecmte~ It: k and' especltlh C1 Ilcallllg dllldrcn It IS a challenge to e\cn da\ night '(hI.' resignatIOn lleCes~ltate tll arrange for a loom \\Imh, \\Ith eqUlp- 01 man\ goO( ~oo S,' under the lilt \\oman's Gmld 01 lrnut\ lllrCl partnt and teacher to make a \ltallo11 11)\ ":\Ir Tschehllll!>; .Ippomtmcnt as ment (()"I~ Sl5 the succc ... :; 01 t 1(' "lIPll er)'l C I \\111 hold It.. \nnllal \l1tullln Rmlllllage tnhUtlOll to thl:; \('ar":. pnhhl ..,chool (-'x- (.crlll til Instructor III the Jefferson • \dult NI~lll" classes \\111 he held (\- rhalrmanslllJl of ~)oreen 1 ~fr~nJ~:I~lsale at the Church 011 \\t:<i'lc ... ,ta\ ~nd penence Il\ JOIllIIIg'the Local HOllie alldl~chonl 01 Ltll0I1,To\\I1Stlll'. :\ J, ,,..11 tl\ 'Iouda'\ 111 ht for ten \\eeks \\!lh ~Irs Roland 1. Laton all(. 0 the lhursda\ 01 next \\cek On Octllhl.'r 1 th Slhool \ssocmtlOo now tlke c:ffect nil Satur<ia\, October 21 I I ,g I I 111m I ~ltchael extended greetIngs t the haselllcllt ot the Chunh \\111 Ilt opcnl I ~Ir .. l'schehull came 10 the S\\arth-tIt tcrm c Ostllg 011 Jl.'lelll ll.:r (;Olltlllllt'd OIl /'Irge fourl 1 'I TI tl II Hall· 1930 \ lIon r.mges f ,,-, 50 t $5 a conr!>;c jlHlm 7 to 10 P.\ 1"-' h H .... I more Llhran 111 Decem ler ot .)! I he dasses (1)111 I~I- leng~1 frOl~1 tllle to ••• I' Pre·\,le\\ alld Sale" and a ... ma!1 al111115- I Details Soon graduate 01 \\ dl('~lc\ Collegt' and the 1\\0 hours \ar} Red CroBs Sub.Cbairolen .,1011 charg'c \\111 hc made On 1hursday. I Dnxe1 Llhr,lr\ School. hl.'r personal the 19th thc sale \\111 he 110m 9 \ ),1 FII131 arrangements (or the Red I charm and hl.'r I.'xcl'11cnt trall1ll1g fit- ).(rs G,orge F' 1'('l1no, Red Cros .. unit I 5 P ),1 ero"s First Ald coursc are hCIIlj.{ ted her IIleall) for :-.t.:n tCI.' to tillS com-l\ IONDAY TO MARK dtalrman of production atlJ1tlUllle .. that The Comnnttec, undt:r the chamnan completed I mullIt) Cnder hcr. Ihe Llhran ha .. d~- LEGION INSTALLATION thc Red eros .. se\\lt1g groups \\111 ht shlJl of ~lrs Johll \ ).[urpll\ ha:; col Full del.uls \\tll he puhhshcd \eloped :;tcadll\ and hapPII} taktng )1:0. I under Ihe JOint !'i1)0l1sor~llIJl of ~lr~ \r I('cted an attracl1\e lot 01 real hargalll" l III an ('arh Issue of The S\\arlh- plact: a:; an tmportant huh III commUIl- 1h(' O{toher I11cetmg 01 the Ilaroid 11 r U Dana tl'lepho\l(' S\\ 1901 .U1d 111 dothing shoes, hats, household ~()ods. morean It\ hte ~hc has heen partlcularh 10'\Cd AUh\\Orth Post, No 427. \mertcan I. e ~IIUrs ~\ "S' \.\'I lkham tdephollt: S~ \\ -?48 hooks. brtc-a-•u rac Il\ th(' cluldrt:1l \\ho consu I t Il er 1£e-gWn \\111 be hl'1d III Borough Hall nl'xt :\lrs Ed\\.ml:\1 Bas .. ctt S\\ IOlO. \\111 I/uenth tor guulance III hook selection Monda\ c\'emllg, the 16th. \\ hen the tol 11l'a(1 the l~('d Cros~ surgtca~ dresslIlgs I ~I rs Tschchull \\ til ka\ I.' the ,latter 111\\1IIf,! Post ofillers \\111 he IIlstalled ~Irs \\. Burton Rlchard~, S\\ 3, b 111 THE WEEK'S CALENDAR part III tIllS month to Jom ~Lr 'l ... che- Cummander, Dr Georgc B SI(kle sC'lI1or dlalg'e oi Red Cross kmttlllg I FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13 Ih\111 \\ho h.l.., het:ll III L"moll To\\I1S111p, a \Ill lllllllnancll.'r Herht:rt Ba:.:sdt JUluor .'\I re.~ 1~(,lIno lalls attellIJoll to tht 10 00 A M _ Presbyterian Woman 5 Assoc Parish House :suburh 01 Xl\\ark, X' J, ~I1lCC Scptem- \Ilt lonllnandcr Re\ 1homa .. \ ~Ien tilt that another lot of \\001 l!>; on It... 230 PM-Soccer College '\5 Princeton College Field her 18 \\l.l1hlr adJut.lI1t Rl'x I Can hllllllll\\.I\ Itlcphollt: l,llt.. lrom \clhmll.:lr k11lt SUNDAY. OCTOBER 15 1':<,,,, lihrllri.m Ap(JOIntl'd Ilt1lcer lerrts B ~llt(hell .. el~eallt-lliter .. to either :\lr~ Richards or ).[rs 1100 A M-Morning Worshlp ,Local Churches 'lht apIH1IHlmlnt ot I'kaUllr H anus \ll.'xandt:r DQdell I'ennu \\111 ha\(-' their 1Il1llR,<hate att~ntIoll 815 PM-College Lecture Series continues ,Friends' Meeting HOWie \\nght as Lthranan IS anuoullct:d h\ \11 IIItcre"tmg: (eatun 01 the llIcctlllJ The Southeastcrn chapter of the Am· j\[ONDAY OCTOBER 16 till Hoard \\111 be thc presence of the t\\O local hO\s encall Red Cros~ ha~ asked lhe hranch('si 800 PM-Adult Night at School ,. High ~~~~~ugB~n~~ff :\11s~ \\ nghl .~ a graduatc o( the \\hu attended the Bm ' ... State C amp t I" ... ,,, start \\ork at once 111 preparaI 1011 I( lr 8 30 P M - Legion Post Meeting I I I LIll\erSU\ o( Dcla\\are alld Drexel ~I-I [ 11 TUESD!\Y. OCTOBER 11 "'\lIll1l1l.'r and \\ III descnbe their aett\ ttle:; ,I,sa, stl'r and t'merqelln rc II.' Ie sur '" 526 Walnut Lane I hran School She has held poslhons III It 1 1 ).( B 10 00 A M - L W V Study GwuP •.. \\ink at the Camp Thl' c\ellln~ \\1 Jt gll'al <In .... ''lng \\clrk(r~ UIl(er r!'i as-I 230P M-Dr Blanshard Speaks Womans Club the C:lll\er~lh ot Dela\\are the \\11111- ltlnduded h) a collatIOn ... ltt·!OO Ilacl('rsillp \\111 heg-Ill \\ork 011 Ot: 800 to 1000 PM-Badminton Club High School Gym Il1lgtnn Puhhc 1.lhrar)- and comes to • I' tuha 25 IroIU tlll until h\('he ,at J!5 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER J8 ~\\arthlllofl from the Sunil) Htn Xorth Che:.ter road and \\111 contl:me () 800 to 1000 P M - Badminton Club High School Gym School III \\ tlmmgton Del Her home meet on the ~ccond and lourl!t "cdnes· THURSDAY. OCTOBER 19 I:; 111 Hll!crc!>;t \\ Ilml1lgton hut she \\ 111 I I e3ch mOllth Volunteers arc askctl 200 PM-Friendly Circle, 210 Park Ave h~e in S\\arthmore durlllg the neek 'I r... lo\(:tt I'n.·s(oln (II lIanard a\c (a\ S 0 and "u ... sor ... \\lth 800 to 1000 P M _ Badminton Club High School Gym nne has been elected regl"trar tit Ihel'O hnllj.{ tap .. apron.. • 11 I Shl \\111 he.:glll ht:r dutiesnext \Ion- 1>C'la\\an Counh Challtl'r ot the !laugh them :\latC'nals lor thl \\OIk \\1 )e on da\ OCloher Hi hrs i: the \men~3n R('\tllutlllll I hand. • Named by Connly D. A. R.

---------- Page 7 ----------

2 TBE~SW AaTUIIIOBEAN ocroBER 13, 1939 Birth ' Falling Leaves LiJ,y Brow,nCarl!~t As Club and Social Season Beglns Mr, and Mrs. I, L Nlckenoa, of Park avenue, spent last week-end in Blairstown, P"., with their son Les&oo, Jr~ who is . The marriage of Min Katnarine. Mer- - Mr. and Mrs. pkul McHale, of Shar­att~ ng Blair Academy, ~torda'y af- ~ Amistrc>of'. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. on HiJI. P,,;,. are being congratulated temoon they ,attended the Bhur, Academy- John Armstrong. of Haverford, forlnerly ·upon the bl~h of a son. Peter. born Sc,:""ton !ilgh School lootball game. 01 Swarthmore, and Mr. Joseph Hill Tuesday even 109, ,. Friends fete popular couple on occasion of wedding anniver~a~. whlC:~ Bhur won, 23 to 6, and Sunday Brinton, 3rd, son 01 Mrs. Jcseph. HiJI --....:..--....:......:..-------­mo~ ng ~ey were member •. of a congre- Brinton. of The Crossway., Media and g:'tiOD which heard the Bla" ~Iee Club Philadelphia, was performed at 4 o'clock slDg at the church. Leston, Jr., IS a mem- Saturday afternoon, October 7, in St. Village bridge clubs swing into serious aC,tion. B_ut ,for many a PICIllC or hike through woods colored by autumn s magic IS the reward of a frenzied day, ber of the Clee Club. Mary'. Church, Wayne. The ceremony --- . Mrs, Oscar ]. Cilcreest and Mrs, A. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony ~e~d Fair- . was performed in the presence of the Mr. and Mr •. Alden Q. DavIS. Jr., of immediate families by the Rev. Henry B. Lawrence entertained last Saturday banks, of Buffalo, N. Y., ViSited Mr. Stony Brook, Ridley Park, entertained Mitchell rector 01 St. Mary'• . evening at th~ Lawrences' home on Cornell Fairbank's mother~ Mrs. A. U. Fair­avenue to celebrate the fortieth wedding banks, and family, of Park avenue, for annive;sary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. a few days this week, on their wedding Coates, of Harvard avenue. The eighteen I' trip, following their marriag~ in B'U~­guests, Mrs. Gilcreest and Mrs. Law- falo on October 6. ~frs. Fairbanks 15 renee, presented Mr. and Mrs. Coateslthe former Mary LOUise Scheu, of Buf-with a surprise birthday party Saturday • , ,., evening in honor of Arthur Cheyney, of The bnde, who was gtyen In marriage with eight silver spoons. falo. College Lane. The guests were Miss' br her father, w~re a tailored a~ua rna­Elizabeth and ldary Davis, Miss Jane flne wool traveh~g costume With felt Klein, M iss Alice Nickerson, Charles hat. to match, albgator shoes and ~g, Black, Louis Agnew, George Alston, white gloves and a c.orsage of ~rdemas. William Shelly, Edward Jennings and Both she and her bridegroom were unat­Harold Robinson, of Swarthmore, Miss tended. ~rrs. Sewell 'tV. Hodge was hostess Mrs. Alvin J. Herr and son, Alvin, of Jane Henderson, of Narberthi Miss Myra A reception for members of the imme-at luncheon and cards yesterday after- Michigan avenue, spent last week-end Williams, of Moylan j Miss Vivian Neis- diate families of the young bridal pair noon when the following members of her in the Poconos as the guests of Mr. and ser, of Lansdowne, and William Booth, was held at the home of the bride's grand-bridge dub opened their fall season of !.lrs. Irwin Smith and sons, also of of Philadelphia. mother, Mrs. Charles M. Armstrong, in duplicate play: ~[rs. Herschel G. Smith, Michigan avenue, at the Smith cabin • I , Wayne, following the ceremony. ~Irs, W.llace M. McCurdy, Mrs, Philip near Childs Park, N, y, Rickards-Brown After a motor trip through New Eng- \V. Kniskern, Mrs. Theophile Saulnier, land Mr. Brinton and his bride will spend Mrs. 'Vayne H. Randall, Mrs. David I Miss Betsy Thorogood, of Waban, The wedding of Miss Dorothy Wain- the winter at The Crossways. Shaw and :Mrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln. Mass., who spent last week visiting Mr. wright Brown, daughter of Mr. and The bride is a graduate of Swarthmore and Mrs. VV. R. Huey, of Benjamin Mrs. David A. Brown, of Lakewood, High School. 11r5. A. B. Lawrence, of Cornell ave- West avenue, is now making her home Ohio, and Mr. Charles Edwin Rick- -------------.-­nue, entertained with a luncheon bridge with Miss Ethel Rupert, at 211 B:!D- ards wilt take place at 4 dclock Sat­last Thursday afternoon. Her guests were jamin 'Vest avenue. She is a Wellesley urday afternoon, October 14, in the Mts. Samuel Wisdom, Mrs. Sargent College graduate and now is doing re- Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. with Walters, )'Irs. Edwin A. Yarnall, Mrs. search work at the University of Penn- the Rev. David Braun officiating. Robert L. Coates, Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes, sylvania Medical School Miss Brown will be given in marriage and Mrs. George deForest. by her lather. Her only attendant will • Alr. and Mrs. A. B. Lawrence, of Cor~ be 'Mrs. Jack B. Thompson, of Cedar Mrs. John E. Mtchael, of Park avenue, nell avenue; Mrs. Charles deHart Brow- I cntertained with a luncheon at the Cedar er, of .Thayer road, and Mr. and Mrs. a~~. Ricka~ds' ushers will be his two Brook Count.ry Club \Vednesday afte:- Franklin Lawrence, of Gennantown, plan brothers-in-law, Mr. Vvilbur McFeely, noon. Followmg the IU:lc.heo!l Mrs. :Ml- to motor to dSchl enecedtadd~' N·f ';·," to.'Jnor- of New Brunswick, N. J'J and :}'fr. Bar­chacl and h. er guests enjoyed an after- Iro w to attYen tie W'I WI11'gI I'0 .l\B IS S ean' t on S ense III' g, a f Mer'loll', a~lso, 'I r. Wal- noon of bridge. ~awrence ates to .1.\' r. I Jam owman, ter Studdiford, of Washington, D. C., of Dem'er, Colo. Mr. Edward Lang, of Wilmington, Del., _ , 'I . Mr. Herbert Taylor, of Elkins Park, 1 he Lallrences daughter, .Mrs. WI ham d M Th d W'd' R V I L h ,an r. eo ore t mg. ose a - NEWSWEEK 84,00 Per Year Special Price to New subscribers 40 Weeks for Only $2.00 MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Sw. 2080 313 Dartmouth Ave. sublmptloDB to ALL Map'l1lles Read the Newest Books FlOlNTl Con".u 'lfCJ.Wt WORN TIRES , Ci/te WORTH MONEY Tfret'one FACTORY-WAY TREAD CAPPING MAKES TREM LIKE NEW ••• Don't throw awav your tires just becauae they are worn smooth - the Firestone Factory ... Way of Tread Capping will make them like new lit a saving of SO%. GET OVR LOW PRICES TODAY Mrs. John R. Bates, of Westdale avenue, will entertain her bridge club at luncheon and bridge 1fonday. Mem­bers and guests will be Mrs. Herbert Bassett, ).f rs. Carlos F. Noyes, Mrs. 'Villiam Argyle, :\.[rs. J ames Douglas, Alrs. Roy Comley, Mrs. J. Simmons, Mrs. \Villiam Bullock and Mrs. Hershel G, Smith, I:ehman, of Schenectady; )'lr~. e man s ley. Jack B. Thompson, of Swarthmore, bttl~ daughter, G~ace; and 1!ISS Hannah will act as best man for Mr. Rickards fe,Fin*tNB:dIllIJIIIN",YoriJY",ld'llWIr. SmIth, of Wallmgford Htlls, former h 'h f M d M s A hOe classmate of the bride at Colby Junior 'Rv, Ok "dt e sfonpo r't 'pn k r. rc 1 LisIm 10 IhI Vole, oj Pm _ ~ NiIIItIIII . be f h dd' IC ar s, 0 rospee ar. -~ N, B, Co IlMl N_ College, WIll be mem rs 0 t e we rug A II t- '11 b h Id t t sma rccep Ion WI e e a RUSSRJ J 'S SERVICE (lar Y, .S trathI Haven Inn immediately follow-' , THIS WBEK-END'S SPECIAL D81'Imouth and Lafayette Aves. Mrs. Clarence G. Myers, of Dickinson Itlg t Ie ceremony. I ::l:S-:In=ch=:T:av:.:rn=c:an=rII:"==$1:':OO=d:08:·=~ _____ ~C~all~~4~4~0~ _____ , Among the members of their evening avenue, with her son, Peter, and daugh- -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ir bridge club whith opened its season at ter, Ann i Mrs. Paul F. Gennnilt, of Ii the home of ~fr. and Mrs. Scott Stewart, Thayer road, and daughter Jean i and on Beatty road, Wednesday evening are: Mrs. George Zimmer, of Ogden avenue, and Mrs. Philip Kniskern, Mr. and joined the trip of the Academy of Natu ... al }.otrs. David Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sciences, Philadelphia, to the Witmer M. McCurdy, of Swarthmore; Mr. ~nd Stone Bird Sanctuary at Cape May Point, Mrs. Richard Carvell, of Overbrook, and N. J" last Sunday, October 7. Mr, and ){rs. Charles Zahn, of Lans-. ,. . downt.'. . Miss Dorothy Lueders, daughter o! Rinky McCurdy returned from George Dr. and :Mrs. Thomas H. Lueders, at School accompanied by a classmate. Carol North Princeton avenue, and a freshman Mason, of New York City, to spend last at Russell Sage College, Troy, N. Y .. ' has week.cnd with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. been elected secretary of her dormitory. Wallace M. ~'cCurdy, of Ogden avenue. :Mrs. Lovett Frescoln, of Harvard ave­tlue, attended a house party at Lewes Beach, Del., from Friday until Monday. • I I Cbester's Most starts FrIday RICHARD GREENE RICHARD DIX. In . "HERE I AM A STRANGER" With Brenda. .Joyce. Gladys George Roland Young Added: The March of Time Chester. Pa., at 8th street MEDIA Frillay and Saturday The Supreme Screen Achieve­ment of 19391 "Stanley and Livingstone" Starring Spencer Tracy NANCY KELLY RICHARD GREENE and Waller Brennan, Charles Co­burn. Henry Hull, Sir Cedric liard wicke. Henry Travers E:arol Di.ney Cartoon and Fir .. Ran JII' orld N ..... Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Entirely in Teelmleolor "The Wizard of Oz" with JUDY GARLAND FRANK MORGAN MANOR FREE PARKING Friday - Saturday SPENCER TRACY "Stanley and Livingstone" Richard Greene Monday - Tuesday "THE WIZARD oIOZ" Special School Matinee Monday-3:45 P. M. Wednesday 001,.1 " Pay. Tomle Irene CharI .. DUNNE-BOYER "When 'l'omorrow Comes" SUNDAY MOVIES Starts saturday "COAST GUARD" Randolph Seo" FruCN Dee Walter CoIUlolI7 Shuholz Chocolate Shop 1M Park Avenue 'Phone Swarthmore 2464 Own Make Candles - Fresh DallJ 50c lb. Assorted Chou»lates & Bonbons 40 VarieUes Assorted Cream CaraDlels 50c lb. Sandwleh Mints 45c lb. Everything Pertaining to PETS FRANK & SEDER'S PET SHOP 69th Street All Insurance policies look very much alike but the real test is the service that you receive after you have had an accident or present a claim_ Wise properly owners are "company con­scious" - They look into the slability and reputation of the company back of their policies. PETER E. TOLD GENERAL INSURANCE 417 Dartmollth Ave. Swarlhmore 1833 FALL FASHION PARADE Frank Berman, Inc., Chester. sponsored by the Swarthmore Junior Club, will present 'the latest slyles lor milady's fall amI winter wardrobe. in the Woman's Club House on Park avenlle' at' 8' 'iJ'cibck next Wednesday evening, October 18. Featured in the show will be the famous Nelly Don and Kay Dunhill frocks. exquisite evenifl8 wear, lilver lox capes, Persian l.:zmb trimmed coats and suiu, and Stetson hats. 7 La sa • . Schussler's Restaurant Serving Excellent Meals Drexel Avenue & City Line NOWE & HORST STOCKINGS ANGLE-KNIT TOE SNOWDEN'S 7 STATE STREET MEDIA Phone Swarthmore .10,000 OCTOBER 'lSi, 1939 s W.I.L. OPENS YEAR Mothers' Groups ::..:;:s!~~r adio programs, w~re Cram Creek Club ..:..:n:.: ~s:'~ff:, ~.= WI'fII PEACE TAI.K A dance conunittee was chosen, the' Bridge Wbmcn avenue, .tndents at West Chester Teach- Mrs. Luehring H~ to members of which, Mrs, George Sickel, Reopening it. season on Tuesday night ers College, left W o:dnesdoy with the ..... _.___ S k ___ Grade SeIlooI ChairmID Mrs. R, C. Rincliffe and Mrs. Birney of last week at the Strath Ha I th soccer team to play Stroudsburg College Sta~'~~L._PEeR 8J BArIl. •• Morse, are to look into the possibilities Crum Creek Bridge Club an::n.: th: Wednesday afternoon and I~ College, S ......... t....,.,.,....,.,. uropean An afternoon tea and discus.,oo meet- of folk and country dance. as a substitute following winners' N rth nd Sout.'t- New York, yesterday. They wiI\.>retum WUh (01' Peace ing of the grade school chairmen was for formal dances when the n~ ari. ... Mr. and Mrs. Ma~ri'; Cri~t, top; Mr. ~h~.o.m.e . ".t.h.i . s~evenio""".;.,;g=.=======;I held at the home of Mrs. F. W, Lueb- Tea was served by a commIttee under and Mrs Philip W Kni.kera, second' I A~t seventy-five peo~le attend~ the ring, !,r~ident of the Home and School the chair~,hip 01 Mr~, Birney Morse Mrs. W~lter Sh~er and Mrs. Ar: meeting of t!'e Women. International ASSOCIation last Monday afternoon, and a SOCial tIme was enJoyed by a large thur Robinson third - Ea t and West- League held m Bond Hall, Wednesday, Mrs. David Mccahan chairman 01 the,group of mothers. Mr and 14' Da: I CSood' fi t, O abe 11 ' • rs. me WID, rs, ct r . . grade group mothers, expressed the hope • I I Laurence Stabler and Walter Dickin- Mrs, Harold Mar"'.', th. local presl- that group meetings would be, held ~or Fourth Grade Trip Planned son, second; Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee dent, oJ>C?ed the meetmg and Intrnduc~ mothers to bec~ better. acquatnted WIth land Bayard H_ Morrison, third. Mrs. EmUy C. Johnson, the .ta~e chalr- each other, to discuss thetr common prob- The pupils of the fourth grade in the This week, on the Club's first night of rna!, ,of the W.I.I::'., SI!e explamed the lems with the advice of the teacher and College avenue building are planning to its fall tournament Mr and Mrs Rich­IIohcles. of the orgaruzation. She stressed to undertake suth other study activities visit the J. C. Winston book-publishing ard Carvell were top ~orers North and that thIS country should stay neutral in as seemed to be of pertinent interest to company on Monday, October 16, They South, with Mrs. Ryan and' Bayard H. order to save the values of .democracy. the group .. She stated that th.ere should wi1l also examine the murals depicting Morrison, second, and ~frs. Franklin ·S. The W.I.L. advoca~~s a conti!luous con- be no fechng of pressure 10 making the history of writing in the C. F. Decker Gillespie and Mrs. Philip Kniskern, third; ference of. ne~trals. If !he Umted States, meetings a burden, but rather they should Inc. building on Chestnut street. This trip, East and West winners were Richard the S~andmavJan ~ountfles, and the South be less k'!quent, probably grouping sev- under the direction of Marion Jean Sellers and W. H. Nason, first; Mrs. H. AmerIcan. countries, should meet t~ge- eral grade meetings together, and should, Prosch, teacher. ·is being made in con- Bardwell Lincoln and A. F. Robinson. titer continuously to offer ,to mediate in so far as possible be integrated with nection with a project 011 the develop- second; and Mrs. John A. Murphy and a,~d suggest ways of co~p~omlse~ the war the Home and School Association pro- rnent of hooks and writing. Mrs. Albert Hill, third. ml.ght be ~topped. for It IS obVl.ous that gram. Mrs. J. R. MacElwee, chairman , I • neither Hitler nor Chambe:rlam want of the magazine committee presented sev- 6th G d Coli A G I to start a heavy offensive,". said Mrs. erat helpful suggestions i~ securing ma~ ra e ege venue roup 1 Soy You Sa.., il in The S."arthmorean Johnson. The plan of a continuous con- terial for group or individual use. Mrs. Virginia Francis entertairted thel ~==~===-=========~I fcrcllce of neutrals was first proposed In an effort to make the Home and sixth grade mothers of the College a"e~ S.fJarthmore at the ~rst meeting of the W.I.L. at the School meetings more attIC:ctive and 50- nue school at the horne of h~r mother 1St SPECIAL Hagu~ 10 1915. As a method .of stopping ciahle, Mrs. C. W. Lukens, chairman of Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, at Swarthmor~ UJee caram;! ~:. BoDs \\:ar, It ~'as successfully. used m the class the hospitality committee, requested and and Ogden avenue Wednesday afternoon, Shop Brld&'e Ass't of Hard dIspute 10 South Amenca. received the enthusiastic support of the when they had a social get-together to Candy-4Oe a lb. :\.{rs. William Hull spoKe briefly on plan to have different grade groups act as meet the teacher, Mrs. Henriette }lan- Old Bank BId... Tel. Sw. 2149 the suoject, of ~orld government which hostesses in serving refreshments as well nat. S'ii:~":O:je Ct::,riZ:u must be the ultlma~e way to preserve as greeting parents at the Home and School • I , world peace. She said there are a nurn- meetings. Mrs. George Warren, chainnan Last Saturday evening the men and RODGER'S 608 Edgmont Ave. CHESTER "Vest Pocket Juniors" Dresses Sizes 9-10-11-12 $5.95 Corduroy Suits $3.49 All eolon "Snuggle" Coats (Blanket Plaid Revenlbl .. ) $11.95 CHESTER'S NEW STYLE CENTER Style-SeNJice-Saringa hC,r of plans. formulated now and more of membership, asked that each mother women of the athletic department of w,1I be pubbshed. _ interest her group in an effort to have a Swarthmore College and the wives of' The MAIN LINE GOLF CLUB * DUPLICATE BRIDGE TOURNAMENT-F,iday .~enings * DANCING-Sa,u,day e~enings * DINNER and LUNCHEONS-Facili,ies for pa,'ies Mrs. Harold Speight, who has recently one hundred percent parent membership the men were entertained with a cov­returned from a year abroad, spoke of in the Home and School Association. ered dish supper at the home of Mr. the reluctance of the British people to\ Frank R. Morey expressed his ap- and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner, of Dickinson figh.t. She said, uOnly one ~erson I met provat of the general plan for the year avenue, and then adjourned to the home durmg the whole year said that war and explained the need for a wholesome of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Blake on Am­was the right solution". She was im- relationship and understanding between herst avenue for an evening of games. pre.s~cd by the terrible conf~sion of the the parent, the child, and the teacher as I •• r..-..--..-....-...-..-....-....-··-....-....-..-:..-....-....-..-....-.-..-....-....-..-.-...-..-.."I. 1 Beauty is yours-to have-to hold ! ~fJ.tlsh people and the feehl1g of stu- being best accomplished through small Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Reeves, of Lans- }l)(ilty of war. groups. Mrs. Luehring pointed out the downe, have moved into their new resid- One of the high points of Mrs. need for parents to have a vision of rou- ence at 517 Elm avenue. Sl~ight's trip was atte~lding the. Inte~-I cation beyond the immediate. needs of ,-_____________ _ 11 Call 1 1 AUCTION SALE national W.l.L. executive meetmg IDiJohnnie or Mary and to thiS end en­P~ ris. Representatives of about IO~coun-lcouraged parents to hecome informed oi'l tnes were present. the trends in education elsewhere, so that ~trs. March ended the meeting with I they might more intelligently appraise announcements of the work ahead. Tht. our local situation. It is hoped that r annual card party is to be November 13 through excetlent programs of the Home I at 2 o'clock in Bonel. and School Association there will be in-I Closing out stock of Attic Treasures. Antique Shop and Household. Goods of Mrs. a. A. Stem I , . mite 5nuqu~t I II Beauty Salon ! I 13 S. Chester Road Sw. 476 ! • • , formation, inspiration, discussion, and a JUNIORS MODEL FALL \ challenge to active endeavors lor the im- STYLES NEXT WEDNESDAY provement, of our schools and a better Baltimore Pike & Llneoln Ave • Springfield "'--"' _ -..-...--...-...-.."-.-.-_.-....-..-. _ -.._-.... _ -...-. _____ .--..~--l understand1l1g of them. I The Junior Club Fashion Show and I ,. Bridge will be held Wednesday, October Senior Mothers in Session WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18 At 10 A. M. JOHN L. HALLIGAN. Auctioneer 18, at the' Woman's Club House at 8 P. M. All ticket holders will' have a The senior mothers held their first' '=======::::====~==~=.::;;:::! chance to win a black suede bag or a meeting, Thursday, October 5, 1939, in RAKE 'EM AND brass flower bowl, the two door prizes. the museum room of Swarthmore High BURN 'EM The following will model: Mrs, Ro· School to discuss arranging a parent- Rakes of land L, Eaton, Mrs. John E. Michael, student Hallowe'en party to be held Oc- ~frs. Lewis Br~n,ter, Mrs. Randall W. tober 27, in the gymnasium. The activities Bamboo - Woodt Reed, Mrs. Wllham.J. McCurdy, Jr., of the senior year were explained to the Metal Mrs, E. Cralton Carhsle: Mrs, Howard mothers. The selling 01 Christmas cards Weed Cutters \V. Emmons, Mrs. Damel P. Johnson, and other means of raising money were Kathryn Simpers, Alice Nickerson, Hel- discussed. Mrs. Guenther H. Froebel is cna Shenkle, Virginia Perk;ns and Keta the chairman of 'the group. Brauer. I , Sport frocks, afternoon dresses, even- th G d M hIM t ing gowns, cloth coats, fur coats and Seven ra e ot era 0 ee millinery, the Frank Bennan estabHsh- h d thcrs will hold Incinerators and Supplies at ment in Chester will be shown against The sevent g~a e mo a background of' palms and flowers. their first ,meetmg of the ~ear next ·SUPLEE'S T ' ". t be b' t . ed fIb Wednesday, October 18 at 3.15. at the Ibc"ee s mda y o .f. a m , rdo rpb any lcr uH.Ig h S c h I' --::'~-=:''''::'':''''''-==-=-_....!o!!!~~rn!!!!!!.- 00. - 'VI1?"I. ~, apn kr~servSa lonths rna ~ 54Y3caR 109 There will he a short session in the Ifgmla er illS, war more -, or h' h M Frederick :\Irs. Laurens C. VanDyke, Swarthmore museum r?om at ~ IC rs. 842-R W. Luehrmg, PreSident of th~ ~wart~- . • , more Home and School ASSOCiation wIll Friendly Circle Season Begnn be present, and current gr~de problems will be discussed. Tea will be served The, monthly meeting of the Friendly and there will be ~11 opportunity to Circle will he held next week at the home meet the teachers I11formally. of Lillian T. Boyt. 210, Park avenue, The grade officers. are a~ fol~wE: 011 Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with :Mrs. M. C. Neal, chairman, rs. . I' ~Irs. Edward M. Boyd as co-host~ss. I Drew, hospitality; Mrs. W. E. Hetze, At the September meeting, medicine, telephone. ' milk and eggs ~ w«;r~ vQted supplied to a I I , three-year-old child, charge 01 the. Fam- Sixth Grade Rulgers, Beview ily Service ~nd Nursing clinic. Money., . and a stove was donated to help a desti- A meeting of the mothers of the Sixth I hlte family through the month. $10 was grade~ Rutgers avenue s~hool. was held spent to aid a ,boy in overcoming a phy-, Friday afternopn, Octo6cr 6, at the si~al handicap, which -had caused him to school. . develop. a serious_ inferiori~ comp~ex'l Mrs. David. McCahan, chairman, pre­". fWD pairs of new shoes were supphed, sided and Kathryn M. Moran, the teacher, as well as medicine and diet, for a dia- gave an interesting 4?utline of .the pla.ns betic l)3tient being helped. for three years; for the year. Among the s~bJects dls­$ 6 for nainsook to make dreSSes. Mrs. i cussed was the need, of suffiCient. rest by Harry Reynolds donated $5, which with i the children. Suggestions ,thiS coul4 $25 from the Circle treasury, paid off a be obtained by evening readm~ and ~~re dentist bill for work undertaken' last hours of sleep, with less outSIde actiVIty spring. I I ------------------------~------------------.-------.--- AUTUMN~IAGI(; "Some 01 us caU it autumn, And others call it Goel". I 'd ·th ., DOl' dim with mist, haze, and "What days of splendor, uel Wl VlSlO, '. ~ d the ~mothered 8un8hin~ when the light bas an aspect of BDCtl;ntness an woodland i. like an art gallery. God be thanked for beauty STRATH HAVEN INN SwarthPlore, Pa, -AT-THE HAMILTON Norristown, Pa. You wi1l find not only na~ure at I-tB best, b ut del"I CIOUS loo_d at r ....n abl. prices Tel. Swa,tfuno .. : 680 F. M. SCUEIBLEY, Manager -~--- - ,•, , J,, , , , You sava many .tep. and minutas when-aver yo!' go to the storas by "'~Pi,one. . ~~'., "'- , ., Why not sari'- time and energy today? Why not lelephone your order to your fovorita .tora right now? \1 ,f f , ,f f I , I t , t THE BELL :ELlPHONE , COMPANY , \ O' ,PENNSYLVANtA ~-- .. --" ANOTHER FAMOUS RUMMAGE SALE AT TRINITY CHURCH ;'. ;, . ,",f.: ':' "'Preview and Sale" . WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18 -7 to 10 p. M. (AdmIulon - 5c) ,,' . .\ THURSDAY, OCT. 19 - 9 A. M. to 5 P~,~. Great BARGAINS in clothing, hats •• h ..... household .oocb boob, brie-a·brae THOSE WHO KNOW COME BARLY < ' BLANKETS EXTRA LENGTH :' ., AND MOTH PROOFED All woo)I, thick and warm but very light. Beautiful colors, dusty rose, jubilee blue, misty green, sunlight gold, romance rose, Sahara and Spanish wine. Size 72 A 90. TIlE LINEN SHOP Charlotte M. McCord,. in Charge 1318 Walnut St. H. T. PATl"ERSON Philadelphia PENnypaeker 0694 OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENI.NG FUEL THAT CREATES • 8 STORM SASH THAT PROTECTS IT! Since 1922, Mason·HeHin has been Swarthmore's favorite ~ource of fnels .. Coal •• Fuel Oil .. co*ke •• Fireplace Log Wood _ , Cannel Coal •• Ford Charcoal Briquets. More than that. we.'ve protected the comfort we've created - Mason·HeRin Storm Sash and Window Conditioning. Such protection rids your home of drafts. , cuts your fuel bills as mucb as 30%. Turn to us for protected heating. Mason. Heflin . COAL CO. - WILLIAM SPRENGEL, Manqer Swarthmore y ..... Dartmoath Aye. Upper Darb)' Yard, State Road S. .u tIim_6 Clearbrook 3950 S .. arthm ..... MI? Sunoet 5707

---------- Page 8 ----------

TBE SWARTBMOREAN ocroBEB 13, 1989 N with Mrs. R. M. Richmond. Swarth­more 1625-J by . Monday. October 16. D-rr:- F-."- Ir P'_· J. J.'. Elect responding secretary. Jane Ann Wil- Da .., ... ..,. • -;" Iiams; treasurer. Winifred Park; pub- To nmew "Seatoaed T'cl er' The Literature Section. Mrs. William Coming to Club Oee. 28 Florence Whiwt. was hostess to the licity chairman. Emily Noll; program J. J.'s Sunday evemDg at ber home on chairman. Nancy Henry. assisted by Thea M (Contlntu'4 lrora " •• 0..) Elm avenue. H I lfa h· J M·ck F. Boyle, chairman will present rs. tacts have been revived and brought Bruce Whitlock. of Chester on Wed- to the attention of the director. E Election of officers and chairman for u me; we re c auman, ane essl . this season resulted as follows: president. Several hundred bandages ~ere made Florence Whitsit; vice-president. Nancy and packaged for the Commumty Health w Henry; secretary. Jean Flaherty; cor· Center. s of THE WOMAN'S CLUB nesday. October 18 al 10 A. M. at the Most interesting of these is the com­Club house. Mrs. Whitlock will review. plete musical score published in Lon­" Seasoned Timber." by Dorothy Can- don which is the property of one of Mrs. field. U1lman's College friends who was an New If_ ...... En.-elned intimate friend of the first American Mrs. Harold G. Griffin. of Rutgers Wendy. and who has graciously loaned avenue, is entertaining the new mem- the music for the Swarthmore produc ... bers of the 'Voman's Club in a series tion. of luncheons preceding the meetings on Tuesday. Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave. chairman of admissions, submitted the following list of new members: Mila DUque Relly,", Memories Federation Meets Here Nettie L. Alexander. Mrs. Harry R. L'S COMPLETE FOODMAAKIT Chester Road at Bntcers AveDlIe-Route 3ZO-Swarthmore, Pa. Phone - Swarthmore 2100 Swarthmore women wm be co-host- Barnes, Mrs. Edwin C. Buxbaum, Mrs. esses with members of the 'VornaD's Norman H. Borden, Mrs. Raymond Clubs of Rutledge, Primos-Secane and Denworth. Mrs. Russel1 M. Heath, Mrs. Springfield at the aU·day Delaware T. M. Jones. Mrs. Frank G. Keenan. County Federation meeting to be held Mrs. Heston D. M.cCray, Jr .• Mrs, Wil~ in Swarthmore High School on Thurs~ Ham Rodman McHenry, Mrs. William day, October 19. The morning session G. Minnich, Mrs. W. C. Morrow, Mrs, will be opened with an invocation by Ralph A. Nixdorf, Mrs. John M. Pear­the Rev. David Braun, a welcome from son. Mrs. Paul J. Rutan, Mrs. Richard llr. Frank Morey, supervising princi- L. Stoddard, Mrs. N. O. Taylor, and pal of the Swarthmore Schools and Mrs. H. J. \Veiland. Those reinstated greetings from the presidents of the were Mrs. Joseph Bates and Miss Nellie four clubs. Addresses will be given by G. Collins. At the turn of the century a young man playjng in the local orchestra ac­companied Miss Adam's performance of Peter Pan in Burlington, Iowa. That young man, Robert C. Disque, is now leading another local orchestra of young people and perfecting their performance of the same musical score to accom~ pany another production of Peter Pan. Why Not Serve a Turkey Dinner This Snnday ••• The Folks Won't The immortal story of the "Boy Who be Expecting Tnrkey and it Will Taste Twice 88 Good for That Would Not Grow Up" makes a play Reason ••• Martel Youug, Tender, Country Fresh ~;l~3if~~f{~~~i~:~i:~X:~~;~of~~ T U R KEY 5 ] unior series entitles you to "Peter I the Rev. George F. Connor, pastor of Jr. Art Seetion to Meet the SeUers Memorial M. E. Church of The first meeting of the Art Section Bywood who will sound the keynote wilt be held at the home of Mrs. Oliver of the county program "The American Rodgers. 609 Elm avenue, Tuesday Way·' and by the Rev. William R. October 17. at 8 P: M. . . llcnu*tt, of the Crozer Theological There wdl be dlscuss.lOn of subjects Seminary who will speak on "The Co~ study, and plans Will be made for Background of the European Crisis!' tlus club year. Pan" and three other plays uBallads, I Boots and Beautizo" on December 28. If you want to treat your fmnily or guests to "Daniel Bl}one" on February 24 and somethhtq special ... Serve a turkey dinner ... "Pinocchio" on April Zl. A program full Everyone enjoys it and it costs no more than of variety and charm appealing to all chicken or meat. We have only a Ilm1ted supply ages. I and it will do well to get your order in early. 33 Cpound • I I Roosevelt Clnb Backs Mrs. Frescoln 1.-----­I The afternoon program will consist All who are interested are cordially of a conversational trilogy by three invited. outstanding members of the confer- ••• ence of Jews and Christians of New Garden Society Lectnres Begin York; Robert A. Ashworth, D.D., re· The opening meeting of the Women's Roose\'clt Club of Swarthmore was held I at the home of Airs. George Casey Mon~ day afternoon, October 9. LARGE RIISO Washes clothes whiter. 2 PKGS. 3Te tired Baptist minister, who will lead A. R. O. Redgrave, of Vassar avenue, the discussion, Rabbi William Finesh- is chairman of the committee in charge riber. and Reginald T. Kennedy, who of the winter lecture series of the Rut­will present the views of the Catholic ledge Horticultural Society which will Church. The topic win be "Co-operation open next Thursday evening at the of Jews and Christians for Peace and annual meeting. Mrs. Redgrave and Amity in the World," Harry Wood. of Cornell avenue, are The club pledged its support to IIIrs·1 L ________ .J Lovett Frescoln, who is a candidate for 1 ... _______ ., Luncheon will be servec in the cafe- also on the committee which brings teria and reservations must be made Mrs. M. H. Caudill, of Lima, to speak on ULet's Start Once Again" at 8 :10 P.M. October 19 in the auditorium of the Rutledge Fire House. Mrs. Caudill will discuss plans for the office of prothonotary, and to Mr. Al­bert Crawford, who is up fo·r re-election as county commissioner. I This business was followed b)' an in-! teresting discussion on Senator Davis' 1 letter as to the advisability of calling a I world conference of nations now. j Tea was served by the hostess. • I • Writer's Clnb Project next year's garden; exposure, type of flowers to plant for the entire season, The Writer's Club of Delaware flowers that grow well in this county County spent an interesting morning on new varieties and the best of the old Tuesday with Mrs. Bertha Godshall, I varieties. critic, who read and criticised the first I MOTHER·S OATS For a grand break· fast 2 PKGS. 15C OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Chases dlrl 3 PKGS. 19C On November 30 John C, Wister, stages of short stories submitted by secretary, of the Pennsylvania Hortieul- members. tural Society \Viti give an illustrated Mrs. John C. Moore and Mrs. Oscar .-_______ --. lecture on "E~ropean Gardens." Charles J. Gilcreest were present from Swarth- GRANULATED R. Toothaker, curator Philadelphia more. THERE'S EXTRA GOODNESS IN MARTEL'S LEGS of LAMB Low Week.End Price ••• Only Serve a spring lamb roast with lots of fresh veqelables and mint sauce-For a grand Sunday dinner. Spring Lamb Chops. lb . 25c . . . . . . . . .. lb. 49c Yon Only Have to Eat a Slice to Appreciate What it Means in Flavor ••• RIB ROASTS Beef ROBsts With the Flavor of Steaks Commercial AI useum, will be heard on Th~ Brookline Club has asked to be S U GAR "Brazil" on )anury 25; Dr. John M. supphed with a program for January Sunny cane-Fine Beef roasts that melt in your mouthl Tenderl Julcyl Fogg, assistant professor of botany at 3rd. .. sugar. Flavorfull Give the family a the University of Pennsylvania on The next assJgnment Will be to fin- treat-It's just tops. First Ib 29C ooFlowers of the Glacial Period:' on ish short stories 2000 words in length, 59C 10 LB. BAG 2 rlbs lb. 32<:. • oFne b"rPulaarnyn in29g tahned G aArdnenne foBr. EWffeecrtt sannedr ri:e:vc1i~eu:wd:eind:g ~at~nh~de~ fci~or~rsr~et~ ctpe~d.a ~r~a:g:ra:p:h:s~a:lr:e:a:d~Y!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==: Succession of Bloom" (illustrated) on March 28. Built Televlsi Sound ••• .. lrel .... Come'n ... SeeN"'" Varve. I The Wheel 333 Darbnou~ Avenue 'Phone Sw. 2057R Non-members may attend the lectures for a small charge of admission. • I I L. W. V. Study Gronp The League of Women Voters study group on UBackgrounds of Present Foreign Situation" opened auspiciously last Tuesday morning with twenty~four enrolled. Dr. Troyer Anderson is leading the discussion for five consecutive Tuesday mornings from ten until eleven at the home of Mrs. ). Paul Brown, 526 Wal­nut lane. Newcomers will be welcomed next week. I I • Folk Melodies A.t Woman's Club I Continued from Page One) Juniors and offered their welcome guid~ ance for the coming year. Virginia Seal, the Junior President, opened the business meeting with a cordial welcome to all. Mrs. Raymond H. Fellows .,gave a full and interesting report of the 44th Annual Convention of Pennsylvania Federation of Woman's Clubs held at Buck Hill Falls. to which she went as the club's delegate. The officers and board members of the club were introduced to the club members. Following the completion of club bus~ iness, Pearl Bastian invited all those who wished to get better acquainted to participate in games and bridge. Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Member Fecleral Dep lit I. & Lee C» s! R AGAIN CADILLAC AND LA SAllE TWO NEW LASALLES Wt'tII..u:&S ftU'llltO .7 '1240· -ooa ... OOJIPLBTB PICTURB of all that'. fine&t in .£' motorinc fOl' 1940, come !lee the new Cadi)· ~ and LaSa!I _ diopIay today •• There .... two larg«. more powerfal. and more economi­cal LaSaIJeo-. completely new Cadillac-and four ..- CadiJl.c-Fleetwoodo. Their brilliant elJIing. untaen'ed luxury. mh."""' riding and FIVE NEW CADILLAtS wrr.: ntca .... .unurc ... 'l' '1685* IumdIiDt: eue, and miPly Cadi1Iac V -8 en,""", make them the unqueotioaed I .. den. ill """"y pIuJM 0/ ...-...,. EM 011 price poapo ahoye • tboull!ud doD ..... tit 11 ... eleal to attmapt. de-ocriptioa of ~ """'" superb ....... Only • look and a ride can ........... tratAI their .... e _- .Why DOt make ............ inv .. liI.tioo-todayP CORNW ALL MOTOR CO. 4t" a: WBLSH STRBETS CHESTEa. PA. ~~~~P~E~R~.~13~,~1~9~39~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~2T~B~E~:SW::A=R:T:B~M~O~R~E~A~N~ ____ ~=:~~==~ _ ~~==~ __________ ~S THE SWARTHMOREAN COJllr,..eing. Fields Football lajury :~~":I~st grades of the Rutgers avenue PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMOaB, PA. I'_'M ,an," or'M corn·.Mc," _ Ted Dingle. second year man at Mer- The dates of October 30 and 31 were THE SW ARTHMOREAN, INC., PUBLISHBR in8 10 march liU &Oldk,. ·in .errkd ran~ cersburg Academy. received a hand in- announced for the Delaware County PHONE SWAIlTHIiORE 900 up the .lop. 0/1Ae fWd and 0fJ'" ,,.. /lJp jury in the Men:ersburg-lfcDevitt foot· Teacher's Institute. 01 Ihe hUll and 1 """'. M,e and /her. ball game Saturday. September 30. which I , I Pr:rI!Il E. TOLD, Editor MAa.JoBlB TOLD, AuociaN Editor .nitzll sroup. 0/ American men p.,."e/uJl; will keep him out of the game at least Methodist Rumma,,,, Sale Ros.u.m PaIsor., Sode!r Edl/IJ, ALIa N'CUP"'K. R.porUr hlukinll the .. tIIlIA lrom IM.e .hoc'" and two weeks longer. Hi. hand was kicked Entered .. SeeoDd CIaoo Matt .... JOIUIIlf U, 19211 •• t the Poot AetJpin8 in 80ldm pilu aero,. 1M fWd. as he held the ball at the kick-off and The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth- OI&ce at Swarthmore, Pa., UDd ... the Act of March 3. 1879. And 1 'MUIlA, 01 o.A", ,.m.d ,an'" his thumb broken. ndist Church will sponsor their annual pinll "over .h. /lJp"--<J1 men, .A. aoldkr" Ted i. the son of Mr. and Mrs. How- fall rummage sale in the social hall of FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1939 01 Europe. marcloin8 on and on i" ranks ard J. Dingle, of Park avenue. Mr. Din- the church next Thursday from 8 A. M. broken only as. here and .her. on jidds 0/ gle spent last Saturday afternoon with until 2 P. M. bailie. .hey pour ou, .he TOyai wealll. 0' him at lIIercersburg. ----------;-__ -:-:---- Iheir I4nds. Ihe &earie. Ii/eblood 0/ IheiT • , • ANTONICA ""'nhood. an4 A.II ColumbUII Said At least. as the poet says Columbus said. Some of us never tire oJ A.nd Il/Iain 1 Ii/led my MaT' in /han"'. I' School Board Meets C.UIILLA FAIIlIW'IES Joaquin Miller's romantic rhyming of the discoverer's intrepid voy- Bi.in8 10 my Cod lhal my 101 i. cost in It th d k t f th S h I Go {,d" -/ p~ age. nor to thrill afresh at his version of the stout-hearted command a land 01 cornfields. and in earnes' p,,,,,,, e,,!s on . e oc e 0 e. c ~o. c..,~ '" M .. ;. h · h C tkat they never may become battle/ield! Board s meeting last Monday Dlght m~ with w IC olumbus spurred on his doubtful and sometimes mutin- T H. G· c1uded the presentation of a plan for 2M PAlUC AVENUE ous crew: "Sail on! sail on 1 and on '" And they sailed on. and found • • group insurance by A. E. Rogers. the 'PhoDe 509.J • I • the new land which at first they saw as a tiny speck. But _ awarding of bids for school dictating "I 1 Presbyterian Chnrch Notes equipment and other items of routine t grew. a star it flag unfurled' business. The Ediphone Company re-lt grew to be Time's burst of dawn. The sermon topic next Sunday will be cdved the bid award. He gained a world; he gave that world "What Will Survive?'·. The Woman's Authorization was given Eleanor W. It's grandest lesson: "On! sail on!" Bible Class will hold the opening meet· Ramage to attend the Convention of 'bI 1 . d f ing this Sunday morning. October- IS, at Food Service Directors in Baltimore on POSSI y t lere IS nee or a new discovery of America. and for a 10 o'clock in the Church. 1Irs. L. James November 3 and 4. ORNSTEIN SCHOOL of MUSIC AnnoUDces the reopen1Da ot the combined Drexel BIll and Swarthmore l3raDch. at Sehool LaDe Arm. Apartmenl. D .... I RllI. with M1u BODOro Fart&de In cbarp fresh realization that it has a mission distinctly and peculiarly its Sheridan, educalor and traveler. will be Cots, such as have been in use at own. Is it needful that we to whom have been given all that America the guest speaker. All women of the the College avenue school were' or­stands for be reminded not to allow ourselves to be turned aside from Church and congregation are urged to dered purchased for the kindergarten . t d t k? 1·h .. fill d . h d· f 1 d d· . attend this opening meeting. ---------------- Leosons at Hom&- Por lDformatton call Ollr own appom e as. e air IS e Wit Ire u an Istractmg The Girls' Choir will meet for re- at the Branch or Clearbrook 2308-B predictions. We are told that American democracy cannot hope to hearsal Sunday afternoon at 3 o'dock MRS. A. M. BOSSHARDT la. the school. 2515 or exist unless we become in some way responsible for solving the prob- in the Church. New members ages ten 410 PARK AVENllE S~.~18~th~:::S::t.:...- =Pbc::~•n~.' -..:.Pc:e=nn:::JPO~=c(r=.::.·..:"'::.I1:.:j_ !ems in Europe which the people of Europe themselves have been un- and upward are welcome. The Boys' Will Renune Her 1 able to solve. Choir will meet for rehearsal Sunday FRENCH CLASSES Find a afternoon at 2 :30. instead of 3 o·dock. OCTOBER 15 And what. pray. has made America the power which leads men to New members ages nine and upward will Beginners Please Call Sw. 725-J BETTER JOB make these exaggerated suggestions that we should help? Is it not be admitted. The College Students Group that for nearly two centuries she has obeyed the command Columbus was organized this past Sunday morning WALLACE HEATON, Jr. A Job that sulls you ... a Job that has gave to his sailors to "Sail on! and on!" upon its own separate course? at 10 o'clock in the Manse. All college, A. A. G. O. real posslbUltles. America's oldest bureau If ever America is realJy to assist the rest of the world it will be be- and college age people are invited each :":~i";'!o':.alp~.t.~::" :'m~~P .::= ~ Sunday. MUllical llUltructor We olrer the advice of a larse. experlenjood cause she refuses to be turned aside from her goal. because she works The first meeting of the Woman's As- Advisory CounCIl. IDBtructlon In your ob-out her own problems and gives to the world a successful demonstra- sodation will be held Friday, October Piano Voice camtest!.a1~~ f~::e:::ta":a~~I18~~ aptitude tion of liberty and justice for all men under the fonns of a representa- ~ 3 ,at th e Pan•s h HouseI:. ·0 '.~ .•l.[• sew- Organ Harmony Wlllard. TomllmoD. Dlnetor " d ocrac 109; 12:30 P. M .• devotionals; I P. M., Stndio: 1714 Chestnut SL STRATHMORE GmDANCE BtJJI&\V tJ\ e em y.. . luncheon. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Phlla. 220 S. 16th Street We are not unmmdful of, nor ungrateful for whatever of assistance I Francis W. Palmer. Phone.: Rit. 2897-Swa. 414-R Klnrsley 2112 Swartllmore 2022 Europe has given toward the building of the American system. That The Session will meet on Friday even- ~========~====;;;;;;==============9! ,lssistance seldom has been active and positive. and there is room for ing. October 20, at the .1J(~me of Elder r, suspicion that it has been extended only when it was to the manifest Arthu~ J. Jones, 307 D,ckmson avenue,l .~~';.~~~~~l~:;;:.~~::N~ fi h d f h . . I· I k f . d at 8 oc1ock. I sel s a vantage ate cooperatmg nation. t IS not ac 0 gratltu e The Young Women's Guild will meet GOVERNATORE BROS or s)·mpathy. therefore. which should hold us aloof from the present Thursday evening. October I~. at the Man.ulaeturer. 01 Upoor.'ered Furni'u• re European struggle. It is rather a doubt of our ability really to help. home of IIIr •. Harry C. Bame~, 230 Park 612 SPROUL STREET CHESTER We tried to help in another European crisis twenty years aO"o. aven.ue. The guest speak~r w,lI ~ Mrs. ~::::::=::::::::=:::=:::=::::::::::::::::::~ . • 0 • Dano Tedesco, who Will explam the But the natIOns we tned to help were so entangled by unholy all1- kindergarten work in the Itatian church ances and prejudices that the result to which our assistance contributed of Chester. was condemned from the first. Just that probably would happen again. The ~ual. concert for the b.enefit of if we were to repeat the experiment. We might help to pull the chestnut the La~'es A,d of the Presbytenan Hos- . h 1 f h· h·· h . k 1 h d pital WIll be held on Tuesday afternoon. fron~ the fire only to find It an empty s e I rom. w IC. t e erne a October 24. f~ 2 till 5 o'c1ock, at the· preVIOusly been extracted by selfish and schemmg diplomacy. Overbrook Presbyterian Church Hollse, There even are those who say that Europe's present struggle began corner Lancaster avenue and City Line. with America's effort not only to help win the last World War but The program will begin promptly at h f h . h f·· ba d 2 :30. There will be a sale of pantry and to cure t e cause 0 t at war wit a system 0 Justice se upon our h ch Id tho f hich gifts are new world ideals. Without doubt those efforts were badly bungled. a~:.':!.;03 wmg:::, se%edWand an offering Our American statesmen could not understand the mess they tried received. to clean up. And in the present struggle there is too much that is The Si~ty-seventh Anniver~ary of the confusing and perplexing. P!esbytenan H~me for w,dows and . d" ·1' I" d h Smgle Women will be held at the Home, So let us keep Amenca out of war, an salon. towar t e sue- 58th and Greenway avenue, on Thursday, SWARTHMORE .. 'BIDLDING ASSOCIATION . havin, jnst completed its fortieth year of sUCC6ssfnl bll8ine88 operation has Money to Loan on Firllt Mortgages Apply at Mr. Noyes Office 23 So. Chester Road ctssful outworking of our own experiment in human well being. We October 19. Luncheon or supper tickets have not yet made an unqualified success of that. Until we do. let us may be obtained from Mrs. Edwin C.I~!!~~~~!!~~~~!!~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~!!~~~ not take on the rest of the world. I Yarnall. telephone Swarthmore 1395. I • • I I • from ScNland, has taken her former MUSIC mSTORY Trinity Parish Notes Ilha Taylor. who has recently returned CLUB DELVES INTO The Sesqui-centennial of the Prayer class. Book is being celebrated throughout the l The Young People's Fellowship will The first meeting of the Swarthmore Episcopal Church. On Sunday morning hold a supper meeting on Sunday at :Music Club, held at the home of Mrs. the rector will speak on uThe How, What 6 o'clock. Samuel Dyer Clyde, of Swarthmore and Why of Our Prayer Book':. O.n Mary Moore Roelofs and Nancy Flan- and Ogden avenues. Tuesday evening :Monday morning, October 16, which IS ders, students at Swa~ore Col1ege, and attended by forty-five music lovers, the actual date of the one hundred and have taken over the chOir work for tJ.te was devoted to the history of music fiftieth anniversary of the ratification Church School. Regular rehearsals will from early times to the year 1400. An there will be a special historical service begin next week. Plans are being made interesting talk by Mrs. Clyde was il~ in Christ Church. Philadelphia. for a choir-party in the near future. tustrated with music of the period: The class in the Church Sc~ool • I I four beautiful recordings by the Eng-hy Caroline Shero led the IoAutomoi:nle Chri8tian Science Church lish Singers, a zither so~o by Antonica Race" at the end of the first week. Mar- Fairbanks. recorded ,music and a com .. "Doctrine of Atonement" is the sub1-1 parison given with the modern ft ute CHURCH NEWS ject of the Lesson-Sermon ill a and piccolo by Donald Trumpler, two ___ =::::::.:.:.:::=-. .:..:=.-===--==-- Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sun- eleventh century songs played on the Mln"HODIST EPISCOPAL CHUBCH day, October IS. The Golden Text is: pipes of pan by Mrs. Roy \V. Dela~ Clarence P. CartestfNt~. B.P., MIIlIater "If any man sin, we have an a~vocate plaine, a sixteenth centt!ry lute exhib~ 9:45 A.M.-Church School. with the Father, Jesus ChrIst the ited by Margaret Price. A quartet com~ ~1~:OO~A~..~~ .. ~~M~O~m~lng~~W~O~",~b~lP~.i[~iijji.Cii righteous" ([ John 2 :1). posed of Mrs. William Price, Miss CHUBOB • I' d Methodist Chnrch Notes Swisher. Mrs. Robert E. Carels an Sunday morning at 9 :45 the Church I School lesson study will be "Choosing ~!!!!~: Life Principles.l'I' I Morning worship will be at 11 <?'dock Blble 1 with the Church Nursery meetmg .at the same hour to care for small chil-i dren. . Sermon. The Epworth League wlll convene at 17 P. M. with Lawrence Rafield as leader. Mrs. Richar(d, Saloman. accompanied by Dorothy Paul, sang a group of three songs by Morley. Palestrina, and an early Belgium composer. . The next meeting of the Club Will be on the 24th of ·October at Mrs. Clyde'S home. The history of music to the year 1600 wilt be continued, in­cluding the beginning of opera. Further meetings scheduled are: 9:45 .:45 A:i:lt= The Ushers Association and the Young vVoman's Auxiliary service will be held in the chapel at 7 :45. The ush· ers will direct the meeting. Th~~.r"0ii4 ~ Monday evening at 8 o'cl,!ck. t~e November 14 "Music History 1700 to early 1800," home of Mrs. W. F. G. Swann; December 12 uHandel and Bach," home of Mrs. George T. ASh-I ton; January 9 UHaydn and ·Mozart." home of Mrs. Robert E. Care Is; Feb­raury 13 "Beethoven," March 12 "Brahms and Franck," April 9 "Schu­bert and Schumann," May 14 "Dvorak Church School tmsiness meettng ~ll 8ewtns: and take place at the home of the supenn- ~:B[N08:' a;,. lun_ tendent. Eleanor Shinn. at 314 Lafayette avenue. Tuesday at 7 P.M .• the Epwortb Lea­gue business meeting will be at the par~ sonage. ., d Thursday evening the JUnior an senior choirs rehearse and ~he Ushers Association meets in the SOCial hall for eordi.Cill7 invited to atten4 tile ',ts recreational program. and UIf' the RMd ,". RoalD.. a~d Mend-els-so-hn.•"•. ...- -- The Rev. J. larden Guenther and Mrs. Guenther, of North Chester road, spent several days this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Elfreth at "Hooton Acres", Pocono Manor. WORTH WEIGHING ••• EVERY DAY. you ehedt yonr baby'8 weiahl to find out whether he is growiq heaIohlly. Your ehoice of the milk ,.OU pve him, 'aad the real of ike family, Ie worth weiKhin& 100. It is his food eV6ry day in Ihe year. Mo .... famill .. lake Supplee Milk than "'T other brand you eaD hn,.. Tbio delldo1U dairy product i •• l­ways r-h aDd p ....... It I. the ani,. SUPPLEE milk in thl. market produeed under SeaIteel supervision. EqaaJlyimpo ...... tlstheeourtesy and eonvemenee or Supplee home­delivery. In 135 yea..., Supplee has learned all of the little, thoUllhtful details tbat mean 80 much to cus­tomers. You'll find your Supplee milkman Is senulnely iDte_ted in keeplq ,.our trade.. Order toda,.. Jail telephone Cbeater 205721 PREMIER A MILK WE AUO SRL WALKn·BDIODIt MILK THII CORPANY AND 8EALTE8T, INC •• ARE UNO£R 1'11£ BAM. OWNiR8NIP su_..., ... roo ,.. LOHllIA_ ..... S_ W"L"" 7:30 to • P. II • ...". llooo!or. W ............. Fr/oIq. AI .. ·..,OUR .AIoItLY AND MINI" ............... WCAU ... ..., ... a gl .".,.. 2:30 .. 2:45 ,~ M.

---------- Page 9 ----------

6 OCTOBER 13, 19~ . SCHOOL NEWS c_ ... c.... II ~ Alumnae) over the Main Line Hoclcty IIocbT CIaIJ viet rt_ T~e Camera Club. Wider the directiOll Club. The Swarthmore Hockey Club opened of Harry Oppenlauder. teacller. is kept IN VILLAG~ LIBRARY Naisby drop-kitkeci the High ScIlool the season at home and defeated the Moin Former SI._ .. """'" SortOr. bu.y .napping pictures for the GameL.. -16'" ~ntii., a ::: ~: 1ea'!t ~ :: Line Club 4-3 a. Virginia ThOl11p50n _t Ruth Eg-. S.H.S. '38. was one of the In each issue of the school paper. the] Mh S th P bl' L'b h -yar e, e r qua er three goal. into the net aud Betty Jack- -- B k rI • IUd Is t uc boys are planning to po ray sc hool II'fe • e war more u IC I rba'rlyd r as• Marple-Newtown D~~-e-. Thl. lead held SOD talli....... once. one hundred sixteen s en a -.. i ear the club consists recently added some new c I ens Wilil Chapin, a sub back, scored a touch- . _____________ _ nell who was placed on the honor ~oll tn p.lclures. Th s y books for all ages. Book. for ea.y read- down in the second period to reverse the issued by the dean's office for haVIng of eIght boys. ffi ha bee ho: ing and pictures include "Mis. Car· lead. The play started from punt forma- ~ They're Flylnf Lowl achieved an average of 85 or more during The fol!owing ~ cers v~ n c - lotta" by Reil. "Skipper Jack" by Gar- lion behind the Marple goal line. but GUNNING GADGETS the second ..... ester. . I ::C pr .. S1~":,~ B~~r Sftm~la::-etary. thwaite. and "The Small And Tall Man" Brown passed to Tom. on the IS. who ...- • at Bruce Cook. Swarthmore HIgh Sehoo 00 ey. reasu. I', . by Tinker. lateraled to Chapin. who followed ex- '34, appeared on the honor roll for ~e . SCHOOL BOARD WINS For grades four to seven there are cellent interference to the 45,where he BD.L BATl'EY'S • econd .emester of 1938-39 of Carnegte DECISION .ome new .torie. about foreign land.. broke into the clear and raced over the 18 South Orange St. Media Institute of Technology, where he was a h such as uA Little French Boy" by Er- Garnet goal. senior. After graduation in June, Bruce Mrs. Nona R. Bragg, former teac er I d "T A d T' tt I Th f ., . b an e, ,any n olne e n e Swarthmore regained the lead in the played with the Children's Theater 0 of the now discontlI?ued room . In t e Tropics" by Harris, "Cyclone Goes A. third uarter b two more dro kicks by RUMMAGE SAI,E New York a. a member of the ca·dt of Rutger. Avenue pubhc .,choofl'hha. hlostl·Viking," a Norwegian .tory by Kris- Naisbyq and a t';uchdown by Hlg "Cinderella." He is now teaching ra· her appeal from the actlOn 0 t e sc 00 t ff . d "Th L'ttl Am·l.h • • . . •• • Th 0 ersen, an e I e added the final touchdown and goal m ·Social HaD METHODIST CHURCH matics at Penn. . board In dlscontinumg her services. e Schoolhouse" by Seyfert h f h 0 00 Crawford Fetter, Swarthmore HIgh case was tried before Judge Albert Dut- The book. for the older boys and t e oUrt pen . School '38, was awar~ed freshman hon· tOil MacDade, with Attor!leys Harold. L. girls include several about horses, some ~Uq~ in One Point Viclorr ors on the basis oC hiS excellent schot· Ervin and Claude C. Smith representing mysteries and several with an histori- Jakle 5 pomt after touchdown was the astic record during the :rear 1938-39 at the School Board, and Henry Gouley cal setting. They are "The Phantom margin of victory in the opening game the Founder's Day exerCises on October representing Mrs. Bragg, who sued for In The Forest" by Hark "Roany The of the College schedule. Washington'S 4 at Lehigh University. a writ of mandamus to compel t~e ~rd Horse Who Smelled' Smoke': by passing attack netted a second period 8 A. M. to 2 P. M. THURSDAY, OCT. 19 Fre.hmen Boy. Fele Gi,.t.. . to reappoj~t her. The case was dlsmlss~, Hawkes, uToplofty'~ by Hess, "Chateau touchdown, but Swarthmore came back ----------------- The freshmen boys under the direction the techmcal grounds that the apph- Of The Swan" by Holland HSilver fighting and Huhn plunged through cenM elf . G P of Vera Maple, entertained the freshmen cation for the mandamus was not the Birch" by Lyons, "Boy With 'A Pack" ter from the 22 for a touchdown and 0 a emlna ra es girls al two parlie. ,hi. week. 011 M?n- proper slep for Mrs. Bragg to have by Meader, "The Shining Mountains" JakIe kicked th. goal, for a half-time lead At the Vineyard or Martel's day the one group decora~ed ~h~ sewmg taken. . . . . by Pritchett, "The Birth Of Rome" by of 7-6 room and the home economics hvmg room In IllS dcclSlon Judge ~acDade sal~, Orvieto and UCastle Secrets" by Sei· Eberle scored the second Swarthmore For Firewood with autumn leaves and Hallowe'en orna- in part: "It is clear that since the petl- 'ght touchdown in the third period on a pass ments. Everyone joined in a program of tioner in the instan~ case had a complete, wn. • • intcrcsting games. Cidcr, cakc, nuts, and ;:tdequatc and speclfi~. remedy available from Jakie. 'Vashington tallied in the candy were scrved as refrcshments. to her under the prOVISions of ~he Teach· SPORTS REVIEW final Quarter, but nejther team converted Call Sw. 261 $12.50 Lewis Knebel was thc host for the boys. er3 Tenure Act, she has no right to re- the extra point and the Gamet hel-1 fast On another group of boys .ort to mandamus proceedings." H, S, BRINGS HOME THE to the one point lead. Final .core 13'12. Per Cord Delivered ga \'c t Il ei. r party m. t h e same rooms. TheY MEN • I I BACON C~!' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'i decorated with multi-colored crepe paper ILOCAL ONE OF DELAWARE CO(''N'rY'S LoUtGEST EA.TlNG PLA.CES and balloons. After a variety of game.' ON STRATHMORE The pa.t week was marked by the re- AR'-'ADIA RlD'STAU II- ~T were played the guests fea.ted on punch.· ADVISORY STAFF bound of the High School football team, ..... D ~, cookies, candy, and peanuts. The host According to Willard Tomlinson, of ~fter their reverse b~ Darby i~ the open-for this group was Philip Shenkle. Swarthmore avenue, director of the I 109 game, to a stunmng 22.~ victory ove~ Pre .. Con/erenee. Philadelphia office of the Strathmore Marple-Ne'~town, on thel~ o~ponents Representatives from the Ganu!t, of Guidance Bureau, the Bureau has ap- field last Fnday; the o~e pomt vlct~ry of Swarthmore High School, attended 3 pointed a group of nearly fifty exper- the College ove~ Washl~gton'Slast h atur-conference of the Columbia Press Asso- ienced men and women to serve in an day; and the tnumph 0 t~e H~arts ~or~ dation at Drexel Institute oC Technol- advisory capacity Hockey Club (~omposed 0 Igh C 00 H. s_ Gir18' Hockey Schedule ogy on Saturday morning, October 7. These advisors are available to all, Ruth Child and Alice Craemer took part clicnts of the Strathmore Guidance in a panel discussion of "How \Ve Org- Bureau who are trying to formulate I anize Our Stalls." Joan Carpenter pre- their vocational plans. They serve on: sided over this group. T. A. Daly, poet this council because of their desire to I Oct. 19-Lansdowne Home and columnist for the Bulletin, was the help young folks avoid the chagrin Oct. 26-Haverford Away speaker at the general meeting. Art~ur and hardship that follows a choice of I Oct. 31-Media Home Mcryweather also attended the meetm? the wrong vocation. Nov. 4-George School Away A conference a! • the .Pennsylvan!a The following residents of Swarth- Nov. 9-Upper Darby Away SchCN?l Press A~SOCI3t1on Will be held 10 more, Delaware County and Philadel-\ Nov. 2O-Westtown Home Reading on Fnday. and Saturday, Oc- phia arc now members of the Strat~- Nov. 28-Ridley Park Home tober 27 and 28. Smce the Garnel was more Advisory Council: Blanche ClaIr,· ~================' I a P. S. P. A. p~ize winner in 1938 in sales promotion, Allen, Lane and Scottj I the field of magaztne wo~k, .two members William H. Eavan., M.A., .ecretary- FALL FASmON SHOW of the staff have be~n mvtted to speak treasurer, National Office Managers AND BRIDGE at the Saturday meetmgs. Association; Virgil H. Frazier, direc- Beneflt .Junior Club PhUanthro})lc Fund Mr •• PhillipJlo Speak for Girl R ......... tor, Air Defense League; Horace H. 8 P. M. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18 The Girl Reserve Club of Swarthmore Hopkins, Ph.D., chemist. E. I. Dupont Woman', Club Bittue Dinner8 Ca'ering '0 Famll,. Traik 107 W. State St" Media Call Media N IPBNCBB, INC. PRINTERS PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS BOOKBINDERS 8th STREET NEAR SPROUL, CHESTER, PA. High School is sponsoring an interesting de Nemours Company; Baldwin L. AdmiasioD 35e program on Friday morning, October Keyes, M.D., psychiatrist, Hahnemann iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iij~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN L ________________________________ ~ 13, at 9 :30. Mrs. Dorothy Waldo Phil- Hospital and Philadelphia General.Has- IfQCtC'JJCJJ.T.3.i.T.. .T. .:C'Cl7...L1J.1l.7-_1J..T.n:J::JCCC:JOC"f.JCV lips has consented to speak to the gir~slpitat; John W. Keyes, architect; on "Boy and Girl Relationships." The Charles D. Mitchell, illustrator; Frank meeting, which will be held in the mu-I R. Morey, M.A., supervising principal, seum room of the high school, is open Swarthmore High School; Joseph Fort . to all girls and to interested townspeople. Newton, D.D., rector. St. Luke and Senior and Junior A •• embl,. ProlfJ'arru Epiphany Church; Joseph Pope, Ewing The senior high school enjoyed a song and Galloway i Robert H. Reed, assO­fcst during the assembly period on Mon· date editor, Countrr Gentl~man; Her­day, October 9. Alice Blodgett, director man W. StehCest. vice-presIdent, Pe~n. of the music, led the group in singing sylvania Company: Dorothy Tomlm· manv old favorites. son, B.A., publicity, J. Walter Thomp-oit Friday, October 6, the Swarth- son Company; F~ank D. Watson, Ph.D., more Junior High School had a Red proCessor of SOCIOlogy, Haverford Col~ Cros5 assembly program. Mary Ann lege; H~len W.i1Iard. Philadelphia I Hook recited "Your Cross and My School of OccupatIOnal Therapy. Cross" and ~brdy Jean Crosby, liThe Red Cros •. " Margaret Knotter told of SMART CLOTHES FOR SMART I the Red Cross work done. in Swarthmore WOMEN schools and Frederick ~Iorey explained the purpo.e of the "Red Cross Drive." LEW IS" Six girl. of the eighth grade gave a :n 0 W. State St., Media short skit. l'Everybody's Flag". NATURE'S SKIN TONIC . . .. P~Rf- Springfield Water EASY TERMS CI. 1o", Cit 9ge ..::.c 011 ...... .,. _ ... ,Io.whh _n Down I'G)' ..... E"pneJ"ed and Guarant~ b:r die makera of Esso Guoline. Inatelled, ServIced and Fueled by WILSON COAL & SUPPLY CO. WALLINGFORD, P .. Phone Media 1ZS BwutImlore _ Phone or Man Coupoa for faD information. Y_ Name ............... .. Adm- City .~TJUWLSUWlWlWl~UUSUUUJL.a HERE ·IN OUR STORE ·THE SENSATIONAL NEW ROYAL· fiRST AND OIlLY PORTABLE WITH MAGIC MARGIN HERE'S M.,Gle .•.•.•. MtAoC M_C _M a\. '.0.. .......... 1" • .,. ..... "' ...... 10. You'U scarcely believe your eyes-when you see this New Royal Portable. Or your fingers -'When you try it! So simple to use! So fast! So smooth in operation! At last, personal typing becomes a thrilling reality-for you­COl" everyone I Drop in now! See thi~ New Royal complete with MAGIC Margin, and m.aa.yother c:.:clusive Royal MAGIC Featw'~. "'PAIL PfJIiTAIItE Royal Typewriter Co.~:lnc. 1616 Walnllt·S~t - pHiLADELPHIA; PA. ·1939 TB8··: ., CLASSIFIED Mt. t.Wietibe Z. Zitt,of'· C1ndand, erly of Swarthmore, that even in the __ Ohio, .... been the auest of his brother· far out the war has had it. effect on 8IW1II'o 0lIla0, oou:t -. -.... ... Mr. aDd Kn. Howald J. Diacle. 01 Ill-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. everyday life. "A week the Ger· iIMUIdaJ, o.~ ~ .... u. :~; ~~~~~~~~~t' ~-"~'I gPtOaOrSklt l alviteisa uwe,u lw -ielnl dh, aMftr s.a sD iDthae\ier· . htomuode. Hpuartl afteew.. .w otef bR. M.rr. sZ itat . .p..\a.~ n.s tofO ia' pethnde wmearnes ,a lEl npgalirsth o, fF orenn. cgbr ouP. w~h~o. ~~~~ 1 Qm8:d:1l0U Aor. aI:I . ....... iMentll", 'I'Im. _.00 mall Ol' _llaN _ ...... 1'0IIII aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Georae A. Ball. • few more daya and durinc bit .wt tennis t~lher and went to dances and a' time of _ (_ oIborwIM "",lad ID Bdlair. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. will attend the World', Fair with the dinnera and the club. Now. wben I am ad ............ 1). 'I'n .. ID ton ~ 0Ibe Miller, of WI1I<ensbarc. Pa., brother and Har1messes. with my German friends, the eondittono on tIa7 or - sister-in-law of Mrs. Dinale. will also and French people won't speak Ln.rt ....... No. 1001 be their guests. Mrs. 10hll L. ConIDg. of DIcIdttson They even seem to re.ent my Juno -. ItI8 avenue, entertained with a luncheon German. The men, of course. are Professor John McCrumm, of Swarth- Wednesday afternoon. waiting for in.tructions from their gov· more College, and Professor B. O. ~ emments and 1 suppose many of them of Drexel Insti~ left Wednesdo¥ to IIlr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffm .... of will be called home. Meanwhile • .pend a few days at the American Insti- Dartn.outh avenue, 'pent a few day. parties and social events at the tute of Electrical Engineering at Seran- at the Hotel Pennsylvania. In New have .topped almost entirely. because -:-• ...,., ton. Professors McCrumm and Lange York City last week. of the hard feelings." the student councilors for Swarth-more and Drexel. Nallcy Hoot. of Lafayette and South Princeton avenues, visited Claire Nash" Dr. Victor D. Shirer. of Rutgers ave- of Parks ide. over a recent week-end. nue, has entered the Taylor Hospital in Miss Nash was B classmate of Miss Ridley Park to undergo an operation. Hoot. Swarthmore High School. REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bllb wlll be receIved. in Chamber. Borou&,b Hal!. 9warlbrnoro. WOO-need.,. November 10th. 1939 a' P. N. fOJ' the tale to the Doroul'h of one 'wo door eedan automobile. suitable for FOR SALE Among the name. on the Dean's List Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Lodge, and ;i~i~~~~~~~~i~~: West Chester State Teache .. College daughters. Lydia May and Peggy have Ice wurk. The bidder shall Slate th:~~-;.;;.; MOO which bu wlll make for the from the Borouch oj one 1937 t.wo "-;; .. ~,r~;;, Jedon 8utoniobUe, DO .... avallable f01' 11 was Boyd W. Stauffer, of Dartmouth moved from their home on Oberlin I ~:~iicw:!to is studying ·to be a Physical avenue. to Mountain Lake. N. J. Mr. I: teacher. and Mrs. F. M. Mc!'arty and 'QU, of ., BoroUlh Hall. Chester, Pa., I)lan to move into the Miss Myra Williams, of Moylan, a Lodge's home today. .enior at Miss IIIman'. Kiuder(lllrten All bldl .hall be 1n accordance with .ped.. BcsHons on 1IIe In the ofllce of the Borouch Secretar,. Tho Borough relOrvea the rich' to any or all btda. school, of the University of Pennsylva· Mr. and Mrs, Chari.. E. Black, of ~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=Inia,.is spending a fe,! weeks at her fra- Park avenue, entertained with a family 10.13-3t. !~ termty ho~.e. the Kap~ Alp~a Th~ta dinner party Sunday afternoon, October ..:..;...::...:..:.. __________ _ on. McAlptn s!reel. P~tladelphla. wl!lle 1. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. James STATEMENT OF THE OWNElIBBIP, MANb- Improvements co1l811t of two and one­half "tory brick and concrete house, luts teet. domg her practice teachmg and attendtng Dougherty and daughter Peggy Lou of agement, clrculatlon. etc.. required Y Bold. as the property of John Rbondozzo, c Ia sses. Philadelphia i Mr, and Mrso John M' c- athned AMcatsr ch0 1 Congress of August 24. 1912, rt d real owner 3, 1933 of The Swarthmorean, mo gagor an • youra. CENTR.U. LOCATION Balf Stoa., Slate Roof Sacrilleed to Sot«. EIItate-_ AppraISed a few years "at f12,ooo. Present mortgage $7600. Ltt.t1e O!IP~ ~~~d. WM, s, BITfUf Swarthmore 111·" Notary PubUe - Insurance - Real EstaA' A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 2295 MRS. A, J. QUINBY & SON IOSEP~ E. QIIINBY FUNERAL DmECTORS BELL PHONE f. MEDIA, COAL and co*kE FUEL OIL VAN AI.EN BROS. Phone Sw. 10412 ELECTRICIAN House _ of all ktndO. QUtd< low OOI,t, se:nIce. W~~n4 oleanen rebUIlt and repaull;Ul. WOODELECTlUC SERVICE S .. ar. 1278 PIANO·· Slne.i WOOD kOPPERS . co*kE SUN OIL All Shapes and Kluth There i/l No· Sahedhde For ExperleD_ I Mr. and Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes and Kenn and children Mary Edith and published. eve:y Priday at swarthmore, Fa •• ALBERT B. HOLL, Attorney. family, formerly. of Harvont avenue, JOhlU~Y, of Springfield; l\{jss Alice ~::e~:e:!"~~:rv=" moved Monday 1I1tO the Allen house at Nickerson Mr Charles E Black Jr county of Delaware, 88. Levari Faelaa P arrt•s .I, raad , D r. an d .~M rs. Al eX a de •. .•.• Before me, a Notary Publlo, In ODd for 1-- 1\ rand \Villiam Black, of Swarthmore. the State and county aforesaid. personally March 'Term, __ No. 1048 Allen havmg moved to PJttsburgh, where appeared. Peter E. Told, who, havlng been All th t certain lot or piece of ground tlI e fo rmcr '"· 'l1 1 I) e co n n ec te d WI't l 1 the PIC' Id II f I f S th duyly tshw ot rnh ea clsc otr.hdein Eg dtioto rl aowt, TdhepeO SSew8 aartnbd. with thae bulld ID ga an d 1mp rovemenI e University. au a • we, ~r~lcr y . 0 • war • :o;can a and that the lollowlng 1&. to the thereon erected Situate on the 8OUtbeut-mure, who IS now hVlllg With !us uncle best ot hls knowledge and belief a true erly corner of Sixth and Ollveotsg:r.te lD llir, and ~Irs. Ii. 0, I.-lIge. of llalti­and aUllt, Mr. anu Mrs. Paul Davis, of statement OIU the own,'b. .b IIP. ma,n,a' , .)om ..n. t t ~c:. B=:g~f o~~:'~vaC:~~d more ~ more pike, are spending this wtck-end in Charlottesville, Va" where. thcir sons, Donald and Ernest I.ange, arc students at the Univcrsity of Virginia. They will attend the freshman football game be· tween Virginia and V.M.I., In which Ernie wilt play. Tomorrow they will all see the big ganlC', Virginiu "5. Maryland Ulli"crsity, Mr. and Mrs, Philip M. Alden, of North Chester road, arrived home this morning after .pellding a few days III New York City, N. y, Mrs. George H. TUllell, of Minneapo­lis, Minn., arrived Monday evening to spend a fcw weeks visiting her son-in­law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. J, B, Pope, of Oberlin avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Meschter and Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Thorpe, al\ of Dickinson avenue, will leave today for a motor trip to Williamsburg, 011 the Sky Line Drive. and Mount Vernon. They will return home on Tuesday. Miss Nancr Armitage., daughter of, Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armitage, of S.outh Chester road, enterr<! llradford Junior College, Bradford, Mass., la~t week. Miss Armitage is a freshman. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED Work Called For and Delivered Telsplione i SWARTHMORE 1219·J RENT Sm, bou.e. Z bednnl,. Ileepin. porch, Newly d •• orated, A. M. BAIRD Real E,la •• - NOiarr Public Old Bank BId., 'Phone S .. , 108 WILLIAM M. KELLMAN 20 East 7th Street (Ne.t to Slate Tll .. tre) Radioll 'Phone Cheater 2-5314_ EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. Your Jeweler 25 Eut 7th St. Chelllei' (OI>_lte N." Slela Tbeotro) ·Pho .... Cheoter 87M H. P. BARTOW Printer C o Io rad 0 Spfl·n gs, e0 0., slpentf a e w da ys o(af ndth eif aaf od.rae syai dp appeurb. Uca0 tlco nrc ufo ar othne ,ed at"e "t icularly descr lbed as f 0 U OWlS•. ill Swarthmore this week. hefore driving shown In the above caption, required by Beglnnlng at a. POint OD. the said. south­to Washingto'l, D. C. to visit his mother. :~: ~~: ~ ~':~t324i~12e~=~n~~e~! east comer of Sixth a.n~lIve :tretrdaDo1 Mrs. D. O. l;~owlands. tlon 531, Postal i.awst ' OD. d. fRegulatotioft: ~~~'Rr~f'::~ ~~c1egre:.~~ ~_ printed on the reverse 0 th orm, w. 'uta west one hundred four and nlne .. The birth·lay Ilarty of Bevcrly Ann Harlow, of l{ulgers avenue, planned for h-lollday afternoon of last week was postpolled u\llil la.t Friday. I. Tha.t tho names and addresses of the te ths f t to a point· thence hy a Una at bpuusbilnisehses r,m aendalgtoerr.s amrea:n aglng editor. and r I \t ~es to Olive Street eJ;tend~ east- g ang d t _ f to PUblisher-Tho Bwarthmor.ean Inc. wardly one hundred. an o~ ~y De a Editor-Peter E. To Id . S wa rthm' ore. P a. pIoxitnete·' nt hmentncuet ebsy ea uUt nes ixntoyr-fthou tre na ndde gBreeeVs- moMrea nPagai ng Editor-Peter E. Told, Bwarth- se n , y -IIv e one_ bun.a_.atbs feet mOre or leas uavu BuSineSs Manager-Peter EO' Told. Bwarth- to the southerly aide of Birth Btreetxtllt tIls!!!~ more Pa along the southerz side of B .......... ~ Gco~8e Alston, o~ \Vestdale a.venue, is In~ Tb&t the OWDer Is: The SWarthmorean, . ~~:~~:~~ctr:f~~~~.~':f f=: nttendmg Aeronauttcal School 111 Tren· Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, Swarthmore, two one-hundredths feet to the ftrBt men· ton N. J. Pa. tioned point and place of beBfml1nI. , Mr Harold Ogram, Swarthmore, Pa. to .. M ' Peter E Told Swarthmore Pa Improvements eonalst of two 8 ry 8 ne , ,. W r. . , Pl!n'ER E TOLD and shingle house. 24z26 feflt: one atoQ' MISS Eudora Sproat, a J~l1Ior at est- Sworn to and subscribed before me this frame garage, 201.42 feet. _ erlt CoUegeJ Oxford, OhiO, spent last 30th day of September. 1939. Sold as Bttah en . .p tfOPorerty OfcBm· Wm'onDowot7"-bo f k d ... I t M d (SEAL) . rotary ot • n. the 0 .. wee -ell vIsIting ter paren s, r. an ALICE.M: BAIRD Pennsylvania. In poueealon of Media-69th Mrs. Elrie Sproat, of Ogden avenue. , , . _ ,Notan., Publ'lc. st{ee~ .~t &Oo~'f'boB.~~r. .,, :au-= • • • (My 'cOmmlsslOll expires Febru&rJ 23, 11M1.) I ~::: u!! e will of JOtJep:-~l1~OchO, de-ceased. Violet Foster and Edward L. P. War Felt in Siam 'Clark Guardian ad litem for Rlcharc1 Obarter No. '/193 eO" "~~.J:~3 [NOChO Thelma Noeho and Obarl.. O. ~=~~~C~~~~ AND Tam NochO: Jr •• minora. Miss Ellen Vichoever, who is living OOMPANY OP SWAB,TBMOBB IN TBB ALBERT E. HOLL Attorne, in Bangkok, Siam, with her parents ~~ 8: B=mV~\mTBf. .. Dr. and Mrs. Arno Vichoever, formerly 1939. PUBJ·TBHJ!!D IN BBSPONBB to OALL Levari Facias f S h " t I tt MADE BY OOMPl'ROLLEB OF THE No. 10'10 o wart more, writes 10 a recen e er OUBR.ENCY. UNDER SECTION 5211,' June Term, 1039 to Miss Jane Seely. of Narberth, form- u. S. BEVlBlID.STA:IUIES. I &SiftS All those certalu lots or pieces of lround Loans and discounts (lIloIudtng with the buUdlngs and 1mprovementa $11.86 overclratt8) •.•.••.•.••. $ 623,m.19I thereon erected. Situate In Haverforct United Btatea Qovernment ob- Townshtp, Delaware County, PeDDSYlvanla Itgatlons, dlreot and guaran- ,aforesaid &Od. known and cle8lgnated as teed ••••••••••••• 0........... 483,342.51 1'1ots numbered alsty·one (81) anc1 alxty-two Other bonds. notes, and deb~ (82), In block numbered eleven (11) on a entures •.••.•.•.. o ..••.•.• , • • 536.528.09 certain plan of Iota called "Brookllne," Bur .. Corporate stoCks, includ.1ng atock veyed for Midland Realty Company. by ->t Federal Reserve bank...... 8,250.00 Milton R. Yerkes, Civil Engineer, BJ"JD DOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ORDINANCE NO. 424 Cash. balances wItb other Mawr, Penna., June 25, 1901. and Doomed OJ' banks, Including reserve bal- In the OfIlce of the Recorder of Deeda. etc .. anee. and cash Items In pro- lor Delaware county Bforea&ldl In Deed All ordinance repl'alinH' the provlmon contained In Oldlnance No. 40. approved Docember 21, 1807. which provides for a sower a .. esllment of "Oc per front foot. lIR'ntnJllt ab""lnr prOJ)("rtiel, THE COUNCIL OF THE DOROUGH 8WARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ponlon of Section one, of Ordinance No. 40, approVLod December 21, 1807, which proyldes tor aSAesstnl" properties at. tho rate ot forty !.-ents per front foot, meaa. ured alonl' the aide ot 1ho stroet tn front of which the sewcr Is laid, 18 hereby repealed. Secllon 2. Nothing herolh contained ~h81l be taken or held to repeal the remainder of said ordinance, which reads lUI follows: "Corner loti upon which, an ns,,("ssment ~hall have been paid for any street shall be exempt from usessment for sewer on the cro .. street for a distance of ono hu~. cited oml flit), teeL alonr said erosa IItJeet. ' Pal!lM!d tbt. 4th day of October 1030. cess of collectlon •••••••.• ••.. 803.435.96 Book M. No. 12, page 824, aDJl more par- Bank premlaes owned 494,018.00 I tlcularly deacrlbed as follows, to wit: Sit .. FUrniture and ftsturea 4,563.23 98 568 _I uate on 'the uorthwastefll side ot Kenmore • .- Road at the distance of two hUDdre4 and Real estate owned other thaD . twenty-five feet northeastwardly frOm. the bank prem1sea ••••••• 0 ••••• •• 1'l1338.18 northeasterly stde of Allston Road: Con- Other 8880ts ••••••••••••••••• 20.03 'talnlng together to front northeastwardly 'along Kenmore Road My feet (each lot Total Assets ••••••••••••••• $ 2,311.360.11 being twenty-Ave feet) and extend.1n8' ot L1ABILITIBS tha.t width in depth northwestwardly be .. Demand depoalts of lndlvlduals. ' I tween parallel l1nes at right angles to the partnerships, and. corpora- aald Kenmore Road one hundred. and tiona •......•••••••••••••••• ,$1,111.544.48, twenty .. flve teet. Time depoa1ta Cif individuals, I partnerships, and corporatiOns 685,031.86 Under and subject to Plra't Mortgage of Dt!p081tB of UnIted States OOv- $3000 ernment (including postal . S8VlDgS) •••••••••••••• ,...... 43,085.88 Improvements cons1at of two Bnd one- T B HESSENBRUCH. Deposit.:; of States and polltle&1 1111'1394' half story cement a~c1 c1apboan: house. . . P-.ldent or Council. subdlvlslona ••••••.••• ,...... ,. t 26x36 feet: porch tront: clapboard garag:o, ." Other deposits (certlfled and 12xl8 feet. • '. cashler's checks, ate.)......... 8,223.03 Attest.: ELLIO'rr RICHARDSON. Borourh"Seeret817. ApIJrOYI!tI October 0, 1030. JOHN H. PITMAN. DurgaN. DOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ORDINANCE NO. 423 An ordinance providing for the repeal ot Ordinance No. 414. approved Februarr "t. 1930. Total Deposits ... $2,025,659.11 I Sold os the· property of Georg~ B. RYon and Jane P. Ryon, hls wlte.~ mortgagors Total Llabuttles ...•••••. 0 ••• 2.025,659.17 and real owners. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS \ ' I Capital stock: ALBERT E. HOLL, Attorney. (c) Common stock. . total par ...... $125.000.00 \VILL,tAM W. McKIM. • 125.0Q0.OO 10-6-3t , Sberllr. Surplus .......... :............. 150,000.00' ~~~==,=-,==~:::::::=,=~;;;;;;;; Undivided pro:flts •••••••....... 41,468.051 SHBRTFP SALES Reserves (and retirement ac· count for preferred stock).... 29,233.55 Sherlfr"s Omce, Court Bouse. Mec:Ua" Pa, Total capital Accounts ..... $ 345,101.60 Saturday, OCtober 21, 1938 9:30 A. M. Eastern Standard Time Total Llablllties and Capital THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF Aeeounto •••.•.••••••••.. $ 2.3'11,380.'1'1 SWARTHMORB DOES ORDAIN: MEMORANDA Pledged aaseta (and securities Section 1. That ONtlnanm No. 414. .1'" I loaned) (book value): proV'ed I'ebruary lit. 1939. entitled. . COnditions: $250.00 cash or certlfled check at time 01 Bale (unless oiberwlse stated In advertisem*nt). balaDce in ten days other conditions on day of sale, <a) United States Government obllgatlona, direct and guaranteed, pledged to ae·~ cure deposits and other·· lIablll'tes .................. $ 204,98:1.15 Fieri Facias No. 1049 June Term. 1938 615 Sproul Street Chealel' "AN ORDINANCE provldlnl' tor tbe con· elructlon of an el,ht Inch terril colta pip«! .ewer In Westdale Avenue In tbe Borough of Swarthmore. to estond from HullrerJII Avenue In a wellter1, direction 221; feet. more or Iet!A. and provtdlnll' for (hI' oNleflflm('nt Ilnd col1{'ction 01 the costs nnd "Xflf'M"eI! thereof from Ihe ownerll of prolK'tl)' abuUlnll' thereon" All those four Iota of ground :with the (e) Total ..... oo •... ! •• ; •••••• $ 204,963.75 bulldtngs thereon erected In Drexe_l ~ Secured llabWtles: . Upper Darby, Del. Co., Penna." a (a) DeposIts secured by 697 698 699 and 100 on pla~ of Iota called 'Phono Ch.ller 2-1515 pledged assets pursuant AninlmLnk Section ot Drexel HUl Realty 1896 I. hereb7 repealed, ELECI'IUCAL . REPAIRS IUDIO llaelalae. C'v - S1V ABTIDIORE ELECTRIC SHOP Park aad Dart.. I. A. .... PRMed thl., 4th ds,- of October A. D. 1939. 'lIOkOVOH OF SWARTHMORE Attefi: ELLIOTT ,RICJlARDSON • torequlrementsoflaw $ 185,853.50 Company. Situate on the N, w. ad. 9tB'Contata . Road and the N. e. ad. of Wllde Ave. RotMi (d) Total .................... $ tatnlng ..... th.3Qr In trod '!.t..~ •• '!.t.!-tef .~ •• State of Penna •• county 01 Delaware. BB: 120' (each lot .) an -...-&-. 0 _. I. B. 8.'. Sproat, caalUer of tile abovP.- width In length N. w. between parallel named. bank. do aolemnly swear that; tbe lines at rlgh' anglea to State Bo&d 110" • aboVe iltat;emm' _ Is tzue to tile beat of IDI Subject to certa1D. cond1t1ODa ancl I'MtI1c-knOWledp and belief. tlons. .. S. Bf'IIOAT, • , CUblet. Impronments eon.a!st of two mil one- Sworn to and subfJel1bed before me this half story frame house. 33s42 teet: en-ith day 01 october. 1039. closed front porch; one Itm7 frame adell .. . WILLIAK 8. Bt'ITLB, t~on. l5x9 feet; frame sance, 2b21 ,~ Notary Public. 8ecJ"et&r7'. (seai) I Sold as the propertJ' of Pn.aJc; 8 Joa.. YE . Vmage Win'dow Cleaner AP~ Ihl. 9th dQ' of OeIDbe'r A. D. 1839. ilorfeet.-.',A_:' •. . . . AL1IEIn' N. GABBaT'r, A. L. PARKER Media, P .. 'PIaG_ Medi. 459-M A. HAUGER .. an 019·, JOHH ~. PITJIAN •. ... ; ......... ;r '" ~.'" ,',' ; +- "~ ;>"., , 'In: -: 4 _ • i-"~' ,I ....., ". :.' .. JOBll' w. PI'I'TOCK, . w ... KIII'l'Lml, , DlilC' •• Letoy van Roeten. PrariJr; 'S. MUlctJl, Attorney!. " , WILLIAII 1f. Me,"" herta,

---------- Page 10 ----------

OCTOBEIl 11. 1,. smOOL NEWS C 1 • a.t I Alumnae) Ofti' the MaIn Une Hcdq B •• ~ CIcIo "' ...... The Camma Club, uncIor the dinctlca I I RT Club. The Swarthmore Hockey Club opened 01 HIIrl')' {)ppetIIander, teacher, i. kepi IN VILLAGE L BRA dmp-lricked the Hiah School the __ at home and defeated the Main '.111.. 5' '.'. • .... B_ busy IIIlppl... pictares for the Gamet.j _ _ !elm Into a time point lead from the Une Club 4.J .. VI.pnla Thompson sent Ruth Eaee, S.H.S. '38, ,.. •• one of the In each ill'" of ':: -:: ::::a::;: The Swarthmore Public Lib":IY h~ =,J':i!.. u:.!~ ~~..:f': tIt .... ~. into the net and Betty Jadc-one hundred olxt.... .tudents at Buck. Ibor·ld-ro pI"T::'" -rPOth e ~Iub .....l Ita recently added IOmo new ch11drens until ChapIn. a sub, ocored a touch_lOll t aIl_Ied_ O_ DCe. ________ nell who ..... p\~ on the homIr roll n pure.. ., - book. for all q ... Books for ea.y read- down In the I<COIICI period II> reverse the i....... by the dean'. office for havinl olTehiPtf It;"y~j fficen have been cho-: inw .nd picture. include "Wi.. Car- lead. The pIq started fRlal JIUiIt forma- ~ f'lwy're ,..,,.,., '-I achi ... ...t an a..,rage of 85 or more durinl leD: ep':.;;:'~ B~II Spencer; Ktretal')', Iotta" by Reil, "Skipper Jack" by Gar: tion behind the Warple ~ line, but GUNNING GADGETS the second ....... t.r. Sch I Ed Cool.y •• trea.urer. Jim Callalwt. thwalte, and "The Small And Tall Man Brown pa.sed to Toma Oil the IS, who .... • at Bruce Cook, Swarthmore High 00 • I by Tink.r. lateraled to Chapin, who followed ex- '34 appeared on the honor roll for the SCHOOL BOARD WINS For grades four to .even there are cellenl interlerenee to the 45, where he BW. BATrEY'S .ec~nd oem .. ter of 1938-39 of Carnegi., DECISION .om. n.w stori •• about foreign land., broke Into the dear and raced over tlte 18 South Or8Dlle SI. Media In.!itute 01 Technolo~, ~herc he was a .uch a. "A Little Fr.nch Boy" by Er- Garnet goal. .omor. Aft.r graduauon ID June, Bruce Mrs. Nona R. Bragg. former teacher land. "Tony And In Th. • ed hid I h played with tlle Children', Theater of of the now dilConti~ued room in the Tropics" by Harri., "Cyclone Gae. A h.S;arthmore b regalD ted ea lei'::' tb e RUMMAGE SAI.E New York as a mfl11ber of the ca.t of Rutg." Avenue pubhc school, has lo.t Viking" a Norw.gian .tory by Kris- t I~ quart.r y two more rap • y "Cindtr.lla." H. i. now teaching dra· her appeal from the action of the school toffer.~n' and "The Little Amish Ndadled,bYthand fia toluchdowchdn by Hndaig• Nall.~ mah.c ! at P enn. . board I'nd 'I sconu"num1g l er lem.c e,.T he Schoolhou• se" by Seyfert ah f eh na'otdo. uownagoam Crawford Fetter. Swarthmore HIgh case was tried before Judge Albert Dut- The books for the older boy. and t e ourt pen Social Hall School '38, wa~ a\Var~ed freshman hon· tOil .MacDadc. with Attor~eY5 Harold. L. girls include several about horses, some ~U~ In One Polal Vletorr METHODIST CHURCH ors on the baSIS of hIS excellent schol· En'in and Claude C. Smith representing mystcrjes and several with an hislod- Jakie 5 pomt after touchdown was the astic record during the ~ear 1938-39 at the School Board. and Henl')' Gouley cal setting. They are "The Phantom margin of victory in the opening g'" the Fou~de"'s J?ay ~xercises on October rel)fC~Senting Mrs. Bragg, who sued for In The Forest" by Hark, "Roany, The of the College schedule. Washington's 8 A. M. to 2 P. M. 4 at lehIgh Umverslty. a writ of mandamus to compel t~e ~rd Horse Who Smelled Smoke" by passing attack netted a second period THURSDAY, ocr. 19 'rahmen Boy, Fete Glr... . to rea]> her. The case was dlsnllss~, Hawkes. "Toplofty'· by Hess, "Chateau touchdown, but Swarthmore came back ________________ _ The freshmcn boys under the direction the tcclullcal grounds that the apph- Of The Swan" by Holland ··Silver fighting and Huhn plunged through cen- elf . G 8 of Vera Maple, entertained the freshmen cation for the mandamus was not the Birch" by Lyons, UBoy With 'A Pack" ter from the 22 for a touchdown and .... 0 a ellllDa rape girls at tlVO parties this week. On M?n- proper ste!, fur Mrs. Bragg to have by Meader, "The Shining Mountains" Jakie kicked the goal, for a half-time lead At the Vineyard or Martel's day the one group decora~ed !h~ sewmg taken. . . . • by Pritchett, uThe Birth Of Rome" by of 7-6 roolll and the home econonncs hVlng room In Ins dCC~SIOIl Judge ~acDade sal~, Orvieto and ··Castle Secrets" by Sei- Eberle scored the second Swarthmore with autumn leaves and Hallowe'en orna- in part: "It IS clear thal slOce the petl- wright touchdown in the third period on a pass ments. Everyone joined in a IJrogram of tioncr in the jnstant case had a complete,' • • For Firewood interesting games. Cider, cake, 11uts, and ::tdequate and specifi~. rt"medy available from Jakie. Washington tallied in the Call Sw. 261 candy were served as refreshments. to her under the prOVISions of ~e Teach- SPORTS REVIEW final quarter, but neither team converted $12.50 Lewis Knebel WCiS the host for the boys. ers Tenure Act, she has no nght to re~ the extra point and the Garnet held fast On Wednesday another group of boys sort to mandamus proceeding.... H. S. BRINGS HOME THE to the one point lead. Final score 13-12. gave t h e.l r party .t o th c same rooms. TheY AL MEN • I • BACON ="' !!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!~==~~==~~~~!!'jj Per Cord Delivered decorated with multi-colored crepe paper I LOC S· ...... THMORE ONE OF DELAWABE COUNTY'S LARGEST I!ATlNG PLACBS and balloons. After a variety of games I ON.I..ftA The past week was marked by the re- AR#"ADIA R~ST .U II • ...-rT were plaYed the guests leasted on punch. ADVISORY STAFF bound of the High School football team, ...., m L1l. ..t1U..,. cookies, candy, and peanuts. The host According to Willard Tomlinson, of ~fter their reverse b~ Darby i~ the open- Caten,.. 10 Famfl,. Tratle for this group was Philip Shenkle. Swarthmore avenue. director of the, 1I1g game, to a siunnlllg 22-~ .... Ictory ove~ Dinners 107 W. State St., Media Call Media Pre .. COB/erence, Philadeiphia office of the Strathmore Marple-Ne\\:town, on thel~ o~ponents !:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Representatives from the Ganret. of Guidance Bureau, the Bureau has ap- field last Friday; the o~e pomt VIctory of Swarthmore High School. attended a pointed a group of nearly fifty exper- the Col1ege ove~ Washmgton, last Satur­conference of the Columbia Press Asso- ienced mcn and women to serve in an day; and the tnumph of the S~arthmore ciation at Drcxel Instit~te of Technol- advisory capacity Hockey Club (composed of High School ogy on Saturday mormng, October 7. These advisors are available to all ,----------------, Ruth Child and Alice Craemer took part clients of the Strathmore Guidance in a panel discussion of "How We Org- Bureau who are trying to formulate' anize Our Stalls." Joan Carpenter pre- their vocational plans. They s.erve on. sided over this group. T. A. Daly. poet this council because of thcir desire to J and columnist for the Bulletin, was the help young folks avoid the chagrin speaker at the meeting. Art~ur and hardship that follows a choice of I Meryweather also attended the meetm~. the wrong vocation. H. S. Girls' Hockey Schedule Oct. 19-Lansdowne Oct. 26-Haverlord Oct. 31-Media Nov. 4-George School Nov. 9-Upper Darby Nov. 2O-Westtown Nov. 2&--Ridley Park Home Away Home Away Away Home Home A conference o! . the .Penllsylvall~a The following residents of Swarth­Sch~ l Press A~soclatJon wdl be held 10 more, Delaware County and Philadet-I ReadlOg on FrIday. and Saturday, Oc- phia arc now members of the Strat~w tober 27 and 28. ~lOce .the G.arncl w~s more Advisory Council: Blanche Clair, a P. S. P. A. p:lze WlOner In 1938 ID sales promotion, Allen, Lane and Scott; ==========~~::::~::::==II the field 01 magazme wo~k •• two members William H. Eavans. M.A., secretary- FALL FASmON SHOW of the stal! have be~n mVlted to speak treasurer, National Office Managers AND BRIDGE at the Saturday meetmgs. As'sodation' Virgil H. Frazier direc"l • ' , H Beneftt Junior Club PhllaDthroplc Fmtd M ... Phillip. to Spear. lor Girl R ..... -. tor. Air Delense League; Horace . 8 P M WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 18 The Girl Reserve Club of Swarthmore Hopkins, Ph.D., chemist, E. I. D.upont •• W 'club a,uee High School is sponsoring an interesting de Nemours Company; BaldWin L. 0::-::; i as program on Friday morning, October Keyes, M.D., psychiatrist, Hahnemann 18 on c 13, at 9:30. Mrs. Dorothy Waldo Phil- Hospital and Philadelphia General.Hos-"'TJJl.-T.itJIT.1.TJ.v lips has consented to speak to the gir~s pital; John W. Keyes. archItect; on UBoy and Girl Relationships." The Charles D. Mitchell, illustrator; Frank meeting, which will be held in the mu-IR. Morey. M.A .• supervising principal, seum room of the high school, is open Swarthmore High School; Joseph Fort . to all girls and to interested townspeople. Newtoll. D.D., rector. St. Luke and Senior and Jun.ior A .. embl,. Progranu Epiphany Church; Joseph Pope, Ewing The senior high school enjoyed a song and Gal1away; Robert H. Reed, asso­fest during the assembly period on Mon- date editor, Country Gentleman; Her­day, October 9. Alice Blodgett, director man W. Stehfest, vice-president, Pe~n­of the music, led thc group in singing sylvania Company; Dorothy Tombn .. many o1d favorites. son, B.A., publicity, ]. Walter Thomp- On Friday. October 6, the Swarth- son Company; Frank D. Watson, Ph.D., more Junior High School had a Red professor of sociology, Haverford Col­Cros:; assembly program. Mary Ann lege; Hrelen W.mard. Philadelphia I Hook recited "Your Cross and My School of OccupatIOnal Therapy. Cross" and ~'(ardy Jean Crosby, UThe ;:---------------Ii Red Cross." Margaret Knotter told of the Red Cross work done _ in Swarthmore schools and Frederick Morey explained the purpose of the "Red Cross Drive." Six girls of the eighth grade gave a short skit, UEverybody's Flag"_ SMART CLOTHES FOR SMART WOMEN LEWIS~ 210 W. State St., Medin NATURE'S SKIN TONIC -- P~Rf , . Springfield, Water EASY TERMS a. 1o,", Q$ 99c ;::.c __0- .._. 'l~"a"n' __ Enainered and Guaranteed bT the makers of Esao Gasoline. IlldalW. Senieed and Fueled by wnsON COAL & SUPPLY 00. PIl ..... M_WmAl.L lNGFOao, _PA. _ Phone or Mall CoUPOD for faB inlo~ation. Your N .... e ................ . Addreeo .................. . City ...................... A:JJ& £OJAJJ:JJuL J.tJiTl7 FlLTftlA t.1JiUJl N SPINCZR, INC. PRINTERS PHOTO·LITHOGRAPHERS BOOKBINDERS 8th STREET NEAR SPROUL, CHESTER, PA. HERE -IN OUR STORE· THE SENSATIONAL NEW ROYAL· fIRST AND ONLY PORTABLE WITH MAGIC MARGIN HIRI'S MAGIC ••• MAGIC Mar- ."....'..... _ -to-In_.. V......i You'U scarcely believe your eyes-wheo you see this New Royal Portable, Or your fingers -when you tI'f jc! So simple to usel So fast! So smooth in operation! At last, personal typing becomes. thrilliDg realiry-for you­for everyoaef Drop in now! See thj~ New Royal complete with MAGIC Margin, and many other exclusive Royal MAGIC Features; ~ehew.' __________ ~- A'''A1~ . . .' a . ". ' Royal Typewriter' Co.,· Inc. 1616 1Valn~t S~t ' PHILADELPHIA,' PA. ~~~~~~!;;;;;~-T---;;~;-;;;;;;-- Tall "1 8W~IlTa.oIlBAN ;;; NEWS NOTES .', Mr. LaoileDte z. Zitt, of" C10ve1and; .rly of Swarthmore, that .ven in the ... "" .•. ,. 'I --- Ohio, has been the g1<eSt of his brother- far east the war h.. had its .If.ct on, Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Dingle, 01 in· law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. everyday life. "A week ago, the G.r­Park avenae, will have .. their howe Harkn .... , of Rutgers avenue, for the mans, English, French and American., guests thi. week-end, Mrs. Dingle'. undo past few weeki. Mr. Zitt plans to .pend w.r. all part of on. group, who played ~~=:'i1;:":rI and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George A Ball, a lew more day. and during hi. visit tennis togeth.r and went to danc.s and .. of BeIIair, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. will attend the World'. Fair with the dinner. and the club. Now, when I am Mill.r, of Wilkensburg, PL, brother and Harknesse.. with my German friends, the English 8berUr'. omoe. court 1rouM. ...... ... 1ImInIa7. ootobor .. lilt 8:30 A. JI. .. WID __ TIIM oonditloDl: _.00 cui> or __ at time or MIt ,_ 0 ___ In aclYel1leem ent), bel'nce m teD 4aJ'e. ~ condltiona on dar of ...... si.ter-in-law 01 Mrs. Dingle, will also and French people won't speak to me. Levari _ No. loot be their guests. Mn. John L. Comog, of Dic:Idnson They even seem to re.ent my .peaking ;-;;;::: I avenue, entertained with a luncheon German. Th~ men, of course, are all Professor John McCrumm, of Swarth- Wednesday afternoon. waiting for instructions from their gov- June TInD. U3II All tbat cortaIn lot or p_ of Kft)UDd wltb tile _17 one. or • pair of brIa11: dweUlns ho ...... thereon mooted, Bltuate S tbe BoroUBh of MedIa. In _ oounty _ more College, and Professor E. O. Lange, emments and I suppose many of them of Drexel Institute, left Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kaulfmao, of will be caUed hom.. Meanwhile, the spend a few days at the American Insti- Dartmouth avenue, spent a few days parties and social events at the club tute of Electrical Engineering at Seran- at the Hotel Pennsylvania, in New have stopped almost" entirely, because ton. Professors McCrumm and Lange York City last week. of the hard feeling .... ~~5~~~~~~~~~~~~S; I are the student councilors for Swarth- Delaware aforeoalcl. Bounded ODd _bed 1n accordance with a lUlTey made by O. M. Broomall. BBQ.. O. B. on the twent£~ day of June. A. D. 191'. as foUowe: BegIn­n1DB at a potnt on the nortllerly aide of more and Drexel. Nancy Hoot, of Lafayette and South Princeton avenues, visited Claire Nash, Dr. Victor D. Shirer, of Rutgers avc- of Parkside, over a recent week-end. REQUEST FOR BIDS Painter Street at the cUstance of one hUD­dred and. feet and thirtY-two , hundredths of a foot measured In a ~ erly dlrectlon from the northwest OOl'Der of Sealed bids will be received in COUDeIl Painter Street and Brooke Street: t.lJ.enca Chamber. Borough Hall, Swartbptore. Pa. on by land belongtng to Mary B. Plelds north ~~'i:~~~~~::::J!: I nue, has entered. the Taylor Hospital in Miss Nash was a classmate of Miss ~"",lie t; Ridley Park to undergo an operation. Hoot, Swarthmore High School. Wetlnedday November 16th. 1930 a& 7:46. five degrees twenty .. two tnlnutell east one P. M. for the lale 10 the Boroul'b of one DeW hundred and tort7 feet and seventy-flve two door lledan aut.omobUe. suitable for pal. hundredtbs of a toot to a corner: thence iee work. The bIdder shall Iiale the allow- by lands DOW or late of John K. Broomall. MOO which he will make for &he vurchaae north e1ghty-elght degrees fort,. .. seven mtn .. Among the names on the Dean's List Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Lodge, and from the Boro~h of one 1931 t.wo door Pord utes west twenty-one leet and alz tenths at West Chester State Teachers College daughters, Lydia May and Peggy have lledsn automobile, tlow available for inspecUOD O_fad s fnOOot w ~r t-:,~r~a:~:eP!rco~a :cf was Bo yd W • St au ff er, 0 f D a rtm out h moved from the.i r home on 0 berli. n a' Doro .... Hall. passlDg along the center liDa 0 fthe ,_vooN .~.. ". ave n ue, 'hO' t d· 't be Ph' 1M· L k N J M All blda shall be In accordllnl'e with 8ped· wall between said hOUBe8 IOUth four d.e. W fS S U YlOg 0 a YSlca avenue. to ountaln a e. . . r. ftcallons on rue In the omce of the Borouch grees forty-alx mlnutes west one huudred. Education teacher. and Mrs. F. M. McLarty and SOD, of Secretat7. and thlrty-~Ine feet and five tenths of a C hester. Pa., p Ia u to move I. nto t h e The Borough reaerves the rl,ht to rel~t. fPoaottn tteor Sat. repeoti:n tth eInn cteh ael onnogr tshae1r4l yn o8r1tdhee rolyf Miss Myra Williams. of Moylan, a Lodge's home today. any or all bids. side of Painter Street BOUth elght)'-flve de-senior at Miss lUman's Kindergarten ELLIO'l'T RICHARDson. medea t::'~:~=~ o~8II: ::,~n~ = school, of the University of Pennsylva~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Black. of Boro\lJ'b Secrelat7. place of begiDD1nS. ~§~:E;r;:~~lnia, is spending a few weeks at her fra- Park avenue, entertained with a family 10.13.3t Improvements consist of two and one- • __ . • ternity house, the Kappa Alpha Theta dinner party Sunday afternoon, October half story brick: and. concrete house, 14x48 on McAlpin street, Philadelphia, while 1 Guests were Mr and Mrs. James STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MAN- feet. doing her practice teaching and attending Dougherty and daughter Peggy Lou of agement, clrculation. etc.. reQulr.ed,91b2Y Sold. as the property of John Rbondozzo. cI asses. Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. John M' c- athned AMcatstc h0 1 3,C o19n3g3r esosf oTfh eA u8gwuasrtt h2m ,o rean.• m ortgagor and real owner. r M:r. and Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes and Kenna and children, Mary Edith and publlshed. every Friday at Swarthmore, Fa• • ALBERT E. HOLL, Attomey. amI Iy , I ormerI y . 0 f H arvard avenue, Johnny, of Springfield; Miss Alice Sfotra tsee potfe mPebnenrs y30lv. a1n9i3a9,. :ig~i~i~~~ii~~i~!~ Im ovPed M. ohnodady mDt o thed MAlrlse nA hleoxuasen daert Nickerson, M.r Charles E .B"laek Jr. coBuenftoyre o fm De,e laa wNaroet,a 8ry8. PubliC, In O...f.t.d. .~''o r Levari Faclaa. ..._ _. .. Te 1939 arrts. r a. r. an.' and \Villiam Black. of Swarthmore. the State and county aforesaid, personally ,ouu"-U. rm, Allen havmg moved to Pittsburgh, where appeared Peter E. Told, who, haVing beer! All that rl;~;p;o~r'~~rJ~ th e. I or~er \\, 'I1 1 I) e connec ted W·t th the PIC Id It I I f S rth- sdau lsy tshwaotr nh ea cisc otrhdein Eg dtioto rl aowf, Tdhetp) oSsewsa rat-nhd- I with the Ul1Iverstty. au a . we, ~r~l1er y . 0 • \Va m~rean and that the following Is, to the thereon more, who IS now hVIng WIth !lIS unde best of bls knowledge and bellef, a true No. 1048 lady desires pubUo steno­French and English. Call man or chauffeur. Mr. and ~.Jrs. E. O. Lange, of Balti- and aunt, M~. and Mrs. Paul Davis, of 1~~~e~td~~yt~:~~titr:hdl:e=:J::u!~.~1 more pike are spending this week-end Colorado Spnngs, Colo., spent a few days of the aforesaid pubUcatlon for the date in Charlott,e svi.l le, Va., whcre the.i r sons, in Swart.h more this .we'ek. b.ef.ore driving sthhoew Anc tI nof tAheu gaubsot v2e4 , c1a9p1t2i.o nas, aremqeunidreedd bbyy ~~;~rEfi;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donald and Erncst Lange are students to Washlllgton, D. C. to \'151t Ius mother. the Act of March 3, 1933, embodied in sec- at the Ul1"I verstty of Vl.rg.t' . T h ey WI'1 1 Mrs. D .D R.owla.nds ptlroinnt ed53 7o.n Pthoes traelv eLrsaew os f athnids foRremg,u ltaoti Ownits:, the freshman football game bc- 1. That the names and addresses of the ~r~~~!l~; tween Vu. and V.M •I. , 'II I Wh I' e h 1'1 Ie bI' r tl 1d ay llarty 0 fBeveIr y A nn pbuubsilnisehsesr .m aendaigtoerr.s amrea:n 8Blng editor, and Erni~ will play. Tomorrow they wilt all Harlow, of Rutgers avenue, planned for Publlsher-The Swarthmorean, Inc. the b·i g game, Vl'r gl.D.Ja vs. Maryiadn .'1.I\ on d ay a f ternool1 0 fiats wee k was EMdaintaogri-nPge tEerd iEt.o rT-oPledt. eSrw Ea.r tThomldo.r eB. wPaa.r th- SmwOarert·hmorean. Uni\'ersity. postponed untiJ last Friday~ more, Pa. . WANTED--Sma.1l wardrobe In Rood condl- • moBrues. inPeas. s Manager-Peter E. Told. Bwarth-tlon. Also gOOd. looklDg rug. 9&12. Tele- Mr. and Mrs. Philip }'L Alden, of George Alston, of \Vestdale avenue, IS 2. That the owner 18: The Swarthmorean. pWhAonNe TSEwD. -1M49a. id. for general housework, North Chester road. arrl'ved home thi!> a tte n d1' 09 A eronau t·I ca ISch 0 0I I' n Tren- InMc.r s. J. Passmore Cheyney, Swarthmore, COOkllll, laundry tncl'lded. Three adults. morning after spending a few days in ton, N. J. Pa. hID Reference reqUired. Telephone Swarthmore New York City, N. Y. Mr. Harold Ogram. Swart ore, 4,,':;;4;;;-J;;.====;;;;;;;;;;,~~====== I Mr. Peter E. Told, Swarthmore, Tl)L1l. - . _ Miss Eudora Sproat, a junior at West- Sworn to and SUbscri~o~e tiil.!ir~n.a:iiiii~e! pP'ERS"""01'lNRAAL=:r.::JP!'lllOoomrnBander and Eifger, f009 lis, Minr.., arrived Monday evening to week-end visiting her parents, Mr. and (SBAL) PERSON~L Mrs. George H. Tunell. 01 Mumeapo I ern College. Oxford. Ohio, spent last 30th day Of September. 1939. ~~~~~~~i~~~l~~ ~ De~8l0~1I. ;.:Ered~dg;m.~Coh~n.~ tt.e ~rA~vLe~lngu~h~~,t spend a Ie w wee ks v'Is .i t.i ng h er son-1.O - Mrs. Elrie Sproat, of Ogden avenue. Ia.w and daughter. Mr. and :Mrs. J. & {My 'cOmmlssion expuea • I • ~~~~~:I Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Meschter and ~:lo_~~;;,~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Thorpe, all of ~ A ...... ; Dickinson avenue, will leave today for a War Felt in SiaDl Miss Ellen Viehoever, who is living in Bangkok. Siam. with her parents Dr. and Mrs. Arn'o ViehoeverJ formerly of Swarthmore, writes in a recent letter to Miss Jane Seely, of Narberth. form- CENTRAL LOCA.TlON Half stone; Slate Roof Sa.erlftced to Settle Estate- $5500 Appraised a few years ;at ,12,000. Present mortgage .,600. Little -~ 1'e$I~. Notary WM. s. BIT1"LE Swarthmore 111 ... J< PubUc - Insurance - Real I!sta .. A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 2295 MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH, I!. QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS BELL PHONE 4 MEDIA, COAL and co*kE FUEL OIL VAN ALEN BROS. Phone Sw. 10412 ELECTRICIAN House w1rlDg of au kinds. QutCk low oost s.,rvlce. Waahen and. c1ean.m ra~UUt and repaired. WOOD' El.ECTlUC SERVICE Sw .... 1273 motor trip to Williamsburg, on the Sky Line Drive, and Mount Vernon. They will return home on Tuesday. Miss Nanc\' Armitage., daughter o( ---n-o-R-O-U-G-H-O-F-'-W-A-B-T-HM-O-R-E--­Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armitage, of South Chester road, entert"d Bradford ORDINANCE NO. 424 Junior College. Bradford, Mass., last An ordinance repealing the provision week. ' Miss Armitage is a freshman. contained in Ordinance No. 40, approved December 21. 1897. which provides for Ii sewer asseaSOlent of 40c per front foot. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED Work Called For and Delivered Teleplione: SWARTHMORE 1219-J RENT Sm. house, 2 bednns., sleeping porch. Newly decorated. WILLIAM M. KELLMAN 20 East 7th Stroot (Next to state Theatre) Radios 'Phone Chester 2.5314 against abutting properties. THE COUNCIL OF THE DOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: Secti~n 1. That portion of Section one. of Ordinance No. 49.' approved December 21, !807. which IIrov'des for assessinl' properties at the rate of forly c-en1s per front foot. meas­ured along' the Bide of the street in front ot which the sewer 1s laid. is hereby repealed. Section 2. Nothing herein c*ntained shaH be taken or beld to repeal tbe remainder of sald ordinance. which reads 88 follows: "Corner lots upon which an assessment shall have been paid fot' any street shall be exempt from aasehment for sewer on the cross street for a distance of ono hun· dred and fifty feet along said cross street." Passed this 4th day of October 1039. T. E. HESSENBRUCH. President of Council. Atlllst: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. Borough·Secretary. Approved October 9, 1039. JOHN H. PITMAN. Burgess. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE EDWIN B. KEIJ,EY, Jr. ORDINANCE NO. 423 Your ' Jeweler I An ordinance providing for tho repeal of East 7th St. Ordinance No. 414. approved February ls\. Chester '.39. THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH 0)" SlY ARTHldORE DOES ORDAIN: Loans and "7.88 Untted ltgatlona, teed ....................... .. Other bonds. notos, and deb .. entures •.•• , •........•..... ,. Corporate stocks. Including 8tock .:»f Federal Reserve bank ••••.• Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal­ance, and cash items in pro­cess of collection ..••••.•.•.•. Levari Facias No. 1070 June Term, 1939 603,435.96 Bank premises owned f94.018.00 !1~~i€~~~~~~~~I~1 Furniture and 1b.:tures 4,552.23 98.568.23 Real estate owned. other than bank prem.1ses •••• , •.•••••••. Other aseets •••••••••••••.•.. ___ _ Total Aa&eta ............... ".371,300.17 LlABILITJI!S Depmaratnnde rdshepipose.l ts aonf dln dlcvoJrdpuoarlas-. . I~ ~t:,~~:~~:; l.~~'!tna W;pmi~' . 'oi" indlV·td'U.ii8",' 1,171,544.48,' partnerships. and corporatiOns 685.031.118 Under and subject to Fintt l4ort;e:age of Deposits of United States Gov- $3000 ernment (including postal . savings) •.••..•••••.•...•.... 43,085.88 Improvements consist of two and one- Deposlts of States and poUtlcal 'half story cement 8l1d clapboard hOUBe, subdlvJslons ••••...•..•...... 1l'l.773.94126X38 feet; porch front; clapboard garage, Other· deposits (certlfted and 12x18 feet. _ '. casbler's checks, etc.).... ..... 8,223.03 . -. ., ' Total Deposits ... t2,025,659.1'l I Bold as the l)roperty of George R. :Ryon and Jane P. Ryan. his wtfe.~ mortgagors Total LtablUtle.e; •• , •.• , .•••. , 2,o:.s.659.17. and real ownel'8. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS I ' I Capital stock: ALBERT E. HOLL. Attorne.y. (cl Common stock, . - ... + .... W M KIM total par •....• "25.000.00 Y(lL'-"""" . eBb Ill' , 12S,gsg.OD 10-8-3t .~ er • Surplus ......................... 150. .00' ~;;;;~==~=;;;;~~T,;;;;====== Undl.lded prollta .............. 4l.4e8·05 1 SHERIFF SALI!S Reserves (and retlrement ac-count for preferred stock).... 29,233.55 Sherlti's Omoe, Court House. Media. P&. Total Capital Accounts .•.•. $ 345.'101.80 Total Liabtutles and Capital Accounta •••••••••.•••.•• $ 2,371,360.77 MEMORANDA Saturday, October 21. 1939 9:30 A. M. Eastern Standard Time (Opposite New State Theatre) 'Phone Chesler 37M Section 1. That Ordinance. No. 414. proved February lat, 1939, enllt1ed. ap- Pledged assets (and. securities I loaned) (book value): Condltlons: $250.00 cash or certl1led check at time of sale (unless otherwise stated In advertisem*nt). balance In ten days other conditions on day of sale. WOOD ·kOPPERS co*kE PIANO· _Me; Sln~:i." All Shapes and Kinda There i8 No, Substitute , ' For E,x pedcaai A. L •. PARKER A1edia, p..Phoae Media 459-M H.P.BARTOW Printer 615 Sproul Street Chester CALL 'Phone Chester 2-1515 1896 ELECTRICAL , REP.4lRS 'RADIO Maeldnel Cleaaen SWARTHMORE ELECTiuc SHOP Park .nd D_OIlth " .... , YE VjlJage Whidow Cleaner A. HAUGER, ~19, (a) United. States Goverutnent obUgations, d.lrect and guaranteed. pledged. to se-· cure deposits and other· llablUtles ................ .• 204,963.'15 FIeri Factas No. 1049 June Term, 1939 All those four Iota of ground :with the Total '. 204 963 75 buUdln...... thereon erected In Drexel. mu. "AN ORDINANCE providlnl' for the con. struction of 8n el.-ht Inch terra. cotta pipe sewer In Westdale Avenue in the Borough of Swarthmore. to extend from Rutgers Avenue in a westerly ~rect.lon 225 feet more or less. alld provtdlDK" fot' the assessment and (!()lIection of the eostJr; and eXllenO'eS thereof from ~.he owneMl of property abutting thereon (e) ........... ~......... •• Upper &.rby, Del. CO., Penna .• being Iota Se(caulr ed DIleapboWstttlse a: secu. red by 697 . 698 • 699 and 700 on plA--n-. of Iota ceJ.l1e d. is hereby repealed. . Pagsed this 4th day of October A. D. t03R. BoROUGH OF SWARTHMORE By: T. E. HESSE~BR~den'. Attest: ELLIO'l'T ,RIC"ARDSON. Appro~ this 9th dQ 01 October A., D. ~939. ; . JOHN H_ p.JTMAN, .. l ; ... ~~ .. ~ ..... ,V·l·~' ' •• ~h" Seeretar7. ... ., ~.-: .'. ".:. ,I pledged assets pursuant Aronlmlnk Se~tlon of Drexel Hill Rea ty to requirements of law $: 165,653.50 Company, Situate on the N. w. sd. ~~. ~tate . Road and. the N. e. ad. of Wtlde Ave. Con- (d) Total ••••••••.•••.••.••••• 165.653.50 talnlng together In :frO~t...~A!~tef ~ State of Penna., County of Delaware. 88: 120' (each lot 30') and ICA ..... U...u.&&O 0 Ilo&&aII I, B. 8 Sproat. cashier of' the above- width In length N. w. between parallel named· b8nk. do solemnly swear that the lines at right anglM to State Road. 150'. above statement; Is true to the beat of mr Subject to certain conditions and reetrlc-knowledge and be11e1'. tlons. .. 8. SPaOAT, .. CUhler. Improvements consist of two anll one- Swom . to and subscribed before me UlIB half story frame bouse. 33~a feet.; eu- 9th day of ~ber, 1939. closed front porch; ODa stoly frame addt .. , WILLIA1I S. BrrrLB, t~on. 15x9 feet; frame garaae. 21d1 feet. Notary PubUc. Sold as the property of Frank. 8 Jon •. B. Leroy v&n Rocte~, Prank -U. 1lancl11. Attorneys. :, .

---------- Page 11 ----------

8 THE', SWA'RTHMORBAN ooroBER U. 1.'39 CO. WOMEN HEAR REP. E. J. TURNER Girl SeoutNewB TORREY KU,I,EO competence and, unfalrne... So IIUIIIY IN FREAK EXPLOSION time. tbe game would bave ended Members of local troops started lait otherwwise if only the referee had de~ Saturday to take orders in the annual A note of tragedy is brought into this cided.s we would bave done I '!Ie ,:on-sale of Girl Scout cookies, The second week's news by the sudden death of gratulate Mr, Reed on an effectIve plcce week of the sale will be given over to David Torrey, thirteen-year-old of work. . . '/'""-- 'The Home and SCbool Association meeting hearlined' October 29th last week should be corrected to Friday, Informed Presentation of Unem­October 20th. ployment Problem Challenges Listeners delivery of cookie., A special effort is Dr. Nonoan 1.. Torrey, wbo was ==============================91 being made to increase the revenue I pr'of,,.,,,. in the Frencb department of this year's event since the district camp, Swarthmore College from the fall of At the recent meeting of the Women's Indian Run, and local day camps are de- 1934 until spring 1937, wben he went to Republican Club of Delaware County, at pendent upon it, professor at Columbia University. Strath Haven Inn, Swarthmore, Ellwood Local Scouts will leave the David was one of three persons killed ]. Turner, genial Speaker of the House, more ra.'I road 5 tau'on at 9 o'clock when a blast in the basem*nt of a clean-delivered all able address on the prob- day morning, October 21, to go to ing establishment near the school he at-lems facing the Commonwealth and drew vention Hall, Philadelphia, for tended on East Twenty-third street, in "Chester's Fashion Corner" a clear picture of the difficulties to be for the opening of the national New York City, damaged the entire solved before there can be any appre- tion there Monday evening, the neighborhood and injured twenty-four ciable reduction in the relief rolls. Other sessions of the Convention will other people. He and a sixty-year-old man Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Stree!s lIr, Turner said, that there has been held at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel were found dead in the street near the developed a joint state government com- year. It is desired. to have as shop, while the other fatality was the mission from members of the House and Swarthmore Girl Scouts as possible woman who managed the place where MIX TO TASTE Senate. This commission will study and part in the floor demonstration the explosion occurred. devise means of providing room space a talk by Mrs. FrankHn D. Roosevelt A story on the front page of Wed-for committee meetings in the over- the evening of the 23rd. Parents and nesday's NetQ York Times says the blast Be your own designer in this grandly independent season. As a basis use-crowded Capitol building. It has made a terested friends are invited to be is believed to have been caused by a survey of printing and succeeded in re- talOrs from the gallery. Doors of combination of leaking iUuminating gas ducing printing bills by $108,000. vention Hall are to be open from 7 to and the igniting of fumes of hat-cleaning This State Connnittee functions in P. M. fluids. groups-one to study finance (which will Tomorrow moming Troop 16 will meet There is one other Torrey child, Nan­include study of badly needed tax re- at the Girl Sco~t 9:30 for. work cy, 11, who attended Swarthmore schools vision), one group to study and organize on tree and .blrd ment badges 1£ the with her brother during the three years government departments, with an eye to weather permits. . . .. the family lived on Elm avenue. • I I -, , , JACKETS for every skirt $2.88 $3.88 ., reducing their top-heaviness and supply- Mrs. George Zimmer. and . VirgInia and $5.88 ing a counter balance. Beagle attended the openmg JPrl scout "Relief presents the most difficult and leaders' meeting at the Twentieth Cen~ pressing problem" said Mr. Turner. "In- tury Club in Lansdowne Wednesday ev­Reed Arlicle in Post dustry cannot absorb all those on relief- ening of last week. It looks like a good deal of a job to for relief includes aged, blind and moth- Mrs. Zimmer also at~ded the ~unty make a football referee seem like a ers (the assistance group). It also in- outdoor program comnuttee meeting ~t friendly and fairminded creature, but Exciting new woolens .• very long or very short, solid color, striped, plaid or twe~dy, Rayon shoulder and sleeve hntng, SIZeS 12 to ZO. eludes the second group (unemployables). the home of Mrs. Robert Miller, Jr., 1n that is what our fellow-townsman, Only 15 per cent of total amount of all Drexel Hilt Monday morning of Robert H. Reed, has pretty well suc- moncy (relief) expended goes to people week. She IS secretary of the outdoor ceeded in doing in the story of "Red" SKIRTS who are employable. Something over committee. Friesell in this week's Saturday Even-15 millions a year must go to unemploy- ing Post. The story is written in col~ for every jacket abIes." I • • laboration with that famous big time Between 60 and 70 per cent, 01 all Retires as Fortnightly Head gridiron official, and will help to an unemployed are the unskilled labor group. of the problems we wilt SKIRTS that fit smoothly over the hips and ftare gracefully be­low, Pleated. gored, stitched , .. solid colors, plaids or stripes. Sizes 24 to 40, $1.79 $2.79 and up to $5.98 "This group", said Mr. Turner, "we Mrs. Arthur Dana, of Elm see some bungle next Saturday. must takt off relief. If we do not, before was hostess to the Fortnightly Club He really does look attractive as he long we are going to have a generation Monday evening, October 9. After th,d conles out on the playing field at the that will never have known work. Since meeting Mrs. Westey N. Clifford's re- beginning of the game, but before it industry cannot take them, some new signation as chairman was announced and over most of us fail to find words means of employment must be found 10- accepted with regret and warm expres- our voc::abularies to describe his in~ cally. Pennsylvania must mobilize for a sions of appreciation for her untiring ef­drive to employ this unskilled labor." fort in giving a fortnightly resume of Each boro and community must organize the best books and articles published. committees to solve this problem. Mrs. Clifford was presented with a cor- Slip-on Sweaters sl.79-$2.79 and up to $8.98 State relief money will run out in sage of orchids. April next, new taxes are imminent, 168 Some twenty years ago a small gr,oul' II! million dollars will' be needed, "To es- met to read al~ud the "Life of Glad"to"e", cape new taxes in 1940 we must get em- out of which grew the present :ployrnent for these unemployables." nightly Club, with sixty-five members. Mr. Turner admitted he has sold the Mrs. Arthur Bassett was unanimously idea to Governor James, and that SOOl1 selected as Mrs. Clifford's successor. the mobilization will be under way. In ______________ = __ closing, l-Ir. Turner cautioned his audi­ence to forget the war in Europe and to concenstrate on serious domestic prob­lems confronting Pennsylvanians at their own back door. Mrs. Walter Weaver, assistant chair­man of program, presented Mr. Turner. Among the Swarthmore women present were llrs. Martin B. Young, Mrs. John M. Broomall 4th, Mrs. Paul Brown, Mr!. George A. Hoadley, and Mrs. George ]. Jones. • • Legion Auxiliary Notes Ha\'ing cleared only $36.45 at its re­cent benefit bridge party the American Legion Auxiliary must look for other contributions if it is to do much of the usual welfare work it undertakes. The Delaware County Council Aux­iliary will be entertained October 18 by Betty Parker in the Philadelphia stud­ios of KYW, The program is scheduled for 1 P. M •. and invitations may be se­cured through Mrs, J, H. E, McKay, Council publicity chairman. c o M I Sweaters and Snits Knit to Order Domellic and Imported yang THE GOWN SHOP 12 SOUTH AVENUE MEDIA AUCTION SALE OCTOBER 17 AT Y. M. C. A. WEST CHESTER All Day Sale - Sta .... at 10 A. M. of 6 leg mlr-the second annual clearance sale :~ ... ~::: Anttque ShOp of Datsy Jam1sou. L. H. HOLSTON. Auctioneer. N G TO 100/0 Discount on PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Ordered Before Nov. 1 alice barber gifts OLD BANK BUILDING Telephone Sw. 1381 Cardigan Sweaters $1.79-$2.79 to $5.98 Chester's Exclusive Showing of Genuine B. H. WRAGGE DRESSES ~\.\., KEEP RIGHT ON YELLING TI LL YOU INSTALL , GA5 HOUfE HEAT. Jo.H.'t /JaWS ,_Jo - - -... Her husband has been promis-ing to replace their broken-down furnace with a new gas house heater for the past two years • • • but still thinks it "may be too expensive." Many modem families who preferred to heat their homes with gas but thought it too expensive, found it actually cost much less than they had expected. RATE CUT MAkES IT CHEAPER Yes, our recent cut makes gas house heating within the means of even modest incomes. Let us make a free survey of your home to estimate what it will cost to heat your home this easy, Iroublefree way_ We'll wager it's much less than you thlnkl Choice of Bryant, Jcmitrol, and Welsbach Conversion Burners. l'rlce--,$I9S cash. Slightly more on budget plan-small down payment, 3 years to pay. Aak about our budget plan for paying gas biBs and our easy rental planl hie.. Subject to Cjaap W'ltAoat Notice PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY All Our Suburban Stores or See YOIII' Heating Contractor SWARTHMORE'S RELIABLE TAILOR ESTABUSHED '8t2 HARRIS & CO. TAILORS AND FURRIERS CLEANERS and DYERS NO, " PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 504 SWAI~THM()I~E C()L,LE'GE L 1 131~ A I~ Y 5. W A I~ T H M () I~ E 12 A • HALLOWE'ER PARADE OCTOBER 31 THE SWARTHM .lOll THE COIIUIITY .. VOL XI, No. 42 NEEDLEWORK TO BE ON DISPLAY I Annual Ingathering of Guild and ' Resultant Exhibition at ClRb Next Wedneaday Swarthmoreans are again reminded 01 the exhibition to be held by the local hranch of the Needlework Guild next Wednesday, October 25, at the Wo­man's Club. It should be remembered Ihat articles of clothing accummulated for this exhibition afe to be turned over 10 such institutions as hospitals, homes and other charities. In the case of hos­pitals the clothing is given to convales­ccnt out-going patients who have insuf­ficient clothing. They are distributed to the sick and destitute by relief as­sociations, organized charities and mis­~ ions, and are retained by homes and shelters of every description for the use of their inmates. Many institutions depend upon the Needlework Guild for their suplJly of new articles, and thou­sands more than are received could be wisely used. FROLIC SWARTHMORE, PA., OCfOBER 20, 1939 f2.50 PER YEAR COLLEGE PRESIDENT H. and S. Speaker Has Colorful Career Unu8ual Opportnnity Offered Community to Hear Nationally Known Leeturer Ready for the Parade? The Swarthmore Business As­sociation's Hallowe'en Parade Committee is hard at work with plaus for the merchants· annual parade on Tuesday night, October 31. Full details will be announced in next week's Swarthmorean. Tcnight Eduard C, Lindeman will Better haul out Dad's high hat WOMEN HEAR DR. BLANSHARD Capacity Audience Listens Tense­ly to Thought Provoking Ad. dress on ''The Present Conftict of Ideala" speak on "Tests for Democracy" at the and mother's high heels and get To the question will the democracies High School Auditorium at 8 P. M. to work on a winning costume I emerge from the present world crisis Didstingu.islhed in thDe fiel~sd of ed~cation Ty:: !~t"~eu::;:~: !~~~~~I~::: S!~~~~~o~~re D~oll~~:~dsp~~:~::a~~fo;! an sOCia work. r. LIIl eman .s one the Woman's Club Tuesday afternoon, f A " d I' h r I k than ever before. o menca s most e Ig t U spea ers. gave an answering note of hopefulness. His own education came the hard way; Dr. Blanshard, who has just returned he worked as a laborer until he was OPENING PLAY from a year abroad, was able to not twenty-one. Now he is professor of phil- only picture the European political sit-osophy at the New York School of Social STmS MYSTERY uation, but also to interpret the con- Work, lecturer at the New School for flict of ideals of the people themselves S oc',aI Re search. ,contn' but'm g ed,' tor of Thr~' At Pia Dir-ed by Sam. in each of the countries he visited . the New Repnbhc. and the au th or 0 f ...I." 'E-f t" JY ~Pr" ts New There is a sharp division in It~ly. he I H' b· .. ne vans, r., esen said, between the 440 ld Italy" and the many vo urnes. IS SU :Jeet IS tmllC?rtant Angle on Criminology new. One is still conscious of the archi-to parents and teachers when the Issues tectural and asthetic beauty of that of dictatorship and democracy, of tyr- Any play which can leave a Swarth- other day in sections of all the larger anDy and freedom, confront the world more audience guessing must be an unus ... cities, but everywhere the mobilizing I t 18 W~d ad ual mystery play. So measured Anthony influence of Mussolini overshadows it. D eres .1 etpre . Annstrong's uTen Minute Alibi", which He described the renaissance of a • fF)fr aonukr AByodreoluogtthe,, wdhl.otisneg aonin.hoeudn rceesdi d:reens-t A. Swarthmtobrae hfn , end tho f ,Dr, Lmde- opened the 1939-40 Players Club season sort which is taking place, the new The need for the current year IS more man s states t 1S en USlasms rover this week at the Club House on Fairview buildjngs and dean streets, municipal d · ignation as the head of Swarthmore h d be Crucial Need Now pressing than ever, an as wlO"t er ap~ College .h""ked village and camPII8 all the fields of t e nee s of human - road is an unchallenged success. It is a libraries, good health aDd general em-proaches many charf itableI · instfl tuIh ohn s la.t Sunday. ings; their livelihood, their happiness. and pity that budding authors yearning for ployrnent, but the presence of soldiers are definiteJy short 0 sUPP les 0 c.ot - comfort, including all phases of educa~ plots were not lurking in the lobby to ~verywhere indicates constant military ing. Therefore, Swarthmoreans are ---------------- lion. Last year, he worked on Propa- overhear the puzzled gtlt:Sses of the activity and an aggressive patriotism. doubly urged to contribute to this LEGION INDUCTS ganda in Education. In Washington he homeward-bound audiences last Tuesday Interprets F.wem worthy cause, and help to provide warm NEW OFFICERS worked on Use of Leisure Time, in~lud- night,. for unique solutions were suggest· Dr. Blanshard interpreted Fascism in clothing for those less fortunately sit- ing Art, Music, and the Theater. Since ed Utere. . .' terms of what the Italian peopl~ d~- uated. its inception the adult education move- Lulled ID~O comfortable secuTlty by !he test and wha.t. they are eDt~ussast1c The invitation is again extended to h f' d D L' d f 'Is slow-gathenng first act, the. unsuspecting about. They dISlike democracy mtense- any resl' de n t f th Bora gh to )'o,'n D.·st-'At OffiA'ftl Present to Install ment as oun r, III eman one 0 I di ht b th • It half ' h' 0 e u ... u.. ---- • ' au ence was caug y e.a er Iy, because It presents, to t em a plC-the Needlework Guild. Contributions of New Commander and Aides pioneer supporters. of the second into an absorption so com- ture oi complete chaos in religious, clothing should be in the hands of the Monday Evening A man of many hobbies, he is a tennis plete that with one voice it· warned the aesthetic and moral fields. They oppose local directors by the evening of Sat- enthusiast and coJlcets the works of Em- harried hero, '4you left your hat" 1 materialism and intellectualism and urday, October 21, in order that ar~ New officers for the coming year were erson. His four daughters are one of his The Jast act maintained this tempo with above all they are against anything rangements for the exhibition on the installed at Monday evening's meeting deepest interests, and he maintains that one enthralling pitfall after another until which is international in its aspect. Last- 25th may be duly completed. Mrs. J. of the Haro1d Ainsworth Post by Cart he utalked the girJs through college." the audience was left limp from suspense Iy, Prof. Blanshard stated they detest Horace Walter, of Cedar lane, can McM. Crawford deputy commander or During the past summer, Dr. Lindeman at the surprising solution unraveled by the Jews because they combine aU these give you the name of your community the eighth dist:ict, American Legion. preached. at the John Haynes ~olmes' InsPec;tor Pember !nd Sergeant Brace. qualities most repugnant to the Italian d.irector, and any other desired informa- It was decided to hold commanderS,\ChUrch, In New York. The servtce 'WaS We hked those pohcemen and we came people. hOIl. • • .,. Ni ht at the !lext meeting November held in Town Hall. It is rdated that away hoping .that when we commit mur- On the other side_ of the equation the !<mtted arbcles f<!r thIS. year s ~ath- 20 g " , . the audience so far forgot themselves der or mayhetq we'll be investigated by Fascists ardently admi~~ a:n~ desir~ ~o ermg are now on display 10 the wlOdow· . that thej~ .:tpr!:..ud.::i the sp:a!.c~r. Joshua A-. Christian untl James R. Powell. imitate the new type of man exemplified oi The Swartlnnorean office. John Nalsby and Arthur Meryweath~ They gave nicely timed and shaded per_ by Mussolini. They worship the author.;. • I er, the two Swa~hmore. boys who at- Parenl8 to Receive formances. Players Club audiences have ity and the power to back it, of some­tended. the Amencan Legion Boys Stat: Mr. J. B. Pope, Mr. Allen Carpenter, come to expect it·of Mr. Christian. James one to make their decisions for them. REGISTRATION at IndI~ntown. Gap llka st suhmmer, g:~d Mrs. Waldo Fisher, Mrs. George Alien, Powell now has shown ability in two They are stolidly content to be ide'!ti- ABOVE 325 MARK da ver'ybe md terhe stmg tta io·n t t e ctai mp and M r. H . L1' 11 dl ey P eeI a nd M rs. D aVl' d roles • fied with the state in a corporate life. escn t e rou ne lOS rue on M Caha are the P;ogram Connnittee Dorothy L. Simons as Betty Fim10n In speaking of the background of instruction there. 1 c th n h ha planned this gave promise of developing into a POPU- French attitudes today, Dr. BJanshard Details of the Legion-Auxiliary g~t- or e season wove I I d Sh peal' • t r t d h th' r t France Tardy Scholars Swell List Learnings Recrnits f meeting for the Home and School Asso- ar ea. e gave. an ap .lOg 111 erpr~ IS e t (reee " I?IS ppecu lapr, 0) o to-gether On November 1 will be an- . . . .. talion of a young IOnocent III a phase 10 QR nu-. on 'fillS VII!! nounced later. The Father~Son (and elatIon. A ReceptIon Comnuttee Wilt greet h' h 'II" ted an d ,.... ______________ ., Thirty-seven more "pupils/' including grandfathers and grandmothers~ sent the total registratiop for Swarthmore's "Adult Night at School" soaring above the 325 mark as the second week's classes were held last Monday night at the high school building. W IC VI amy represen rom ce an this year) Daughter dinner is. to be hel~ parents and teachers. The Second Grade color hile irtue seemed dull and pro-in the High School cafeterIa on Frl- Mothers of the two schools will be host- saic.' W v First Aid Course Starts Tuesday day, November 10. Detail~ of the en- and, serve refresh~ts ~fter Dr. Thomas L. Lueders, III, played a con~ tertaillment features are bemg arranged. Lmdeman s address. Chairmen In charge vincing Colin Durwent, the impetuous Mr. Joseph A. Perry and Mrs. An invitation from the Rev. J. Jarden are Mrs. W. R. McHenry, of the Second young barrister who quite cooly and Joseph S. Bates announce that Guenther to attend the Armistice Day Grade, College avenue, and Mrs. Charles capably took matters into his own hands. Sergeant Henry Peirsol who re-service at Trinity Church on Sunday W. Lukens, of the Rutgers avenue Second J D 'd N berth 'b ed th ceived his Red Cross certificate d G de . aVI ar contn ut ano er , .. . morning, November 12, was accepte. ra. of the vaJuable character roles which he last year and has been glVlOg moo Eleven of the newcomers joined the rhythmic dancing class conducted by ),1 iss Alice Kraft, increasing the class roll to thirty-five. Five signed up for Mrs. George T. Ashton's course in mu­sic appreciation, and four each were recruited for the social dancing class of Herbert C. Ware and the interna­tional affairs course led by a group of historians, economists and political sd­llltists. The other new students were scat­tered among several of the eight addi­tional courses in the curriculum, in­cluding contract bridge, public speaking,l tveryday law, interior decorating, photography, home sewing and design, sketching and drawing, and weaving. The total enrollment of "Adult Night" to date is about 10 per cent higher than last year's final figures. H. S. BAND STARS AT MEDIA GAME has given with consistency for several structions to the members of the years. His Hunter, the butler, is quite fire company, will conduct the indispensable. Red Cross First Aid course to be given on Tuesday mornings from Frank R. Ewing as Sevilla was almost 10 until 12. The Woman's Club too calm about the whole thing, but per- has offered its Park avenue c1ub-haps it is just that we are prejudiced house as a meeting place for the in favor of roaring, swearing, swagger- course which will begin on Octo-- ing villains. Polite knaves make us a ber 24. There will be a nominal little uneasy about our acquaintances. charge for the text book and in- Then at the very moment that Mr. Ewing cidentals. really began to put himself into action I L _______________ -' he went completely limp-and a very good job of relaxing he made of it, too, William J. Riehle as Sir Miles Stand­ing provided a contrast to young Colin, Rnmmage Sale to Benefit Commnnity Health Center but convinced the audience that inno~ Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, Mrs. J. War­cence is not necessarily young. ren Paxson and Mrs. T. Harry. Brown Patrick M. Malin of the department of economics at Swarthmore College will be next week's lecturer in the pop~ ular course on "American Policy To­ward European War,'· for which eighty persons are enroUed. He will speak on Samuel Evans, Jr .• directed the pro- compose the committee in. charge of duction which gave evidence of his care- a rummage sale to be held 10 the bas~­( ul attention to detail and his skill. To ment of the Swarthmore Woman s attempt the play with a cast young in Club,. Thursday, Octob~r 26, for the "Debbie" Drew lends her "Il pod coming band in maneuvers experience must have required courage b~nctiL ,of the CommuDIty Health 50- between the halves. John Jenny, hand instructor, marches as well as unceasing work. Mr. Evans clety of central Delaware County. A alongside. directed one of the Club's most success- telephone call to any of these women -.;..-===::::::....-------------------------llfu1 mysteries "Double Door" year before at their hC!mes or to t~e He~tth Center, :" last, and is estabJishing a reputation as a Sw. 362. will be aPl?reclated I~ you have THE WEEK'S CALENDAR "The Issues and Timing of the War." FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20 Bylaws for the dAdult Night at . M -Home & Bcbool speaker ................. Rlgh School Auditorium School" were adopted at a business ::~ ~: M: _ "Ten Minute Alibi" ................................. Pl&yers Club meeting Monday night before the class- SATURDAY. OCTOBER 21 Work got under way. ·00 P M _ Cub Pack Meeting ..•.•... ·•••··•··············•·· Whlttler c!i:US: 3: . M· -Color MovIes or Rockles ..................... Nartln Bldg., eg "\Vhile the organization has been ~:~ ~: M: _ "Ten Minute Alibi" ...•........ ······· .............. Pla¥em Club iUllctioning since last year," said Dr. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 22 Hopkins, "it had not been fonnalized. M _ Morning Worship ••.••••.••••.•.•••• ·• ••• ·· •••••• ;Local Ob:urches The adoption of the bylaws works out lA~ ~: M:-Neutral1'tY Lecture •••.•• •••••• .•••••••.••• Fr1ends Mee\lna: Bouse a pattern for future guidance. The MONDAY. OC'rOBBR 23 school has the official approval of the 8:00 P. M. _Adult Night at School .••••••••.•.•••••••••••••• Hlgh School Bldg. I TUESDAY. OCTOBER,U Co lege, the American Legion and the . _ Red cross Plrst Aid Course .•••.•••..••••••••••.••• WODl&Il·s Club Woman's Club. aU of which have 10.00 A. M. -L W. V. Study Group •••••••.•••.•.••••••••••••• 526 Walnut Lane written us very n,'ce letters offering 10:00 A. M- smest Grey Horticulturist .•••.•••••.•..•••••••••• woman"sco~~ 2:30 P. ~. - M SproUl ObserVatory open to v1s1tora.... •••••. •••••• ~ ... the,'r fu II coopera tI' on. The School '1:30 tPo 9I:I3 0 PM. us'i-CC 1u b .................' .U...V... m er SwarUunIoDrea .a Hn.d S Oteg den ' ABw:s . Boa d d H d Seh I A oc,'a 8:00 . .-......... I ...... "' ....... ton·s Lrterature SectIon........ veDa· r an orne an 00 ss - 8:00 P. M.-jy.,~o.&oI6Cl~i.lterature 8ect1OD .......... 22'7 Benjalmn W_ Ii. • tion have given their verbal expressions 8:00 P. M. - un or WEDNESDAY, OCTOBRB Z5 of cooperation and indicated these will tiona! FrIendship lIeettna .............. 400 S. CheIItler BeL be followed by letters." ::, :; .r-cio-p~:.rnaNeedlework ound BKhlblUon ............... Woman"s Club "Adult Night" classes will be heldlt _____________________________ --' every Mon~ night tbro1lgh Dee. 11. 'J criminal authority. any arbc::les to donate. an~ WIsh to have The play continues throughout the them coUected, Contrtbutlons should be week. in the Woman'! Club basem*nt on •• I Wednesday, October 25. Heirloom Tea On next Thursday afternoon and evening an interesting dispJay of heir­looms and antiques of both sentimental 'I and historical value will be held in the chapel of the Methudist Church on Park avenue. This display is being sponsored by the members of the ladies Bible class whose neighbors and friends have been persuaded to bring out their treasures and let you enjoy them. Tea will be served and a short musical program given at three-thirty in tbe afternoon and at eight-fifteen in the evening, There will be a small admis- Teachers Rally to H. & S. 100% of the Swarthmore Public School teachers, from Kinder­garten through High School have joined and paid their dues, be­fore the first meeting of the Home and School Association to. night, The chaUenge is up to Swarth­more parents I Will 100% of them respond with like enthnsiasm and loyalty to the cause of par­ent- teacher cooperation in 1939- sion charge. IL_ 4_0?_ _____________I

---------- Page 12 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 8 THE ,SWARTHMOREAN C~!...O-.-W-O-M-E-N-H-E-AR---'---G-7i-rl-s-co-u-t-N-e-w-s----;D:::-A~VID TORREY KILLED I cOlllpelence and unfairness. So many IN FREAK EXPLOSION limes Ihe game would have ended OCTOBER 13, 1939 Correetion The HOllle and School Association mccting hearlined Octobcr 29th last week should be corrected to Friday, Oclober 20th. d I otherwwisc if only the referee had de- REP E J TURNER ~lclllhl"r ... of local trvol'S startc ast • • • Salurd.l} tu take orders in the annual A nutc of tragedy is brought into this cidcd as we WQuid have done l yv C <:on­.. ale uf Girl Scout cookil'S. Thc scconu \\cck's IlC\\S by thc sudden death of gratulate Mr. H.ccd on an effective piece Juforilled I'rescntation of Unem- week of the sale ,dB be gl,HIl over t,o )Ollllg Ua\'id Torrey, thirteen-year-old of \\ork. 1)lo\nlCnl Prohlem Challenges ! de1hcQ ot couku.'" .. \ spccml effort IS son of Dr. Norman L. Torrey, who waslrr================';"'===============9 • L- t hClIIg madt: to IIIcrcase the revenue of IJrofcssor in the French department of 18 eners II liS Har's e\ellt sllH.:e the district camp, S\\arthmorc College from the fall of At tht THent IIlceting' of tII e \\' umell '1<;1 1111,1'11 1>, 111', ,lilt! local tia,\' camps arc de- 1934 until spring 1937, wlll'1l he went to II CI " f I) I C I I Ill'lulelll upon It. he professor .It Columbia University, H.CIIU) nan llv 0 C a\\,lI<: Olin), 01 I s 'II k.I\'c the Swarth- lJa\HI \\as one of three persons killed Strath HaHIl Inn, Sw,lrtl1JIIOft.', EII\\oc)(1 LOC.1 loub \\1 , I' 1'_ J. TUfiltl. g<:lIi,a1 Spe.lh-r of till.. Iluu"l'. IIUllt' 1.11 I1 .'I.1( I ~ta I1011 .1t. , SI 0 clock Salt I \\ hen a blast in the baSCl1Iellt of a clean-fidl\' CI cd .111 ,L1,ll .Idllrt s ... UII the pi ub-I d.t\ Tlltlllllllg-, Octobl'r _I., to go to COli-I iug cstahlisll1lJent Ill'ar the school he at­lem ... f;"lulI!.! tilt· C(IIIUlIOll\\l·.llth alld (Ire\\ I \ cl*tion 110111, PllIladdl'llI.l, .for n.:hearsa tendt:d 011 East T\\enty-third street, in a pkturt· (If the dillu;uitlt ... to Ill"101 thl' optll1l1g of the 1l~t1ol1al t'unveu- Ke\\ YOlk City, damaged the entire ... phul hdor<: theft.· (".III be all\ .IJlllrt- tlOll ~1(,Jl(I<I) C~e11lIlg., the ,23rd. lIl'ig-hhOlhood and JIlJucc:d twentv-four u.tblt.: Ildm:tlull in the Iclld rolls Otll1.:1 "'lS"IOI1S ul the COIlH'1l1101l \\111 be uther people, He and a sixty-)ear-old man .'\ I r. j unll'r .... U( I t I1 01 I II It.:rl' Il iS II lII 'Illl·h"l I I the Belle\ue Stl.ltford 11()tcl tlus \\ere foun. d dead in thef st're et near thh c {Ie \'CIO [}l( I .IJOI'III SI: lCI go\{11l1ll1'1l I l' .111- : H • 11 It I" dt· ... lrul to 1I.l\t· .is mam. shop, \\lnlIe the othcrI Ia t.lllt1y was I t e I II " 1111 ...... ](..111 IH'UI 1lJ<:1I1 )erS 01 It ol1'c .1lU I ,S",'lllllll(lll CIII Stout ... ,ls,IIOS::'lhlc ta,kcl"OIlI.lIl \',10 man.lgc< tiC pace WJcre ~l.'!late nil'; 14 '1l1llIlS ... 1011 \\ 111 ... tlllh ,lIld I' 1I t lJl the 1104 ,I cllllIollstr.ltlllll Ilrccl'dmg I Ihe exploslOlI occnrred. IIl'\\"'<' lilt ,til ... "I I'r",hhl1g 14UllJI "P,llI .1 '1,1'1, I" .'\I I' j'l.lllkll11 IJ. Roose\clt 0111 .\ ston on the front page of \\'('<1-1 iOI llllllllltllt IllUtllIJ!'" III th{' 0\11 t11l.: l·\l·I;lm.: of tht 2.hd P,lrt'lIts and 111- Il{·scla.\'s .\','.1.' )'ork 1.,1lcs says the hlasl 111'\\(IU I l .IPlto II lUIllIi ng II I1 .1>; III I".IllltI't lIi .I.Ilt.llltl ... .l it· IlI\ltt'd to hI.' :.pec- I:. lI, eilt'Hd tof hI a\kc bee'nII ca'u sed, by a "'1I1\t\ ,II IlIlIItl1lg dill I >;lHtlU II I , 111 It I .J 101 ... IHlIll thl.:' ,.'nlle.l \' Door>; Ol Con8- 'ttllIl JlIl latl'O li " 0 l'fa fI Ilg I ufm Im atmI g g' as tllll Ill!.! I'll·lllI1!.! I I II ~ J )\ "c"- III"~ IIIIII , tIllioll. Ihl l • In to he ol,ell from 7 to ,III ll! I tit 19"1lItlllg 0 I1Illts 0 tat-c eatllllg llil" ;-"t,Lk COlllllllttU .. · fllllrtTUIlS III I' ),1 , I l~l~ S, . , 1!lt'IIP' "Ill to ... ttl< I\ f1 1I.IIHl I \\ II II I I \\1 II 1"I 11111114,\\nHIII.I...I II"TltIOpI6\\llItIILxtlI Ihelc Is ollcoth<:1 JOlrtcycillld,IN an- I I, II I I I r II 1111' ( III ..... ·11111 holl .... e at 9'30 fOl \\ork n. II, \\110 attemlt-d S\\arthmore sc 1001s 1111 Itlfll ... tt (' til la( \ IIl'( (t'( ,LX e-. I, • I ' '1"'101l~. "lIt l..!14'1l]1 tIl :tlld\ ,lIld orgalllzc 4111 tn't .Illd 1)1111 mCllt I,.uiges If the \\!th hl'~ })I(ltlll'r ,lur!lIg" the three vl..·ar"1 go\tflllHtllt rit]loIltlHlllts \\itl! ,m t\e to \\l·.lt1lt'l pl.nll1t.. thl' f.lIll1ly h\'ed 011 1·.Im a\eTlue. IttiucilH.. tlltll top-}ll.L\IIlC"" .1Ild ... tll)pl,- ~\lIS (~t'01~e Zimuwr and \'ir~l1lJ.l e •• Ing" a ~I'lllltl'r hal.llll( Ih·.Jglt· .Ittl'mllc\ thl. '1llcning girl scont . j{dal pn. ... Ult" tht' 11I00 ... t (hITilUit .lnrl It.ult'r ... · lIIl'dlllg" .It thl.· Twentieth Cell­({ ced Article in Post pH· ...... 11I.!.!" Jllobhm" .... lId \11 I UfIll'r. "111- tu" Cluh III I..lIl ... do\\nl' \Vcdnesday C\'­dll .. \1 \ {,!llIlol .111,,01 h ,J11 tho ... (' 011 I (Iic-f - t.Il1;lg of la .. t wl·ek. It IOllks like .1 ,",ood deal of .1 j~b to II)) Illul IIHIUlI~.., ,l~td hlll1d <l11111114'lh )'Ir ... ZIIllIll('r al:'l) .lttelldl.'cI the <;o\lI1ty III~lke a football r~'fl'ree stem hke a lr ... ~tllt .1 .... ist.lIlu· gruup) It .1).;0111- 'IHld"", progl.lIl1 committee meeting ?tllfll..·IHIl) ,11111 blrnlllldl'd I.rc.lture, hut lilldt ... the "nUlltl gIOt1J1 (lIlll..'mpltl).thll") !tIH': hOllll elf "),11:' Rohert ~1.ll1cr. Jr.<.;;t th.ll I:. \\h,lt our feIlO\\-towllsman, On" I:; p r l'rllt of toLlt .IIllOtlllt 01 til Illt.'xl.·1 11111 \Iondav monl1n~ of tlJ1SII~(lhlrt II. J~ted., prett\ \\c1!, suc~ 111"Ill' (:lllll) t'xpll1dul got's to Pl<lPlei\\l'I'k Shl I ... o.,ecrctan' of thc outdoor c~'ldl'd III dOIllg" 111 t!lC ~tory of Red I \\11" a't.: llllplo\.lhil SOIl1l'thing (I\t'l lllllllliittl'l' 1 1'1 Il'Sl II Ill, ~ll1s \\l'ck ~ Sah~rday .Evell- J:; 11111111.11 .... 1 \t',lr I1m ... t I..!"O tl) 1IIlt'1l111!11\-1 • 11lg'1"I'>t Ihl' stor) IS wntten.111 ~ol- i I .. • IlalJnr.ltlllll \\lth f.lI11ollS I)lg tlll1e "1\:'",,11 I,ll .IIHI 711 I'l'l ,ult .. I ,III I Retire. as Fortniuhtlv Head gr«llroll ofii,ial, alld \\111 help 10 ani t'1It1ll,1('\ld .lll thl' ItI1 ... kllll·d I.lhnl t:lnllP e. ItlllderstalldlllR of tilt· prllblt'I11:'. \\C \\111 "'111I'- ~11'\IIl' .... Iltl :.\fl. 'Itll]lll. '\\t· \IIS .\rtlHII D.lIla. III Elm il\cnuC, 'iee some reft'nl lJUngtl'll('xt ~.ltllrd.l:'- ! IIltht t.I!.1 ult Idid If \\t' dll IIl1t hdore \\.IS ho:.Il' .... 10 the I'ortmghtly Club 011 1 Ih· rl·.111l dllc" look .Ittr.tltl\e .1 ... he I long '\1 .Ift !-!('IIlg" to h.l\l· .I glllt'\,ltltlil ).[(11](1.1\ <:\t'1lI11~. Ot'luill'l () J\fter thel(I)]lle'" out 011 the pla)lIIg- Iil'ld at thc that \\l11I\l'H, h.l\(, kno\\11 \\ork SI11C~ Illcetlllg 1lJ .. \\\·slc) N. Chffonls re- Ill'glllll1llg- of tI~e g-aflll~I' hutr hddorc 11I1 111,111 '11' ,,11111,,1 I"k,' Illl'lll, some lIew H!-\II.ltlOll .IS t.: I1'. llltll.111 \\,, s •a nnounced and I:. O\{f 1110 .. t 01 11 .. al to 1111 I\'\ ons.1 !lll;"ln~ (II unpl"\1l1lnt IIIl1st be fOIllHI 10- .Itt{'ptllt with rcgret ,II HI warlll expre~-Iln otlr \ot:abul.lfll'S to descnlle liS 111-1 t.l1h Pt IlIb\ h.I1l1.1 1I1l1 ... t moh.hze for .1 "'llIlb of .IIlprc.'(i.ltioll fll': her untlrlllg l'l- I _, "Chester's Fashion Corner" Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streets MIX TO TASTE SKIRTS that fit smoothly ovcr the 11Il)S and flare gracc1ully be- 10\\ Pleated, gored, stitched ., .. 011<1 colors, plaids or stripcs. SII.CS 2-4 to 40. Be \ onr OWI1 designer in this grandly lIull.·-Il<:udent season. As a basis use- JACKETS for every skirt EXCiting new long or very :stripcd, plaid shoulder and 12 to 20, $3.88 woolens . . . very short, solid color, or twccdy. Rayon sleeve limng. Sizes SKIRTS for every jacket $1.79 $2.79 and up to $5.98 Slip-on Sweatersd.79-$2.79 and up to $8.98 dfl\t, <II Illlplo)" this I1nskll1ed lahor" iOlt III "I\ing a f()rtmghtl) rc<;ume ofl Eath hurtl ,lIld ('011lI1lU11It). Illust olgani..::e the hl.·st'"' h(J()k~ .1Ild ,Irtidcs pnhli~hl,{! 1 100/0 Discount I' commlttCes to sohe this prohlem \1, .. Clifford \\a'-o IJlI..·sl·nled \\Ith a I.or- I ' on St'llt' rdicf 111011(\ \\ 111 11111 out III :..Igt' ul on Iuds PEItSONALIZED t:IIIUSTl\IAS .\pIII mxt. lIe\\ tax~s are immillcllt, 168 SOIllt'l\Hllt:,- )t·.lr:. .lgu .1 :.lIIall r-::rouvi CARDS I Cardigan Sweaters d.79-$2.79 to $5.98 nil Ilion dollar~ \\ill hl lIecdc'cI "To e,,- llIt't tu It,ul .110lld tll(' "Life of CJ.Hlst'~lIe". Or.lcred Before Nov. I ('ape ml\ t,\:'\l' III 19-t0 \\e must get el11- (lilt oi \\Inch gle\\ the PH' sent }'ort- , pl'" Illlllt lor thl .. e UIll'lllplo). al>1<'" " IIIJ.dlth Cluh, \\ 1th Sl xty-tl\'e m('mbt'f~ ali ce ))arher ),1 r Turner admitte<1 hie h.\s sold til(' I \1 r... \ rthur B,t'-osC'tt \\ a::. uu;tnimoush' Chester's Exclusive Slwwi111! of Genui1le HIe-a tl' GO\ crllor 1.I111es, and that SOOIl ... t·ltc. tul .1'-0 :\11 s ChfTonl's ~t1Cl·e'-o:.ur. !fl· (ts Ih~ 1ll1,11llJzatHIII \\ill he u1ldt'r \\,1). In L.J B. H. WRAGGE DRESSES do"inl! ~Ir 1 url1er cautlOlIul his :1l1di- OLD BANK BUILDING tIl< t t" I(JI gl t thc \\ar in Europe .\IId to Sweaters Telcl,hone Sw. 1381 tOllltlhtl.ltt nn "enous tiOlllC· ... tIC prob­I{' m~ lunflOtlllllg- Penns:,-lvalll.Ul .. at their (1\\ 11 h;u'k door :\Ir ... \\ .litH \\·eavu. assl:.tant chair­Ill. lIl 01 prog-ram. pft'"ent<:(l ).fr Turner. # \moll}! the S\\ ,lrlhmofl women JlI ('sl'tH I \\erC' ).Ir ... )'lartm n , 1!lmg. )'Irs John :\1 Broomall -tth, )'Ir'-o Paul Bro\\I1, )'lr!l G(:()f.!.!l \ Iloadlt,y, ,lII<1 ),11 s. Ceol gt' J lont: ... • • Lpgioll Auxiliary Notes 1I.t\II1g- ti(,lrul onh $3G45 .It Its rt'­Cl'llt iltlll tit hrulgt' part) thl' \llltfiCan I.t g"1t111 \UXlil'lf\ IllU:.\ lO(lk lur othc.:r llllllf1lmtl"l1s If It IS to do much of lhe antI Suits Knit to Order l)omf!stic and Imported Yarns I THE MEDIA GOWN 12 SOIJTII AVENl'E SHOP MEDIA AUCTION SALE OCTOBER 17 AT Y. ~I. C. A, WEST CHESTER All On), Sale - Starts at 10 A. M. ANTIQUES - Chest of drawers. 4 and 6 leg drop leaf tables. many chairs. stands. mir­ror:; etc Old glass' hobnail. Baltimore pear, u"l1ll \\(ll.(rl \\ork It undcrtakes Juc~b's ladder, other listed and unlisted TIlt III b\\oIft COlIll'" Council .\\lx-l patterns, some COlohred glass, ~l:o~~dnantteg:: , '18 I IlOt.o; plates. pltc ers. e c , Ibolr\ \\111 he lllllrt.IIIl(\ Odober )) chnl~ seats. lanterns, kettles. bowlS. trays Ih 11\ P.trker III tIll Plllladdphia stud- and many other useful and tnteresting ")~ (II 1-\.\,\\ 'I hl progr,lI11 IS scht'linlt:d 11t;'~b Is the second annual clearance sale 1 P)'I .mil 1Il\ILltlOIlS ma) ilt· St-IIrom the Antique Shop of Dal;ioi~;~~n t urI Ii throug"h ).1 r... J Ii E. :\IcKa\, L. H. Auctlon~r. l'tllIl1l II puhhClh chairman ~ __ ~ __ , I c o M I N G TO ~\.\. KEEP RIGHT ON YELLING TI LL YOU INSTALL I GA5 -HOUfE HEAT. '&t. Her husband has been promis­ing to replace their broken,down furnace with a new gas house heater for the past Iwo years ••• but still thinks it "may be too expensive." Many modem families who preferred to heat their homes with gas but thought it too expensive. found it actually cost much less than they had expected. RATE CtlT MAKES IT CHEAPER Yes, our recent cut makes gas house heating within the means of even modest incomes. LeI us make a free survey of your home to estimate what it will cost to heat your home this easy, troublefree way, We'll wager it's much less than you think I Choice of Bryant, Janitrol. and Welsbach Conversion Burners. Price-$195 cash, Slightly more on budgel plan-small down payment. 3 years to pay. Ask about OUI budget plan for paying gas biNs and OUI easy rental planl Pr/ce. Subject to Cha.age Wlt.6oul No"~ PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY All Ou.r Subu.rban Sto.res o.r See You.r Heating Contrac:to.r SWARTHMORE'S RELIABLE TAILOR ESTABLISHED 1912 HARRIS & co. TAILORS AND FURRIERS TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE CLEANERS and DYERS NO It PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA, 504 11111111111111111111 •• 11111111111111111111111+ SW"I~THM()I~E L I 13 I~ '" I~ Y SW"I~THM()I~E COLLEGe: p" . HALLOWE'EN PARADE OCTOBER 31 THE SWARTHMO JOIII THE COMMUILITY FROLIC VOL. XI, No. 42 NEEDLEWORK TO I BE ON DISPLAY ',,\Dual Ingathering of Guild and Resultant Exhihition at Club Next Wednesday COLLEGE SWARTHI\IORE, PA., OCTOBER 20, PRESIDENT ! H. and S. Speaker i Has Colorful Career - i (Inu8ual OPIJOrtunity Offered (;ollllllllnitv to 1I,'ar Nationallv K nc)\\ .. Lecturer . 1939 ({cady for the Parade'~ Tlu.' S\\,lrthmofl' Business As­soci .. t inn:. lI.dlem e'(,11 Parade l'lllllllJlttn IS hard at \\ork with pl.lII:' for Ihe lIll·rch.lIIts' aJlllual· 011 lIIg:ht, October 31 ,tull rlet;\lls \, III he .lllnoullced $2.50 PER YEAR iWOMEN HEAR DR. BLANSHARD III III xl \\l'\.,k·s S"arthmorcan. Capacity Audience Listens Tense­I~' to Thought Prm'oking Ad­dres8 Otl "The Present Co"fIict of Ideals" S\\.lrthlllo~l·OlIlS arc agalll n'minded ']41I1ght bln.mi Co [.lIldcm:m \\111 Btlt<:r haul out I}ad's high hat I thl' l'xll1hllioll to 1)(' hcld bv tht' local 'I'll the (ItIl'StIOIl \\111 the democracics I , ... pt·,lk 011 Tcst-. for [)t'1ll0t·I.1CY" at the .111<1 mothl'r's illgh hcels and get I 1!l1 h of I It' N(·cdlc.·work Guild next II 1.'1I1l rgl' frlOlIl the pn. ... cnl \\orld Crisis () 2 ~ I hgh Sthool ,\mhtoflulI1 .It 8 P.).1. to \\ork 011 a \\lI1l1ing costume! 1\ t·clllt'sd.lY, ('toher :"I, at the \Vo- I \1(tl)nOll~, Dr. Brand BI.1I1shard, of 1111', eluI" I t should he rcmembered I JI ... IIIIguishul III til(' hdd .. of l'(lu(ation 'I'll( pl.tlls underway IIIdicatc that S\\.lrthlllorc, speaking before I f I I , I I .1111\ "t)lJaI \\ork, lJr 1,1I)(1t'III<111 I ... one,\' Oll "ill h(' IlIllre in the limelIght I II "rIle I. ... 0 col ling aCC\llIllllU atl.·( Itht \\ oman\ Cluh afternoon, \ ' I I I f I k than l'\'l'r hdon.· . I till" l'xl1lhil1on .lrl..· to be turncd o\'cr 1'1 IIIlfll.l .. IIImt (<: II-: It 11 :.»e.l ers. g.l\l' .111 <lns\\erlllg IlOIt' 01 hopefulncss ... nch lII~tltlllillllS as hospitals, homes I Ii ... 0\\11 edtllahOIl G1II1e the hard \\a}; Dr I:lanshard. \\ho ha ... Just returned III olht'r charitlcs. In th<: casc of hos- lil \\orkt'd a ... a l:thort'r until h<: \\as OPENING PLAY frolll .1 \ ahrtlad, \\.1 .. ,lble to 110t ,!I II ... thl.· clotlltllg is gi\'en to cOllvalcs- 1\\1111' om :\'0\\ hI.' i .. llroic~ ... or of 1'1111- only picture the European political Slt- Illli lit-gti ing patients \\ho have illsuf- ,,~ p'1\ .It till' :\'1.'\\ YOlk School of Sotial STIltS MYSTERY 11ot110ll, hut at ... o to IIlterprd the con- Illlt dothmg-. They ar:: distributed \\ 'Ilk. Il'ltUft.'1 at tht' :\'l.'\\ SdlOul for Ilitt 01 HI{.lIs of thl' pmpll' thelllst:hles tIlt "H:k and destltutc In- rehef as- f III ,',II II .,f Illc COIIIIIII", I'le "isitetl • ...., 'I 1 d l~(·"t'.lrch. l'tllltnhl1tlllg t'tiltor 0 S 11at1tl1lS, organized charities and 11lis- tll\ Thrt~e.A .. t Play Directed by am- Tlitre Is .1 sharf) didslull III Itab. hc \t\\ l~ci'lIhh\. and the anthor of N I lIb, .l1ld art' n.:laimd I" hOllies .lIld uel E,'alls, Jr_, Preaenls cw :..LHI, hdw('cl1 the "uld Ital)." and the f ' , f I 1l1111\ \'llu1lles, I lis snhJ'cct is unport.lIIt 'It hers () every dt'scnptlOtl or t Ie Angle on Crintinology m'\\ Om' is stili COIISCIUll:. of the archi-f I '[' . t, 1)lllllts lIul teadlt'rs \\htll the i,slles 11 lot lelr Itllllalt's .\ all\ IIlstltullollS ' • tectur.t1 .lIld .I"thelle heauty of that dllll'IUlupolI tilt.' Ne('dlew~rk Cuild for "I .lllllt',r:-,hill anli d<:llIocracy, of t}r- .\I1Y play \\htch call Iea\c .1 Swartll- olh{'r day III <;e('flOlls Ol all the larger 11,llr supp!) of new articles, and thou· 011111\ .11Id freedom. contront the world, llIurt' ,lUdH:nu: gUl· ... Sillg IIlllSt be an UIlUS- CltR'!), Lut c\'u}\\here the lIlobihzmg 'l1ul ... morc than arc rccei\'cd could he Inlcrc!'its WideSltread ual Ill)ster: play. So IIIl.'asur<:d .\nthon)' influence of 11ussoHni o\'ershadows It. \\ .... el'l usedC. \ d N Frank A,., de lot It', (li"lllI~ui .. lll'cI n· ... idt·1I1 I \ S II f' I f D L' "e \rmstrong's "ren ~linute Allin", which 1Ie deSCribed the renaissance of a rucia Nee O~ ~ I' \\ar 1I110re nell( 0 r. 1l1u - opened the 1939-40 Players Club season sort \\ Inch h takmg pl.lce, the ncw 1'111. III.'l'dl for the curr<:I'nt yea~ IS more ~:"~~i:lI?o;':HI~::: ~\.!~~:(~t' .::;U~:~1.7:~~::1::~:: "1"llII'I' 'lfiat'"ls thfall his cnlthusrialsllls co~.:r this \\ eek at thc Cluh I10use 011 Falrvie\\ buildings and dean :;trt't ts, municipal pfl ~:-'lIIg t Ian ncr, am as WlntCr ap- ,. II 1 k I 'II 01 tIL Ie (S 0 I Ie lle{'( s 0 mman)ft.:- road is an ullchallt ngcd SUCCI.'SS It is a hhrafll· .... good health and general em- ' ., '--0 e~e !S lOt· I.·C \. '~·~t· ,lIul l'Rlnpus I'llaches man)' charttahle Itlstltuttons II S d ... IIIgs, theIr Il\chhood, ti.eir happiness and Pit) that budding authors ).carlllllg for ploymcnt, but thc presence of soldiers ire ddlllltely short of supplies of cloth_lu:;t un ay. uHufort, inciudlllg all phases of educa- plots \\erc 110t lurking in the lobby to ~H'rywhcrc ilHlicates constant military Illg-. Thercfore, Swartlnnoreans are I tion. Last .)<:ar, he \\Orkl'd on Propa- o\erhear the Jluzzll.·d gltCSSI.·S of thc acth tt) and all aggressIVe patriotIsm. d(llIhl) urged to contrthutt',!o thi" LEGION INDUCTS g.lIld.1 111 blutallOI1. In \\'ashington, he homc\\ard-boulld auchenccs last Tuesday 11lIcrprels }'usciBm \\'Irthy cause, and help to prOVide \\arm \\IIIked 0]1 L:.e of L.elsure TIllle, inc1ud- IUght, lfJr unique solutions \\ere sugge"t- lJr B1anshard interpreted Fascism in dlllhlllg for those Il.'s~ fortt'llately sit· I NEW OFFICERS I S· cd there. l"rlllS of what the ltallan people de- I lIlg \rt, ).[ IISIC. alltl the 'I leater. tnce .. u,lted. " , ddt its IIlCeplltln, the adult l'(lucatioll mo\'e- Lulled into comfortahle .. ecnnty by the test and what thc). arc cnthusiashc file 11Ivltatlon l:s aga11l extcll e 0 slo\\ -gathering first act, thc ullsuspecting about 'rhl'Y dislike democracy intense- 1\1\ resident of the Borough to join I Distrit·t Official Present to Install lIlc.'nt found Dr. I.IIHIt'l1Ian olle of its audience \\as caught by the latter half Iy, hecause it prcsents! to them a pic-tht Xt't'dlc\\ork GUIld Contnlmtions of i New Cotnnlululcr and Aides piollt'cr supporters of the secund into an absorption so COIll- ture of complete Ch.IOS 111 religious, l t'lliJlIlg should he III the hands of the I l\lollday Evening .\ m.m of IIMIl) hubhies, he is a tennis Jlletc that \\Ith olle VOIce it warned thc ile~thctlc and moral hdus. They oppose Ip~.11 <hrectors ill' the cvclIIug of Sat- t'lltilllSlotst and collccts the \\orks of Em- 11arried hero, "You left your hat"! matenalism and intellectualism and ionia,. Octobcr 21, in ~rdcr that ar-I Xl'\\ (llhccr~ for the ellllllllg" }car "cre 1'ISIIII 111 ... four daughters arc one of his 'lhe last act maintaincd tillS tempo With .lhO\e all they .Ire agaIDst anything rll1g"l..·ments (or the ('xiublttOll on the IIll .. t.lllul .tt ~r()Il(I.I) Ul11111g'S lIledmg dl'"l'llest mterests, and he maintains that (JIll' cnthralhng pitfall aftcr another until \\llI(h is iuternational in Its aspect. Last­lilh lII<1y he duly c01~pletcd. Mrs. J.l ni tl t.' IlaroM \III'-o\\orth Post h) Carl hl "talkt'd the girls through (UlIegc." the audience lIas left hmp frum suspense h, Prof. Blanshard statt'd they detest 1I11rdce \Vallt'r, of f Ccd"r lallI.', c'at lliI ·''f e.',I C r.I\\ f unI, (IC PU I \ COll1m.lU de r of Dunng tl.e lla!;t :.ummer, Dr. Lindeman at the surpnslllg solution unraveled b) the Jews because the)' comhl1lc aU these gl\C )on thc nallW 0, you.r communI y tht l.'lghth dlstrit.:1, '\;nerH.lIl Legion. prc.:tllhcd .• It .the John ~~aynes 1.10hnes' Inspector Pcmher and Sergeant Brace (lu.lhl1es most repugnant to the Italian !!Jredor, and all) othn deSired mforma- It \\<1'-0 tIt CI(CI '( I ttl II OI(I C UlllmalHIl 'rS '! Church, III. ~C \\' York. I hc service \\as \Ve hked those Ilohccmcn and we came I)(OI,le , \111I11 I I I' I f r II I' ar' 1'1''',11, ."... . Ig I I I II, 'I elll'g "ovel"I,cr Ilt'ld IIJ T()\\u Hall. It Is related that a\\ay hoping that whell \\C commit mur-. On the other side of the equation the "lit e( .lr Ic cs 1.1 Ie lie x IIle , l.' I I 'II I' , I b I'dd ' 0 I S ~l' S 0 - ~() lthc .lwht'1Jt<: "() far forgot t It'IHSe \es dcr or mayhclll we Ie It1vestlgatc< Y F.bCIStS ardcntly adnurc an estre to Irl1lg .Ire now on display in the wlI1dow - !lo.l.t II· ... _!l:.l;!t.U ~ thr .r-::.;::.I.,: I Ju,,:lUd A ......· !,CI~i.i .. u .l!lll j",no.::" R, Pu\. . cl.1 IIIlItate thc ne\\ IJopC ol man t'xcmphhcQ 401 1111.' :"'J\\artlullore3n office. I Johll :\.ush\ and \nllllr ).lcr}\\l'.lth- lltey ga\c nicdy timed and shaded per- J.) ).lussolllll They "orsillp thc author- •• , t'r. the hHl Swarthmore boys who at- IJarents to Receive lunllances, Pla)ers Cluh .lUdiellces have tty and the power to back it, of some- 'tl'ndl II th~ \lIIcncan Lcgion Boys Statc )'Ir. J. B. Pope, )'Ir. Allen Carpenter. cOllie to expect it of )'Lr, Christian. James olle to make their deCISionS for them. ){EGISTRATION I·tt IIHh.ll1to\\1l Gap last summer, gave 11r ... \,".tldo Fisher. ),Irs. George Allen, PO\\l'1l 110\\ has shown ahility in two Thl'Y arc ::.tohdly content to be Identi- , .1 \'er~ mtt.:fl'stlllg It,llk on the ca,mp and roles, fl,,1 "'I'll, the state In a corporate life. RK 1 1ft. H, i.lIIdle) Pt:d, and Mrs. Valid ABOVE •3 25 MA I described th{, loutme 11I:structlOll all( llcCah.lIJ arc the Program Comtnitte~ f) oro II I) 1• . ~Cl'I nOIlS as B e II y \'In-u' oll II, sl,".. akl'I,g of Il,e "u ackground of IIlstructlOl1 I lere . f d I . t Fn'nch attitude:. toda)'. Dr. Blanshard IJtot.ul" III tlil i.lglt1l1- \uxlliar\ get­of to-gtthc'r 1111 ~o\l·mlll.·r I \\111 hl' an- 1I01lllCld I.,tlr 'flit F.lthl'r-Son l,tnd tin:. ,car) I)aughtlr dlllllt'r IS to he held J'lurt}-... C\·('11 morc "pupils." inchlding III Illl lllg-h Sclw{ll c.lft.:lcria on Fri-iu] the sl.lson \\ ho ha \l~ planned this ga \'e promise 0 evc 0plllg 111 0 a popu-['" r<ly lar it'ad. She gave an appealing interpre- hsted threc th;ngs pecuJiar to France Scholars Swell List Learuings Recruits llIt'etmg ior the Home and School Asso- . I' 'Colltl1ll.led QII Paoe FILe) tloltloll. \ Re{Cflhon Committee \\111 greet taUon of a young 1I1110cent In a p 13!;C til _________________- . ~r.lIJ(l,t athl'rs and grandmothers. ... ent (I., ,' , .~ l II t mhl'r I10 i>t'taldls of th~ Cll- ' S I . ItertalHllltnt le,ltun.., .HC )elllg .lrrange . till total re'"lstrallon lor ~ \\art 1IIlore 5 I \dult Xigh,..t. at Schoo." soaring .Ibove I \11 111\ ItatHlll I rom tl 1C I''l '\ J . J.a- n en - , 'Cl1lllthl'r to ,tttt-'wl tIl(' \rmbtlC"t ]lay \\hi('11 dllallw represented rOlllance and ~ IMftllb and h.'.ll.hers. lhe Second Grade ('olor, \\hile \lltlle sel'mcd dull ami pro­). Iothcr!; 01 the 1\\0 schouls \\111 be host- saic. I l'ssC" .lIld sen c refreshments aftcr Dr. Thumas L. Lueders, 11 I, played a con-I 1.llulelllall·S a(ldress Chainllell III chargc \incltlg Colin Durwellt, the impetuous I dll..· ')'lis \\'. R. )'lcHenry, (Jf the Second }01U1g" barnster \'~ho (illitc ('oaly and (~I.HIl' CulleHe all'llIle, and 11r" Charles I First Aid Course Starts Tuesday ),1 f Joseph A, Perry and Mrs. J llseph S. Bates announcc that ~t.:rglant Brllry Peirsol who re­c.: e\\·cd IllS Rt'd Cross certificate I bl ~car and has been giving in­... trl1ctlons to the mcmbers of the hre company, \vill conduct the Red Cross First Aid course to be givcn 011 TUl'sda) mornings from 1 II 32:1 lI1<trk as the sl.'ctllld \\eek ~ I 'I' I CI"Irel, 011 Sunday \\ I.Ukt.·lh. oI">i the I~utgers ,,\eIlUl ~ccolld,abl) took mattcrs II1to hi~ 0\\ n lands. . Sl'n Itt.1t rllll.) I I ..,e~ \\l're (wid last 110nday I1Ight lHorlllng-. :\"ll\ t mher 12. was accepted. , tIll' Ing-h sc hool bUI1cllllg. _______________ -=-:-:=-:L--:-=--=-:::::::~-~-:-:~::------- I ''''II nf Ihe neWCOlllers Joined Ihe II. S. BAND STARS AT l\IEDIA GAME II \ thlllle (lancl11g c\.\SS condllctul b) II hs Alice Kraft, IIlcrcasl11g the class 1,11 In tJlIrt)-ilH. FI\'C '-olgned up lor !I~ Cl'orj.{l'T .\sIJltlll·s ('our ... e III l11U- olpprt'ciatltlll, alld four t:.h:h were 1 l rllltt·d ior the :,ocI.d dallci1lg class I Ilnhert C \\'arc ,11111 tilt' IIlh'rn.I-! \>1I.t! .llTalrs CHurSt: Inl hy .l group 01 ~ltln,lIls. I.'COIlOllllsts allli polihcal SCI­Ithh I lit' other Ill''' studcnts \\ ere :-,cat­ltd among s{'\eral of the 1.'Ight addl- i 1I,t! courses III till currIcululll, 1Il- I IHI1IIg contr.let hrHlge, puhhc "plaklllg, I If\ (101) 1.1\\. illh'nor dccor.ltll1g, I l'llllj.{r.lpil). homc S{'\"\. 11lg" and desIgn, I llt:hlllg and drawlIIg, alHI \\l·.1\1Ilg rile tot.11 cnrollmlllt oi' \du1t \Ight I d.lle IS .lhout 10 Jl{'r u'nt Illgha tll,1ll I ~I ~'s fin .• ! hgUI·e:. P.11nck ~I ~I.lhn 01 the depal tlue'lt 1 t.:(tlltOllllC:' at S\\,lrthmore Colkgc \ 11 ht.: next \\ l'ek's lecturer III the pop- 'III eoursc 011 ".\merican Policy To­\ Inl European \Var, . for which eIghty r:.un~ arc enrolll'd Ill' will speak 011 I he Is:-,ul's and 'I'lIlung of the \\ ·' lh hms for the "Adult Night .It '\ huo!" \\ cre adopted at a bU~lJIc~s I III t IIlg )'lond,1) lIIght hcfnn the c1ass­rk got under way, \\ Inle the org-,lllll..ltlull h,ls hlen 11 IlIlLIIOllltlg slIlce 1.lst )ear," ~ald Ur, lJoll klll ... , .. it had not heell formahzed f I hl ,ldoptlon of the bylaws \\orks out I l ,.atteru for future guidancc The (hool has the official appro\al 01 the I l ,,\IPgl, tilt.' ,\mCflcan Legion and the \\ulIlall':-, Club, aU of "ll1ch have \\ f1ltl'n Us Hr} mel' letter-s offermg thl.'lr full cooperalion. The School I:\I.1f(1 and HOlllc and School Assocla­tl 'II ha\\.· given their verbal expressions "I (OO))trat 1011 and Imilcatcd t hcsc will ),l 10110\\ cd by letters." '"Dcbbie" Dr('u It':HI~ ht'l"t'(,11 Ih., h;:,h.· ... Ill'r up and ('()Ilting b:md in maneuvcrs John J('lIn~·. band inslructor, mareh.::!; :I'ongsidc. 8 00 P l\.I 815 P M 300Pl\l 700 P JI.I B 15 P ).1 THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FItID.\Y. OCTOBER 20 _ Home & School Speaker. . .. _ Ten Mltlutc AlIbi . • . S.\TURD,\Y. OCTOBER 21 CUi) Pnck Meeting _ ColO! MOl le:-. of Rockies __ . Ten Millutc .\lIbl ~U!'lOU'\Y, OCTOBER 22 High School Auditorium . . ., Players Club , Whittier House Martin Bldg. College . ,Players Club II 00 A M _ Morning Worship .. .... ..,., .. . . ,. .. Local Churches 8 15 P M _ Nt'utralily Lecture ... , ...... · ... ,.,.. .Frlends' Meeting House ;"\10ND,\Y, OCTOBER 23 8 00 P At - Adult Night at School ........................ ,High School Bldg TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24 Red C ass First Aid Course ... . .. Woman's Club 10 00 A M = L W ;,. Study Group ... . . . ... , .. , .. 526 Waln'!t Lane 10 00 A M. E t Grey HorticulturL<;t. .. . ............ Woman s Club 230 P. M - r~~es Spro~1 Observatory open to visitors .. " ..•......• COllege 7 :;0 to 9 30 P -Club Corner Swarthmore and Ogden Aves 800 p. At: - MUSlf SccttfJIi's Lit~raturc Section ....... Mrs. H. Stevens' ~{:t 800 P M. -JE\cn, n~blUb Literature Bectlon ......•.. 227 BenJatmn West A e. 800pfo.{-unor WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 25 Itcrnnt10nal Friendship Meetlng ........... , .. 400 S. Ches~r Rd 930 A M -II Needlework Guild Exhibition .....•.....•• ,. Woman 5 Club 200 to 4 00 P. 1\1 - . \dult Night" will he held Il _______________________________ -' C\er) ~londa) mght through Dcc. 1l.IJ J. lJa\'id Narberth contnbuted another of the \aluable charactcr roles \\llIch he has glItCH \dth consistency for sc\'eral )t'ar:. Hi:-. Huntcr, the hutler, is quite indlspensablc. Frank R Ewing as SC\'llIa \\as almost 10 until 12 The \Voman's Club too lalm ahout the \\holc tiling, hut IJCr- has oll'cfl'd It5 Park avenue club-haJl~ it I!; Just that \\c arc prejudiced house .1 .. a meeting placc ior the 111 I.Hor of roanng, s\\carlllg. :.\\agger- coursc wluch will bcgl1l on Deto-ing \iI1ains Polite kna\cs mah Us a her 2-t Tht're will be a nominal httte uneasy ahout our acquamtalH:es. charge for the text hook and in- Thcll at the \'ery moment that ~Ir 1',\\lIlg cl(lcntals reolll), hegan to 1mt hl1l1scl f mto acllon ,, _________________ -' he \\ ellt completely limp--alld a very I good Joh of relaxing he made of it, too. R.unmage Sale to Benefit \Villiam J Richie as Sir ).1J1es Stalld-! COllllllunity Health eenler mg pi 0\ Hit..'ti a contrast to } oung Colin, I hut l'olwinced tht.' audience that ilmo- ).Ir:. I1.lIold G. Crifhn, Mrs J. \Var- {ellll' is not neccssanly young. rCII Paxson and )'lr:. T Harry Brown Samuel Evans, Jr., dlfected the pro- compose the committ('l' in, charge of tiuctlon \\ hich gave e\ Idence of Ins care· a ruml11~gc sale to he hcld III the ba5~­lui attellttoll to uetail and his skill. To tlICllt 01 the S\\ arthmore \Vornan s attempt thc play with a cast )oung in Cluh. Th~lrsciay, Octob~r 2n, for the CXllertellCe lIIust ha\'e reqlllred courage helH lit 01 the CommulIIt\' Health So­as \\ell as unceasing \\ork. Mr. Evans clet)' of central Delaware County. A din'cted one of thc Cluh's most success-! tl'lcphone call to any of these women (ul m)steries "Double Door" year before at their homcs or to tI~e Hc~lth Center, last, and IS establishing a reputation as as\\" 362, \\'tli be apprccIated l~ you have uiminal authority. an) artldes to donate an~ wlsh to have Thc lliay continues throughout thc them collected. ContrlbutlOlls should be \\cek. in the \Voman'"s Club bascment on , t • Heirloom Tea On IlCXt 'I'hur~day afternoon and e\'el1mg an Illteresting display of heir­looms and antiqucs of both sentimental 'and histoncal value Will be held in the chapel of the Methodist Church on Park avenue, This display is being sponsored by the members of the ladies Blble class whose neighbors and friends have becn persuaded to bflng out their trcasures and Ict you enjoy them, Tt'a will be servcd and a short musical program given at threc-thirty in the afternoon and at eight-fifteen in the e\-·cmng. Thcre will be a small admis- \Vednesday, October 25. Teachers Rnlly to H. & S. 100% of the S\\arthmore Public School teachers, from Kinder· gartt·u through High School have JOllled and paid their dues, be­fore thc first meeting of the HOllie and School Association to­night. The challcnge is up to Swarth­more parents 1 \VilI 100% of them respond ,\tth like enthusiasm and loyalty to the cause of par­ent- teacher cooperation in 1939- 10? sion charge. 'L _________________ I

---------- Page 13 ----------

2 THE SW TH OCTOBER Fair, Football, Fall Foliage Lure Villagers to :the Open R,.oads .. Young Farler, at Earlham C~~I"t~r;~:I::.::~: Mi.s Margaret Estelle Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Madison, of Farley won a scholarship to ceremony was performed by the Prospect Park, announce the birth of while a student at George School. Roland M. Traver, mbister of the NClftl. I a son Monday morning, October 16, at Frankford Baptist Church. the Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital _ Mr. and -Mrs. George F.Corse, Mr. Walton, a graduate of Th b b d f ., I V.I" avenuel~' entertained their High School and Swarthmore e a y, a gran SOli 0 .DII.r. and Iblidl~e c1uh last Saturday evening. was employed for several years at Mrs. Joseph Madison, of Girard ave~ Former resident feted; serious League of Women Voters relaxes Swarthmore National Bank and Swarthmore, wiU'be named Nor~ --.,..;.-~-....:...- ~,~ .~ . .: in social sessions; Broadway "first night" attracts; parents give Mr. and Mrs. Prescott R. Andrews, Company prior to his transferring man Madison, Jf: d~nce for budding daughters - these are samples of our community's N_ew _York City, N. Y., were the Delaware County National Bank in Oles-·I __ -'-''-_______ -'-__ _ capers when the wine of October days elates and inspires. o_f Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bates, of ter two years ago. F'hiladl'lpl'ialr'-:---:-"':--:"-:-:~::-::7~"':"':7"'::-:~*~ t _ Cbester road, last week-end. The bride, a graduate of - • Mr. ~ Mrs. William H. Thatcher Miss Pearl \11~O~fa~t~:~~~IF'ded Normal School, is a kindergarten teacher Do Y- ~ and daughters, Joan, _ Susan and Barbara, avenue, attended Ihe : _ • , • in the Philadelphia public school system. Tho 8_ Clue fw &IQ' A _ ""Jot of College avenue, wNiII spend SaWturdald,y .fFooltlbal! gam he recently hin N~~ _~ th on Appl'OBcblng Marriage B:':~- Call 4tO and Sunday at the ew York or s '0 oWl11g t e game s e VISIt"" e ........" Fair. World's Fair. On October 8 Miss Bas-11dt"(:lhi~s.s Mary Cresson entertained with a W . "etter, I I TIreo ,~ •••• ~ Bett ..... tian and _ four other Springfield Schooll' sho';·er in honor of her sister, Mr •• M Mrs. Frank hl~son. ... .. Mrs. Paul N. Pearson, formerly of teachers competed in a, sPelling bee Miss Margaret Cresson Wednesday even- of. <;aoterbury Lan!,> SI. DaVIds. ~re RUSSELL'S SERVICE d of last week at the home of their celVlng congratulations upon the bIrth Dartmouth andW_yelle Ayell. Swarthmore, is visiting her daughter, agBinst five professors from Millar, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cres- a daughter, Ellen Cole Fetter, born Mrs. Lockwood Fogg, Jr., of Moylan. Conn. on a radio program held 011 Sun- on Amherst avenue. October 12. . . "We DoD'&: SeD Can-we Benlce Them" Mrs. Pearson will leave soon to travel day afternoon at 5 o'clock. Cresson's marriage to Mr. Robert Mrs. Fetter 15 the former MISS Eliza-to California, where she will visit her beth Pollard da ht f Mrs da ht 14 G rd La f B k M J A R · nd SOl' George of A. Detweiler. son of Mr. and Mrs. G Ia ' ug er 0 '. - "'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!" ug er, rs. 0 on nge, 0 er - rs... yne a J , George H. Detw.:ler, of RivervI'ew . Pol rd, of Thompson road. Spnng- r= ley Cal Alton, iiI., were the guests of Mr. and ~ fi Id , . Mrs. Frederick Lang, of Maple avenue, will be performed in Trinity _e_. _____________ _ Mrs. Sargent Walter, of North Chester recently. George Ryrie has eiuerrti as a Swarthmore. at 2 o'clock Saturday aliter-I road, entertained with a dinner party freshman at Haverford College. noon, Octob_e_ r _28_. ......., .~. _ tast week in honor of Mrs. Paul N. Pear~' son, formerly of Swarthmore. Mrs. George Schobinger, of S",a~th-I Walton-Soott morc avenue, will entcl;'tain with a IUI\ch-1 (:On all' Tuesday', a£tcntoon' in honor Mrs. _ Leroy ·B .. S,nith, 0'£ _ B~rkl.y. who has been visiting her sister, ~Icrbert San'fofd,"'of Dickinson avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Jo,eph Haviland Walton returned this week from a wedding trip in the Poconos and are making their I.'''''''' at 115 Ogden avenue, the home of Walton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnard Walton. Mrs. Daniel, S~ Morse, of South Ches~ Before her marriage at J o·clock Satur- SALE YOUNG CANARIES Guaranteed to s1D~ In 90 daYs $1.89 C&T AND DOG SUPPLIE8 FRANK & SEDERS PET SRO? '69th 8TBBBT Mrs. David Chandler Prince, of Tulip­brook, Guernsey road, entertained with a luncheon for the League of Women Voters committee for the expansion campaign 1ast Friday afternoon. The committee members present were Mrs. R. T. Bair. Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett, Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Mrs. Theodore Crossen, Mrs. James E. Davis, Mrs. Herbert F. Fraser, Mrs. A. W. Kent, Mrs. ,Lawrence E. Davies" and Mrs. Daniel R. Goodwin, of Swarthmore; Mrs. George W. Clapp. of Media; Mrs. Alexander Frey, of Radnor; Mrs. F. Pemberton Hutchinson and Mrs. A. B. Geary. of· Wallingford; Mrs. Daniel Novelle, of Rose Valley, and Mrs. Rol~ lin B. Posey, of Lansdowne. Mrs. Fran~ cis Philbrick, of Harvard avenue, will entertain with a tea on October 24 for the members to meet Mrs. Willis T. Spivey, of Westtown. ter road. was hostess to the Kappa Kap- day afternoon. October 7, in Philadelphia SPECIAL-THIS WEIIK-END pa Galtnna sf\villg group from 10 until the home of her parents, Mr. and :aose.-Il doz. 4 o~dock on Tuesday at its bi-weekly Mrs. William Cooke Scott, Mrs. Walton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2i3~iS3--;::;::::;C::::::"£- meeting to sew for: the A ... rica,"I II --.~ ...... --... - ------------- Frieri'ds' Service Committee. PARENTS' MAGAZINE I $2.00 Per Yr. - Bat 0aJ" Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lawrence Smith, '3.00 FOR 3 YEARS of, Wallingford Hills, have retumed a two weeks' trip through New England, MRS. lLOYD E, KAUFFMAN taking their daughter, ElizabethJ to Con- 8 •• 2080 ' 3U Dartmouth A'-fe. ncetieut College; calling upon Dr. --==:S:U:b:scrIp=:tIo=DS=':0<=4:,,:.,:M=,p::",:":,,==, Mrs. John Ellery Tuttle and d.,~ght,""! r Miss 'Margaret TuttleJ formerly Swarthmore, at their new home at ford, Mass.; and attending the Bowman­Yates wedding in Schenectady,' N. Y., on ,Saturday last. The Ph~ladeJphia Aiumnae of the Beta Phi 'Inet at the home or Mrs. mond Denworth, of Elm ave~ue, nesday evening for a supper meeting. Attention Come have a cup of tea and sandwiehes at the SWARTHMORE SWEET SHOP Every afUmoon 2:30-5:00 Old Bank Bldg. Tel. Sw. 2149 Mrs. Herbert F. FraserJ of Walling~ fordJ will entertain with a tea next Wednesday afternoon to meet Mrs. Reed A. Morgan, of Chestnut Hill. treasurer of. the Philadelphia L. W. V. and Mrs. Willis T. Spivey, viceMpresi­dent of the State League of Women Voters. Mrs. M. E. Frampton and Mrs. Rob- I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I Adair, of New York City, and Scott I Frampton, of Vaney Forge Military Mr. and Mrs. 1. L. Nickerson, of Academy were the guests of Mrs. and ; Harvard avenues, went to ' . York on Wednesday to visit their 8On- James E. Davis, of Amherst avenue, in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ... last Sunday. ward Bracken, and attend the opening of George Abbott's new Mrs. Howard E. Young, of Park ave-production, "Too Many Girls", in nueJ entertained the' Colonial ,of Mr. Bracken has one of the male lea,os.1 the Daughters of. the American tion at dessert last Friday afternoon. 14. rs. Cha rIe sE. FI·S che r. M rs. F • Mrs. Young recently returned from ton Landon, Mrs. Birney K Morse, ~tor trip to Cambridge, Ind'J where Hugh W. DowningJ Mrs. J. B. Pope, she accompanied ,h~r daughter, Mrs. and Mr~. H. Lindley Peel, are enter- Walter S. -Farley, of Langhorne taining with a bam dance this evening leave Mrs. Farley's:J daughter, Edith I iLno ihso nLoar nodfo nth, eiBr odnanuyg htMeros,r sJe,e an~~~~;!:;llr~~;~;~~~~~~~~ Downing, Fji*zabeth POpe, and Chester's Most Distinctive Theatre Peel. The dance is to be held in Community Hall in Rutledge. Miss Mary Ellen Mercer, Chester road, spent the past week-end in New Haven, Conn'J where she attended the Yale-Pennsylvania football game. MANOR FREB PMUUNG FBIDAY-SATtJBDAY c....,.. Carol GRAN:r- LOMBARD "IN NAME ONLY" MEDIA FRIDAY-8ATURDAY Laot Two DaY8 Carole Lombard Cary Grant Kay Francis in "IN NAME ONLY" with Cbarles COIntm-Re .... Vinson Ka* lae AJ ..... uukr JoutIoaa JbIe Maarlee v .. eoftoJa EXJ'IUI Donald Dnek-and First Rnn World News starts Friday ALICE F&YE-DON AMBCBB "HOLLYWOOD CAY ALCADE" with Alan CurtIS - Stewart Erwin Buster Keaton-George Glvot Eddie Collins GOLDEN JUBILEE of MOTION PICTURES SUNDAY. MOVIES - m- "EspIonage -Agent" Joel McCrea _ .......... haIl --S_~ GENE AUTRY In 'COLORADO SUNSB'r Thrift HARVEST Clean Up Spruce Up Paint Up Patch Up Sole Buy what you need at these special price8 SUPLEE'S HARDWARE STORE 11 S. Chester Rd. Call Sw. 105 ',,o ' EXPERT FUR REPAIRS! Even if your old fur eoat eeC"18 hopeless 10 you, briq it in and lei us show you how we can repair it good aB new. Expe'rt - work costs but little at GO'ITLlEB'S. _ Remodeling and Restyling GOTTlJEB 10 PARK AVENUE AUTUMN MAGI£: "Some 0/ W call iI GUlUmlJ., And o.her. call it God". ·What day. of splendor. lucid with vision, or dim with mist, haze, and 5IDothered sunshine, when the light has an aspect of anciea.tneee and the woodland i. like an art gallery. God be thanked for belutyl" -AT-STRATH HAVEN INN AND Swarthmore. Pa. THE HAMILTON Norristown, Pa. You will find not only nature at ita hest, but delicious food at reaaonable prices Tel. Swar.hmore 680 F. M. SCREmLEY, Manaser ..._-_ .... _ ._._-_ ..... ----------_. THE GOWN SHOP ON PARK AVENUE PRESENTS. A MOST UNUSUAL COLLECTION OF BEAU· TIFUL DRESSES AND GOWNS' FOR· ·THE COMING HOLIDAYS. PRICES. BEOI~_ AT _ 16·7S._ SCHUSSLER'S RESTAURANT • • Serving Excellent Meals Drexel Ave. & City Line NOLDE & HORST STOCKINGS CLOUDLESS CHIFFONS ,1.00 SNOWDEN'S STATE STREET PHONE MEDIA 10000_ MEDIA ()Cl'QBER 1989 RTHMOBBAN THE SWARTHMOREAN MRS. ROBERT W. WlTIIAM CONVENTION LEGION AUXILIARY the pllfPoses and. ~ims o( Ih~ ~gion Charlotte Eastburn Witham,\. ,==; I Auxiliary. - - .. Pl1BLISHBD BVBRY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMOBB, PA. TBB SWAIITBIlOBBAlI, me., PUBLISHER PHon SWARTHIIORB 900 of Robert W. Witham; died 1 Mrs. James Desmond, eveiling, October 12, in her hom_~e'icl; I~~:'~j spoke -at the October meeting of North Princeton avenue, to 11 the American Legion Auxiliary on This is membership month and con­tacts with prolpe'ttive ~ mtmbers are urged. l'IrnIl Eo TOLD, Etlilor M.uuOBD TOLD, .fuodaU Etlilor "Am Pmsot., Socidz EllIlJ, ALIa NICX'"OIf. RelO!!!r EDttnd .. SecoDd Clut Matt .... JOD1W1 24, 1929. at the POll 0Iice at Swarthmore, Pa., UDder the Act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1939 Ave RIque Yole address she had moved ten years 10 be near her "family. Wednesday afternoon of last week. Born in Philadelphia. the Mrs: Desmo~d spoke of the .erious of John A. Eastburn, prominent in work of the judicial committee, many development of the early members ~f which are lawye'rs, at the marine, Mrs. Witham Legion, convention in Chicag~. S~e descended from a family closely stated that after a three~hour stssion dated wi~h Willian Penn in the estab· dinner was enjoyed at 10:30 P.14, and lishment of the colony. One of serious business resumed afterward J'lln"' l RUMMAGE SALE lleaeflt COMMUNITY HEALTH SOCIBTY • A. IlL to I P. IlL ..... t. P; IlL to • P. IlL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26 "Woman", Club Batemall DONATIONS SOLICITED Benjamin Eastbum~ Penn's til 3 A. M. in order to write a neutrality CALL SW. 362 Swarthmore has counted it an honor to have President Frank General, ran the preliminary t---------------'--- h P I mandate for the best interests of the delotte as one of its citizens. His distinction and acknowledged t wei th etnhnes ya ivda noifa -tMhea ryfrliaenndd ly Ame·rlc an peop Ie . - WAI.J,ACE HEATON; Jr. ership in the realms of higher education have given a favorable prom- and was active in the dispute with Mrs. J. H. McKay. department chair- ,nence to the seat of the college over which he has so ably presided. Baltimore, which finally man of membership, spoke on the need - .L L O. O. - Aydelotte and Swarthmore have been inseparable nantes for the last in the confirmation of his survey by of equal membership in order to carry Musical Instructor eighteen years, and the wide recognition accorded to the worthy wearer Mason and Dixon, the King's Engin- Plano Vol .. h f h dd d . h I eers. brought from London. The family LO TEA Ol1lan Harmony of t e ormer as a e prestige to t e atter. separated from the Society of Friends HEIR OM· The Swarthmore community can never be uninterested in the splen- bear arms with Washington. Methodiot Cbap.,l- Park A"e. Studio: 1714 Chestnnt St. did college around which the borough has grown, nor in the men and Mrs. Witham is survived by a son, THURSDAY. OCT. 26 PIdIa. women who compose its faculty and official family. Particularly is it E. Witham, and three daugh- 3:00 to 8:30 P. M. Phones I Rit. 2897-8 .... 414-R interested in the president, the head and the voice of the college, at Mrs. Walter Irving Clarke, and Tea - Mao;. at 3.30 and 8115 P. M. h Horwood and Lucy H.Witham; Admwlon - :IS. once the guide and t e embodiment of the college spirit. It has by four grandchildren. Dorothy, watched with pride the extension of the influence of the college under Robert, Clayton and Philip Witham, all -------------- President Aydelotte. and the courageous undertakings whereby he has Swarthmore. LECTURE adapted the work of the college to our changed modern world. By Interment took place Monday alter- The JUDior Bou-cI of Cheater Hoopibl virtue of his broad and lofty vision he has taken his place among noon, in Westmin:st:r cemetery. _to MISS BESSE HOWARD the foremost leaders in his field, and he has successfully imparted the Mountain Film in Color _ qualities of his vision to the school he has served.- As·the community at College International Scene" sees its college, it is a broader and a loftier institution because of his Color movies of mountaineering in the • ORNSTEIN SCHOOL of MUSIC ADDoun... the n<ipO!IlJqI Of the eomblDed DnIUl BtU aDd Swarthmore Bnn"".,. .' School Lan. Arms AparbDeata DmreJ II1II. with MIss Ronoro I'IIrtade h • Rocki '11 be h bEL H t 14. ....., ., Oct. 23, at 8,15 P. M. lD_ leaders Ip. es WI . S own r .verett • W!. lD tile The community is grateful, too, for the splendid new buildings Elm avenue, In the auditonum of Marlin CHESTER CLUB I.-oIllJ at hom*o- Porct_~~tt.'!!.~B Laboratory of Swarthmore College at 7 at the BranCh or -~-~ ~ which grace the college hill and add beauty to our village. and for o'clock Saturday evening, October 21. 5th '" W..w. Sb~ Cheater at the ochool. 2515 .... the increased financial strength of the college due to his success in public is cordially invited. 1;=====AD=M=I=S=S=IO=N==$=I==="d~e='='=8th==e:::t.=. =PhIla==.==E'e=n=n:::iP'I=""=-=-=:rrr7="ii enlarging its endowment. The pictures are taken and .""t out 11 President Aydelotte's exhausting duties in his several important the Department of Mountain Reerea- The Chari.,. Tlua Help. All Chari.u.. d h•· .... . aff' of the University of Colorado, with THE NEEDLEWORK GUILD OF AMERICA connections prevente tS acllve partlClpatlon In our commumty aus, which Mr. Hunt has been associated for JOIN NOW but he alway!> had a sympathetic interest in them and expressed that several year.. ING&TBBKING, OCTOBBB 25, WOMAN'S CLUB BOlin interest often in very helpful ways. Only a few months ago he wrote -.:.:~. ........,. .......- - Communicate wltb Mn. Bora. . WaIter, Sw. 715-W The_ Swarthmorean expressing his desire that the people of the com- Boro Council Meets 1:~~~~~~-~~~Pr~es1~d.~D~t~of~S_~~~o~re~_~;Ch~:;~~~~~~~~ nninity should avail themselves of such college privileges as were open Two ordinances were passed by Bot- 101lgh Council assemhled last Wednes-to them.· nig!!t in the Town Hall Swarthmore rejoices with him in the call to a field of possibly of those regulated the distribu. larger usefulness for which he seems ideally qualified. Swarthmore of paper and printed matter in sincerely regrets his departure. the -Borough. The other was the Michi-gan a,venue sewer ordinance. Methodist Chureh Notes ANTONICA AND C'MU,)·A, FAJPP'NKS, D1recton Graduates of Peabod$ Conservatory of Music" Baldmore LESSoNS Jlf PIANO. VIOLIN. VIOLA, ORGAN and JlABMOl(Y AssIsted by M4UJtJCB STAD of tho InsUtu1:e of Maalcal Art bdtrnetGr of Cello. &t.riQ BDlembJe PresbYterJ8n Chureh Notes 'Phone 7'lB-oJ at PARK AVE. Council also decided to terminate the present garbage contract and readver~ Sunday morning the sermon The Ch ureh Sch0 0I WI'1 1 assem bel 'In tise for next yea,r 'sI I garbage contract. ~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be ''What Makes Christian various departments Sunday morning FULL CAST OF PETER PAN All dopartmMts of the Church 9 :45. The .. dult lesson topic will ANN CED 'PIIONB CIIIISTBB Z-110 FOB ESTDU.TB ON and the Men's Bible Class meet "Christian Character and Influence.· OUN REPAIRING AND REUPHOLSTERING Sunday morning at 9:45. New members The ,ulniokr AChurdch seMd'ce meettasl Increasing interest is being manfife.,ted GOVERNATO~EBROS •. __ . - ,_.--J are invited in all classes. ~ch Sunday. at II oeoc. tten ance an par~n, the forthcoming 'production a . The Woman's· Class meetS at ten o'clock ribbons will be awarded. The Biblical I J',m<" Barrie's inunortal HPeter Pan" Marw/adurer. 01 lIplaol.,ered Fumilare in the Cburch. The Chnrch Hour Nurs- dramatization. "Stories of Jesus", will Saturday, October 28. Cards admit- ~;:;6;1;2;S;P;R;O;UL~;S;TRE;;ET;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C;H~";";1;':B~~ ery begins at eleven in the Parish House. be presented by Betty Jane Hedgepeth, to the three other productions an- The Young People's Fellowship will George Pierce, Helen Hoot, Teel ~unn, nounced in last week's Swarthmorean meet Sunday evening from six to seven~ Pitman, Joanne DavisonJ Mildred well as for Peter Pan, are being ta-thirty in the Parish House. Don Dickins~n and ~ohn Carter. rapidly, and only a few remain un~ The Sessiou wlll meet tonight, sennon wJll be given by sold. Persons desiring to enjoy 20, at the home of Elder Arthur should not delay even by a day 307 Dickinson avenue, at eight Monday at 8 o'clock the Young Wo- of their reservations-if happiily 1 The Annual Concert for the mao's Auxiliary will hold its monthly find any yet available. of the Ladies' Aid of the business and social meeting. east for the play has been an,"OIlOc-1 Hospital will be held on Thursday afternoon the Woman's ed by its director. Mrs. R. G. E. UII-noon, October 24J from two ble Class tea will be held at the man, and is as follows: the Overbrook Presbyterian Thursday evening the Junior and Nalla, played by Charles Moore; Mi~ House, comer Lancaster Avenue and nior choirs will hold their Nicholas Darling, by Royall Whit- City Line. The program will begin and the Usher's Association sport aker; Mrs. Darling, by Helen WE'VE GOT EVERYTHING GIFTS FOR FUN OR FANTASY PRACTICALITY OR LUXURY A store chock full of gifts that will surety solve yo'Ur troubles. Nowhere but at Cooley Lilley's can you be -sure of receiving the utmost attention to small detail. Perinit us to serve you ... we are sure you wiil be pleased; COOLEY LILLEY EclpnOllt A ...... at Weloh St., Cheoter. promptly at 2 :30. ToIhderethl':i bef a salh ie'c 0hf gram will take pl:~e. - Warren; John Napoleon ~r1ing. by pantry and housch _ _ s or w Trinit P • h Notes Geo~ge P. Warren,-"]r.; Wendy Moira gifts are asked. Tea will- 00 served and y an.s Angela Darling, by Gretchen van de Boe; - an offering received. .Plans for the Every Member Can- Mr. DarlingJ by George P. Warren j r..--.----~..-.--....-..--.--.-.-..--.-..--.--..~.-..-.-...-....-.-.--..--~--l .,. were outlined at a meeting on Tinker Bell. by herself; Peter Pan, by ! It's Permanent Season Again - . ---.::::;; I! Christian Sei!lDOO Church 1'I'uesd"y evening at the home of Allen Alice Jones Dineen; Liza, by Withel- W. Carpenter, chairman. on North mina van de Boe; Slightly, by Jack Tom- Call i'Probation After Death" is tbe sub- Chester road. Sergeant B. Brewster and tillson; Tootles. by Dick Hook; Curly, l 1 ject of the Lesson~Sermon in aU WiUiam Minton Harvey were elected by Harry Warren; First Twin, by 1 ~4 ~G' . t Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- vrce~chairmen and the following team Wayne Warner; Second TwinJ by Billy 1 \£V e .f 111tqU~ II day, October 22, The Golden Text is: captains were appointed: A. B. Chapin, Moore; NibsJ by Stephen Smith; Cap- "Blessed i. the man that endureth Wilfiam L. Cleaves. Richard G. Haig, tain James Hook, by Arthuf P. Whit- 1 B S l 1 temptation: for when he is tried, he R. Blair Price, Wayne H. Randall, Ell· Smee, by John R. Brownell; Gen- 1 _ eaut'" a on 1 shall receive the crown of life, which R Sh d k . M EI I "J the Lord hath promised to them t at George R. Van Duser. The leaders of I Gecc·o, by Barton Rope; Mullins, by 13 S C.'L_- R ad c. 476 l h wood M. Rowand. Jr., L. . ero an tlemen Star ey, by Irwin .1 ac wee ! love him" (James 1 :12). the canvass and about forty other mem- vey Whitaker; Bill Jukes, b);y~lei~;~~~~1 • "t:~ter 0 "!fl). - .. -l bers of the teams will hold a supper Ullman; Black Murphy, by ) _~ ____________ ~ _ ~ "iii'Aiifi'i:!C-IlUB~C H NEWS meeting next Thursday evening. Dryden; Noodler. by Stnart o The Church School choir will hold Whibbles, by Newell West; CI·oc,odile, I regular rehearsals on Tuesday evenings. by Winifred A. MacDowell; Tiger Lily, • I by Winifred Eo MacDowell; Great Big To Speak for W, L L Little Panther, by C. Whitford Mac- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jacob will speak their recent experiences in the War of Europe at the Art Alliance, I T"esilay, October 24, from 3 :W30 to ,5 ;-___ P. M'J under the auspices of the omen s International League for P""ce and Fr~­Reservations can be made by calhng Rittenhouse- 71-10-. ..,.. .- -- Piano Pupils in Recital Dowell, Jr. i Indian BravesJ by Gordon S. Bierman, Philip Kniskern. John Chi~ qoine, Steve Meryweather, and\!~:::1 Lange. Indian Squaw, Mary I Lucy Hayes, and Judy Koch; Cab R. MacElwee; Tramp, by Barton Rope. A Dance by the Indians, created and directed by Alix Field Whitaker. will be one of the features of the production. which is to be presented in the full com­plement of five acts: Act I, The The piano pupils of Ellen W. Dela~ Nursery j Act II, The Never Never Land; plaine held their first m.usicale of the Act IIIJ The Home Under the Ground; I seas(m for parents and fflends on Wed- Act IV, The Pirate Ship; and Act V. nesday afternoon at the Cornell ave- The Nursery. The settings are being home of their teacher. I arran,oecI by Roland G. E. Uullman, and AstronomI •e •r 10 Talk 1~:;:!:~lr,~atttehntei osno uinsd beefifnegc tsg, ivanend atoll de- ';:u .. rt-hc-I tails of the play. The Sproul Observatory, of • I • College, will be open to the J l' M S da Tuesday night, October 24, from 7 :30 • , 8. eet un y. to 9:30 P. M. At 8 P. M. promptly Dr. The J. J.s wlll meet at 7:30 thIS Sun­Peter van de Kamp, director of the day evening at the home of Theo Sproul Observatory, will give a talk on r corner Swarthmore ~nd Og- "The Restless Universe." den avenues. FORREST LAUNDRY ANNOUNCING Additional Service to Swarthmore A Complete IlUtltutlonEquipped to Handle AD Your La~_ and Cleaning Prohle",:". For Prompt SenIee Call Stevemon 2100 or Park 4154 . 1225 COLUMBIA AVENUE _ PlllLADEU>IDA . for Over Half a Century" '

---------- Page 14 ----------

II'BEIi ocroBER· SCHOOL NEWS fourth quality .Qf ·lheNation., 'WNDON'BLAotOtJll'8 TOlD :Va1ley Miss Betty Jean Pitman, of Vassar Sociely. PollyHool readlh. letter BY VISITORS·HEBE • meet wilh y;s.I,,,,.,.IIe. a freshman at Mary W .. ~ Ihe facullY committee which .• " . .' ..' Valley; next College. Fredericksburg,. Va.. bas been G.rnfII Dri.. Ruth Child, Horace Hopkins and . 'Mt: ;ir!ci .Mrs. Ha;..yWood. afternoon at 2.3Q o·c1ock. to lite. dramatic organization, Th, The "Gamel" Swarthmore High liam Thorpe 10 membership in the nel) ayenu';' go!'. 'personal' . Beistle will Mary ,Washu,gton Players. School's publicati~n. started on ils 1939 ciety. The ~ev. Stanley Wilcox Ihe sjlllation abrOlld when : by Katharine Benton. snbscriplion drive on Friday. St. Paul's EpIScopal Churc~ o! Ches- si.ler0in-iaw. Mrs: Thomas A. . will he conducted by Mrs. A(ldi··III.II!~ ••• IIIII •••• "'.1IIII1N 13 with a special assembly devoted 10 ler spoke on Ihe four prmc'ple. accompanied 'by her husband Wickham and·' her committee. n I th~ photography and humor departments. Ihe Nalional HOllor Society. daughter~. JoY~e. 6. arod Sandra, :'T"~," desiring' transportation to since they are Iwo big fealures ~s year. S,u4enl C_ndl: Coal .. nee in 'Swarthin'ore ·late Tuesday I ~:~house are asked to telephone. There .were two skits on phctography. Repre_tatives from the High . . The' McGregOrs had doCked" of the committee: Mr •. 'Wirk-I Ihe first entitled "How Piclures Were sludent association attended the sub- morning .in New York after .sev- (Swartlunore 248). Mrs. Dana Taken in Granddad's Day,'" with Miss urban meeling for sludent council pres-, voyagt from England, .and 1901). Mr •. Bales (131). or Mrs. James Strouse and Mr. Oppenfander, members ideots and sponsors, held at Haverford: to Swarthmore in their car .with before 11 atclock Monday .morn­of the facully. and Edward Cooley and Township High School Wednesday. fenders.whilened aDd lights. blocked William Spencer. slndenls. The second October 18. The theme of the wiih black paint as required Hi that skil. entitled "How a Picture Is Taken was "The Sludent Council and Train- The only Iighl~. permitted Qn Today". was portrayed by Dorothy Wil- iug for Democracy." Those who at· the car _ were obtained through a half­son and William Spencer. Roland G.' E. lended are: William Thorpe. Polly inch square of unpainted glaas QIl the Ullman. Jr .• told ahout the humor de- Hoot. Wallace Poleat. Edward Cooley. cowl lamps and .the tail lighi.. Mr. Me· partment with the aid of "Elmer," the , • • Gregor had been granted a monthly ra-high school mascot.' Girl Seout New. lion of len gallons of gasoline consist- The subscription drive b now on, un- i.Dg of· all brands pooled together, and der the supervision of Edward Bretz, Troop 283 will meet at· the railroad priced .at approximately thirty-sb; cents circulation manager. ,t tomorrow morning, Saturday. at pt:r gallon •. "B"'ek/ria,a" lnitiale o·clock. and go by train to Philadel· The McGregor.. whose home is in "Ye Blackfriars" of Swarthmore for rehearsal for the Girl Scout Pontiac, Mich., left the United States School held their annual initiations on convention opening in on the Queen Mary on April- 7 (or Friday evening, October 13. After the Convention Hall on Monday. six months· vacation. While visiting. in representation of ULittie Bo PeeptJ, "Dj· evening they will meet again at France and Switzerland they egenes", UDorothy Dix" and other hi- railroad stadon at 6.15. Motor transpor'" . preparations for war long before larious characters up town, the fonnal tation will be supplied for Monday. about them reached this country. ceremony of presenting pins and accept- The deadline on cookie reordering is were in France at the time ing the members into the club was com- Saturday, October D. Russo-German pact was signed. pleted . at the high school. Those taken I I found standing room only on the boats in from the senior class were: Joan Car- I back to the British- Isles. flenler, Guenther Froehel. Janet Harris. Co. Officials in Drive to Protect "el.lern-I b' f I Coal Originally scheduled 10 sail,"" Hilliard Lubin and Rohert Weltz. Those Pu 'lie rom Boot eg Dealers ber 21 on Ihe S. S. Georgic. Ihey were from the juni• or c'l ass were: Rohert Bair. •• . StI' llI'n E nglan d more Ih an two weeks James ~o~ditch, .H~~rton Butler, ~rn- The CClmmlssl0ners of D.e1aw~re later, carrying their gas masks anti old Chlquol~e, Virginia Craemer, R.lch- ty. through the Bureau ~ ot Wetghts and sleeping with their possessions piled at ard_ De~aplame, James. Douglas. Ll~Y Meas~res, a~e condu~ting a strenuous their bedsides. The were in three air Garret, .. Margery Harrison, Anne Ltn- campaign agamst the dishonest coal truck- r'd I d IhY b'ldr au ••• .NEWS NOTES Mrs. S. H. Hemenway and daughter. Joan, wilt leave tomorrow to join Mr. Hemenway and make their home 'in Wellsville. N. Y .• where Mr; Hemenway started on a new position with the Moore . Turbine Company on Monday. The Hem­enways entertained with several at hOlm""1 recently in their Park avenue apartment. On October 8 friends from out-of·town were guests, on October 12 Swarth'more friends and last Saturday afternoon six:tv I associates of Westinghouse, where Hqnenway was for sixteen Stunning Solid M.aple Fruit and Nut Bowls TOT.TA BABY AND GIFf SHOP Lotta J. Babd 409 DARTMOUTH AVENllE Telephone Swutlunore 2349 g.fe , Wt"nlf r e d ,Uu J,.c D. Qwe II a,n d_ _ Anl\eU.U!es'- ers wIl o_ _h .a ve been h ;;LUI'l ng coa I'm to th e thale aa raer mcso.u ladn not efa icl 'to been iym roegss eads SICk. The alumm and former Black!nars county and have defranded Ihe consum- b ~h du ouls . I P d I ~:::::::===:::::::===::::==::::~! I who joined in the ceremonies were Alex en out· of thousands of dollars by short IhY bleack gpape In' near Uy e~eryd yarat'l' EASY TERMS at 10" a. Ewm· g, w'I.l rla m Cr aemer, Marjo'rDy 'tn S- we.l gh 1. enighrt, and the totaol v dearr kan esWs IwD hoicwhs en-more. Lo~IS Detloff, Ben Keller, Guen- For the past t'Y0 mont~s th~ Bureau dangered pedestrians in streets filled ther Reuomg, and Tom Jackson. ha~ been conducting an IntensIve cam- with sandbags and -telephone shelters. B .... '0 Hoeker R ..... /a,. Shortages from 300 Ibs. per to~ The tenseness' of Ih~' dreary home voy- The hockey alumnae of Swarthmore up to 1200 Ibs. per ton·.have been found: . Ih' h Id t t D · S he' . I ck' f age IS some 109 e wou wan a High School made an appearance on the Shu nngk ' eptem r --a. .IC'O 2 ertfru er rom un d ergo .. not more Ih an once 1. n a life - nigh school hockey field, October 11, amo In was stoPl-" I ton time," Mr. McGregor remarked. when they played the school varsity. The by a sealer o! ~ .. ghts and lI)ea!"res. . _'_' ____ _ alumnae team was made up of girls truck, when weIghed by an offiCIal welgh- • I • who play with Ihe Swarthmore Club. masler. was found to he 3460 .Ibs. Musie Club' to Study Opera Included in the' line-up were: Blanche on a four and a half ton dehvery. Cheyney, '39, Marjorie Dinsmore.' '39, the same. day another coat trucker ~s The Swarthmore Music' Club will Elinor Burgett·· '39 Anna Wood '38 stopped ID Lansdowne and upon heIDI! hold ils second meeting' in the beautiful R ut h B rad fo rd '38, ' N ancy P owe II "..1 7 J' weighedd rw as fouf nd6 00100 hIbe 2580 Ibs. short new mUSI.C room at. the home of Mrs. Marion Burgett '28. Varell Dr ... onTah ep,very 10 • Stals. La' Dyer Clyde of Swarthmore '38, V·I . Be ag Ie '35 ,and L'1b b-y th t e ennsdy vram'a e Iwt reqtuI arveesnu·e , Tuesday eve,n l,O g,. October 24. Davis '37. The high school learn emerged th a banyone 'Ieh,vendng l• CO2 ml!,s hpr~ Mrs. Clyde and Mis .. Everett Hunt wiU victorious-3-2 . e uyer w~ a e Ivery s lP sowing. h . . . the following, the name and address of ~USIC t ilt H. S. c~ Club Else.. the seller, the amount .of ceel jQ,pouncit '. ~~e S. H. S. chess club t:esumed ac- or tons, the name and number of the Ii- rl~~~~:~: ~Vltles fortJ-te 1939--40 season at an early censed weighmaster who. weighed will play~d : meeting, of ~lub members with its spon- load. y;il~ ~iti •. music of.:t~e peri~d. .sor, Mr. l~vin. Fif~~n studen~ from The Wei hts and Measures B;un",u!iiiT======::::=======;il ~rades 9-12 were present, including three urges the p:rchaser, for his own protee ... v~terans of. last years team. Horace.H~p- tion, to demand and retain these delivery klns, captam, took charge as Bob Weltz slips. In event of a proven shortage the and Tom. Porter were reelected secretary Bureau then has the n'ame and at._acss 01 and tr~su~e~. . . . the seller and the legal evidence n .. :es.s.ry II Plans v.:ere completed. for two touma- to prosecute. menls . whIch are now m progress. One tournament is for junior high players and the other for senior high excluding team-Illayers. Mr, Morey has _generously offered to put up a.' cup for each of the winners. . . Honor Sociely Imlalladoa The fan installation of 'new members to the Swarthmote chapter of the Na­When in Cheater, viait uu," <lhtlnntal C6tft &lJ'np 314 EDGMOI'IT AVE. (JUSt 'beiow'stariley Theatre) UNUSUAL GIFTS tional Honor Society was held on Oct- CAMISOLE AND FOUR-GORE ober 10th with Bill Black presiding. Ed­. ward Cooley explained the significance of the keystone. emblem of the society. Polly Hoot spoke of the importance of character in life; Alice Craemer des­Laoy and Tailored 9Sc Tea Bose. Blue and Whlte Sizes 32 to 44 cribed . scholarship. and $ervice, and Bill COMPLETE LINE OF POCKBTBOOK8-&5c Black, the: .imllort.ance of. ·Ieadership, the Bverythlnl' in Hosiery IJlcluclJ.D&' Black Heels SMART CLOTHES FOR SMART WOMEN LEWIS' 210 W. Stale St., Media Inrnt~y ~nrbnn HOSIERY SHOP 7th & Edgmont Ave., Chester Ru,.. reinil IrBe FUEL THAT ; CREATES COMFORT •• STORM' SASH THAT PROTECTS .IT! Since 1922, Mason-Heflin has been Swarthmore's favorite source of fuels .. Coal •• Fuel Oil •• co*ke •• Fireplace Log Wood .• Cannel Coal •• Ford Charcoal Briquets. More than that, we've protecled the comfort we've crealed - with MB80n-HeIIin Sform Sash and Window Condilioning. Such protection rids your home of drafts .. cuts your fuel bills as much as 30%_ Turn 10 us for protect~tJ heating. Mason Heflin COAL CO. WILLIAM SPRENGEL, M_ar SwortlunOl'll Yud,o. __ da A_ Upper Duloy Yud, State ...... S ............. 6 a .. d ....... 3950 SWIII'Ihm ..... MS s- I 5707 .... THE TOWN AND COUNTRY SHOP 33 State S....,.;. Media '" Beller, .Dra. al. G Bealer ~e 'i'Ueue Woolena' In new putm for fall Media 2014 Prieed from 16.50 Now is the Time to Have Your Fur Toque Made .J;il~ O/nn's .JIillburlj 409~ DARTMOUTH AVENUE PIione Sw. M6 Insurance for careful drivers We can provide careful drivers with the insurance protection of Ihe Hartford Accident and In­demnity Company, a company . with I' national reputation for prompt and efficient service- YZi:~~:k.::~' the Western ··PErER :a.TOLD GENERAL INSURANCE ,,4ll ~~ Ave. >.'. ' •. 1.s.artm... .. ·lIU3 VENETIAN BLINDS $1.98 to $4.98 Such Well-knoWD makes 88 Klneh. Columbia, Empae, Majeotic and oth .... . M ......... ed and Jrutalled lor You at No E:dra Cod Phone. Chester 9269 for Estimate COB. 3rd & MARKET STS., CHESTER 8EnERFOOD FOR. THE TAiLE - '99 C WPEEERK Engineered and 'G1I8I'Bnteed by the maken of· E800 Gasoline. LutaIIed, Serviced and Fueled by wn.sON CQAL & SUPPLY 00. . WALLJNGFO~. P.L ._ PhOlle MedIa·1ZS ._ 600 Phone or Mail Coupon for. fiali infol'DlBllon. . .: ': Your.·N~ .................. . Ad. .... ............... ,..: . ... .. i . 'CII;'; -:~:-,,; .--.'::< ..... '~--;-:.:.<; :>; .. 's COMPLETE FOOD MARKET Chester Road at Ru1:&ers A'Venue:--Route .320-Swarthmore, Pa. Phone - Swarthmore 2100 Buy One for Sunday! It Isn't Often That I'reeh Roasting Chickens Are Priced Like This. Martel Table Quality- . ROASTING CM ICKENS ARMOUR STAR HAMS At the lowest price we ~ remember--..W. hole or shank, ,. - .. hcd!. BuH ends lb. 32. No barnyard or tough birds at Mar­tel's - We had to do some fcmcY bargaining able 10 sell them at this low price - They hava been regularly priCed at 42C lb. Your Sun· day dinner • . 'Peon Soup with bacon roast chicken with apple-raisin .tuff­ing. fresh peas, creamed caulIIlower. pear salad and cocoanut layer cake With, <x. fragrant cup of Marlel coHee for dssserl. l!C'~:'.:.2 -': 9'.·c·. . , .' !- , .. _' 'lLv . ~'. • -.'. . . . !.,.1 LEGS of SPRING LAMB ........................... ~·~~ .. :"!·.:·: ............. Jb. 27t RIB ROAST OF BEEF ..... : ........................... ; .. ; ................. Ib. 2ge LARGE DEVILED cIiABS-6 for $l.. ................... ea •. 20c FRESH GREEN BROCCOLl .................. , ................. bun. 17c JERSEY SWEET POTATOES ................. : .................. car. 1& COUN'(RYROLL 1;IUTl'ER. ........ _.. .... ;. ...... ;:. ......... 2;lbs. 65c FREsHeAUGBT MA.CKEREL. ......... , .. ~: .... ~ .•. , .. L.; .... Ib. 25c . BAKER'S CHOCOLATE ..... " ........... "'.,..~ .• ;,; .... " ... pK R,OYAL BAKING POWI)ER .' GOLD MEDAL FLOUR .......... ; ........ : ... ; .•. 12.lli. . SCOTfISSUE .......... ~ ................... :;.~ .. ~.~.·. . ~.~ ....~ ·. .. ~S-·· • • , L 14e 29c 44c 20e OCTOBER J939 CLASSIFIED N E w oi THE WOMAN'S· CLUB TBE!" a ...... ·' .... foreign pblicl.. are. {ormfl!' ilfd formed frequently. . Levari PaC1u •. '. , .June Term. I':' Secondly. France found herself in _I ~~ financial posilion foUow;n~ tbel! ~...,~ AU those _I .... ::.I~ ac_4 O -- ~ with the bu1ldlDp' . ImpiOi un mta Ireaty. n the basis of 'huge tbereon erected. SI'uate In 11& __ 10 be paid to her sbe em- Townob1P. Del&iIare COUnt)'. _I- . • aforeealc1 and kDowD alel· 4eIlPaled .. • on an expansIon program. By lots numbered a!xtJ"ooOD' (01) and .tsty .. two . lime, of the world financial crisis':':O:-:'" (82). In blOCk numbered ele'ftD (U) ... I"'" h I certaln plan .of Iota called "JImo1rJlne," .ur- "~7, .5 e no onger hoped to_ receive ~~ ~~=~~F nyed for Midland BealtJ 00mpmJ. W those reparations which' could not be pI MIlton R. Yerkes, ayU Eqtneer. ~ id"b G· I Mawr. Penna .• June 25. 1111n', anel nxt ted pa Y., ermany and' she was plulnged I CODBlat of, two azul one- In the Oftlce of the BecoJ'der Of Deeda. etc .• ~nto extreme debt and econom,'c rum.' . and con"crete h.ouse, lute,I Bfooro_ II:D IeIl,a wNaor.e 12C. o_un_ty aafto,r e-ealClm,' Ionri I'.D _ee_d LaiUy. Dr. Blanshard said, F~~D<;~:: I.. ~::..~' . .,eularl .. described .. foUO .... to wit: Bl~ foreign policy has been a demand as ~d~';!U~.JOhD BboD~ozzo. . = o!'t ~e u:ar::~"'~~d~~ I .. :curil;~. N' t t h' f twenty-flve feet northeutwardlJ' from Ule 1 ~ 0 ye avmg orgolten B: ROLL, Attomey. nortbe~terly stde of AllIton Boad: 0011- lands have tWice been tatnlng ·together 'In front nortbeutw&rdlJ' h h · along Kenmore Boad 1ltty feet (each lot et: .omes, her cities, her cathe- __ 1...... beIng twenty-flve feet) and utend"'a of ChorDe to" Meet da:al.s, her citizenry_ have been Paclu .• ,.0. - that oA1dth In depth northweetwardlJ" be-- The music section 'of which Mrs. demolished, her militarism is one . March Ter'm,.l939· .' I=:n~~';!, llna:Jt :t .r:fJ:'ectto ~ j. Ventnor and Mrs. John Stainton {e;ar, where that of Germany and that certalD lot or piece of lP'Ound. twenty-tlve feet. co-chairmen, announce the opening is of conquest. the . bulldIDgs' and Imptoyemente ~horus rehearsals on :tt.(onday morn- ·Dr.l'~ Blanshard then said that from com~8~ua:'donofv: ::a1; $3g:~er and subject to PlJ:Bt IIortpp ,of mg, October 23 at 10 :30. All women point of view. the outstanding thing Borough of Ued1a. County of Delaware interested in joining the group are be considered' in England has been 8ta~:!n~I~:"lI;Ild more.par- hal~p~~~me:!:e:na:~ 0!t.~~=. urged to· he present at the first meet- treachery of the Bristish government • 26x38 teet; porch trunt; clapboard pnae. . F b f ~~~~ ~!:t ~U':?~~!.~~.~ 12x18 feet. mg. ormer mem ers 0 the chorus to the British people. In popular votes, ';~~~~~~~~E~~oa1~d~~~1 ;~~~~~~~~~~~ -,=:=-"" ha~ e askedd t.o m qsic which they sf entiment has been overwhelming in BDSdo ldJ aanse thPe. pRrYoOpDe,r tyh iso f wGtfeeo.q rIeI 1BCJ.I·B'tBJqooDn 116.00. '. ~j~t~~~~i I ave use . II~ prC:Vlou~, seas9ns. avpr of interoationaJ sentiments, the Bnd real owners. poster ':r AI Redproeily League of Nations, and economic mili-I~§~}i~i?: Mrs. J. Paul Brown. of Walnut lane, tary sanctions against aggressor nationS'I!~~~~~~~~~~~2~~~ ALBERT E. BOLL. Attorney. represcntcd the Swarthmore Club at The speaker closed .with a: story of WILLIAM W. McKIM j the Bala-Cynwyd reciprocity a French soldier who risked his life in 1.6-8-3t 8berI1I'. held Wednesday afternoon. a hazardeous atiack at Verdun, who --------------- TIL itefri ature. Seetion in Fint offers his services in special dangerous ~~~~~~~~~~~ ;!-ij:~0i~ REqUEST FOR BIDS Ie Ir~t mleting of the Literature mission where younger men are 100 .. Sealed bids wHl be 1'eG!lnd In COunell Section will be held at the home of valuable to be used. As long as that Chamber. Borough Ball~ 8wfll'tbpore. Fa. on Ruth H. Clewell, 2Zl Benjamin West kind of spectacular courage is alive in !;~~~i:~M~~o(~amilDii. PW. edM'l.e iflduary theN oavaeJem btoe r the1 5Btho.r oU1C9h3 9o f aO& M 7D:e4W6 avenue, Tuesday. October 24 at 8 P. the Democracies Dr" BIanshard feels two door aetlan automobile, aullable for pol. It is. very important 'that a'll who intend tha t there is hope for their 6nal victory. 1a<n6t e wworbkl.c hT hhee bwidildle rm sahkael l foarla lteh et bpe uraclbloawae-to jom this group, come; to the meet- GaMeD Protrram Tuesday from tbe .Boroulrh of ODe 1937 two. door Pord ing, as each girl will make her se.l ection On next Tuesday, October 24. at 2:30 sate-daBn oaruotuoDpl ObBll~o. nJolw. ·av ailable for in8pecti,o n Mrs. ~~~~~"gl~~~~~ 1of book to be shared throughout P. M. the members of the Woman's All bids shall be In accordance' wUh 'Q)ed-year. Thus any duplication of books will Club will have a discourse on "The tlUltiona on file ill the Om('fJ' of 'lhl3 .. Borouch be avoided. Arrangements will also be of House Plants," by Ernest Grey, hor- ~~~~:1~~~~~ Secretary. made at this time for the r.otation of ticulturist. The Garden Section bn,d .. · j~:ta!.~ (~~~;.~ a,:Jh;r ~~r':,~~:, reservel the rlJ"M to reject l.OST books. All intert'sted are cordially wel- Mrs. Latimer will present an:. ~ibition J o.,~·,::o. ELLIOTT RICHABDSON~ LOST-Ti~r and'wbite male cat, six monlhB I come. club members of indoor gardens. BoroUl'h Seeretaf7. otd. Wo ....... n rtbbOn with II" •• bell.. J ,_ SeeLi S eli SU . III b M' D • ht C I ALBERT B. BOLL. Attorn..... 10·13·31 ReWard. '1'elephone Swarthmore 184. r. JUt on tn es :ver w ~ rs. wig 0:0 ey, ============~~'=== Great interest was shown in the Art Mrs. Haroid Griffin, and Mrs. Henry ;==============================~ 14$. Second :floor apt., 5 mu.., heat, subjects raised for discussion at the Mrs~,.Edward M. Boyd will be hot water, elee. refrig. Near .lation. Art Section meeting of the Junior Club, tea' table. P08Ie8sion at once. A No. 1 eondition. which was held at the home of =============== I Olive Rogers Tuesday evening. ISBRRIPJII SAT·m 0 .. S. '. BIT1'LE China and silver were the topics for SwUt!IDiore ill..." study. These two subjects have been NN~OIarJ~~~Pu~b~Ue~:.IDS~~aran~~ee~~p~e~.J~~~ i used often for research and consequent­- Iy many interesting books are available. Private and public exhibits. field and lectures offer fertile ground first hand observation .. DR. M. BLOOMFIELD Op'Drruitri,;, Complete Eye Se.."lce 612 WELSH STREET CaD 804. Historical backgrounds. will be viewed in relati,;>n to prc;sent .day trends Eveninlr SectIon Aotivllieo Mrs. Porter Waite, of No. lOOt ROGER RUSSEU.. . I ~h~o~.tiiIes~s r~~~~~~lb~~~~l~n~~~~;'1 Maker oJ.·.Fine. Photograpm d;,y evening at her hOl1l e . raised by the bridge parties, to be 1~! li~i~~~~i~~~~~~~~~'1 416 HAVERFORD PLACE on the third Tuesday evening of each CAIJ.. SWARTHMORE 2075-£ month, will be placed in the philanthro-pic fund of the' Evening Section. Next Tuesday evening, October 24, ELECTRICIAN at· 8 o'clock Mrs. Harry Stevens, chair-I~-~:::C~~~~ Bauae OUT ON MONDAY-- With Pictiir~ Stories You Won't Want to Miss! .• SWARTHMORE WOMAN'S CLUB Iu:CEPnON FRESHMAN WEEK AT SWARTHMORE COLLEGE SWARTHMORE mGH FOOTBALL t;ICID1e withMarpla And other county teams in action . . ' .. msTomCAL PAGEANT. markillq conAty 8811qUi-cenleDDlal cdMe41a F!BE'PiIEvElmON WEEK'" , ..... RIDING AS A HOBBY - A atory of countY· brielle pcdhs And· m<inyother inlerestlnq items .. • •• $1.00 by '''e Year THE DELAWARE COUNTY ADVOCATE low clean'~"''''-- "'-. WOOD ELECTRIC Swar. 1273 MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON man, will entertain the members of I f~~~~:~~~~ the literature section at their opening:! meeting, in her apartment at The '~~"'"' .. Swarthmore. "~;;"":'i"''''~~~~:~~~~~~i~iiiiiiliij~iill~~~~~~ ••• Clubwomen Hear Dr • . Bla1l$hard .JOSEPH B. QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS (Continued Jrom Page One) 8ELl. PHONE " MEDIA, PA. which if understood, would probably explain everything that l~as happened ----------------1 there in the 1ast ten years._· The first COA.L and co*kE FUEL OIL VAN AI.EN BROS. Phone Sw. 104.12 A. Wayne Mostelle~ Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 2295 YE : Village Window Cleaner .CALL A. HAUGER Swarthme .... 19 ELECTRICAL 1896 REPAIRS 1UD10 Tulle. Wash1n« Maehines--CIeanen -INSTALLATIONS­SWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP P~k and Dartmouth Aves. WILLIAM M. 20 East. 7th Street (Nen to State Tbe6tre) Radio. 'Phone Chester 2-5314 BUDGET :::: GaAaVATBSBOBBXPBaT ·IN A'ITlINaAl¥CB Edward's Junlo .. Footwea .. MBau"pA. is fissiparousness which means a ten­dency to divide a thing i~t~ many parts. At its last election France had twenty different. political parties, shading ~n belief from the extreme left to the e~­treme right. Therefore French govern­ments are necessarily short-lived, he said. They are coalitions of the larger ra4i­cal socialist or middle 'group with one or two others and as such internal and EDWIN B. KEf,J.EY, Jrr Your Jeweler 25 East 7th SL Cheattir (Opposite Now State Thea .... ) 'Phone Cheo~\l764 SPECIAL , Off-scason we can save you 50 % ~n e1eaninc and repair o~ your rop j , APAG~ . 22 South OralllJe St., Media U59. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED Work Called For and Delivered Telephone: .' SW ARTBMORE ~2190J . i WOOD·- ItOPP:£RS co*kE .. SUN , t., ., . .JDII"ny wt/sn't t/lly"righfef lllt/n -file ligllt IIestat/iet/ byl .. - .' . 'lohnny was 11 problem child. His homework was attocious. yet hisdass­rooQl studies were above average; It jUst didn't make sense. . So the teacher called on his. parents and soon discovered! the ttouble. A nearby wall bracket. equipped with a 2 S-watt buib. supplied all the light for his desk. Realizing the importance of light, she immediately suggested an J. It. . .$. stUdy. ~p, recomm\,oded es- . pecially 'f~i .Children·s eyes •. N"". ." .~''' .. '. Johnny is one of teacher's stat pupils. Remember; eyes' are predolis~light ,. ,. is cheap. Why impair good vision with ~0or lighting? I. E. S.bmps give ide&1 illumination; ••• softly -diffused light,' free from glare and shad;'ws. . . Treat your child and yourself~o Ihe ~clenq6~atl}' ~.correct . light ·of·I •. E. s. "iilnps; Q;~in aiid' see .,iir,f.qmplete 1iiiKr.ltigiJt,gJrom; tilb~eiiiti.t~~ ~o six· :way: Bqor la!nps: . ". . . . . ,. .'. ' ,• i ·, •, ',1

---------- Page 15 ----------

6 SPORTS REVIEW CoUege Gridmen Subdne Suque­hanna; B. S. Drops One toMe­dial Soeeer, Boekey Teams Romp to Victory Results of sports events over the past week were mixed. The High School root­ball team fell before the onslaught of Media High. possible county champions; the College varsity was victorious and the freshmen tied. The College soccer teams, varsity and freshmen, were de­feated, while the women's hockey teams, both College Varsity and Swarthmore Uub won their games. H. S. Hold. Media Fint Half The High School football team lost to Media 40 to O. Swarthmore held ~{edia to a single touchdown in the first half. the score coming midway in the first quarter. Near the end of the second pe­riod, they threatened to score, but the heavier Media tine held firm· and the haH ended Media i, Swarthmore O. In the second half Media turned on the power and scored two touchdowns in the third period and three more in the final stanza. Eberle. Jalde Steam Roll Swqllebanna The College Varsity traveled to Selins Grove, where their IJassing and running attack proved too much for Susquehanna. Swarthmore struck eariy in the first quar­ter, when Eberle scored 011 ·a pass from Jakie to climax a seventy-yard advance. Then Jakie kicked the extra point. 1 he second touchdown resulted when Jakie ran the Susquehanna end after com­pleting two passes and crossing up the opposing defense. The third touchdown was scored a few minutes later, when JakIe again passed to Eberle. Jakie kicked both goals. Then Susquehanna put on a scoring drive of their own to score two touchdowns in the final quarter. but Eb­erle tallied or.e more touchdown for the Garnet to end the scoring. Final score: Swarthmore Z1; Susquehanna 12. FreoIunen 'l1e The Freshmen tied Episcopal Acad­emy 6-6, last Friday, at Swarthmore. Swarthmore scored in the second period, when Foley plunged over from the three­yard line. Episcopal put on a sustained drive or 53 yards for their score, in the third period. Both conversions failed. Soceer TelllD Wine The College Varsity soccer team went to Princeton Thursday, after tucking away a 1~0 victory over Gettysburg. Princeton won an extra period game by the same 1-0 margin. While their elders of the Varsity were losing to Princeton, the Freshman were absorbing a 5·0 defeat at the hands (or rather the feet) of Northeast High School of Philadelphia, on the Garnet home field. MerioD Crieket Drop. to Collqe The Swarthmore College field hockey team swung into action last Saturday, on the home field, and enjoyed a romp at the expense of the Merion Cricket Club. Half time score was 7-0 and the Final 12~O with Swarthmore on the long end. Goals were scored by: Boileau (7), THE SWARTBMOBEAN SNAPPED AT THE MEDIA GAME LAST FRIDAY (Pictures by West e-.....) A MOMENT TO POSE BETWEEN CBEEBS Left to right (top row): Jane Schoff, Lavina Brinton, Marie Hanger, Ann Gorman. Bette Anne Kite, Lin Freegard. (Bottom row): Marji St::haefer, Betty Wetten. Letitia Rhodes. SUBS CLAPPING FOR ART JENNINGS Tribute8 to good playing given bOY8 as they leave game for rest period •• HUDDLE BEFORE KICK·OFF Bob Gerner, assistant eoam, lives last minute instructions to the Swarthmore team. New Friendship Committee Formed The committee for International Friendship which has been formed un­der the auspices of the Women's As­sociation of the Presbyterian Church I has begun its active work by sewing for the Red Cross. Freq'Uent meetings will be held in the homes of the mem­bers to which are invited any women Pike (2), M. Johnson, Kellock and ______________ _ Yearsley. Betty Jackson scored twice in the sec· ond half, to give the Swarthmore Hockey Club a 2-1 victory over the Musketeers, in a Philadelphia Inter-Club Field Hock­ey League game, at Whitemarsh, last Saturday. The team plays Philadelphia Cricket Club on the latter's field Satur­day, at 10 A. M. Any girls interested in joining the club should caU Mary Davis, manager. Swarthmore 1897. c o M I N G Media Upholstery Co. Slip Covers Venetian Blinds Window Shades FREE ESTIMATES Phone Media 1323 .1'0 THE Swarthmore Busln ... A •• oelatlon". Hallowe'en Parade Oetober 3~ 'l THE BELL TEtEPROIIB COMPAIn' OF PENllSYLVAJIIII. SWARTHMORE'S RELIABLE TAILOR ESTABLISHED 1812 HARRIS & co. OCTOBER 20, 1939 who are interested in work and study for peace. South Chester road, when Elsie Rogers, of the Board or Christian Education, will talk on UWhat Women in the Church Can Do for Peace." The next meetjng will be held on Wednesday, October 25, at 9:30 A. M., at the home of Mrs. J. H. Fawcett, 400 014-_04 1II01A88B8 WALNVT 60 lb. AIIt'd Cream CarameII Au5't0 e lb. BIl_ e ......... (5c lb. HaU-· .... CaruU.. JUST ARRIVED French and English Imports Shuholz Chocolate Shop 104 Park Avenne 'Phone Swarthmore 2464 i I alice barber-gifts OLD BANK BUILDING Telephone Sw. 1381 I CIlESTER'S FASHION CORNER Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streets I' GffiLS AND TEEN-AGE COATS At Savings of 25% to 40% 8.98 10.98 Fitted, flared styles, some with for ~ollars; others with Bearf 10 proteel against wintry blub. New roaa:b weavell in all preferred 8hadee; dor-­able Hningst warm inlerliDi.qB. Size. 3 to 6~ - 7 to 14 Other Coats $4.98 to $15.98 GffiLS' AND BOYS' SNOW SUITS $4.98 $5.98 and up to $10.98 Brown, navy, wine, green, teal and grey. Sizes 3 to 6, 7 to 16 The··WARP ANDWOOF99 Of the business pattern ~;.~ WHETHER you have surplus funds or need additional money; whether you travel or stay at home; whether you buy or sell-you can use banking service to advantage. Money must be safeguarded. pay rolls prepared, bills paid. merchandise financed, and goods moved. This bank facilitates, and weaves into a properly related whole. thousands of these transactions every day through­out the year. Are you using our services to your fullest advantage 1 SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member oJ Federal DepoRt 'lUurGllCe Corporation TAILORS AND FURRIERS CLEANERS and DYERS NO. II PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. TEL.PHONE SWARTHMORE 504 f!~.ri'* . SWAlnHM(JJ~E CULLE'(;E Iflag- L 113 I~ ~ In 1ALL0.E'EI PARADE TUEIDAY 8.45 P. I. THE SW~RTH EAN II COWIE FIW.OUIE LOTI OF FUI COlE! • VOL XI, No. 43 SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 27, '2.50 PER YEAR UALWWE'EN PARADE TO FWURISH A.Dillar, A-Dollar Adult Night Scholar 'PETER PAN' FLYS INSIDE OF COIJ,EGE F'IELD HOUSE FOLKCIWT RE~D AT ADULT NIGHT HERE TOMORROW Co~unitr Rife With Plans for + Crowd Enthuaia8tic at Wltehes Walk Led by rugh .J Cl b S Ie Show School Baud . r. u ty Excitement spreads in the village as the time for the annual Hallowe'en par­ade sponsored by the Swarthmore Busi" nesS Association and The Swarthmor­ean on October 31 approaches. Through the courtesy of Swarthmore College the parade this year will be held in the College fieloi house where the masqileraders will assemble at 6 :45 P. ~f. Local business men will be at the main doors of the field house to direct paraders to· their proper sections, which will be marked by signs. The use of the field house assures both judges and spectators a clearer view of each participant in the parade and in addition overcomes the disad­vantage of poor weather conditions in the open. The extra roominess, brighter lighting and accommodations for wit­nesses win overcome any confusion of former years when the event was held along the first block of Park avenue. The business Association greatly ap­preciates the cooperation o~ the Col­lege and is confident that children and parents of the Borough win conduct themselves in an orderly and careful manner so that the College will have no reason to regret its generous offer. Parents of younger children especially have wished for many years that the parade could be held in a sheltered place. New Section Added A large and enthusiastic crowd wit­nessed the Junior Club's fall Fashion Show at the Woman's Club House on Wednesday evening, October 18. Stunning dresses.. suits. street and evening coats and hats .. all within reach of the average Swarthmorean's pocket­book, were attractively paraded before a background of ferns and flowers. The models, beautifully made up and coiffured, presented a most professional appearance. Tasteful and pleasing piano selections were played by Betty Jo (Mrs. Frederick J.) Bogardus. Margaret Latimer was the very able commenta­tor. Two door prizes, one a black suede bag, the other a Chinese brass bowl wit~ stand, were won by Mrs. Roy S. Latimer, of Swarthmore, and Miss Gertrude V. Sutlings. of Lansdowne,. respectively. Bridge and refreshments followed with very attractive coaster sets as prizes for each table. Apparel was furnished by Frank Berman, Inc., hair styles were contri­buted by The Bouquet, door prizes were given by Alice Barber, Gifts, and Best & Co., the ferns and flowers provided by Clarence Alwine, florist. .'1 Noted Musicians Visit Relatives Here Recent week-end guests of Mr. and The customary children's sections or- Mrs. A. Gottlieb, of the Celia Building, I iginal, comic and fancy dress, will be Park th . V' t I supplemented this year by an Oil made . avenue, .wer:: elr son, Ie or 't If" t' h' h '11 d bt Gottheb, and hIS w.fe, the former Eud­I myse . sec Ion '! IC WI. un ou - ice Shapiro. of Buffalo. e'ddly meIrtt' hthed sphec.a'l altenhont ' of th'1e1 I V.·ct orOG Jttel' lbS'E elSII' Wt I't h th e JU ges. t IS ope t 15 new see .on w. Co lid St' Q t t f th L'b I ultimately relieve the parents to the f °c ge rl.ngWuahr. egt0 De CI rary d · h h d I • 'li 0 ongress In as m on, . ., an exte!1t t at t. e aut. sect!on WI p~o- has just returned from a concert tour portlonately Increase ID size and ong- of the P 'fi 0 st d H I lu .lO a I'I ty. Alth ough t h"I S I' h'd ac.cea an onou. IS ~n y sts t Ir Mrs. Gottlieb, welt known girl violinist, appearance the adult sectton has heen won th National 'to'" d. t· f M • ctraracttriz~ 4ly-~ome-~ most il'ltl!rt!st- "d ~ 1·937 d" eh era hlPn (1 d uds~c . d . tu awar 10 an as c arme au 1- mg an amusmg cos meso . . E . .. '11 ences In appearances with the coun-v. ery parttclpaI nt 10 the . paradfe' fWI t ry's Ie a dm' g oreh estr as, Ph'lla d eIp h l' a receive an even arger variety 0 gl ts S h D t 't S hId' h b f Th . 1 ymp ony, e rOI ymp ony, n lan-t an ever e are. e many prizes a· I' S h N Y k W ' I d h · '11 b apo 1S ymp ony, ew or omens ho'bt"t e to. eaTch sSe cllonh W1 e o.n dex-eOr she t ra, H art fo rd S ymp h ony, R oc h es- I I,tlon III ~ wart morean WID ow ·ter Philharmonic, Buffalo Philharmonic. unhl the evenmg of the parade. N Y k d Ph'l d I h' C·· 0 The three judges, Mrs. Joseph B. ew or an. I a e p la IVIC r- P H L' dl P I d A. P It chestras, Curt15 Symphony Orchestra. ~.P~' ., l~ ey ee an resco Her debut was made in New York fol- "I1hs. will View the masqueraders from I' d t' I' C t' I t' ; h b . h h owmg gra ua IOn rom ur IS ns 1· , ab muc 'ebtlt erb vfa ntage pOint t at as It u t e, f rom w hI'C h h er h us b and was a Is o fen POSSI e e ore. graduated. Marshalls are asked to assemble at I • I 6:30 P. M. to present instructions and Mnsic Club Review ~xpf"dite the formation of the parade. ~ Burgess John H. Pitman and Postmas- The second meeting of the Swarth­ter Alfred P. Smalley will be head mar- more Music Club on October 23 was shalls. Walter M. Reynolds and Mrs. devoted to the music of the 15th and I Charles W. Lukens will be in charge 16th centuries. A talk by Mrs. S. ·D. of the original section. Mrs. James H. Clyde on music, musicians and musical Hornaday and Charles oW. l,ukens will instruments of that time \Vas illustrated direct the comic section. Mrs. Clifford by the following program: "Carman's F. Rassweiler and Walter Penfield will Whistle," by William Byrd, played by direct the fancy dress section. Dr. John Mrs. E. L. Hunt; selections from uOr_ A. Detlefsen and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin lando Gillon," by John Bull and Wil­wilt be in charge of the 411 made it my- Ham Byrd, played by Mrs. Clyde; Toe ... self" section. Dr. C. F. Rassweiler and cato for two pianos by Frescololdi, Mrs. John M. Broomal!, 4th, will head I played by Mrs. Clyde and Mrs. Hunt; the adult division. excerpts from early operas sung by Blah Sehool Band to Play Mrs. R. Salomon; aria from "Euridice," The Swarthmore High School Band by Peri; uQrplieo" by Monteverdi, "La­will again lead the parade and furnish ment of Death." by Monteverdi, "Ma .. periodical tunes. drigal," by Caccini. Take a peek at the prizes in The The next meeting of the club will Swarthmorean window. then rush home be November 14 at the home of Dr. and drag out your mask and prepare W. F. G. Swann on Ogden avenue. to sweU the fun at the Hallowe'en par- I • ade next Tuesday evening. First Aid Inslrnction Begins Mn. Waldo B. DavillllOn, at left, and Mr.. Phelps Soule examine iinlahed towel. while. in foregroulld. Mn. Harold E. B., left. and Mr.. Lawr­ence Davies work pattern sample" on their loome. ART CLASS WORKS IN V ARlOUS MEDIUMS Mrs. Walter Keigbton, in dark dress at left, bendll over her work in oi" and the pOIIition of Mildred Bond, to Mrs. Keighton'. riabt, abseures a view of hers, but the charcoal head of the model Mr. Daniel R. Goodwin ill doing is ~Iearly visible under Mr. Goodman's hand and there's a good view of Charle8 Deaeon's full figure drawing. ''THE DONKEY KICK" So this explains those Hthesome figu.res whim have appeared about town followln. the fint few meelin.. of the Adult rhythm e1 .... A DRAPING WE WILL GO Spirit of Yonth With Aeoom­panying Beloved Charaeters of James M. Barrie to land at Players Club Wendy (Gretchen Van De Boe). John (George Warren, Jr.), and Miehael (Royall Whitaker) have had three Rying lessons and are such apt pupils that it is announced they will fly almost as well as Peter himself at the matinee ·and evening performances ('If ttpeter Pan" tomorrow, Saturday, October 28, at the Players' Club of Swarthmore. David Linton is Master of Flying, while Margaret Linton, Maker of Wings, has fitted the flying jackets 50 perfectly that the fairy dust cannot rail to func­tion. Tinker Bell's voice and vivacity in the capable hands of Isabel and Peter Myers make a little fairy with a personality that will long be remembered. HaUie Inge Koch has created a croco­dile of character which will be worn with distinction by Winifred A. Mc­Dowell. The crocndile's pursuit and final consumption of Captain Hook (Arthur P. Whitaker) makes for many tense mo­ments in the play, the climax of which is.the duel between Hook and Pan (Alice Jones Dineen). This is no casual clash of anns, but a well timed and thoroughly convincing bit of sword play that will thrill the most exacting audience. If, however, you prefer domestic ani­mals to crocodiles there is the faithful and patient uNana" (Charles Moore) whom all children will want to pat after the performance is over. After their adventures with the Lost Boys, the Pirates. and the Indians in the Never Never Land, the Horne Under the Ground, and the Pirate ship, the chil­dren return in the fifth act to their mother, for to quote Barrie Uthe heart of a child goes home when the day of adventure is done!' Pan says, ul'm youth, I'm joy 1" All yiJtlth should bave-·-the juy uf,.,ceing this splendid production on Saturday and the Junior Players' Club Committee should be congratulated on undertaking so am· bitious a program of plays for the cur­rent season. The other three plays in the junior series will be "Ballads, Boots and· Beautizo", by Alix Field Whitaker, on December 28; "Daniel Boone" by Esther \VilIard Bates, on February 24; and "Pinocchio" dramatized by Adams T. Rice, on April 27. These represent a very definite cor.tributioll toward the cultural lift; of the community. A limited number of memberships are still available, and may be secured through the junior treas· urer, Mrs. J. B. Pope. Adults as welt as children may sub­scribe to the series, although they are urged to attend the evening perfonn­ances. • I • WOMEN LEARN OF HOUSE PLANTS Lively Interest Shown in Demon. slration of Plant Prop­agation Ernest Grey, gardener for Wm. duPont, of Newtown Square, was the speaker at the weekly meeting of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore on last Tuesday. His talk covered. six points of interest in winter gardening: ferns in variety. begonias, trailing plants in the home, succulents, flowering plants, and window boxes. I •• The First Aid class which is being Mr. Grey stated that house plants which Large Needlework Display conducted under the auspices of the Photos bv Rootr Russell are put in the garden for summer should \Vednesday was the annual "Ingather- _ Red Cross held its first meeting last Ir-------------,----------'-~--..:....----.,Ibe left in pots if wanted for winter bloom ing" of the Swarthmore branch of the I Tuesday morning in the Woman's Club indoors. Another good point which he Needlework Guild held in the Woman's with twenty members present. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR developed was that one need not keep ClUb House. On tables were pil~ the I Patrolman H~nry A. Peirs~l, Jr., of increasing the size of the flower pot as twenty-three hundred garments which arc the local police . force. a quahfied Red FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21 the plant grows, but that the plant should to clothe and bring warmth and comfort Cross instructor, is conducting the class. 8:15 P. M.-Curtis String Quartet .......................... 01othler Jlemorlal be removed from the pot and about half to many through the twenty agencies!' The next meeting will be held SATURDAY. OCTOBER 28 the roots broken off, then repotted with which are beneficiaries of the local group.;promptly at 10 A. M. Tuesday mornin~li ~~~~: ::~;~Wp~r!r.:.:M:ovlng·pictureS:::::::::::::::::Cioibl::Y=m~rr: fresh soit mixture in the same pot. This Among the group contributions were October 31. Additional members WI 8:15 P. !I.-"Peter Pan·· ......................................... Players Club applies to fibrous rooted begonias and those of the three Girl Scout troops of be accepted then until the class mem- SUNDAY. OCTOBER 29 nearly all ferns. The advantage in keep-the Borough, which had made bahYI'bership reaches twenty-five. Ne~v mcm- 11:00 A. M,-Momlng worshlp .............................. · .. Local Churches ing the plants small is for display pur- I h d b t 9 45 n 0 der 8:15 P. M.-Neut.ral1ty Lecture ........................ Frlends Meeting House d' h Cot es for the visiting nurses. The sew· I bers shoul e pre. sent a : 1 r poses, as most ecoratlve pots and ang- II t b f MONDAY. OCTOBER 30 ers and knitters of the churches and' to complete their enro men e ore ing brackets use the four inch size. F . f' 10' I k 8:00 P. Y.-Adult Night at SchOOl. ..................... B1gh School BuU41ng fiends Meeting had a fine display 0 the class begms at 0 C oc . 8:00 P. M. - Y. W. A. -aauowe'en Party •••••••••••••••••• Uethod.1st Soc1al Hall At the close of the mecdng, many wo-dr esses. wrappers and warm rob e s rna d e Ob • , t Note TUESDAY. OCTOBBB 31 men asked for specific advice on their by them. The Juniors of the Club had Spro~ ~ ory 10:00 A. Y.-Red Cross FIrst Aid course ........................ WOlDaD·. Club individual plant problems, and were giv- 1TIade t d Th F· dl, On the mght of Fnday to Saturday, 10:00 A. M.-L. W. V. Stud, Group ........................... 526 WalDut Lane . f h .. n. wenty·two resses. e nen y h '11 be I st 2:30 P. Y.-Helen Houston. Bevtewer .......................... Woman·. Club en cuttmgs 0 t e many vaneties of plants Ible Class and Mother's Club of Rut- October 0-28, t ere WI an a mo 8:45 P. !I.-Hallowe'en Parade •••••.••••••.••••••••••••••• COUege Pte1d Bouse Mr. Grey had ·brought with him. I~ge joined with Swarthmore this year I (99.02%) tota.1 moon eclipse. The, moon THURSDAY. NOVI!MBI!B 2 Club members brought house plants for With a contribution of garments. will enter the umbra of the earth s .sha- 8:00 P. M.-Leglon and AudUBlY Get-Together ••..•••. Woman·s Club Lo1mIe display and decoration. From 2 to 4 o'clock an exhibit of the dow on Friday at 11.54 P. M., the nuddle THURSDAY. NOVI!MBI!B'lI garments was held and tea was served of the eclipse will be on Saturday at 1:36 1:00 P. II. - Woman', Republican Club ..................... Strath Haven II1n This program was presented by the gar-by Mrs. Nonnan Hulme, assisted byJ A. M., the moon will leave the umbra den section, Mrs. Roy S. Latimer, chair- Mrs. F. W. Wolters.· 10f the earth's shadow at 3:18 A. M. man.

---------- Page 16 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 SPOUTS REVIEW College Gridmen Sul .. lue Su.que. I.anna; H. S. Drop. One to Me. dial Soccer, 1I0ckey Team. ROIl1\. to Victory ){1.::-ull!o oi !'porb l'\'t'llls uVI..'f the palit wl'ek Wl'n' lIIix(.'d. Thl' Iligh SdlOOI foot­hall team £(·11 hdun' thl' 11!1~lal1ght of ~lctlia High. \:ossihk nJII:lty champions; the Coll(.';..:~· varsity wa!- \'irtorious and tht' fn'shml"n til,(1. Till' Colh'gt' SCll'l'cr h.',uns, varsit\, ami frl'sllllll'J1. wt'n,' (it,· killed, whit.: . till..' WOIlH:lI'S hurkc.'y tcalll:-, hoth Culkgc Varsity ami :-:'\\,arthll1orc t 'lIh won thcir J,!iI11Il'S. II. S. lIoMs M"clhl I'ir"l III1Jr Thl' lligh ~rhool toutha11 kiWI 10:-,1 to ~h:dia -to 10 O. :-;warthlllon' ill'll! ~I("dia to a single tlllKh low II ill thl' tIna half, the.' S\,;Ofc.' t"Ol11illJ.,: tIIitlway ill tilt.' first tIUartl'r. Xl'ar tilt.' l'1\(1 of till' SlTnml pe­riud. tht·y thn'att.'IIl'1\ In ~l"on.'. hut thc ht..a\·ier ~ho.(lia lint" held linn awl the hali l'mlnl .\h'd;a 7. Swarthmorl' O. III the Sl'l'oll<i half :\1l'tlia turned 011 the power anti sl'ort.,tl twu ttJuchdowlis in the third pl'riod alit I tlm'c lIlore in tht' linal ~tanza. Ebcrlt·, Jakie Sleam Roll Sus(JuehUllna Thl' C(Jlk~e \':tr~;ity travdl'<! to ~din:­Grovc. whcre t1H,'ir Jlassin~ <llld rUllning aHal'k pro\'C.:t1 too flIllch f~lr Slls~IUehat1l1a'l Swarthlllon' strnck l'arly III tht· first quar­kI'. \\'hell Eherlt' scored on a pass frtllll Jakie to climax " sevt'lIty-yard advance. Theil Jakk kicked thl' l'xtra puint. The secund \lludldUWIl resulted whell Jakie the Susquchanna end after 1.:0111- I'lctin~ two pa:;s{'s. ?nd c~ossillg up the I ()PJlOSIll~ ddensc. 1 he third tuuchdo\\'1J W,lS scored a few minutes later. \\'IH'II Jakie again passed to Eberle. Jak1c kich>J lIotlt goals. Then SUS(llleh:lIIua put on a ~coril1g drive of their OWII to score two tUllchdowm in the [Illal (lUarter, hut Eh­erle tallied olle more touchdown for the Garnet to end the scoring. Filial srore: Swarthmllre 27; Sus(ll1l'haUn;1 12. I Freshmen Tie The Fresllllll'lI tied Elliscopal Acad­emy G-6, last Friday, at Swarthmore. Swarthmore ~corcd in the ~ecolld Jleriod, when F(J1cy plunged over f rom the three­yard lille. Episcopal put on a sustained drh·c of 53 yards for their 5core. in the third pcriod. Both collHrsions failed. I Soccer Team Wins The CoHege Varsity S<K'ccr team Wcl*t to Princeton Thursday, after tucking away a 1-0 vjctorr O\'er Gcttyshurg. Prinl'cton \\·on an extra period gamc hy the same 1-0 margin. \\'hill' tlll'ir ddt'rs of the Varsity were losill~ to Prinl'ctoll. the Freshman were ah~"rhing a 5-0 dcklt at the hands (or rather the fect) uf Northeast High Srhool of I'hiladl'lphia, Oil the Garnet hUllle field. Mcriun Cricket DroilS to Collegc The Swarthmore College field hockey team swung into action fast Saturday, on the home lieid, and enjoyed a romp at the eXIX'IISl' of the ).[crion Cricket Cluh. Half time scorc was 7-0 and the Final 12-0 with Swarthmore on thc long i t'ne!. Goals wen' seored by: Boileau (7). Pike (2), :\\. J "hils Oil. Kell()(k and Y l'arsll'Y. Betty Jal'boll scorl"(i twil'e in the :;.cc­oml half. to gin the Swarthmore Hockey Club a 2-1 \·iclury unr the :\luskcteers. ill a Philadelphia Inter-Cluh Fil'ld Hock­t'y I.l·ague gallic, at \V!litemarsh, last Saturday. Thl' team play~ Philadelphia Crickd Cluh oll the latter's field Satnr-, day. at 10 A. '\L Any girls intcrest('u in' jllilling thl' duh ~houltl call .\Iary Davis, luanager. Swartllllll'fl' 1897. c o M I N G THE SWARTHMOREAN SNAI·PED AT THE MEDIA GAME LAST FRIDAY (.-Iet ures by Wesl Cochrane) A MOMENT TO I)OSE BETWEEN CHEERS '-t·ft to riglll (lop row): Jnllc S('hufT, tuvina nrinton, l\laric Hauger, Ann (;urmun. nl~II(' '\11111' Kilt", Fr"t'g!lrd. (Hultmn row): l\farji Srhnt·fcr, Ht'II~' ,,'.'Ih·n. t.·tiliu Rhod(·s. SlJBS CLAI)PING FOR ART JENNINGS Tribules If) ~ood playing giH'11 boys liS Ihey leave game for re!:'Ot l)(·riod~. IIlJDDLE BU'ORE KICK.OFF Boh Gerner, assistant conch, gives lal>o1 minule inslru("tions 10 th.~ Swarthnlorc leall1. Media Upholstery Co. Slip Covers JI clIet;nll Bliuds JF illciolV S1Indes I'REE ESTIMATES I'honc I\lediD 132:1 New Friendship Committee Formed The cOIllmittee =or International Friembhip which has heen formed un· der the allspices of thl' \\'omen's As· sociation of the Preshyterian Church I has hegull its active work by sewing for the i{,'d Cross. FI"I.:"llIent meetings will he he hI in the homes of the mem­hers to which arc ilwit('d any women WHAT'S THERE TO DO TODAY? , AfeThere iC:i11,Qe:ments Tei Be Made? YOUR TO THE Swarthmore Business Association·s Hallowe'en Parade October 3~ '1 C~untless Ways Thlrou,gh<out the Day THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA SWARTHMORE'S RELIABLE TAILOR ESTABLISHED 1812 HARRIS & CO. OCTOBER 20, 1939 who arl' illll'n'~tl,c1 in wllrk and :-tucly I South ('lll'sh'r road, wh(,11 Ebic Rogcr:-, for I'l·al·(·. lor till' Board of Chri~tian l£ducatioll The IIlxt lIIet.'tilig will UC held 011 will talk Oil "\Vhat \Vomcn in th~ \\'cdlH..·sd;IY, October 25, at 9:30 A. M"I Churl'll Can ))0 for Peace." at tht.· hOlJle (If :\'n;. J. H, Fawcett, -100 Ii"'============"il: , • Old-Fa:shloned MOLASSES WALNUT 60 lb. AHt'd Cream Caramels SOc lb. Ass't Butter Creams, 45e lb. Iiallo.ce'en Candie. i 1 I JUST ARRIVED French and English Imports Shuholz Choeolate Shop 104 Park Avenue 'Phone Swarthmore 24M alice harher-gifls OI.D 8ANK 8UII.D1N(; Tclcl,hullc S,,·. 1381 CilESTER'S F .. 1SHLON CORNER Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streets GIRLS AND TEEN-AGE COATS At Savings of 25% to 40% 8.98 10.98 "incI), flared slyles, somc with fur collars; ulhers with scarf to protect againsl willtrv hlasts. New rough weaves in all j)referrcd shades; dllr­ubl(" linings, warm intcrlinings. ~izl's 3 In () V:! - 7 to ] ,j. Other Coats $4.98 to $15.98 GIRIB' AND BOYS' SNOW SUITS $4.98 $5.98 amI UI) to $10.98 Brown, navy, wine, green, teal and grey. Sizes 3 to 6, 7 to 16 The "'WAJRJIP ANID WOOJlf·· of the business pattern WHETHER you have surplus funds or need additional money; whether you travel or stay at home; whether you buy or sell-you can use banking service to advantage. Money must be safeguarded, pay rolls prepared, bills paid, merchandise financed, and goods moved. This bank facilitates, and weaves into a properly related whole, thousands of these transactions every day through· out the year, Are you using our services to your fullest advantage? SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member 0/ Federal Depo.i, lmurance Corporation TAILORS AND FURRIERS TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 504 CLEANERS and DYERS NO, t t PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA, (Je/' , ,'" ~. , SW"\I~THM()I~E CIlLLE'CTE .... ~ I ''',?g' LIB I~H I? Y HALLOWE'EI PARADE TUESDAY 6.45 P. M. THE SW~RTH EAN .1 COLLEGE FIELD HOUSE LOTS OF FUI COME! -VOL. Xl, No. 43 SWARTIIl\IORE, PA., OCTOBER 27, $2.50 PER YEAR HALLOWE'EN PARADE TO FLOURISH INSIDE OF COLLEGE FIELD HOUSE A-Dillar, A-Dollar, Adult Night Scholar 'PETER PAN' FLYS FOLKCRAFf REVIVED AT ADULT NIGHT HERE TOMORROW T ------ ... ()lU~uunity Rife With Plans for Crowd Enthusiastic at Wllches' Walk Led by High School Baud Jr. Club Style Show l.~xcitcll1ellt spreads in the village as A large and enthusiastic crowd wit- ,I . time for thc annual Hallowe'en par- IIcsscd t.hc Junior Club's fal1 Fashion ;~,:,' :opollsored by the Swarthmore Busi- Sho\\' at the \\'oman's Club House on jl( ~S Association and The Swarthmor- \\'\:unesday cn'ning, October 18. I l,'i 011 October 31 approaches. St~nning dresses, ~uib, strect and 'I Through the courtesy of Swarthmore C\'CllIlig coats "nd hats, all \\ ithin reach r~,lll',,=C thc parade Ihis ycar will be lof the <I\·erag't· S.w;:~rthmorean's pocket· I l,~'!d 111 thc College field house whcre 1 hook, werc attractively paraded before ';11 masqueradcrs will assemblc at 0:-15 a ,'~ackgroulld of ferns and Huwl'rs. j J '. :\1. Local business mcn will be at the .1 he models, heautifully made up and: 11',til1 doors of the tiekl house to direct COIffured, presented a most profcssional ! l,:'radcrs to their proper sectiolls, which aplll'iI~anCt,:. Tasteful alld plcasing piano; ,dl he marked by signs. sl'1ecttons were played by Detty Jo rhe use of the field house assures (:\l~s. Frederick J.) Bogardus. :\Iargarct I b,.th judges and spectators a clearcr Latimer wa:-. the very ablc commel1ta·1 viI w of cach participant in the parade to~., . :wd ill addition o\'ercomes the disad- I wo door (lnzes~ one a hlack suedl' Y:lIltage of poor weather conditions in I h;~g, the other a Chinese brass bowl tl:l. OPl'l1. The extra roominess, brighter wltl~ stalld, we~c WOII by .:\Irs. Roy S. li!.!'hting and accommodations for wit- tat liner, of Swarthmore, .. lIld :\liss lW,,';l'S will ovcrcolllC any confusion of Gl'rtrtl~e V. Sullings, of Lansdowne, krmer ycars when the event was held I respectn·c1y. ;tI'lllg the first block of Park avenue. I .Bridge and re~rcsh*t1ents followed The business Association grcatly ap- Yery attrachn coaster sets as pft'ciates the cooper,ltion of thc Col_llJrtzc~ for each table. k~t' and is cOlliident that children and Apparel was furnished hy Frank parl'lIts of the Borough will conduct' Berman, Inc., hair styles were contri· tla'llIsdves in 3n orderl}. and careful h~'tcd by Th~ i;oUllllet, do?r prizes were manlll'r .so that the College will have gl\'cn by Alice Barber, Gifts. and Best Jl(l rea~on to regret its generous offer. &: C~ .• the ferns .and ilO\~'ers prm'ideu I I'an:llts. of younger childrt.'n especially I by Clarencc Alwl:lC,. florist. han' WIshed for many :years that the I Not C(I n" IU S•lC•l 3n8 V·lS ·I t R e \ a tI· ve8 parade could be held III a sheltered H place. ere .. New Sccli.on "Add cd I I,'e cent wel·k-end gucsts of :\11'. and ;Ur~. ,," .. Id .. H. Ua"is!!on, ;al left, and ;\Ir~. I'helps Soule examinc finished tnwt'l~ whilc, in foreground, l\Ir!'. lIamld E. U. SI,eight, Idt, and ~lrs. Lawr­CU. ·I~ D,ll,ies work I)ottern samplt'rs 011 th('~r looms. ART CLASS wonKS IN VAIUOlJS MEDIUMS -, I htI· custo-mary c1f uldren s section's1 or·- \'I rs. \ G t,l' I rIc I' B 'Id' i 1. Oil' >, 0 t Ie e la UI mg, .J) lj.!mtl. comiC and. ancy dress, •w rll be I' ark' .1\'t:'IlUC, Wl'rc t Il e-lr :-on \''-Ictor V ~upplt'menled thiS year bv an • I made 1 G I' I .' '~! . If" t' - I . I ··It d bt· tltt It:", and IllS Wife. the former Eud- : " 1ll1ly se . selc Ion \~ IIIC 1 WI. un °rU I - lice Shapiro, of Buffalo. I .t'l \. 'me.nt t Ie 5pecl3• attention .0 •t tC I \1I' e t or G 0 ttlI' e b I-S cc 11-1St W'tl Il'lIe ' Juc.lges. I•t IS hop ed tlus new section Will C 00 1-l(I gee oJt'rm g i~lll Iartct (1 ftlle '... . 1'b ran' I uitllnatdv rel!e\'e the parents to the fe' \\' I' D C -d ~ .' 0 lIngress 111 as ling-ton . . an exte.n t that t.h c adult .se.cti on Will pr. o- 1l as J' ust r<.:lurllcd from a c' oncert , tour 1 purtlO11ately Itlcrease III size and orIg- f tl I' -1- t d H I I 'I' AI I I - - I' h- dOle aCI IC coas an ono U u. I lila It-\'. t lOugh t liS IS 0.1 1 Y Its t 11' '.\I rs. G 0 "II'e I> . we II k 110Wl1 gl'rI \'1-0 1-!il,l S, , ap]ll'aranCe thc adult sectIOn has been won th" X.,tional F~der;ltirl!l nf 1\fu<;ic ~ il,1I iI(ll:1 i.l_Cli I))' ~utlle IUO:oit iuleresl- award in 1937 and has charmed audi­illg and amusing costumes. CIlCCS ill apI)earances with the coun­Enry participant ill the parade will try's leading orchl'strns, Philadelphia ret'l'in' an c\'ell larger variety of gifts Symphony, Detroit Symphony, Indian­Ihan l·\,(.·r hdore. Thc man\' prizes al- r S I ,~v k \" • Illlh'd to each section wil( be on ex- Oapol" t~ ymHP lOt"rY' ~I'' Se\\' ~hor 'Roffilens I 'I " . '1'1 S I'd rc les ra, ar Of( ymp 011)', \.oc les- 11 J.ItIOIl 111. Ie wart lIuorean Will ow ter 1'1 11- II mrlllonlC'I. ')1 1 IT a I0 1'1 11'I I mrmolllC' , \llltl! the C\'Clllllg of the parade. ,. v k I 1'1 'I I I 1- C" 0 I '1'1 Ie t II rec 'I 'f JIB .'cw ~or· all{ JI<l(ep"a IVIC r- I JII( geE, l\ rs. oscp 1 • I ,-, I 0 I I, II [' II P I d A P II C le~tras, Curtis ~\'mp lllll\' rc lestra. 0l'l·, -.• 1Il( ey ee an , rcsco 'II! II -I . ,.- Y k f I \\"11' 'II' I d - . er (l' Hlt W'15 llIa( e III _,cw or 0- I 1~, WI \'IL'\\' t le Ill.asqne. ra ers trOllt Iow'm g gnu Iu'a" 1 011 trom C tlr t-IS I us " 1- 1;J IlIl1ch h'e11tt l'rb \f' antagc POl11t that has I tute, f rom \\' Il I-C II Il er II US I) and was a Is o .i IITll POSSI) e e ore. ~raduated. :\1 arshalls are asked to assemhle at ___. ..> •+• •_ __ II :.10 P. :\f. to present instructions and \';'dite thc formation of thc parade. lUusie Club Review gurgess J tlhn 1-1. Pitman and Post mas- The sl'cond meeting of the Swarth~ It:' Alfred P. Smalley will be head mar- more :\ll1sic Club on Octobcr 23 was ~bl1s. \\'alter )L Reynolds and :Mrs. de\'oted to the music of the 15th and I..'h;lr\es \V. Lukens will be in charge 16th centuries. A talk by )frs. S. D., oi the original section. ~(rs. James H. ~Iyde 011 music, Illus.icians an.d musical I lI<lrnaday and Charles \V_ Lukens will U1strUlllcllts of th"t tUlle was Illustrated I dircct the comic section. )'frs. Clifford hy the following program: "Carman's F. Rasswciler and \Valter Penfield will \Vhistlt· ... by \Villiam Byrd, playcd by .lirect the fancv dress section. Dr. John :\1 rs. E. J.. Hunt; selections from 1I0r_ :\. Dctldsl'1l al;d :\1r:;. Harold C. Griffin lando Gillon," hy John Bull and \Vil· \','i11 he in charge of the "1 made it my- limn Byrd, played by :Mrs. Clyde; Toe· 'di" section. Dr. C. F. Ras!'weiJer and I catn for two pianos. hy Frescololui, :.:1" .... John :\L Broomall, 4th, wilt headlPlaYl"d hy ).(r,:;. Clyde and Mrs. Hunti t"t adult division. cxcerpts from carly operas sung by High School Band to PIa.,. :\Irs. I~. Saltll.lOn; aria from "Euridicc," The Swarthmore High School Band In' Peri; "Orplit.'l)" hy :\[olltenrdi. "Ln­\\ '11 again lead the parade ilnd furnish n;ent of lkath," hy ),(onteverdil "!la· \wriodical tunes. drigal," by Caccini. Tab.' a peek at the prizl's in The Thc next meeting of the club will S'.'.;lrthlll(lrean window. thcn rush home hc :\(lwmher 1.t at thc home oi Dr. ;':1~1 drag out your mask and prepare \\'. F. G. Swann 011 Ogden avenue. t .. ~wen the £1111 at the Hallowe'cn par- I I • a,L· next Tuesday c\'cning. First Aid Instruclion Begins • I • I..urge Nee(llcwork Disll1ay The First Aid class which is heing t'onductcd tinder thc auspices of the . \\'l'dnesday was the annual "Ingather- Red Cross held its first meeting last 1:::":" of the Swarthmore hranch of thej'fuesday morning in the \Voman's Club \, <'tllcwork Guild held in the \\'ol1lal1'~ with twcnty members pre~ellt. : i,~h I-louse. On tables wcre piled thel Patrolman Henry A. Peirs~l! Jr., of 11d'llty-three hundred g"rlllellts which arc the local police force, a (IUahhed Red 1·, dothc and hring warmth and comfort Cro~s instructor, is conducting the class. \. many through the twenty agelldc~' The next meeting \viII be I~eld \'. hidl arc heneficiaries of the local groUjl. pWlIlptly at 10 A. :\L Tuesday 1110rnl11~. .'.Tllong' the g-rOllp contrihutinn:; werelOrtoher 31. Additional members Will ,':"~l' oi the thn'l' Cirl S(nut trOI)!1S of Ill' :lccl'ptt'd tlll'n until the cbss lIll'lll- HI'l'ough, which had lIl:ldt' hahy, hl'r~hip f('adlt' .. t\\'\'l1ty-tl\"l'. :--:('~\' Illl't1l­I~. 'lilt':- fur tlIl' \'isitillH lIurSl':;. The S\.'W-, hers should he present at 9 :·b 111 order ,';-., and kniUl'I':; of'" tltl' dltlrchcs allfl'to complete their cnrolhnent before h-il.nds ).1ceting h:ld a fine disl)lay f·i i the dass hegins at to o'clock. drt~·'i·e·:-·., wrappers atH I warm I, ()I H:S Ill.a ( 1.".. 1 S I 01 II tory Note hy them. The Juniors of the Club had pro~ ~r4v~ ' .. Il)l:lrle twenty-two dressl'~. The Friendly i On the I11ght of I- rl(~ay t\) Sat\lnl.I~. ~'II'k Class an!1 ~10ther's Cluh of Rut- Octohcr 27-28. then' wll~ hc a.n ahno"t ll'dge joined with Swarthmore this \'l·ar! (99.02(,;) tnt,,) moon echpse. 1 Ill', moon \\ilh a cOlltribution of g-an11l~Jlt:'. - will enter Ilw' umhra "i thl' earth s .~ha-l\ Irs. "ruhcr K('ighloll, in dark dress al lefl, hl"lHls o\·er her work in oils ami the IJOsilion of l\lildred Bund, 10 Mrs. Keighlon~s righi, abscures n view of hers, hul the .. hart·oul h.~ud nf lhl! model l\lr. Daniel R. Goodwin is doing i~ dt-·urly "isible under Mr_ «;ondman's hund and there's a good ."icw of Churles Dcucon's full figur(~ drawing. "TilE DONKEY KICK" So Ihis eXI.lllins Ihose lithesome figures which have al.llcarcd about town fullowing the first few meetings of the Adult Night rhYlhm class. A DRAPING WE WILL GO TilE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 8:15 P. M. _ Curtis String Quartet .......................... Clothier Memorial S,\TURD'\Y. OCTOBER 28 2:30 P. M.-"Peter Pan" .......... ·· .. ··· ...... · ............. · ... Players Club 7:15 P. M. and 9:15 P. M. _ Mo\·lng Pictures ........ , ........ Clothier Memorial 8:15 P. M. - "Peter Pan" .................. · ... ·· .. ··· ............ Players Club ~m:"OI),\ Y. OCTOBER 29 11 :00 A. M. - Morning Worsll1j) ............................. ···· Local Churches 8:15 P. M -Neut.raflW Lecture ........................ Friends Meeting House ;:\1O~m,\Y, OCTOBER 30 8:00 P. M.-Adult Night at School ...................... Hlgh School BuUdlng 8:00 P. M. - Y. W. A. Hallowe'en Party .................. Methodist Social Hall TUESDAY. OCTOBER 31 10:00 A. M.-Red Cross First Aid Course ........................ Woman's Club 10:00 A. M.-L. W. V. Study Group ........................... 526 Walnut Lane 2:30 P. M.-Helen Houston, Revlewer .................•........ Woman·s Club 6:45 P. M. - Hallowe'en P!'.mde .............. · ....... · ..... College Field House THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 B :00 P. M. - Legion and AuxiUl)ry Get-Together ........ Woman's Club Lounge TIIURSD,\Y. NOVElUBER'2 1:00 P. M. - Woman's Republtcan Club ............ , ... , .... Strath Haven Inn Spirit of Youth With Accom· panying Helo"cd Characters of James 1\1. Barrie to land at Players Club \\·l'l1Ily (Gn:tdll·1l Van De Boe), John (Ceorge \\':trrcn, Jr.), and :\1ichacl (h:'oyall \Vhilaker) ha\·c had threc ilyi:lg i lessons and arc such alit pupils that it is l;milOllllCetl they will fly almost as wcll :IS )'ell'r hilll~l'1i at till' matinec and : t:H'llillg" periorJll;lI1l"l'~ oi "Pdl'r Pan" I, tullluIT"W. ~atlti'tlay, Octoher 28, at the Playt:r': Club oi Swarthmore. J )avid Lintun is )'Iastel' of Flying, while 1I.Iargarct l.illttlll, .:\Iaker of \rings, 1m" fillc:c1 the flyinL,;" jachts ."'0 perfectly that the iairy dust C~lIi11t)t iail to fune· tiull. Tinker Bell's voice and yivi.\(:ity ill the capahle hands of bahel ami Peter '\Iyers makc a little fairy with a personality that will long he rcmemhered. I Hallie luge Kodl has crcated a croco­dile of dmmcter which will be worn with distinction In' \Yinifrlxl A. ~((:­jlluwclJ. The CTl)t:'J{lilc's pursuit and final ctlllsllmption ui Ca})taill Hook (Arthur P. \\'hitaker) makes j'lr lIlany tell:,e mo­ments in the play, th~ climax of which iSJ the dud !'et\\'l't'll Hook and Pan (Alice Jones Dillcl·n). This is nu casual clash oi arms, htlt a \vell timcd and thoroughly cUIl\·incing: bit oi s\\'ord play that will thrill th~ 1Il0st exacting audience. Ii, huweyer. you l)rder t1otlll'stic ani­mals to t.'Tocodil6 there is the iaithful and patient "~al1a" (Charles .:\loore) who ill all l'hildl'ell will want t .. pat after the perfurmancc is oyer. .\fter their ad\'cllturcs with the Lost Boys, the Piratcs, ami the In!lians in the ,,"c,·cr Nner Land, the Home Under the Ground, and the Piratc ship, the chit· 1 drell rl'turn in the fifth act to their mother, for to quotc Barrie "the heart tlf a child goes home when the day of ad\'cnture is done." Pan says, "I'm youth, I'm joy!" All ylJ~llil slit.hlid ha\·..; ttl;.: ~ .. ;, u: .,~..:i'IS t!lis sflkndid prududiull on Saturday and the Juniur Player:;' Clull Committec shuuld I be congratulated on undertaking so am­: hitious a Ilrogram oi play~ ior the cur­I rent Sl·a"on. Thl: other three 1)lays in the junior series will be "U"llaus, Boob ~l1Id Beautizo". hy .-\lix Field \Vhitakcr. oil Dl'cclllhl'r 2~; "Daniel Buone" hy Esther \\'i1b:trd Batl's, 011 Fehruary 2-1: and "Pinocdlio" dl'alllatized by .\d'UIlS T. Rin·. on .\pl·il 27. The.;c represent a \'C1'y tlctinite .:ontrihutilln towanl the cultural liie uf the community. :\ limited number 01 1Ilt.·tnber;;hills al'c still f.\\'ailahll', and Illay he SeCUl'l'" through the junior treas­un: r, )'Irs. J. B. Pope. :\dlllt~ as well as children Jllay su11- ~erihe tu the ~cril's, although they arc urgl'(l to attend the l·\·elling Ilcrivrm­' UlCl'S. • I WOMEN LEARN OF HOUSE PLANTS Lh'cly Iuterest Shown in Dcnton­. tration of Plant Pro I'· agation ETI1e~t Grey, gardener iur \\·m. duPont, of Newtowll Square, wa.:i the speaker at thc wcekly mccting of thc \Vom3n's Cluh of Swarthmore Oil last Tuc:;day. His talk covered six points of interest in wimer gardcning: it.:rn~ in \·:triety, hegonias, trailing plants in thl' home, succulents, flo\\'erin.c; plants, and window huxes. .\Ir. ere)" stated that housc plants which are put ill the gardell for sUlllmer should h~ left in pots if wanted for winter bloom indoors. .\nother good point which he developed was that one necd not kecp increasing the size of the flowcr Ilot as I the plant grows, hut that the vlant should he rt'mo\'{'(1 from the ]lot and about half Ithe ro.uts broken off, then repottcd with iresh soil mixture in the same pot. This applies to IIhrous rooted begonias and nl'arly all it.:rns. The advantage in kcep­ing the lliaut!- ~Illall i~ tlJr display (l111·­IJlI~ l'S. a~ 111' )~t (k('orati\'c pot.:i and hang­I ing; brackets l1~e the four inch size. 'I .-\t the do~e of the IT1ct:[ing, many wo­men asked fo1' spet·iti.c ad\'ice on their I indh'idual plant problellls, and were gh'­en cuttings of the many \'arieties of plants :\11'. Grey had 'hrought with him. Cluh mcmhcrs hrought house plants for I disl,lay al1<1 dccoration. This program was llreselltcd hy the gar- , , Front 2 to -I o'dock an exhibit of the dow \111 Fri<lay at 11.54 P: ~l.. the Imdtlle garl11t'llts was held and tea \\-as ~ervl"d (.f the l'rlil):'C \\·ill he nn Saturday at 1 :Y, h\.· .'\I rs. ".. ~orlllal1 Hulmc. assl-ste(I I) yI .\- ..'\I. . t IIe' mq{ 111 will ka• xl' the IImllra .\11'". F. \\'. \Volters. lof the l'arth\ ~hadl)w at 3:18 :\. ~1. I· !-__________________________________. ...! dmt'ann .s ection, ~l 1'5. Rt)\' S. Latimcr chair·

---------- Page 17 ----------

I born ,Tuo:J\layJli&bl~llbe l'biladeJI'biall~~~,,:'lIpon~i:a~d, . f.'ra~kish. Pixies: Pre~~ !f~tti'y Lying~In HospitaL. ~~:~~ ~r~~~::::~,;~: . . D M d)'{ Alfred ao...u nf··1 n.ll' . lane,. the ·babY" grandmother, bas Vo'r PlirtiesPrior To Peter can Hya~~:Ue, M~:' are beh.g ey,. been spEnding the week in Hyattsville I.' I f I~e.o lLlielordn,a rsdo, no f· ;1~~;~~~~;;[~j~'I.--------------land' will. return home. Sunday. Hallowe'en gaiety characterizes many luncheons a.nd social. unc- o'clock Satllrday tions; Swarthmt're youths gain prominence in 'activitles of the~r col- Ii. The . be Do Y .. Jt.ow leges " showers occur for prospective brides but nOlle..qescend to quench i:h.p~1 of in ~n~"ana. 'l'lIe ..... can ,. _ A_ - Thbmas E.of Chicago, c.n 440 the flaming colors of the October landscape. be: best, man. brother.'. A wed- Chubby Andes will entertain a group of fourteen boys wilh a dessert parly . at his home on ,Rutgers avenue before the performance of "Peter Pan" at the Players Club on Saturday aflemoon. . 1m - 'II'Ir"..... son of Ardmore' Mrs. Charles Baueni, ding breakfast·. at Pa er 'H""se 08_ pell low Jr' of 'Wallingford flills; Mrs. W. F. G. Chicago will follow Ihe~~r~mony. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Swann, Mrs. E. 1.. Mercer, and Mrs. F. .. ••. D_ .. 110 and Lafa,._ A-. W. Luehring, 01 Swarthmore. 'l'ayior _ Cover :. '. '" . . ., Miss Margaret Price, of Rose Valley, is entertaining with a theatre party to­morrow for the Player's Club produc­tion pf "Peter Pan!' "W~ Doll" Bell Can-we 8en1ce 'ftea" lanMe,r . eannlde rtMainrse.d Ruwsistehl l aH ebauthff,e ot f Cedar anMd iMss rRs.o Abe. rtBa. CCoovveerr,, doafu gEhllketro no,f VMar.,. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday evening. Their guesls were became Ihe bride of Godfrey N. Tay-and Mrs. A. Piescotl Willis and Mr. lor, son of Mr •. John N. Taylor, of Arthur Armslrong, of Swarthmore; Mr. Yale avenue, al a ceremony performed CALICO COTfa*gE AUTUMN SALE Mr. and Mrs. Roberl 1:1. Reed, Swarthmore avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hodge, of Sirath Haven ave" riue are entertaining with a Hallowe'eil pariy tomorrow evening at the Reed home. Mrs. Marshall Smilh, and Mr. and al Ihe home of Ihe bride's parenls Sat- All AnUque Farnlture and Gla .. In o..tdoor Shop D. A: Prouty, 01 Media; Mr. and al noon. Mrs. Taylor and her Mrs. Charles Seltzer, of Rose Miss Martha Taylor; Mr. At 20% DlaeollDt UntU No .. 1st Mr. and Mrs. John McKirdy, of Fred Taylor, of Springfield; . MRS. M. C. GARWOOD Baltimore Pike, Swarthmore Mrs. Ralph Ashlon Nixdorf, of Yal._ avenue, will entertain with a~ Hallowe'en masquerade party on Monday afte~oo~ for her daught .. , Elizabeth. '. . Captain and Mrs. George J. Logan, Park. ChesMterr . Haneidg hMtsr, s.t rJaavceklesdo n toT aVyliorgr,i noia fl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[~;! Robert Delaplaine,' son of Mr," and:l lo attend the wedding. ____ _ ____________ Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine, of eomell The young couple will make Iheir i. a member of Ihe Glee Club in Wilmington, DeL AUTUMN 1\IAGIC Wofford College, Spartanburg, S .. also has been pledged Kappa SiBI1I1'I·1 Cornell aveilUe, and Captain and Mrs. E. Miss Catherine Fussell, daughter Graflon Carlisle Jr., of Muhlenburg Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Fussell, of liue wiII attend a Hallowe'en party . a junior al Colby College, Wal-the'I03 Observation Aviation Squadron, erviIle Me., has been elecled by The of the Philadelphia Airport Wome'n's Athletic Association as hockey evening. for the ensuing year. ••• Births Mr. and Mrs. WiIliam D. Taylor, of Coatesville, Pa., are being congratulated upon Ihe birlh of a baby daughler, Ju­dith, horn at the Coatesville Hospital on Oclober 13. . Nancy· Fosler Snow and Slephen Mr. and Mrs. Harry Andrews, Jr., of Hopkins Snow, of Wallingford, will Miss Constance Heg, daughter of Mr. North Chester road, are being congrat-entertain wilh a Hallowe'en party at Mrs. Ernesl E. Heg, of North Ches-Iullat<,d upon Ihe birlh of an eight and.a Iheir home Monday afl~moon. The road, a junior al :E1mira College, half pound baby girl, Lynne Cameron, Hob GoblinJ the Butter and Cream Elmira, N. Y., is a chairman of Woman and The Stocking Lady are I Tid:el Committee for Ihe annual T",,;nr expected to put :n their annual ap- Prom to be held November 10 as a pearance. the Junior Week-end Festivities. Mary Ann Hook, of Westdale ave- is also vice-president of the Sltld .. ,t nue, has invited friends to. her home for I Gov,ernm',"~~A~ss~oc~Ia:'~ Ii:o~n:... _ a Hallowe'en party on Monday .evening. I • I • Mrs. Albert Schoff, of Engagement avenue, and Mrs. W. Henry Linton, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. James, of Benjamin West avenue, are avenue, announce the engagement of NEWS·MAGAZINES Are a neeM'a.". addltlon to sour readlng table. PATIIftNOBB ..................... 01 CtlJUIBNT mSrOBY .......... 113.00 NEWS 19BEJt •••••••••••••••••• "'09 rBB NArION .................. 115.00 rBB NEW RBPVBLIC .......... 115.00 rIMB ••••••••••••••••••••.•...••• .oct with 'a party tomorrow evening for their daughter, Janet Margaret, to Wil.lliarn:II J.IF£ •.••••••••••••••••• ; ••••••• daughter and son, Jane Schoff and Jack Curtiss Campbell, son of Mrs. Leshe G. Linton, at the Linton home. C ampb e II ,0I IIa ver f or d avenue. I MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Miss James is a graduate of the Mary I 8ubscrIPtlo.!~~~ Mapalnes Donald Taylor Ogram, son 01 Mr. and Lyon School, attended Hollins College'I~;=======;;=====~ Mrs. Harold Ogram, of Riverview road, Va., and is now a senior at the Philadel~ I Conservatory of MUSIc. celebraled his filth birthday wilhaO' d(lC~:.1 Mr. Campbell is a graduale of Swarth­lasl Mooday afternoon from 3 105 m. are High School and Swarlhmore Col-I The decorations were carried out in Hallowe'en trend. His guests were J lege. I •• anne Boyd,. June Keighlon, Penny Mor- ,. , . Approaching.Marriage. ... row; -Polly' Told, -Geotge ~AlIeri; ··Bobby Lang, Davidson Luehring, Bobby McHen­ry, Harold Ogram Jr., Jimmy Rassweiler, and Lee Swan. Mrs. Johp Fulton . Spencer, of Rutgers avenue, entertained with ·a linen showet: for Miss Margaret Cresson, of. ' . avenue, Wednesday. evening of this w'!ek. Mrs. Joseph KablerJ of Providence Village, entertained last evening.'. a personal shower for Miss Pt:ggy. Ford, of Ridley Park, formerly of Swarth­more. The marriage of Miss Catherine :;chlilsey, daughler of Mr. Anlhony Schlilsey, of. Woodlyn/and Mr. David Rurns.ey, ·son· qf' Mr. Geotge B. Rum­sey, .6f Rutgers avenue; and the late Mr$.· : Rumsey will be performed at 2 c;>'c1ock Saturday afternoon. November U/in Ihe Church .of SI. Rose of Lima, in Eddyslone. Chester's Mrs. J. R. Kline, of. Riverview -roa~ .. entertained with a luncheon _ Wednesday afternoon. Her gue.sts wefe Mrs. Pern' Caris. of Drexel Hill; Mrs. James C~ark- • I Belli Over ALlCE FAyg..;DON AMECBB "HOLLYWOOD CAY ALCADE" With MANOR FREB PMuuNG Frida)' - Saturda)' - Mon4ay Bette Miriam DAVIS - HOPKINS "The Old Maid" WlthGBO.~ MEDIA Friday - Saturday 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' wllh Basil Rathhone Nigel Bruce Ida Lupino Alan Marshal Terry Kilburn George Zuceo Artie Shaw's Orchestra and First Run News 1889 AIaD Cart1s - stewart ....... Bus. ~eato~~p GI,-ot Eddie C~lPu- GOl.DBN JUBILEB 01 MOTION PICTURES For More Fun I Party Favors Plan now for a' ,ala Hal. lowe'en party. Plan to have plenty. of "lillie favors" that ueuall,.. "make" a party! Baskets. . . . . . . 2 for 5e Plates ....... 10e pkg. Hats . . . . . . . . . 5e each Auo Man:r Other Pan:r Suppllea "' Lo .. Co .. B. J. HOY 5 & JOc Store Park Ave. Swarthmore COAL AND co*kE FUEL OIL VAN ALEN BROTHERS Phone Sw. 10412 "So".. 0/ Us call II -. And otho. call II God". "What day. of splendor, lucid with vision, or dim with ml.ot, haze, and .mothered sunshiDe, wben the light bas an aspect of ancientness and the woodland is like an art gallery. God h. thanked for beau.,.l" -AT-STRATH HAVEN INN Swarthmore, Po. AND THE HAMILTON Norristown, Pa. You will find not only nature at ito besl, but delicioUl food at reasonable prJ.. Tel. Swwthmore 680 F. M. S,,!mr BY, Manll6" --- FOR THE SOCIAL SEASON As the season opens, we suggest your viewing of our collection of gowns suitable for all occasions. They're all the new accepted -'.·1". ,lItVls'and·thepricelare moder,.:t~.··: THE . GOWN SHOP ON PARK AVENUE SCHUSSLER'S RESTAURANT E""eIlena Food S.ea1u and Chops - Charcoal Broiled TOWNSIDP UNE AND DREXEL AVE, DREXEL BILL NOLDE & HORST STOCKINGS THREE-THREAD SHEER -11.00 SNOWDEN'S STATE STREET PHONE SW. 10,000 MEDIA II Growill DI ~ ClilAu During Firat Deauk lnterutillfl Community Fecrlul'el An interesting hiator:r of the Swarth- Schobin,ger as 1935-36 chairman bad more Dancing Class .. h!S beeD com-'lant, Mr.. Walte' .piled by Mr.. 1· 'B;' POpe. Ireasurer, M... Cvlos F. Beginning in 1930·tlirou8h the efforts helped b,.Mr •• Burton of'Mrs. Dorothy D. Jone .. Who .. DIed Mr •. Benjdtlliti Collins and Mr •• N It a need of lome de"lOCratic inexpensive Cor.e.s hared the ho.tes~ dutie.. . w social education in the Borough and 37 chaIrman wa. Mr .. Heur:r A. Piper; called logelher a group of mothe .. , the assistanl, Mr •• Walter Torpe; treas- S Assembli .. have grown sleadily from an urer and assistant, Mr •• Lyle Whitait original 165· pupils to 408 at the close and Mrs. Carlos Noyes; boste.sesr Mrs. of last season. In 1933 there were 253 Samuel M. Dodd and Mrs. Joseph S . members and in 1938 Ihere ,were 374. Bales. Mrs. J. Paul Brown headed the of .... . -.S.,;' ..? THE WOMAN'S CLUB FederatloD Meetlq Here Edith McCrae instructed the class.. commillee during 1937-38, Mrs. Guen­from 1930 until 1936. During 1931, ·1932, Iher Froebel was as.islant chairman; 1933 and part of 1934 she was assisted Mrs. Joseph B. Pope, treasurer, Mr •. by Gus Mechlen, and 1934-35 and 1935- Lyle Whit~it and Mrs. William R. J6 by Herbert Michener, who ·also o.a- Argyle, aSSIstant treasurers; Mrs. sisted Ihe new teacher,. Irene Lingo land G. E. Ullman, Mrs. F. Nlb~;~~ I Tungale when . she took over the Landon, Mrs. Robert Sheppard, "What is the American Way'" At classes in the fall of 1936. Mr. Michener e55 committee. 1938-39 was in meeting of the Delaware Counly continued a. usislanl until the fall of of Mrs. Roberl T. Bair assisled by of Women's Clubs, held in 1938 when Ruth Wilbur assumed the Mrs. Guenlher Froebel; treasurer Mrs. Swarthmore High School during , . . '. Ruth Child, of V ... .;. eagle scout, escorted Mre. Franklin velt allhe opening of the National Con­vention of Girl Scouts Mondav evtnilu"l' in f't"'1,.p., tion Hall Philadta'.,.bt. NEWS NOTES ., •• Dr. and Mr.. Of W,LSli· . l'a.,.were the. pesb . of ~r and dugbter, Mr. and ,Mn. 1.. Tone, of Wallingford Hillt, for a few days last week. Mro. Alfred P. Smalley, of. Yale a_ left Salllrda:r for a week'. viait to Ion and, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smalley, of Calonsvllle, Md. . .. Dr. Victor D. Shirer, of Rutgers Joanna Dickson was confined to nue, who was admitted to the T!:r~~~1 bed at her North Princeton avenue home Hospital, Ridley Park, the week I for Ihe last week by illne ... last for observation, underwent eration last week, and is co,.v •• le!,cir,g I nicely. Napkins . Double damask' Irish linen dinner Napkins 95 $-1.-89 22x22 •••••••••••••••• '4- - }lath Towels YOUNG CANARIES post. Ca rI d. e Mild . M Wal and aflernoon of Thursday, 0 an assistant n. ter several excellent speakers ev.,lv.11 Under Mrs. Jones, the first chairman, S~hmldt; hostess~s--Mrs. Horace Hop.. talks around this subject. _0 _In _ 00 IOdaJI PLAN'rB AND PLAN'r NOVELrDItI Smart solid colors with contrasting striped borders: Large towel. . . . . . . . 55e Mrs. William R. Main was tre~surer kIDS and ~rs. BIrney K. Morse. Mrs. ke:\'II"tell Gnest .ize. . . . . . ... 85c and Mrs. Frank Warren in charge of Charles ·Flscher, Mrs .. Rober~ Sheppard le~. ~~:"m ~v~c~:tt, of invilalions. During 1931-32 Mrs. A. S. a.n~. Mrs. ~oseph B. Pope direcled ac- , (;'rDz,er Seminary, followed, with a Wickham was chairman with Mrs. E. hVlhes durmg the 1938-39 ~eason: Cur- I . P. Yerkes. treasurer. Mrs. T. E. Hes .. rently Mrs. Ge.orge Cor~e IS chairman, uT.~e ~C::~u::: ofA=~n:uropean senbruch acled as chairman I'n 19"2.33 Mrs. Charles F. Ischer assistant and Mrs. with Mrs. E. O. Lange, treasurer.; J and W a 1t er S ch mJ dt Catholics and Protestants for Peace J treasurer. Amity in the World" was the topic the addition of four more members, In 1935 a group of high school jun- lected by Robert A. Ashworth, Chenille Spreads Mrs. Alfred Gary White, Mrs. Arthur iors and seniors helped select Ihe or· Rabbi William H. Fineschriber of ~~~:I Heavy ribs of chenille Milchell, ~rs. Leroy Mercer! and Mrs. cheslra and olherwise parl!cipale~ in adelphia, and Mr. Reginald D.' 1 p, M. Saturday, Oct. in slunning patterns, Harold Griffin, to Ihe commIttee .. 1933- Ihe plans of Ihe AssemblieS. Mmor of New York, members of the National POLLOCK ESTATE, WAWA solid colors ........... '3.95 34 saw Mrs. Allal,1 Thorn, cha1rman, changes. have ~een made to keep the Conference of Christians and Jews. The Mrs. Harry L. MdlerJ treasurer, and classes Interestmg and up-to-date for was in the· form of a trio Household. IQOdI:-Bot Point elecrtrlc atove. Th Linen Shop Mrs. Seymour RUlherford, hostess. Swarlhmore children ranging from sev- during the aflernoon ses- ~~ =. "':!::'''.i~ 1ll8torlc bell, e chairman. 1934-35 Mrs:' John Marshall, enlh grade Ihrough high school, KrlDcklollO furw~ 00= m= Charlotte M. Mocmds III ClIoqe chairman, was assisted by ·J4:rs. Burton the eve~ increasing popularity of. the Mrs. A. L. Ventner, of the Swarth- plough, harrow. elecirla motor, ~ B. T. PATTBB80N Faee dodu ........ 15e Wool Comforts Lovely celanese rayon covering in beautiful 95 colors ••••.••••••••••• '5, _ B1'BBB'r FRANK & SEDERS SACRIFICE SAl,E Richardhs, Ireasurher! and MMr•. WG alter Assembhes attest Mrs. Jones' foreSIght Club, accompanied the stale song; ~=.Of the ODe that Wok the Worlds FaIr IS°lpeSll W;:b:uBteD!Sllpt.t James, ostess c airman. rs. eorge ten years ago. Rev. David L. Braun, of the rian Church, gave the invocatiopnr '; eMsrbs.y te-I;~~~~~~~:f:trstt oro:aWd ~1t.8I~t -of: _:~Ph:U"a.: d]k~~;P;E~N~an~ta~d~le~r ~06~H~ ~ WASP WAISTS IN THE MAKING Roland L. Ealon, local club presidenl, sips to MIl. WD- 1 C\~~~~(;#,~'<:I'<;;I'<;;I'<;;I'Ql'Ql'" and Supervising Principal Frank R. MO-: rey made welcome addresses. "Pulling the Old Ship In" further evidences "we've sot rhythm" II! local women usemble for adult croup body mechaniee. "Forward, Balance, Return" Lasl Friday afternoon Mrs. Wosley N. Clifford entertained the Friday Lun­cheon Club al luncheon at the Ingle· nellk, followed by an aflernoon of bridge at her home on South Chester road. Other members of the Club are Mrs. V. S. Bishop, Mrs. John R. Browlnelll.1 'Mrs. Joseph Geer, Mrs. William . Johnson, Mrs. John Ledoux, Mrs. Geors:cl Jr. Llteratnre See.ion Them,. The first meeting of the Literature Section of the Swarthmore Junior Club was held al Ihe home of Ruth H. Clewell. 227 Benjamin West avenue, Tuesday, October 24. at 8 P. M. Sketchers Become Models McCracken, Mrs. C. M. C. Lewis. f f J. Horace Walter, Mrs. Sargent "'.It .. r i The photo..-apher comes ace 10 ace Miss Frances White, of Swartlnnore, with artists engrosaed in reproducing Mrs. Thomas Downes, of Springfield. their model, and pulls a fa!;!t one on them, catehiq Eleanor Sehorey, lelt, Mrs. Edward Everett Pierce Jr., and Mildred Bond, full view. York with her son Edward, the : has been' visiting her parents, Dr. Mrs. William H. Ward, of Strath i Mrs. ,William T. Ellis, of Walnllt Haven avenue, entertained her Duplicate this week. Bridge Club Monday afternoon, Oeto- Mrs. Marvel Wilson. of Siralh Ha· ber 16 al Ihe Wilmington Country Club 'ven avenue, entertained with a lun~ with ~ luncheon. Mrs. Fred R. Wilson, cheon and bridge Wednesday afternoon, of Walnut lane, and Mrs. Edith Cuska~ I October 25. den, of Park avenue, accompanied Mrs. Mrs John E. Gensemer, of Vassar Ward. A~ve are '! felf of the couple~ who, nue, e~tertained with a neighborhood realize there. no excnse for belllC a . on Wednesday of last week in honor Mr. Frederick Lar.g, of Maple avenue, waU :Dower now when it'. 80 much fun . M W J Blackman of the H ... ", .. d I has returned home after spending six to brush up on your social danA~nf A::~x ';"h~se home on' Vassar avenue weeks in Toledo, Ohio. and learn the latest .teps al u I . .' mplel'lon ,_ ' .' Night nearing co . . • Mrs. George P. Tucker, of Wash,ins:-! NEWS NOTES ton, D. C., is visiing her duaghter, Mrs. James H. Hornaday, of Dickinson Miss Pearl Bastian, of Swarthmore nue, for a short time. avenue, entertained her Beaver College I Among the members of the I~nt::i; i hridge club with a dessert bridge Wed-I Lridge 'club which met at the nesday evening. Chester road home of Mrs. Be~~~~j; I H . f W Collins Friday are: Mrs. E. .~{~. and Mrs. Henry R. arns, a I M~rcer Mrs. William H. Thatcher, Dlckmson avenue, have returned from a J h M' h II M s Charles "',h,a:~~_e~'1 f ortm•g h t' s stay . L k PI ·d N Y Ion ars a , ..: r . : 111 a e ael, ., 1 Ell ood 'Garrett and Mrs. G. Mrs. Robert A. Newton, of Kenyon d" rs·C w avenue, entertam. ed wi. th a Iu nc h eon Wed- ~e~riir~esis~o~n~.i ii,,~~ijii;j.1 lIesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Michael, of Park avenue, entertained with a dinner party last evening. ~fr. and ~Irs. George F. Corse enter­tained a pitch in supper group Friday evening at their home on Yale avenue. MRs. PECKERMANi Is Now Located at 312 DARTMOUTH AVE. For Dr"".rruJdng and Alterafio ... oj Dr"",,,,, CALLAND DELIVER' .. PItoae Sw. 1498 COSTUMES - WIGS FALSE FACES Ballowe"en ueeoratloDS C. M. MARSH ut!UU ShoP I' s. ClMRr Bd .. Variety 0/ Chrysanthemums Assortment 0/ Potted Plants " : ,. . George R. Deruson Sproul and Beatty Bds. Springfield . CliJi Mediii1778:W :;":' . -, . Have You Tried The Town's New Tailor? JOIN THOSE WHO HAVE AND KNOW GO'ITLIEB'S Satl./aclo,.,. Service in E"er:r Una 0/ Tallon ... 10 Park Avenue, Swarthmore The Tempting Treat They're Waiting'For How they'll shout when you set this flavorful Pumpkin Pie before them! Yes, and they'll think you made. it yourself because it tastes so '''home- . made". Serve it after din· ner, too! It's always good! Chocolate Malted Milk Layer Cake, . ,ea. S5e Beehive Cake ..... ea. 29c Cinnamon Bnns . . doz. 27 c . Angel Food ~qnare8, ea. S9c With fresh cocoariut topping. Fresh Fruit Pies ... ea. 25c Red tart cherry or blueberry. IEnlRFOOD "T"I Pumplcin PIE Gokien brown •. flaky WId tender I Serves 4 or 5 people. . 15c each 9• 9• ,

---------- Page 18 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 THE SW Pra'nklS' h Pixies Preen Prettily l:a?~I~:~~:~~~I::~Il~~:';:e:ilil~:s'hBre:~~:;r'so~::' 01 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. For Part:es Pr:or 'flo Deter Dan 01 Wesldale :'avenue and South II .., ~ j .c I .c I road, is wed to ~fr; _Robert P. Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Leonard, of \\liitnington, at llal1owc'cn gail'ly characterizes many 11lIldH:ol~s. a.nd social, func- o~c1ock Saturday morning, tions; Swarthmore youths gain IHonlil~ence in actiVIties of theIr col- 11. The marriage will b~ perf?rmed in l~ocs' shO\\"l'IS necur for prospcctiyc hrldes but nOlle descend to quench chapel of Notre Dame In IO?lana. M.T. b . , . Thomas E. Leonard, of Chicago, will the flaming colon .. of the October landscape. I he best man for his brother. A wed- Chuhby Andl's will entertain a group TS Oil, ~ I 1.\ n Im ore; A.'I r:. Charlcs Bazzolli'l ding breakfast at Palmer House in of fourlt:t.·n hays with a dcsscrt party of \\ alhngford thUs, Mrs. \V. F. G. Chicago will follow the ceremony. at his home (lll Rutgcrs avenue before Swann, )Irs. E. L. )Iercer. ami )'lrs. F. , •• the perfurma1lcI..' nf "Pcter Pan" at tbe \V. 1.uehring, of Swarthmore. Taylor-Cover Playcrs Cluh on Saturday afternoon. born Tuesday night at the Philadelphia Lying-In Hospital. 11 r. and 11 rs. Alfred Hoadley. 01 Hyattsville, Md., arc being congratu- OCTOBER 27 1939 lated upon the birth of' a 's~ri, 'Steven Everett Hoadley, born Tuesday morn~ lng. 1frs. G~orge A. Hoadley, of Wal­Ilut lane,. the baby's grandmother, has bt'CIl spcnding the week in Hyattsville and will return home Sunday. Do Yoa Know The Sure Cure for aD7 Auto Trouble? Call 440 Tire. 'flr •• f... _leo RUSSELL'S SERVICE Dartmouth and Lalarelle A ..... "We Don't Bell cars- We Senice Them." ),1 iss )largard Price, of Rose Valley, is l'ntcrtailling with a thcatre party to­morrow for the Pbycr's Club produc­t iun of .. Peter Pan." ~Ir. and Mrs. H.ussel1 Heath, of Cedar Miss Hobcrta (o\'er, daughter of Mr. UNUSUAL PICTURE FRAMING lanc, entertained with a huffet suppcr and ~Irs. A, B. Covcr, of Elkton, Va., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturda\' evclling. Their guests were Mr. became the hride of Godfrey N. 'fay-and )I;s. A. Prescott \Villis and 1-1r. lur, SOil of Mrs. John N. Taylor, of A"lhur Armstrong. 01 Swartll1llure; ~[r. Yale avenlle, al a ceremony perlormed CALICO COTTAGE AUTUMN SALE all(1 )lrs. Mar~hall ~mith. and ~Ir. and ,·,1 Ihe hOllle of the bride's parents Sat- . 0 d Sh :Mr. ami )'lrs. I{~JI)('rt 1·1. Rnd. of ~Irs. D. A. Prouty, of )Iedia; ~lr. aU( I urday at noon. :\trs, 'raylor and her All Antique .... urniturc and Glass.n ul our op Swarlhmore ;tn.·lllle, and )'Ir. and )Irs. ~Irs. Charll's S\..'1tzl'r, of R.ose Valle?'; daughter, Miss Martha Taylor; ~Ir. At 20% Discount Until No. 1st ~lakoll11 IicJlig\..': ?{ St~ath Haven ~~'c-I a~'~l ~~ r. ,and ~Irs. Juhn ~lcKlrdYJ of Rtd- and ~lrs. Fred 'ray lor, of Springfield; ftIRS. 1\1. C. GARWOOD Baltimore Pike, Swarthmore mil'. arc l'llkrtaliling wtth a lIal1o\\e CI1 It.) I.lrk. I and ! and Mrs. Jackson Taylor, of ~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~ parl\' t011wrrO\\' c\'l'ning: at the I{ccd I 1 Chester Heights, tra\'e!ed to Virginia hOIll~" I{oht'rt I )daplainc, . son of. Mr. and! to attend the wedding. .. ....... _ ... _______ .. _ .. _ .. ___________________ .. __ .. ___ .. ___ ... ),1 rs. f.~alph Ashton Nixdorf, of Y:llc ),1 rs .. I{o), \V. 1>elaplame, of Cornell a\"e-I 'rhe. youn.g ~ouple will make their an'llUl", will entertain with a Hallo\\'e 1'1l 1Il~t'. IS a l!lembe,r o,f !he Glce r Cl~h at l hOllle III \VlluuugtOIl, Del. ma . .;qw .. 'radl' party 011 ~l(ll1(lay aftl'n10011 \\ offord Collegt.', ~p<lftanhurg, ~: C., • I • for ht'r daughter. Elizabeth. and also has been llle:dged Kappa Sigma. Births Captain and ~Jrs, (;t'orge J. Logan, <:i. . ~ Cornell avenue and Captain <111(1 ~lrs. I!.. )'lIss Catherine I'ussell, daUghter. 01 1 ),1 1 ),1 . \Villiam D Taylor of Grafton Carlisle Jr of ~luhlel1hurg ave- )11'. and )'lrs. ~1ilton 1-1. Fussell, of Elm C ~ r. a.nll' 'p'" b'· . gr~tul~ted < .. " I .. I C II College \Vat oateS\'1 e, a., arc emg con nue will attend a Halluwe en partv 0 'I avcnuc, a JUl110r a 0 >y ,- II I' II 01 a IJaby daughter Ju- , .. . - '11 'I I . I ltd b' TI' upon le:)lr 1 , the 103 OhSt'natlO1l Anahon Squadron·ll·n·t e, J.\ e., 1<1.s 1eel1.e ~c e y IC dith bom at the Coatesville Hospital on of the Philadelphia Airport tomorrow· \\'ulIlen's Athlctlc AssOclatlOl1 as hockey O. 'b' 13 e\·cning. 1 l'apta11. 1 I or tIIe ens'u111 g year. elo cr . Xancy Foster Snow and Stephen Hopkins Snow. of \ValJingford, will cntertain with a Hallowe'en parly at their homc ~(ollday aftc:rnoon. The ] lob Gublin, the Butter and Cream \\"oman anti 'fhl.' Stocking Lad)' arc expected to put in their annual ap­Mr. and )'Irs, Harry Andrews, Jr., of ).ris!> COI!stancc ~ I-I~g, daughter of )'Ir. North Chester mad, are being congrat­and )'Irs. Ern~st .1 .... Beg, of ~orth Ches- ulated upon the birth of all eight and a ter .road, a Jrunu:,I' at IE1!1l.1fa COllleg l,e'l half pound hahy girl, LYllne Cameron, Eln11ra, N. \., IS a C 13lrman 0 tIe C'==============='ii Ticket Committee for the ut1l1ual Junior i Prom to be held NO\'emher to as a part uf thc JUllior \\'eck-end Festi,·ities. ~liss! I.-!l'g is also vice-p~cs~dcnt of the Student I (;O\'erl1l11el1t ASSOCtatlUll. ! pearance. ~Ian' An11 Hook, (If \Vestdale 3\'C­nuc. h;lS invited friends to her home for a Hanowe'en party 011 ).londay e\"Cning. • I • Engagement I ~Irs. Albt.·rt Schoff. of Swarthmore . r annul', atHl ~Ir:-. \V. Henry I.illt()l~ .. ~~il ),11'. and l\.frs. \Valt~r S.- J~llles, of \::~~e! Bcnjumin \Vest a\'l'nue, arc entertatlllllg, <l\'t'nue, announce thc eng.lgcment of. tl}clr I with a party tomorrow e\'ellill~ for their I daughter, Janel )Iarga~'ct, to \VI.1hm!1 {lalJ~dlter and SOli, Jane Scholl and Jack \urtiss Caml.bell, s,!11 01 )Irs. Leslie (,..: Linlon. at the Linton humc. (amphdl. of Ha\'erlonl avenue, i NEWS·MAGAZINES Are a. necessary addition to your reading table. PATHFINDER .................. $l.OQ CURRENT HISTORY ••.•...•.• $3.00 NE\VS WEEK •• _ ••••••••••••••• $4.~ TilE NATION .................. $5.00 THE NEW' REPUBLIC .......... $5.00 TII\IE ••••.••••••••• _ ••. ' .•• ' .••• $5.00 LIFE ........................... $3.50 MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN SW. 2080 Subscriptions for ALL l\Jagazines Donald Taylor Ogranl. son of 1(r. an:1 Mrs. Harold Ogram, of l{ivcl"\'il'w mat!, ceh·hratcd his fifth hirthday with a party last ).Ionuay afternoon from 3 to 5 o'dock. Thc decorations were carried out in CI Hallowe'l'n trem!' His gucsts were J 0- anne Boyd, June Kcighton, Penny ~lor­TOW, Polly Told. Gl'orgc Allen, Bohhy Lang, D.wi(i..;oll I.uehring, Bobby )lcl·lcn· "y, Harold Ogram Jr., Jimmy H.assweiler, amI Lee Swan. )'Iiss Jame:i is a g-raduate ~f the~ ~Iary I 1 VOIl School attended Hollins College, V~., and is n~w a scnior at thc Philadc1-I!~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~1 pilla Conservatory 01 ~ll1slc. r ~[r. Camphell is a graduate of Swarth-' ~Irs. John Fulton Spencer. of Rutgen ;l\·I..'IlUe, entertaitll'd with a linen sl1C'wt~i for lli55 )'Iarg<lrct Crcsson, of Amherst annul', \Vcclnest!ay e\'~nillg of this \\'I~l'k. ~I r:". Joseph Kahler, of Prm·idcl1ce \"illage, l·lItl·rt<linc(l last c,'ening with a personal si1mvl'r for )'li% p('gg), Ford,l oj I{idky Park, iOflUl'fly ui Swarth-: mon:. '\lrs. J. I":. Kline. oi RiH'ryil'\\' road. enll-rtaillnl \yil!1 a luncheon \\' cdlll'sday aill:l"ll()(j11. liel" guestj were )1 rs. Perry Cari:-, of Drexel Hill; )'Irs. J,uncs Clark- MANOR FREE PARKING , i mure High SdlOOI alld Swarthmore Col­legc. • • Apl,roaching Marriage I "] hc m,lrrm. ge oi. '4\I 'IS S C a II lerm. e II Schlitsl''', daughter of 1\-1r. Anthony Schlitse;', of \Voodlyn, and ~fr. David Rumsey, SOil of Mr. George B. Rum­S(')" oi Rutgers aVCllUC, and the late 1 ),1 rs. RUlllscv will he pcrformed at 2 o'clock Sahl~da)' afternoon, November I 11 , ill the Church of SI. }{ose of Lima, i, in Eddystone. I Chester's Most Distinctive Theatre • I Held Over ALICE FAYE-DON AMECHE "HOLLYWOOD CAY ALeADE" with Alan Curtis - Stewart Erwin Buster Keaton-George Givot Eddie Collins For More Fun! Party Favors I'lan now for a gala lIal­lowe'en party. Plan to have plenty of Hlittle favors" that usually "make" a party! Baskets. Plates Hats. 2 for 5c IOc pkg. 5c each Also Many OIIIN Pari,. Supplies ar LOI(' CmJ' AUTU~IN ~IAGIt:: "Some 0/ us call it autumn, And others call it God"_ "What days of splendor, lucid with vision, or dim with mist. haze, and ;mothered sunshine. when the light has an aspect of ancientness and the woodland is like an art gallery. God be thanked for beauty!" STRATH HAVEN INN Swarthmore, Pa. -AT-AND THE HAMILTON Norristown, Pa. You wHi fin,1 not only nature at its best, but delicious food at reasonable prices Tel. Swarthmore 680 F. M. SCHEIBLEY, ftlanaser ----_._-_._ ... _-_ .... ._---_ .... ----------_ ... _-_ .. _--------------------------- .----GOWNs FOR THE SOCIAL SEASON ~ the season opens, we suggest your viewing of our collection of gowns suitable for all occasions. They're all the new accepted styles and the prices are moderate. THE GOWN SHOP ON PARK AVENUE I", II I": ~! il i I • i , •,, , • a! Fdd;~,;,:aturd;~irh~,::nd'Y I B. J. HOY SCHUSSLER~S RESTAURANT .,. DAVIS-HOPKINS , ! GOLl)ElV JUBILEE 5 & 10c Store Excellelll Food Sfeaks alld Chops-Charcoal Broiled "J'IIe Old Muid" I '1 1889 01 1939 :" TOWNSHIP LINE AND DREXEL AVE. DREXEL IIlLL 'I ~~~~W~ith~ G~EO~. B~REN~T ~~~: Park Ave. Swal'lhnlore ~;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ I~MOTlOl~V PICTU~RES r~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :; MEDIA I ,I COAL ,<O~ -.JERSA.1"I{I)"y Frillay - Saturday "The Adventures of Sherlock HoImes~ with BUliil Rathhune Nif!e1 Bru('c Lupino Alan Marshal Terry Kilhurn George Zucco Artie Shaw's Orchestra and First Run News Now Playing H 1I0neYlllonn ill Ralin Fred MacMurray l\ladelelne Carroll Allan Jones Sunday and Monday 'They Gave Him a Gunt II AND I co*kE 1 . [IFUEL OIL I I • ! , I I I 1 VAN ALEN BROTHERS Phone Sw. 10412 NOLDE & HORST STOCKINGS THREE·THREAD SHEER - $1.00 SNOWDEN'S STATE STREET PHONE SW. 10,000 MEDIA , I' , i: OCTOBER 27, 1939 THE SW ARTHMOREAN Gro""h 01 Dancing Classes During Firs' Decade Interesting Community Fea'ure N An interesting history of the Swarth- Schobinger as 1935-36 chairman had an more Dancing Classes has been com- assistant, Mrs. Walter Thorpe; the piled by Mrs. ]. B. Pope. Ireasurer, Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes, was E Beginning in 1930 through the efforts helped by Mrs. Burton Richards, and otf Mrs. Dorothy D. Jones, who sensed Mrs. Benjamin Collins and ~1:rs. George it need of some democratic inexpensive Corse shared the hostess duties. 1936.. W social education in the Borough and 37 chairman was Mrs. Henry A. Piper; t.allcd together a group of mothers. the assistant, Mrs. Wijlter Torpe; treas­Assemblies have grown steadily from an urer and assistant, Mrs. Lyle Whitsit original 165 pupils to 408 at the close and ~lrs. Carlos Noyes; hostesses, Mrs. s . ,1 last season. In 1933 there were 253 Samuel M. Dodd and Mrs. Joseph S. members and in 1938 there were 374. Bates. Mrs. J. Paul Brown headed the of THE WOMAN'S CLUB Federation Meeting Here Edith McCrae instructed the classes committee during 1937-38, Mrs. Guen­€ rom 1930 until 1936. During 1931, 1932, ther Froebel was assistant chairman, 1933 and part of 1934 she was assisted ~Irs. Joseph B. Pope, treasurer, Mrs. by Gus Mechlen, and 1934-35 and 1935- Lyle Whilsit and Mrs. William R. ,~6 by Herbert Michener, who also as .. Argyle. assistant treasurers; Mrs. H.o­sisted the new teacher,· Irene Lingo land G. E. Ullman, 1\(rs. F. Norton Tungate when she took over the Landon, 1I.lrs. Robert Sheppard, host~ "\Vhat is the American \Vay?" At the \.·Jasses in the fall of 19.16. Afr. Michener e5S committee. 1938-39 was in charge fall meeting of the Delaware County Fed­.,' ontinued as assistant until the fall of of Mrs. Robert T. Bair assisted by eration of \\'omen's Cluhs, held in the 1938 when Ruth \\'iIlmr assumcd the )[rs. Guenther Froebcl; treasurer Mrs. Swarthmore High School during the post. Carl de ).(011 and assistant Mrs. \\'alter morning and aftcrnuon of Thursday, Oc- U d 'I J I fi I' Schmidt· hostesses-~Irs Horace Hop- toller 19. se\'cral cxcellent 51)eakers evo1v~ II er .i.\ rs. ones, t Ie rst c 13lrman,.' .. • I I' Ik d I' . I'· R 'Irs. William R. Main was treasurer killS and ~Irs. Birney K. Morse. ~[rs. e( t lelr t~a s aroun t 115 su ))cct. ev. .' I 'I F k W . I 1 Charles Fischcr )'Irs Robert Sheppard I Georgc 1'. Conncr gavc the keynote ;,11(. ..n' r s. Dran ' 1a9r3r1e n3 21 0' 1c largAe 0S aI nd. )'lrs Josep,h B. .Pop.e .dIr ected ac- !'I'cel' I I'" \\"11' R '! " I Ih ll\'ltattollS. unllg ~.l\' rs. . . 1. \.1.:\. I lam ..\ c ... utt, 0 e <. • ..... ! C 5'. f II . I . I Ik . kl I . . I 'I . tl\'llIes duriul7 the 19'8-39 season Cur- rozcr L'tlllnar), 0 O\\C(, Wit 1 a ta \\'IC lam was c 13lrmall Wit 1 l\ rs. E.. f">.... : "'1'1 ' B k d I I I' !'. Y erk es. trca..., urer. 'nI rs. T . E' . .<[" I es- rent IJ" 1Irs' George Corse is chairman un It: ac groun sot Ie .urollean '1 C . ·....C . A J. ,cn I) rueI 1 acted as c Ila·l rman 1.1 1 1932 -33" ~ [rs Cha..r les F• ischer assistant and Mrs "cr lSIl s.I ' do oIp'e ratl.o n I monIg' e\H,I .' 'I E 0 L d "'alter ~cll1U1dt, treasurer. at 10 lCS an fotestants or eaee am \\Ith 1\ r.s., . . ange, treasurer an " Amih' in the \Vorld" was the tOllic ~e- Eseorts First Lady I Dr. and Mrs. Max Hootman, of Wash­ington, Pa., were the guests of their SOil-ill-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ruth Child, of Vassar avenue, eagle Gcorge L. Tone, of \\'allingiord Hills, scout, escorted Mrs. Franklin D. Roose- for a few days last week. velt at the opl'fling of the National Con- \'cntkm of Girl Scouts Mondav {'-venin'" Mrs. Alfred P. Smalley, of Yale ave .. III ("'-'l" •• , 1 ';on Hall. Philach·lnh;;t nue, left Saturday for a week's visit to I her 5011 and daughlcr·in-Iaw, ~(r. and NEWS NOTES ~Irs. Everett 5n13l1e)" 01 Calonsville, ~Id. Dr. Victor D. Shirer, of Rutgers a\'e­nue, who was admitted to the Taylor Hospital, Ridlcy Park, the week bciore Joanna Dickson was confined to hl'lI at her North Princeton avenue home for the last wl.'ek by illness . la s t f or oh~ cn' a t ion, u nd e rwen t on e op - ~~"":ovo:>~"":ovoe>.f!:>~V::V~,t;o,J!;'J) eration la~t week, and is convalescing nicely. $1.39 American Raised YOUNG CANARIES Guaranteed to sing In 90 days PLANTS AND PLANT NOVELTIES FRANK & SEDERS PET SHOP 69th STREET SACRIFICE SALE Napkins Dou ble damask Irish 1) linen dinner Napkins 95 ~ 2Zx22 ................ $4· D .Bath Towels Smart solid colors with con trasting striped borders: Large towel. . ..... 55e Guest size. . . . ..... S5e Face doths. . . . 15e Wool Comforts Lo\'c!\' celanese rayon coverlug in beautiful colors ................ $5.95 !he additIOn of fou~ .more members, . In 1935 a ~roul> of 11Igh school Jun- Icctc(i hy Rubert .-\. Ashworth, D.O., \1 ~s. Alfred Gary \\ lute, Mrs. Arthur IlOrs and selllors helped selc.c~ the o~- Hahbi \\'iIliam H. Fineschriber, of Phil­\! ltc1I ' deIlG' ~fftrs. Lerol}' Mercer! and I~9!3r3s. clhcstral and 10Ihen",.'e pabrll.'clPated III adelphia. and ~Ir. Reginald D. Kenncdy. 1 P. lU. Saturday, Oct. 28 Ilaro fI 111, to t le comlluttce, - tIe l' ans 0 the ,""sseln ICS. ~[lIlor I IN'" k I s 01 Ille N'al,' Ilal Chen.iIle Spreads Hea v\' ribs of chenille in stunning patterns, .1-t saw 1\Irs. AI I3 1.1 T horn, c Il at. rman, changes. han! l~een made to keep the 0C on.lf eefwel lcleo ro f • CIlhlerlilsl tliearn s and Jews. uT he POLLOCK ESTATE ' WAWA solid colors .......... $3.95 :\1 rs. Harry L, ).(Iller, trcasurer. and classes mterest11lg and up-to-date for I' talk was presented in the form of a trio 1 Household goods:-Hot Point electric stove, TIle Ll·1len Shop \1 rs. Se"ll1our Rutherford. hostess Swarthmore children ranging from sev- . I' I ft s.s I garden tools. antiques, large hLstorlc bell. t • • '.,. Stoll. grindstone, furniture, chestnut pools, Cbarlotte 1\1. McCurdy in Charge ':l~atrl1lan. was asststed hy Mrs. Burtonlthe c\'c~ IIlcn'aslIlg populan,ty of .thel )'Irs. A. L. \'entllt'r, of the Swarth- plough. harrow. electric motor, mtrror H.T. PATTERSON i~lchanl~, trl'asurer! and ).(rs. Walter i :\s:;cmhhes attest ~[rs. Jones foreSIght more Cluh. ~Iccompanied the state song; (copy of the one that took the World's Fair Open Wl!dnesday Evenings lamc' hostess chamllan. Mrs. George' ten "cars ago. I. prIze). 1318 Walilut St • < ., - l{C\'. 1>a\'ld L. Braun. of the Prcsbyte- Follow Baltimore pike to Wawa railroad • WASP WAISTS IN THE MAKING rian Chun·h. gavc the invocation; )1 rs. brldJ;'e and turn left at first road west of (f PhUa. PENnypacker 0691 Rol- 11<1 I F'lton local cluh I)resident I brldJ;'e and follow sale signs to I\lrs. \V1I- A _ ~ J\ cl •.•• • , lIam Pollock Estate ,~~~~ _ ~ and SUFcnisillg- PrindlJaI Frank R. ~lo- rr~~~~~~·~"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~~~~' ~~;~"""'~"""''''''''~''''''''''''''~''''''f''''~~iI rey ma(k' welcome addresses. .- j Jr. Literature Seclion Tuesday Thl' tir:-t meeting" of the Literature Section of the Swarthmorc Junior ClUb was held at the home of Ruth I-I. Clcwdl, 227 RCl1jamill \Vcst avcnue, Tuesday, October 24, at 8 P. ~1. Skelehers Become Models ~~puning Ihe Old Shil' In" further evidences "we've got rhythm" as local women assemble for aduh group body mechanics. ""Forward, Balance, Return" Last Friday afternoon ~Irs. \Yesley N. Clifford entertained the Friday Lun­cheon Cluh at IUl1cheoll at the Illgle~ ner.k, followed hy an afternoon of bridge at her home un South Chester road. Other members of the Club are )'lr5. J. \-'. S. Bishol), ~lrs. John R. BrowlIell. ).Irs. J05eph Geer. ~Irs. \Villiam T. I Johasun. ~Irs. J(lhn I.edoux, )'frs. George ~IcCracken. )'1r.'i. C. ~I. C. Lewis, )lr5. f iJ. Horace \Vaher, ~Irs. Sargent \Valter'l1?e pho.tographer ('om?s face 10 ~ue I )'liss Frances \Vhite, oi Swarthmore, and 'I 'nth artists engrossed III rt'llroduclng ~Irs. Thomas Downes, of Sllri:lgticld. thcir model, and pulls a. Cnst one on I ' ~' Ihem, catching Eleanor Schorey, lefl, ~Jrs. Edward E"('r~tt I terce Jr .. 0'£ and Mildred Bond, full ,,'jew. York. with her son blward. the tlnrh. _._. ____ _ has heen "lsttmg hcr parellt~. Dr, and ~[r~. \Villiam H. \Vanl, of Strath :\lrs. \Villiam T, Ellis, of \\'ahmt l.aue, I·tanll a\'CllUC', entertain cd hcr Duplicate 1 ~ this week. Bridgc Club ~Ionday aftcrnoon, OctO-I )Irs. ~[an'r1 \Vilson, of Strath I-Ia- ht.'f 16. at the \Vihnington Country Club \'Cll a\'t'lllle, entertaint.·d with a lun- with a luncheon. ~I rs. Fn.'(~ I.~. \Vilson,! cheoll and bridgc \\'ednesday afternoon, of \\'alnut laue, and )orrs. Echth Cuska~ Octobcr 25, de.n, (lj Park anllue. accompanied ~[rs'l \lun'c al'c a few of the coul.les who I )'Irs. John E. Gcn:,emer, of Va:isar avc- \\ ard. r"alize lh('re~s no excuse for being a hall Rower now when it's so nluch fun In hrush Ull on your social dancing ;lml learn the tatest steps 01 Adult .\' i#:ht. 1l1le, entcrtained \dth a neighborhood tea Oil \\'edllesda\' of last week ill honor of )[ rs. \V, J. 'B1arkman, of the Han'anl Annex, who:>e home 011 Vassar avenUe is I~ea .. ing l'ompleti(JIl. ~f L Fredefick, of :\1:tpll' awnue. has returncd home after spending six weeks in Toledo. Ohiu. NEWS NOTES ~Irs. Ccorgc P. Tucker, of \\'a:ihing4 :11- tOil. D. c.. i~ "isiing her ciuaghter. ~lrs. 'II James 1-1. Ilornaday, of Dickinsl)\l avc- ::: .\Iiss Pearl Bastiall, of Swarthmorc I IllH.,. f..I1· a sl1l11"1 time. ::;1 "·,:11 ttl'. cntcl"tained hel" lleaver College, '\nH,ng thl' llIemht.·rs oi the luncheon-I :'1 .. l·id~l'. d~l~). with a clt.-~sert hridge \Ved-:; ridgc cluh which Ill?t a~" the ~or~h I :.::1 "d.l) C\ ClUng. Chestcr rHad hOlllc 01 )'It:.. BeIlJ.lI1111l :'!I J I '. I ,,- Collins Fridm' al"e: )1 rs. E. 1.eRoy )1 \1r. and ~Irs, l-il'lI!'y R . arns. (),' "1 . \\"1'1' 1.1 l'l,alcl,cr ~Irs Iii . k' I I ! ~:l'rl'er -, r!>. I lam . • ,",' ,t' 'l'I1s.on avellue. , hIa "ke rePtIu nl.l .I'( rOI11 a. J' ~1'1 II 'I' CI,arlc' Thatcher v \. . 01111 .. , ar!> m , .\ r~. s , "rtmght s sta\" III ,a'e aCl{, 1... .' I'll I l' r "t a",1 ~!rs C \Var- \ I I"~S . Rober-t :\. X• ewloll, ot• nyOI1 .. Ir"s,'' WOI)( .ar l:. • ." . .. I I \\' I dcr (rl'sson. '-, l'llllC ent~rtamed with a tllle Jean ' C( - =i.Ii!~~' "\'~day' afternoull of last week. i :\Ir. and ~Irs. John E. Michael, of; hlrk 3n!lllle, entertained with a dinller ; '1I"!y la~t l'\'cning. \11". awl :\Ir~. l~t'tlrg~' F. ('\lI'~l' t'llter­: ilh'tl a llitl'il ill ~uPI~er gnmp Friday '\~'Ilillg at their homc on Yale a\"l~JlUl'. MRS. PECKERMAN COSTUMES - WIGS FALSE FACES Hallowe'en Decorations VClriety of ChrysIUltlwmllms Assortmellt of Potted Plullts = . .",.,-, : Have Y Oft Tried The Town's New Tailor? JOIN THOSE WHO HAVE AND KNOW GOTTLIEB~S Salis/actory Sen'ice in Every Line 0/ Tailoring 10 Park Avenue, Swarthmore The Tempting Treat They're Waiting For How they'll ~hout when you sct this flavorful Pumpkin Pie hefol'e Ihem ! Yes, and they'll think YOll made it yourself because it tastes so "home· made". Serve it after diu· ncr, too! It's always good! Chocolate l\IaltClI Milk Layer Cake. Beehive Cake .ea. 35e . ea. 29(' Cinnanlolt Buns doz. 27 c Angel Foo(1 ~qllares, ea. 3ge With fresh cocoanut topping. F ... ·slt Fruit Pies. . ca. 25c Red tart cherry or blueberry. Pumpkin PIE Golden brown .. flaky and tenderl Serves 4 or 5 people. 25c each ~ • ~ • Is Now Located at :H2 DARTMOUTH AVE. C. ~I. ~IARSII Utility Shop 19 S. Chester Rd. i; George R. Denison i: , BEnER FOOD . COMPLETE ), Sproul a~d Beatty Rds, , ! FOR. THE TAiLE FOOD MAR.KET For Dressmaking and A.lterations of Dresses CALL AND DELIVER Phone Sw. 1498 .. t: S]Jrmgfield Ii' - ' . ,I Call1\ledia 1778-W I Chester Road at Rutgers Avenue-Route 320-Swarthmore; Pa. ;~~ __ ~ _____ ... _J : Phone - Swarthmore 2100

---------- Page 19 ----------

- 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN ocroBn 27, 1939' October In The 31 College Field 6:45 P.M. House Sponsored by The Swarthmore Business Association All S~arthmore Masqueraders IroDl year 01 age to xoo years 01 age are iDvited to 10iD the Annual CODllnunity Rallo~e'eD Parade The members of the Business Men's Association who sponsor this parade: E. M. Buchuer H. B. Green Hannum & Waite Harris & Co. The Hollyhock Shop Ingleneuk Tea Room Joseph's Barber Shop Martel Bros. Swarthmore Nat. Bank & Trust Co. Michael's College Pharmacy Media Drug Edward Noyes Charles Russell Shirer's Drug Store Suplee Hardware Strath Haven Inn Peter E. Told A. P. Smalley Harold Ogram Dew Drop Inn W. Kimmel & Son Geo. Mitro & Sons Clifford Rumsey C. M. Marsh Adolph's Barber Shop Vanity Box Tot·Ta Shop Lilly Ann Shop Gown Shop Co·Ed Railway Express Jake the Tailor Alice BarJ»er, Gifts B. J. Hoy, 5 & 10 Bouquet Beauty Salon The Wheel American Stores, H. Foster, Mgr. Also Sponsor The Fourth of July Games and Entertainment The Christmas Lighting of the Business Section The Children's Easter Egg Hunt .'. , . .,. ocroBERZ7., 1939 THE 8WARTHMOREAN s THE SWARTHMOREAN PUB.LISBED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTBIIORB, PA­THE SWARTHMOBEAN, INc.. PUBLISHEB in Ihe Church. and the ~hurcb Hour IANNUAL LEGION.AUXILIARY collection Monday, the day preeediDg. NTurhsee ryY oaut nIgI PIne oIphlee 'sP aFnesllbo wHshoiup. ..w ill PARTY NEv'T WEDNES AY' .' A D She will call for these artIcles If noll· meet Sunday evening from 6 to 7:30 in -. fied by telephone, Swarthmore 1948. the Parisb Hou... The annual card party will be held by I ::;;;;;~~~::~;;;;;,~ The Primary Department of tbe I the American Legion and Auxililr)l' in Church School will bold a parent.lea- the lounge of the Woman's Club on JIALLOWI5'IIN chers tea at 3 o'dock on Wednesday Wednesday evening, November 1, at CANDIES PHONE SWARTHMOBE 900 PEIER E. TOLD, Edilor MARJORIE TOLD, Auodale Edilor ROSALIE PElRSOL MARy Et.t.EN MERCER A.uCE NICDBSOK Enll!n>c\ as Second Claaa Malter, January 24, 1929, al lb. Pool OIice at Swarth..,, Pa~ under lb. Act of Marcb 3, 1879. afternoop, November I. :8 o'clock. Each year members of these The first of three Teacher Training organizations look fonvard to this joint Conferences will be conducted by the event so all are urged to arrive prompt. FRIDAY, OcrOBER 27, 1939 Church School Staff, Friday evening, I '. . November 3, at 6 :15 P. M. Competent Y f~r their favorl!e card game. Pros­instructors from the Presbyterian pe.ctlve members will be welco~e. There Board of Christian Education will con- Will be refreshments and prIZes. duct the courses for each separate de- Mrs. D. G. Van De Boe plans a trip Was it fun for' local home-owner to have a jardiniere throWil partment. The conferences are for aU to Coatesville Veterans' Hospital on I h . d officers, teachers and substitute teachers Tuesday morning, October 31, and Let's A.U Have Fun! t HOUg a wm ow into his home on corn night last year? in the Church School. would like alJ men's magazines, silk Was it fun f6r the college authorities to have to replace expensive The Girl's Choir begins regular prac. stockings and silk pieces ready for equipment, much of which had been made available for the free use tice Sunday afternoon, October 29, at -------------­TRY OUR DBLICIOUS of the people of our village during the summer, which was ruined 3 o'clock. The Boy's Choir will meet by Hallowe'en vandals last year? Is it thus that Swarthmore shows for rehearsal Sunday afternoon at 2:30. • I • its gratitude? Dr. Houghton to Speak The Rev. Frederick P. Houghton, D.D., will be the special speaker at the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning ANTONICA aM CAMILLA F A.I1I1WIKS _tl, _/ P..w., CtHU"'''~ III M.,it 234 PARK AVENUE 'Pho.e 5()9.J Old Faohloaed Mola ..... Peaaut SSe lb. Mol ..... Walnal, .. ' .' ,6Oc lb. S.lted No_MInto Bud Caudleo Shuholz Chocolate Shop 104 Park Avenue 'Phone Swuthmore 24M Is it. fun for the business men who finance and conduct the Hal­lowe'en parade for the innocent pleasure of Swarthmore's youngsters, and for the borough officials, to have to assume additional expense for extra police in an attempt to curb such vandalism in a community which prides itself on its orderliness and culture? at Trinity Church. rr===========================""iI Dr. Houghton is the executive secre- 'PHONE CHESTER 2~1M3 FOR BSTJHATB ON And is it really fun for the youths who indulge in these malicious pranks, who know they are doing something cowardly and shameful, and who live for days under a fear lest their gUilty participation be tary of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. REPAIRING AND REUPBOLSTEBING He served with the 28th Division and holds a chaplain's commission of Lieu- GOVERNATORE BROS. tenant Colonel in the Pennsylvania Na.. Maftulae,urer. 01 llphobtered Funalrure discovered? tional Guard. Before coming to Phila- 612 SPROUL STREET Let all of us have fun on Hallowe'en! We can, if none of us do anything of which we need to be ashamed. Innocent pranks are fun, and no one would attempt to prevent them. But, for the sake of the common enjoyment of what should be an al­delphia Dr. Houghton was field secre­tary of the National Counca • I • Girl Scout News together happy occasion, let us stop the malicious vandalism which Twelve of the fifteen members of Troop ;s making Hallowe'en a time of petty terrorism. No. 283 turned out in full regalia to par- And cannot the pranks and the mischief be confined to a single ticipate in the opening of the national convention of Girl Scouts Monday even~ night? That was the time-honored tradition, which was respected and ing of this week in Convention Hall, welcomed. It is the modern expansion of that tradition which is Philadelphia. Tomorrow from 12.30 to 2 largely responsible for the spirit of destruction which mars the Hal- P. M. Troop 283 will enjoy a "Goblins' lowe'en pleasure - an expansion which adds to Hallowe'en a chalk Meeting" in the Girl Scout House on night, a soap night, a mischief night and a corn night. Cr;::~~:,:':t by Swarthmore troops is For the sake of the preservation of an innocent tradition and cus- on exhibilion this week at Strawbridge tom; for the sake of training children to differentiate between real & Clothier, Philadelphia fun and malicious mischief; for the sake of Swarthmore's reputation '!'mop 16 Plane n:ip as a pleasant, decent and safe place to live; and for the sake of our Members of Troop 16 will m~et at f f . d d . I the Swarthmore P. R. R. StatIon at own com .ort, ~eace 0 mill an ~nJoyment.- we appea to par~nts 9:10 tomorrow morning, October 28, to create m their own homes a senttment agamst the rowdy vandalism for a trip to the Academy of Natural which has become all too common at this time of the year. Science. Girls under twelve are to bring The situation really is serious, and calls for positive action. Extra $.23 and those over, $.46, for expenses. policemen will be on duty in an attempt to prevent a recurrence of the Mrs. Char~es Israel and Mrs. George . , ZImmer WIll accompany them on the destructive pranks of recent Hallowe ens. Stern measures must be trip. adopted unless the parents of the community will accept and fulfill _their own peculiar task of so training the children of the community that all of us may have fun together at Hallowe'en. • I • Series . Dance Imoitatioll8, Out, Invitations have been issued for the .=-~ • - ----=====---~ - - ~ - -::-::--- - -=-- --- • Now Open KLIPPLE'S PASTRY SHOP We lnuite you to visit our friendly store and try our fme baked products sold' at reasollable prices 104 PARK AVENUB SWARTHMORE 16 E. EAGLE ROAD OAKMONT --- - ~ --:::::-~. ---- ----= - --.- -~ ----~-.= LIIJ.JAN W. FRESCOLN OF SWARTHMORE Candidate lor ProthOlwtary 01 Delaware County SOUCITS YOUR SUPPORT . Qualified by experienee and edueation and aesuree 70U honest and efficient administration of this omce Methodist Chnreh Notes The Church School at 9 :45 o'clock will observe World Temperance Sunday with a special program arranged by Mrs. Arthur Grover, which will be fol­lowed by thc lesson study, "Liquor's Influence upon Social Progress." pion, Mrs. Harry C. Barr and Mrs. Ho- Swart~more. Series Da~ces the first o~c :;~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ward Adams represented the Parish at of whtch Will be held In the .Woman s the meeting of the Woman's Aid to the Club House on Saturday eventng. Nov­Convocation of Chester. ~mber 18. Later dances also to be held The morning worship at 11 o'clock will have for its sennon theme flAI_ cohol, thc Same Today As Always." The Church Nursery will, care for children of all ages while parents at~ tend church. The Y. W. A. Hallowe'en party will be held Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the Social Hall Wednesday afternoon at 1 P. M. the Ladies" Aid will hold its luncheon fol­lowed by a business session. Final ar­rangements will be made for the turkey dinncr and bazaar which will be held 011 Novcmber 16. Thursday evening the junior and sen­ior choir will rehearse under the dircc­tion of the new organist. The officers and teachers of the m the local Club House are scheduled Church School met at the home of W. for De;mber 30, January ZJ and Feb­E. Hetzel, Jr., 'l'uesday evening. Re- rUTarh~ ., 'tt' I d "r d d k d d I IS year s comml ee IIlC u es .l'f'l. • ports r. na e, shodlV e a mart. e eve op- au d .UI. ". .. rs'. W a Ike· r P en fi e Id , '.LVI r. an d ment III every epartmen CI·ff 'I " d T t h I dd d Mrs. lord F. RasswcI er, J.ur. an wen y-one new sc 0 ars were a e 'u P . I . " d " h Ch I S h II t S da k J.Vlrs. erclva Armitage, ,",~r. an J.~, ... rs. t. ote I' uhr ct ck ooth ' as un . yamU an- DaVi.d Cramp and Mr. and M rs. J acob d 111g a Lt1g . ~maCr • IS ~~arb 10 dd d F. Mcschter. ancc. oUlse. amplon as een a e Mrs. Guido R. Hcnr is in charge of to thc Teachmg Staff. • y The ten captains of the Every Mem- the opemng dance of the season. ••• ber Canvass and members of the teams were guests ,of the Woman's Guild at a dinner last night. Allen W. Carpenter presided. • I • Christiau Seience ~urch Crum Creek Winners The Crum Creek Bridge Club met Tuesday evening, October 16, at Strath Haven Inn. High scorers North and South were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Car­veIl; second, Mr. Lawrence Stabler and It's SRI My FIRST Birthday At the approach of my first hirthday, October 31, I want to thank every friend and customer who has added to the success and happiness of my past year. The Usher's Sport group program TOT.TA BABY AND GIFT SHOP will commence at 7:30 in the Social Hall. A double shume board has been added to the recreational equipment. • I • "Everlasting Punishment" is the sub- Mr. Walter Dickinson with !'fr. a.nd ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Mrs. Palmer R. Skogland scoring third Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun~ place. Top scorer~ for East and We~t day, October 29. The Golden Text is: ,!cre Mrs: B. l!laklston and Mrs. Frank .. "Cast away from you all your transgres- Itn S: GlllespIc; second, Mr. B~yard sions, whereby ye have transgressed; Morns?n and Mr. Andrew RoblDson: and make you a new heart and a new and third place Mr. and Mrs. Wayne I 409 DARTMOUTH AVENUE spirit: for why will ye die, 0 house of ~andell. Telephone Swarthmore 2349 Trinity Parish Notes Israel?" (Ezekiel •1 8:•3 1). CrTuomp sCcorereerks nBorritdhg ea ndC sluobu thT fuoers dthaey I! ~===========================~ evening of this week were: Mrs. Se- George Whitman Casey and Louis Presbyterian Church Notes well Hodge and Mrs. Wallace McCurdy. W. King were the lay-delegates to the Second place ties were Mr. and Mrs. meeting of the Convocation of Chester Sunday morning the sermon will be John Bowditch and and Mrs. Rich-at St. James' Church, Prospect Park. "Affirmations of Faith." ard Carvel. Third scorers were !\frs. AI-I Sergeant B. Brewstcr and Allen W. All departments of the Church School bert Hilt and Mrs. H. B. Lincoln. East Carpenter attended the Every Member and the Men's Bible Class meet each and \Vest toppers were Mrs. Russcll Canvass meeting at Holy Trinity Sunday morning at 9 :45. New members Kent and Mrs. A. L. Clayden; second, Church. Airs. J. J. Guenther, Mrs. W. are invited in all classes each :u,n~a~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson; and third, ~linton Harvey, Mrs. H. Clifford Cam~ The Woman's Class meets at 1 0 C oc Mrs. I. R. MacElwee and Mrs. Sar-· _____ ..:... ________ ~ ____ -------_- gent Walters. CHURCH NEWS --...... -- SWARTBMORB PRESBYTBBlAN 0HlJBClI THE BELIOIOUB SocmrY OP PBIENDS News of Strath Haven Inn Rev. David Braun. Mbl1steJ' SUNDAY SUNDAY 11'00 A M _ MeetlDg for Worshlp In the Mrs. Clinton Sawyer has retllrned 9:45 A. M. - Church School. • •• Meeting House. f h ' t I h me 9:45 A.M.-Men'a Bible Class. 9'45 A M.-P1rSt Day SchooL rom er summer vacatIOn a ler .0 10:00 A. M. _ Woman's Bible Class. 9:45 A'M _ Momlng Forum. Janet Payne in New Hampshire to spend the wmter 11:00 A. M. _ MomlDg Worship. Sermon . .. WhItney wlll lecture on I theme: nAfJlrmatlons of "Quaker Thought and. Bls ... at the nn. . Palth." torj.'. ),{rs. F. L. \Vayland, of Summerville, PIasT CBURCB OP ClIBl8T, SOJBNTIST. WBDNBSDAY S. C., is spending a month at the Inn. PazokOI 8':e~,!:>i:v.rct 9:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. 14.-8e~m:' On Saturday evening, October 28, the 11;00 A.M.-S=daY ScbooL qUl1~~tt::~~U88. BoI lun Inn will celebrate with a Hallowe'en 11:00 A .... -Sundar ~_ OD All party for the guests and their friends. Wedn •• d.OY ...,..,.. ...- _ -. 8 • • . JiMllnl room open ~. u:cept TR.INITY cB'tJBCB .... d hoU_ 1 to 4 p. m.. Church Proteotan' BptsooPai Church Mr. and Mrs. A. Robb Cochrane, of ~~~~;~~~~~ .. ~~~_~ Rev. J • .Tarden Guenther. S.T.IL. Beocor Kenyon avenue, entertained with a buffet ~ 8:00 A. M. =~W=:'f1" and Bible supper Sunday evening, October 15, in 9:4S A. II. Cla8. honor of their nephew, Malcolm Robb, of 11:00 A.M.-)[Om1ng PraJV and ~ Boston, Mass., who had just returned ALL 8~' ~A¥(f:.nt)· from traveling around the world on the ~ 7:30 A.N.-H017 Communlunlon. S. S. Manhattan. 10:00 A. ... -HO ... Comm on. Don't Be an "Icicle" This Winter! FOOL THE WEATHERMAN Check Your Car Now! \Vhen the thermometer 'lhits bottom," don't let it catch you unprepared! See that your car is ready for "old man. winter" ••• Have the battery charged . . . Have adequate anti­freeze solution ... Check the ignition system ... AND be sure to let Hannum & Waite do the job! Here you are sure of conscientious work done by expert men. Every job, large or small, is gnaranteed. Drive in. HANNUM & W AI'I'E Chrysler-Plymouth Yale Ave. & Chester Rd. Swarth.1250 Cheek These Poi..,.! BATIERY CARBURETOR IGNITION ANTI.FREEZE

---------- Page 20 ----------

'~J .••, ; -O.~" Jr''/ ' .... ...... L '0.''' .:nJ.o,· ~~ J ~~ .•. "f6" _.~I:-' 6 THB, SWA.a'l1BMOIlBAN ; .. . , .. --·ocroBJil 21. 1989 ACTIVE SEASON PLANNED BY W.I.L New Commit_ and Card party in November Make Monday Session a BIUY"One , . ~.f " • _. SCHOOL NEWS Dowell .in,ittd· the· .1U4eu1a to see the brleOy on ~ duli ... oflbe olliee they fint .. prodlll:liou of the Jaaior Players hope to fill,' Oat the fegUlar monthly Club, which will be "Peter Pan." Frank luncheon meeting of the Womenl. Re- ~ 1(_ R. Morey introduced. the .poker of the publican Club of Delaware County; The High School Band, under the di- morninc, the Rev. Eo H. Bonsall, of Cor- at Strath Haven Inn. Swarthmore, on rcction of John H. Jenny, a new member nell avenue, who has just returned from Thursday, November 2ilt 1 o'clock. of Ibe school faculty, started off with a tour of Europe. Mr. Booaall conduettd To date Judge William H. Keller is an excellent performance at the Darby a group of colleae and high school stu- the only candidate for 'a State ollice and Media games. It will perform at loll dents through Western Europe. A week who has been able to arrange his sehed- A stimulating meeting of the Swarth- the home games, as well as two more was spent at the World Youth Confer- ule to include this meeling. more branch of the Women', Interna- away games: Springfield OD October 20, ence. in A~terdam. He told of ~ of Because io large representation of tlonal League for Peace and Freedom and Glen·Nor ?n. November 4. There the Interesting places the group Vlllted. members Is anticipated, It Is requested was held at the home of its president, a~e plans for a JUnior band to be fo~ed Memorial BI6I4II'reHn1M that all luncheon re.ervation be sent to Mrs. Harold March, in West House on w,th new members from both the high A Bible for use In the auditorium Mrs: William Cloud Alexander, 305 the College campus Monday, October schoo.l and Rutgers a~enue school. was presented to Swarthmore H'1ih North Monroe .treet, Media, (tele- 23. Th.1S year ht?e banschd '51 .~cheduled to en- School by Frank R. Morey in behalf of phone Media 1467) not later than Tues- Mrs. March expressed her gratitude tertatn the ,gh • 00 ,n an as~ly the committee for the Albert D. Spaeth day noon, October 31, in order that ilIl to Mrs. Walter Shoemaker for organ- program Tand to gtve the ann,!"l. spnng Memorial Fund on Monday, Oetober may be accommodated comfortably and izing the card party and tea to be held concert. he boys haye been ,nVlted to 23. The Bible bears the inscription: quickly. in Bond Hall at 2 P. M. November 13. play for two nearbr h'gh schools, Booth- "Swarthmore High School, In 'Memory Mrs. Shoemaker announced her com- wyn, Pa., and Burlmgton, N. J. of Albert D. Spaeth, 1899-1938." Mr. mlttee as follows: Mrs. Charles That- 7th Craden Turn to S,.,.,...". Spaeth taught science at the High cher, candy; Mrs .. Jack Thompson, On Thursday, October 19, the seventh School from 1929 until his death. cake j Mrs. Charles Shaw, tea i Mrs. d f S rth ]. H' h Sch 1 Warren Foote, jelly. Anyone desiring gra e 0 ~a m.ore ~Dlor . 'g • 00 Klnderg"""n D"1' '" F_ to contribute douations may do so by made. an .'nterestin~ S1g~tseemg. trip to On Friday, October 2O-The Kin- "1 Mrs. Lovett Frescoln, of Harvard ave­nue, accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Henry Sangree. of Philadelphia, to Ibe Sangree cabin at Gten Moore, Pa., for the week-end. Mrs. Sangree had invited a number of friends for tea on Satur­day. .. .. ,~ . 'Wli!. .. ··CIa· .' '-'-&.. ..... .... . ... , ........... . Dirt eotomal <itfteJpt, 31. ZDGMONT AVE. (oJud .....,.. ~ ""l UNUSUAL GIFTS At ~ ••• =dl. Pd 10 Fall .cIean.up . '~RakN . -~­Bamboo & Steel Indneraton Tlarlft u..-.... Sale EDd. Noy. ht the h!sto~c places 10 Ph'l~e~phta under dergarteners of the College and Rutgers 11 S. Chester Rd. Sw.l05 ~~l:ihoni~g one of the committee mem- the direction of Teachers Lllhan Barton, Avenue Schools visited the Darlington Vyera Maple, Na!han Bell and T~ore~. Farm at Darlington, Pa. This land was The art committee headed by Mrs. oung. The puptls left for the CIty 10 granted to the Darlingtons by William Carl deMoll is ·designing Christ..,s t':le:> buses ,on Thursday morning. They Perm, and has been in the family ever cards. Orders will be taken at the tea, vIsited .C,hnst Church, Betsy Ross House; since. Margaret Price made the ar­and Mrs. Edward Jenkins will again Franklm s Grave, Independence Hall. rangement .... _-..._-... -..-.....-. - .-.-..-..-.-..-.-..-..-...-..- ---~ ! Pretty is-as pretty is cared for ( have her lovely narcissus bulbs on sale. Carpenter's Hall, Old Swedes' Church, s. Y"U Dofrr It is hoped to make the occasion one C,'ty Hall , Elfreth's Alley, aned th U III't ed The members of the twelfth grade of soc,'ability and friendship for those States M,'nt • T,'me out was take n fo r problems of democracy classes of not interested in games as well as for lunch at the automat. The group re- Swarthmore High School, under the su-the card players. The activity lodge turned to Swarthmore ,'n the a fte moon. pervision of Margaret Hamel, took next to Bond Hall has been opened to allow more space for greeting Celebrate Arbor and Bird Do" a trip through the Abbotts Dairy and friends. On Friday, October 20~ the junior Ice Cream plant on Monday morning. In the expansion program of the W. high assembly was dedicated to uArhor October 23, in connection with a study Call ! Beauty Salon I J. L. for this year several new members and Bird Day." of the topic "Health." 13 S. Chester Road Sf». 476 1 were welcomed to the board. Mrs. Rob- After the Bible reading, Alice Blod- Filth Crarle Enl8rtaI", ert Brodhead is going to organize a gett led the assembly in a song for A program in charge of Doris Black -..-----.-...-.-.-...--..-.--..-.--------."-..-..'~-..-..~ Peace Bureau and collect information Arbor Day. Laura Lee Hopkins spoke and Casper Beirman was given by mem­on peace issues and magazine articles on the "Significance of Arbor and Bird bers of the 5th grade to members of of timely interest. This service will be Day." Dick Hook recited "Trees" by the 6th grade. The main feature was a available to members of the organiza- Bliss Carmen. Deviating from the- reg- play, uThe Magic Pumpkin." tion and to the general public. ular . procedure, different people in the Tea for Eleventh Grade Mothers To meet a demand that people begin a';ldien~e assisted Jim .Cleaves in his Tea will be served at three o'clock to think about the ultimate way to op- diSCUSSIon "Pennsylvama's Trees and W d d f N b fi t FI " D' k C d k h e nes ay a ternoon. ovem er rs Pose war, Mrs. Louis N. Robinson is "Vo wI ers. f BI'C d t orM r ay "sApo te' onA It' e Ia t t h e h orne 0 f M rs. W m. H . Tha t che r organizing a study of plans for world P at ue 0 B 'tr 5 HO adn. d"oM' !ce to teachers and parents of the eleventh governments. A group of interested u man, e sy orna ay, an arlan d '1 f S th H' h B d ''T'' b J Kil gra e pUP'S 0 war more 'g members met at her home on Wed- ernar, sang rees y oyce - S h 1 C 00. nesday evening to discuss the project. l11er. Frances Reinho1d of the political sci- The audience adjourned to the • I • REPUBUCAN WOMEN Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Member Federal Depooll ............. CoovondoD euce department of Swarthmore Col- Princeton avenue side of the music lege, has offered to help the group an- room where Dick Hoot planted and alyze legislation that has C\ bearing on dedicated a Norwegian. maple. h W I L Coun'". Teae1aer.' ',..II'rde HERE NOVEMBER li~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ All Delaware County Republican can-I r' t e .• . program. djdates have been invited to speak Another member of the College fa- Because of the annual Delaware cuity, Virginia Rath, of the physical County Teachers· Institute, which is to education department, has volunteered be held in the Media High School on to work on a youth committee for October JO and 31, the Swarthmore peace. She hopes to contact organiza- schools will be; closed, to permit tea­tions already formed in the Borough. chers to attend the sessions. Hanna Mrs. Roy McCorkle announced plans Kirk will serve as chairman of the jun­for a meeting of the religious contact ior and senior high English group and committee on Friday evening, October Adeline Strouse wilt preside over the 27. modern language group. Mrs. March announced she would be The Home Economics Department of at home regularly on Mondays from 2 Swarthmore High School is preparing until 4 P. M. to meet with anyone hav- the following exhibits for the Insli· ing a concern for peace work. tute: the ninth grade gir~s will di~play Others in attendance at Monday's a study of color harm«;mles for dlffer­session were: Mrs. Roy P. Lingle. Mrs. ent types of people and the me~bers of Frank Reynolds, Mrs. Francis Harper" the home management class Will dem­Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, Mrs_ Ray Hunt. o~~trate ~0'Yer arrangements. Supe~­Mrs. Patrick Malin, Mrs. David Braun, VISlOg prmclpal Frank R. Morey 15 Mrs. Philip H. Jewett, Mrs. J. Roland president of .th~ Delaware County Tea- Pennock, and Mrs. J. Howard Smith. chers Assoclahon, The Pennsylvania Branch of the Woo Senior HallolN'en Frolic men's International League for Peace and The senior class of the high school Freedom met on October 17 at Stat~ Col- is entertaining parents, teachers and lege, Penna. Among Delaware county friends with a Hanowe~en party this members attending the luncheon were evening from 8 :30 to 11 :30 o'clock. Cos­: Mrs. Robert C. Disque, county chairman; tumes are to be worn if guests are so Olive Cleaves and Mrs. J. Howard inclined. Games will be played and an Smith, all of Swarthmore. evening of dancing will be enjoyed. Mrs. William 1. Hull, of Swarthmore, The invitations that have been sent national honorary president of the United out read uMornin' Maw and Paw I Get States section of the League, will pre· out your old gray mare and come to :side at the first luncheon in a series of our Barn Dance." :three at the Penn Athletic Club, Phila· Mr. hom*o" at Senior A .. emb',. delphia, on November 7, when Helen At the Monday morning assembly of Hayes, prominent actress, and Drew the senior high school, 'Mrs. C. W. Mac· Pearson, well known commentator, au· -===============;­thor and traveler, will speak. Mrs. Hull is also chairman of the committee in n:~ M~. ·.~r charge of the three luncheons. ~,. j • I • Friendly Circle Answers Appeals The October meeting of the Friendly Circle was held at the home of Lillian Boyt, on Park avenue, last Thursday af· temoon. Mrs. Edward M. Boyd was co hostess. The president of the Circle, Mrs. Arthur Hughes, presided. The appeals from the Community Health Society and Family Society were read and appropri· ations ,·oted. Coal, glasses, special food for a diabetic, dental work, were a few of the helpful things provided by the Cir­cle this month. The annual silver tea will he held at the home of ),[rs. August Cordes, South Princeton avenue, on Nov· ember 16. Swarthmore Sweet Shop Tel. Sw. 2149 Stock Up! It'8 Hallowe'en! Cookie_, cak.,.., Candy Old Bank Bldl/. . The NEW ROYAL FIRST AND ONLY PORTABLE MA6IG*MARII" ••• many other exclusive Royal. MAGIC features. ........_ _.. ... U. & 1W. OIa Royal Typewriter Co., Inc. 1616 Walnnt Street pmLADELPJIIA. See Your Loeal Royal Portable Deotler FALL FLOWERS AND PO'ITED PLANTS Cor.agel, ~en'e,.piecu F"neral De.lgn. ALWINE'S Baltimore Pike, Springfield CALL SW.450 Just call Western Union For Hartford service in case of an accident under any Hartford policy, just call Western Union and ask for the name of the near· est Hartford agent. This is an unique and valuable form of Hart· ford service. PETER Eo TOLD GENERAL' INSURANCE 417 Dartmouth Ave. . Swarthmore'l8J3 '-," ~"',;~- FUEL THAT CREATES COMFORT •• STORM SASH THAT PROTECTS' 'IT! Since 1922, Mason.HeRin has been Swarthmore's favorite source of fuels •• Coal , • Fuel Oil .• co*ke •• Fireplace Log Wood •• Cannel Coal •• Ford Charcoal Briquets. More than that, we've protected the comfort we've created - with Mason·HefIin Storm Sash and Window Conditioning. Such protection rids your home of drafts •• cuts your fuel bills as much as 30%. Tum to US for protected heating. . Mason Heflin COAL CO. WILLIAM SPRENGEL, Manal/er Swarthmore Yard, Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 6 Swarthmore 345 'Upper Darby Yard, State Road Clearbrook 3950 Su ..... t 3707 ]38.9Y_ ... SONVH· ,,~]lV -;- - • ? 21 THE SWARTHMOREAN . SPORTS. REVIKW._ ., Uulled 8&a&. IPoI& OfIIce DepU1lD1Dl ... Klt'hir'\D AT __ aDd ezteIUIIDI' &Mace 5ort1&­need lD ~TCIIIDt' lUll lD aceordaDoe .wlill wardlT 100 feel more or Ie. to • lUDho1e • lbeir dull"-' DOl' Icr die" deUyt17 of DI~ _. -~ .. -• ,. O8rilii~ed'iltlat14 aiIihii atid~U.­Ingeqlially .. ell·' .... : •.. 'c" '. . .-.' - - CoR,.. :ft...,.: YIN' ..... '-· Dominating' play during the opening Two smashing driv .. by Molly BoD­seven minute. and the closing three, In cau in Ibe opening period gave the their game with Drexel, last Saturday, Swarthmore College field hockey team Swarthmore College scored two· touch- a 2-0 victory over Ursinus, on the CoI-l~~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~ downs and two conversions to win 14-0. lege field last· Saturday. The seeODd ODd ", _ I "" • pot .... -..& SeoTJONZ' ..... _ otIl ..... __ _ bet ..... aIQ" ~ inhabitant. and. .. web autboriled to u.edlte Itldl CODtraK or ClOD­pubtllber or daLributor coyenn.. the CUltom· tract. &I ID.Q' be aopropriate for eoltdradloa U'7 and relUlar delhe.,. ,bentot. lIor _Ill ot aald .wen. and .. req1llnd b7 Ia.w. aod tbl, or41nanoe .PpIT to tbe 011.... of 101 lire hereb7 aucborize4 to tJOOpente with nell branch ot the ~yenuneDi 10 &he IIeI'Y1.nI' aod bureau.. department.. or apDdNI of tbe red· pOl1ln, oJ notlCfll in the ncular performauce era! or 8'.~ l'OYerma.entl .. D1U' be feulble. of their duti.. - - The Initial touchdown was scored by team came through wilh a 3-0 victory forward·lateral route, Jakie to Jones over Ibe Urainus s..,onds. to Mawhinney. The final score was P1Uladelplda eric"" 1::~=~:I~~~~b;~y Huhn, when Swarthmore put The Swarthmore Club lost to the ~~!j ~ fOUf running plays to carry Philadelphia Cricket Club, 6-0, In a Sat­ball from their own 2O-yard line urday ,Moo-ning Club hockey league ~~~~~~~~~t a touchdown In the fading minutes game, at St. Martins, last Saturday • Beellon •. AIJ penon •• 4rnu or «Mi"",aUODI Dot wUhlo lbe aboye aeepted d..... deIlr­Inc' to dlatrlbute or dell ... er In aceordaDce with the terml of th" ordinan",. whether the ma­terJal be handbUI. or olber adnrtleJna' mat· tel'. or re1lJioUII. POIUJeal. or other IJteratUI'B. Man fint reellter with the bol'OU8'h &ll('NtllJ'7. Maim.- the name and addreu of the orpD. l.aUoD or lPOnllOrt ~ to make the .ald dlstribut!on. and fumilhlnl' lOch other In· formaUon •• ml,J" reasonabl,. be necelPl'J" &0 prevent the lUterinl' of Itreela or prtV&&e premlaet, or the dlllorderJ¥ IOlIcitaUon or moJo eataUon of the Inhabitants of the boroUl"h. No fee of IID7 kind IIhail be clla.t&ed in con· nectlon with luth reelst.ratlon. SecTION 8: 'l'be BorotWh 8ecI'etAl7, UDder lhe I'Uldinoe of tbe Sewer Commltlee. aball bal'e power to make approprta&e adJUlweoti and abatement. in &he caee 01 lrTqUlarJ7 Ibaped propm11N. or propertlel alre&d7 IU­,. Iced bJ' an ez:iltin,. boroUl'h .ower. and til oonjuncUon with the BoI"OQb. EOIiDeer to dl.Lrlbu&e the ~... of .ucb abated or a4- JUiled .''M,ment to and amolq' the remalDlDc aueuable tronlApli. lndudin&' beDdted prop­erty IIUuate outdde the BoroUib l1mU.. aDd to dlred .ueb ... ariatloDl from 'he forelrOlDl' lbtallaUona as m.,. be appropriate and ex­pedient Ie condlUOIll! are encoun&ered In the construction of ,aid _wen. ~ the game. Jakie converted both _____________ _ ~=~;;:=~ Ip.oint. by placements. ~ H. S...spring1W4 In CioN Came o~E:::,:~~~~~:=:::: 11~0~I~n a thrilling final period, in which REQUEST ..oB BIDS Sealed bide will be received In Counell Chamber, Borotl8"h Hall. Swarthmore. Fa. on WednelldQ' November 16lh. 1(039 at 7:46 P. M. f(Q" the aale to &he BoI"ouch 01 one DeW two door eec1an au'omobUe. auUab1e for pol. Ice work. The bidder &ball etate the allow· ance which he will make for the purcbaee from the Borough of onl 1937 two door I'ord eedao automobUe. DOW available for loIIpectlOD at Boroqb Hall. ~ teams did all of their scoring; I ~prlngfielld High defeated Swarthmore l'llr:~~-=:=~ij~~~;o~!'!!"i'COi" I ~ on the Springfi~ld High gridiron. Yectlon 6. ADJ' yloJation of thl, Ol'dlnance fa here"" declared to be a nulhDce, and an,. ~r· son. ftrm or corporation teaponalbJe for eucJi vlolaUoD shall be JUDty of disorderly conduct punishable b,- a ftne of Dot leu than lI'ive Dollars ('6.00) nor more than Flft7 Dollare ($50.00) for each .ueb TlolaUon. or b:y 1m. prllOnrnent of not leq than one d&J' nor more than ftfteen dll7', either or· both. such punl,h· ments. flnes and penalties to be enforced and oolll!(!ted a, lame are now enforceable and col· lectlhle b7 law. SBCrION 4: That upon completion of the work. or lIuch ecdlone thereof as are to be ('Omple&ed In the pre_nt underlaldnl'. the &D. Ure COIIt thereof. IncludIng- endneerhll' and Ie- 1'81 Ie"JceS. pall be ~ NrJ.DIt all of tbe aueaaable property whether eltua&e wl\b~ In or without the llmU. of the Boroul'h 01' Swarthmore. and lIbail be _.-eel equalb' accordlnl' to tbe foot frontan thereof. bl' tbe Borou,b Enclnser aa provided bJ' law. Such auellllmenle shaH Dot be charpd with loterett It paid witbln thir1J' (30) ~e after com· pletlon of the work: 8D7 euch aueument re­maining unpaid lhlr17 (30) da.rl trom tbe time tbe work la completed. Ihall draw inter· est. at the rate of ats: (6%) per eent per ~ num from dale of completion. and It not pald within dve (6) months &fter aueb compleUOD. tbe Solicitor lIball cauee lienll to be 8l~ ,...&1nst. variot18 propertlea for eald aeaeu· menta. with lntel'efi computed from tbe date of compledon. last Friday, when McGrath booted the ;;;--;;;;;:-1 ball between the uprights for the de­ciding tally' just two minutes before the final whistle. All bld.l mall be In a.eeordance with eped­dcatlonll on .flle in the ofHce 01 the Borou,h Secret..,.. WANTED WANTED - DreAmaldng and alteriD5'. Sev­eral )'e8l'lll experience. )Ira. Carrie Reeder. ('all Swarthmore 1318..r. Swarthmore started the fireworks when Haig went around his own right end, on the first ptay of the last quar­ter, for forty yards and a touchdown. The Boroul"b reaetTe. the rla"ht to· reject aD.1 or aU bids. ELLIOTI' BICBABDSON. BorOUgh 8ecretBl'J'. 10·13-3t The conversion failed but the Garnet ----------.----- led 6-0. BEQUEST FOB BIDS Swarthmore dominated the play dur- The Boroqh of 8WarUlDUU'8 .. 111 ret'!ei ... e sealed bids on Wedne8day, December 6th. 1889. ing the first half of the game and In Council Chambenl, BoroUl"h H&JI. al ?':45 Section 6. Tbe provlslona of thhJ ordinance are severable. and If aD7 thereof should be held InYa'ld. It Is the Intent of the council of tbe Borou,h of Swartbmore that the r&o maininl' provlaloDII hereOf. not IJO Invalidated. shall neverthelellll be and reDlaln in full forte and efl'e(!t. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE LOST I~;~;;:!~~~ to score on several. occad- gPa.r Mba.,g e cofrvoemrln .-allt erbmouei ehfoolrd e.t hee etarebmlllolbvmale nto •f• J..08T _ Lady'll whlle gold E'gin walch, 8&t-- However, an inspired Spnngfiel and inatUuUone within tbe Borough. for the urdBY. October 21, vidni'" Yale and Bar- turned them back each time. period of one 7e8I' rommenciDl" JanUBrJ' 1, ,·anI avenuee. Reward. TelephODe Swartbmon Friday, Sharon Hilt will· be the op- IBiO. and such IlUcceeeive,Jean sa the contra($ (Seal) , Passed tbi. 18th dlQ' of Oelober A. D. 1930. ."E<lTl,ON 5: Where liens IIball be rued. all and attorneY's Ieee. top1her with cent additlonal M a penalQ' .~~!:.)hY the part,. or partla OWD~ . - a,'alnat which ncb Ilena :':141.' may be kept In force in accordance with III By: T. E. HESSENBRUCH. on the College Field. terma. '!'be spedJleaUona J.nd form of pro. Prealden\. PERSONAL PERSONAL - ThroUCh bouaecleaoln.-1' WJU blQ' all JOur dlllCBJ'ds. 141 Weat Third Street. Cheater, Telephone Cheater 2-2573. US. Seeond Boor apt., S ....... heat, hot water, eIee. refril~ Near Illation. POllsel!lllioD at onet!. A No. 1 eGndidoD. WM. S. Bl'ITLE Swutbmon Ul-J NotaQ PUbUc -llIIartlDce - Beol _ RENT Sm. h"use, 2 bednna •• oleeplq pordo. Newl,. deeorated. Oil heat. Immediate occupancy. '50, --- A. M. BAIRD Real Elta.e - Notary PubU. Old Bank Bldl!, 'I;'hone Sw. 108 DR. M. BLOOMFIELD Op.ometm, Complete Eye Service 612 WEIJ>H STREET Call Cheeler 8014, A.-Wayne­Electrical Contrac.or Telephone Swarthmore 2295 MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH II. QUDIBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS BELL PHONE t MBDI.&, PA. WILLIAM M. ·KELLMAN 20 East 7th Street (Nen to Stat'lTbealie) Radio. 'Phone Chester 2·5314 ELECTRICIAN House 'W1rID8 of aU kIDdI!I. QuICk low oost service. Wuhert awl cleaDem rebUUt and. repalled. WOOD ELECTRIC SERVICE SwtU'. 1273 EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. Your Jeweler 25 Eost 7th St. Chester (Opposite New State Theatre) 'Phone Chester 37M YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Swut.b m. ..... -19 WOOD KOPPERS co*kE SUN FUEL OIL PIANO TUNING 8inee 1908 All Shapes and Kinde There is No Subsl1tute ForEJtperienco pOeed conlJ'aCt for aa1d work are on 1lle with SECTION 6: The proper BoroUl'h oflloent Gamel Girt. Top £aiudowne the BoroUl"b 8eeret1U',J at the Borou..-b Ball. Alte": ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. are hereby authorised 10 execute an appropri- 'rhe Swarthmore High School Girls' aSmwlanr&edh.m ore, Pa.. wbere IIUD8 ID67 be ex· Secret&l7. aInteg faogrr eethmee nt with Ridley Townllhlp pro't'ld- dr&inap of .ewace ftowtn,. from Hockey Team defeated the Lansdowne '!be eUO'!eSIful bidder muat furnllh .. .ueb" APPROVED: tbe tlewere above enumerated. and fulare ex· last Thursday on the Swarthmore bond &II reQUired bJ' the Borouab Code. A .JOHN H. PITMAN. lenslona lhereof. Into certain eewel'a about to eerllfted clIeck In tbe amoUDi at 160.00 mwt BurPN. be constructed by Ridley Townahip and drain· by a score of 1-0. The goal was aecomp&D.J" eBC:!h bid. 10.2'1-11. IIlI' tbroush a portion of Park Avenue. Gir-tallied by Marie Hauger, Swarthmore BLLIO'l'TB oRroICUBlhA B8DeScOreNta, rr. _________________ I', ""'r.~~.;A!~.h ;.u. ,eI,;n,. taoD dt hCeo luJominbti a SAWYaernlnhem oIrne- BB.1lddlll!el77 center. in the first period, on a pass 10-2?,~3t known as the LltUe Crum Creek from Marion Kirk right wing. 1---------------- BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Janet Harris, Captain of the Swarth­more team and left fullback, was out­standing on the defense along with Barbara Nason, the other fullback. Margy Sheppard was the spark of the GOIN' GUNNIN'? GtJN8 - 8BBLLS - BOOTS, Etc. Football and Hocke,. Equipment BD..LBATfEY S_K Goods IUUl 'TtJeI1 _18. SO •. ORANGS ST. MBDI.&, PA.. SPECIAL Off.seallOD we ean I!I8ve you 50% on cleanlDA' and repair of your l'1li • .- APAGHIAN 22 J!O!.ltl!. _~~_'! Correct and corrective CIDI,DREN'S SHOES pro_If FItted by X-~ LU·BEN'S 69th st. Section 7042 Garrett Road ELECTRICAL 1896 REPAIRS R.4DIO Tubett--WaohiDI! Maehln--cJeaDeno -INSTALLATIONS­SWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP Park and Dartmouth Ayes. ONE DAY A MAN LEFT HIS WIFE Just' for a few days - a business trip ... He was busy going places, seeIng people, getting Iblngs done. Tired at nIght ••• Too tired to write ••• Back home she mIssed him terribly. And tben, one night he called up ... That call COlt I ... than a dollar. But to her It wal almost prlcele ..... Maybe you'll remember this little story the next time you leave your wife. Rates are EXTRA LOW on mOlt Long Dlltsnce eIdI. every night after seven and all day Sunday. -' '" ... BOROUGH OJ' SW AR'I'IDIOBB ORDINANOE NO. 425 Ordinanoo replatinl' the dl81rlbuUon or dellver:y of new .. apen. mqaldnea. clreu· lars. handboolu. PBPJphleta. advertlaiol' matteJ'. and lileratW1l ot eve17 kind in the Borourh of Swarthmore other IbtUl by mall, and preserlb~ penalUee for the violaUon thereof, THE COUNCIL OF' _ 'I'HE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: Beetlon 1. Hereafter it IIhall be unlawtnl for anI' person. finn or corporation. other than the dull' conlltltuted. and appointed of­fleers and emplOyee8 of the United Slatell POlt Office Department. to distribute or deliver any newspapera, magazlnell. circulnre, bandbookll. pamphlets. advertising matter. treatisell or lil· erature of an,J kJnd In the Borough of Swarth· more olher tban bt handing the Bame per­lIona117 to the owner or octUpant of the prem­lees to which .uch delivery is made in ac­(! Orilance with the termll of this ordinanef!. Sedion 2. No such pl'Inted. written. photo­graphic or ~otber publ .. hed .... matter. except .. berein provided. Jlball be delivered ·or dilltri· bUled by leaving aame artJ'where on the premo lses. or ill BIlJf mall OOs. or 117 ins~in8' same in any "mall Blot, or otherwise than by peraone1 deUvetT to a responsible individual on the premises as above provided. nor IIhall luch deIlvet'7 or distribution be made In such manner lUI to dlllturb or moleet tbe In­habitants of the boroul'h or to conetUute a nulaaDC'e. ORDINANCE NO. 428 SECTlON 7: In accordance with the rerau-of lIald a.,reement, the proper Boro~h oftl~ An OrdInance providing for ell'ht ineb art' authorized to P87 to Rldle;;r Townahlp one-terra cotta pipe lewers In tbe beds of half tbe OO8t of conll1rnciing a twelve IDdl re- Park Avenue. HI"hlg-an Avenue. and Hay· enforced conC!l't!te &ewer in the bed of Col-erford Place. In tbe Borough of 8warth· umbia Avenue. Rldle,. Townllhlp, dralniol' lOch more. togetber with the necesllar:y man- sewage !nto the Little Crum Creek OuHall holes and accea80rlee. and lor dralnB1'8 SeVo·er aforeaald. . of eame into certaln eewers to be con· etructed by Ridley ToWlUlhlp; 'Providing- 8: In accordanC'e wIth said acree-- for the aate8IIIlent and colled.ion of the TownshIp of IDdIey t. hereby aulhar-costll and ezpeneee thereof from the .,.,~ ... , .. _ empowered to collect .uch tleWflr ownerll of proper17 abuUlDI' thereon and it ftt from properUe. In benellted thereb7. inciudiDI' properties in 1!~~S~~~~fl'in!to~tho~~~~~ Bldley Townllblp. and provldinl' for pay-ment to Ridley -TowDBhip lor said rla'bt of discharge Into the sewera Of sald mun­Icipality. THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: a 00 SECTION 1: That eight Inch tena cotta pipe gecrela17. sewers be con.truded In the Borough of Sw&rthmore as followa: Pa!.I!Ied thle 18th day of October A. D .• 1939. !s.) In'tM bed of Park Avenue from D BOBOUGH OJ!' SWARTBllOBE manhole to be built at a point 500 feet more or leas Nortliward)y from the Northerly aide of· ~lchlg1ln· Avenue," and ~ extending'·· thence Southwardly alonl' Park AVE'nue to a manhole at tbe Inle~tlon of aald PaJ'k Avenue with Michigan A venua. (b) In the bed 01 Miehigan Avenue extend· in&' from a manhole at tbe Intereectlon of Park Avenue Westwardly ?'88 feet more or leM to a manhole to be conlltructed In Michi­gan Avenue approximately 360 feet West of the centre of Haverford Pla<:e. (Seal) BY: T., E. HESSENBRUOH. Presidea ... A'lTEST: ELLlOTT RICHARDSON. Approved this or .,OHN H. PITMAN. Burgells. SeeretBrJ' • day A. D. 1939. Section 8, Nothln&' berein contained shall (e) In the bed of Haverford Place com· apply to tbe omceJ's or employees of the mencing at a manhole at tbe Intereection of 10·:27·1\ Now Cheaper Than Ever The new low rate for automatic gas house heating makes this modem fuel cheaper than ever before ••• within the reach of even modest incomes. It's the reason why automatic gas heat has been' recently installed in more than 550 suburban homes. Why not decide to heat your home this easy, trouble-free way' Pro­viding your present heating system is in good condition, installations can be made quickly and without fuss ••• sometimes within a few hours. Don't delay! Let us make a free survey of your house, estimating what it will cost you to heat with gas. Choice of Bryant, Janitrol and Wels­bach Conversion Burners. Price $195. cash. Slightly more on budget plan­small down payment, 3 years to pay. Ask also about our convenient budget plan for paying gas bills! Prices Sub;ect fo Change Wllhaut Notice PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A. L •. PARKER Media, Pa.·· Phone Media 459-M TUB BBlL Tf3LBPHONB COMPANY OP PBNNSYLY,fNlA All Our Suburban Stores or See Your Plumber or Dealer

---------- Page 21 ----------

---------- Page 22 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 8 LINDEMAN STmS H. & S. AUDIENCE are we prejudiced? (5) " Test )'ourself b:y tI,e extellt to ,(,{liell )'0" participate ill arlsf" If thc test f'Cllltl~' is left out, it is doubtful if othcr valucs will makc a cohcrent codc. In a THE SWARTBMOREAN COLLEGE MOVIES OPEN TOMORROW hecause of the mustache. The next picture wilt be Saturday, No\'cmber 4, This will be "Professor ~I ambock," a Russian attack upon the anti-scmitic policics of Nazi Gcrmany. . . . . ~ I OCTOBER 27, 1939 , .' others who wish to: Mtend must send their namcs and money to the local chairman, Mrs. Scwell W. Hodge, be­fore noon tomorrow in order to se­Precedent- Breaking Crowd Bears ~urc lunch con tickets. democracy. cveryone ,hould bc cllgagcd Charlie Chaplin's Latest Picture '~Tests for Democracy" as in SOIllC creatiw art. Will be Given Two Showings Young Republicans to Meet !C1C1C ..... fCIIlClC~lC~ Homc anti School Ass'n (6) You are tra\'cllillg toward dem- Saturday Evening The Swarthmore Young Republicans A ~ Begins Year oeracy if you genuinely helicvc ill the Club will be rcprcscntcd at the annual section of our I , "iIllI'OrIUII(C of tile IIIlIaII'IIr," declared Dr. Charlie Chaplin in u:\lodern Times" convention of. the Young Ht'pubticans I Stirred to attend one of the most suc- Lindeman, will hc the feature picture to be prescnt- of Pennsylvan~a at th.e Bcllevuc-Strat- Christmas card collec- ~ cessful mcctill~s the 1I01llc and School: (7) XO one will continuc toward dcm- l'd at the College. in Clothier :Memorial, ~ord Hotel, Pl1Ilad.clpllla Satur~ay evell- tion is b· d· 1a d ~ Association has l'vcr had, a vcry large; OlTac), III1h'U Jr,' COI//iI/IIl'S to purticipa/t' on Saturday night. Octoher 28, There II1g by, three ~f Its outstan~lI1g mcm- elng lSP ye I audience found Ihc address of Eduard c.: ill his .. lill«l/i(lIl." Ilr. Lindeman amllsc,l will bc two showings, the first at 7:15 hers, Charles Gcrner, John E. Gcnse111- I in the I Lin,lclllall Oil "Tests for IkJllocracy": parents ancl tl'achers by stating: "Those allli the se{'oml at 9:15. This is the first cr, Jr., and Gcorge \V. McKeag. I hoth ~tillllliatillg- awl ~di -'l'arching". \VIIl" who nced it most arc college graduatcs, f . f ,. I ~ Swarthmore Sweet Shop 0, ~ series 0 mIJ\'11Ig pll"lurcs to )e .ex- To Attend Red Cross Luncheon It::' ther ill arr .. rcl \\'ith his interl'rdalioll oi "ecau,l' thcy have so much stuff in thcir Inoltcd at the College under thc allspiceS :; I )l'l1ll1l'racy 'Jr not. atkntiw listclll'rs hl'acb that is not so--and thcy arc so of thc Cooper Foundation 011 \'arious Sat- Sixtecn Swarthmorcans havc made Z- b b wcre ll1on:d to test their 0,,"11 l'nsllllal proucl oj it!" tmlay nights during the coming- winler. rcservations for thc Rl'd Cro~s lunchcon ~ a tee ar er GIFTS ljemorrary of spirit. Closing his address 111 ;l lIIore solellln Rcsidcnts of Ihc Borough and othcr at thc Betlevue-Stratfor<l ncxt Thurs- i ~ OLD BANK BUILDING "Tht' futurc .\merican p"pllbti"n ,,·ill tOIlC, the sl)eaker exprcsscd his fcar that fricnlls of the College arc cordially in- day, 1'\ovcmbcr 2 at 12 :30 P. M. Any I ~j~~~~~~;J\:iltl:ih~~~~:tI~:tI~~~~ll1J1J1:!i1 crnl~ fronl tllc Nl'gn~, .,f tilt' S,qrtll. till' ~,r a tillle II Il'I I of force nruy rule tllis vil~1 to tllesc nM'villg \~cture~ Therc is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pt'or mounlain whitl's. frlllll the p"ore-t gl'lIl'J'atioll, hut his l'l'rtainty that the n" admis.',illll chargc, - - ~- 1; "lI\es am I ~c Il Oll 1S 01' tl ll' cotln try", c1 e - ri,!..,! ht kadershil) will linall,\' c\'ol\"c. ":\Imlcrn Tilllcs". prOllul'l'd in 1936, is I 1 T) I · I I' '1' t I I . I )1It: to the !!n'at delllancl on the l>art 01 SPECIAL NOTICE r arCl r. ,III< elllall, as It' 1111 la t'C liS" Chaplin's 1II0s1 recent I)iclure and onc IlIe lllC 1'Y t II e quest'Io.n: ,. \ I't' you prc' IIIl'lIIhers oi the audiellce. and to Ihe of his hcst. Although s01lnd is cmploycd I I t t t 1 ., t t' It; t""llrtl'SY of the vice-llresidl'lIt, :\Ir, l'hilill pan'c ,:: ,~us 'l"l"ISIClI1S " .'Il' eas C"I11- " •• ,'. , '. fl'" ,., ill this pktUfl', therc is 110 dialoguc. if (,dellt· 1 ho,e who n"lch III1e1kclllal (II' . \ Idlll, .1 1.)1 It I ~UlllnJ.ll) .. t 11::; .lIldrcss I 1 I . Fall sales of English Bicycles in Swartb- : • • '. ! .'11 I" I",· I· I' I-I ,Cllll' l'xn'pts I Ie )llOnograp IS appl'anng \'l'l'tlll1.a,n.' 'S Ill'rl'.' '.'' III . \ 1I1l'J'I C,I .''I rc nClt n'· I .\ \1 I '")"e1 scnI t \t.o, tI.t': p. arl:nts J) tIe omc11.1 1 (l I ace 0 f sa Ic Slllen. I none 0 f t II e Sl'CIICS, 1'1'0"1,1 (.'1.1 1~" th. t'lll.s eh'l''.'. . I It.' . 111ctlln'd the 'I ,IIIC( ' ,~(, 100 ' .c ~S,O CJa.'t1l OlI. " I '. h·' Il o\\'cvcr, CI lap1 I" II SIJlgs somc J, ah I) cr-p",' lllIht\' ot ",hort nrnllllll" Ihe dClIlo,1 .... C. ()I~qlle \\ I 1 '.UIIUIIUC lIS C .lIr- k fl' I . " . • ' . .. ~ .' . '1' 'I, I' ,I C . f woc y 0 \IS own; am a IlIl1slcai scorc en' tlc Il]'C)lTSS' b\, ' I1\tUlllH' Il"•I< IIntll 1II\ .111~I II ll' 01 t II e S I' allu1 \ 01ll1'l.llt tee Io' r Iw'rit ten)I \, CI laPIi' n accolllpam'esI tiC til I Ill. pcoplc arc \\,\,·lIlc.1 'IW'I\' irolll Ihc dClllo- t Ie - utile all( .. C 100 t ssoclatton t liS 1'1 I' . 1 . f cratl.c 'lI1 ethocl , :\I'l1.n'ta 1l1~ 1'.1 1l! tint "'m.g. ) .e...l r. '1'1' I' , .1 '1'·1 , Ie F ot IS an unCollllectC( scncs 0 • . .• • " '. Ie )l.l .Il ru lIlet (III ues. uay eVcll- nnlll. c epl.s oc I t'o; !\ I'I tt I C CI o wn cangI It for deIl10lTIc\' elll he too l"lsil\, tr'ln,;- IIIg to consl( cr ways to raise money. I . f" '. I I' ',' . ", ' , • ,I, I 11' 'I . . ,I f III t Ie cogs tl all 11)( IIstry geare( to lIIaS5 formed h\' 'Irgllll\l'nt he Illllstrated thc lor Ilceuc( .lIIne troll~ers JIlsteau 0 I' , lllore have broken all previous records The great Halcigh alld Hcrculcs factorics arc still making and shipping hicycles to this country. Howcvcr, hecausc of hos· til itics ahroad, delh'cries arc not as prompt as heretofore. . ,.' ' • ·1 . , I 'k' f I, I ,I'f t pr(l( Ill'tlon, goes berscrk and lands In a ,"0 III t hY IllS nllscn'atlClll of Ihc great \\ lite (11\: s or t IC Janu U\I1 orlns a I ,', I .. '. . . '. >,.). . " , " this "easOIl of thc year. IOsPlt.l. OnCl: out 01 the hospItal hc he-I \ lIlIt h :\10\ Cl11e11\ 1 {at c 1.1 r.l<ll 111 (,e I -I l'.. , • r .' " " " rOllles OIlC of thc ullemployed. has a hrl1sh Parents contcmplating the purchasc of an English bicycle, the world's best, for Christmas gifts are urged to place orders lIIam' "Ill\- two ""aI's beforc that sallie hlch.lrd lIalg \\111 .Iet as chalrm.ll1 of I " I I' I'" '.. - ., .. now. This will cnahlc tiS to assurc you of dclivcry ill timc for yout.h .. I 1'1 'OIIIIII'lttec t) 'tl1ll,' tr'lft'l' COlllI'ltl'OII' \\ It I t Ie po ItC alld Is sent to JaIl. I herc - \\""IS e'ag.l'l' to Ill' ill IIniionn.s.' t I' ,I e '·1 'I'" , (S"S I ,' "CI I 1'1S II C Il l'COll1eS 1'1\I\'0 v el I' . takl's I .. ,th 111 a pnson break . . .''\1 1 IIltdh'chn'l .u"""e. f or UIl- I1 d\\r lie I .1 leel \\.Irt lin ore sc 100 c 11 - I' I I 1'1 f I '11 all( IS pare Olll,( . lell 0 lows, olle after <Ier,tanli11lg and cnkr,pn,;e ~.. hnd tl~e l. • • • the other, a joh ill a shipyard. a job as a Christmas. :llIm'l'r to thl' \\'llrld-wllk antl-r!cllll.cratlc STItATH HAVEN night wakhmall ill a departmcnt store. mo\'e. ,.' '.. ' ,.,., , . . . 1 GATHERING FOSTERS and a j?h as a singil.lg waiter in a restau-f Dcsll Jiml" ~ )l111,,(I,IC~ ,a, the 1II1.'~t ~hf-I PEARSON MEl\IORIAL rant. \\ e abo lind hun befricnding a waif In additiull to imported hieyeics, we carry a full line of the !test Amcriean lightweight and IJallooll hicycles. These, of course, we havc ill stol'k for immediate delivcry. ficnlt ~"nccptJon ?f SOCial organ.lzatlOn' i in a tl11nhle down shack. Dr. 1.11I<1c111an 1'011lte<l out that It nllb, Forllll'r f riclllls and associates of the (,(J\~nter to the prl'\'a~ling- iallJily pattern,: latl' Dr. Paul :\1. Pearson li"illg in Ncw wllldl is to makl' chlldrcn more depcn<J- 1 York and \Vashington joined othcrs cnt. 1 jrolll the Philadelphia area last Satur- Suggests Tests ; day night in a dinncr meeting held at The iollowing- tests arc amclllg th .. ,.: Strath Haven Inn to foster t he Paul tesls which Dr. Lindeman is developing I :-'1. Pearson Mcmorial Campaign be­to measure the trend of an incli"idual \gull early ill Octohcr, toward or away irolll DClllOl'ral'Y, SlIllle I Announcemcnt was madc that the. of the lests are as follows: funds raise<l would bc administered by \ (I) "To ,,,/1111 ,',\'/1'111 (fo YOII /I.'/il'O'c Swarthlllore College in the forlll of a ill il.)" ,\rl' YOll willing to contribute to- revolving loan fund for worthy and! ward it? T t is vcry difficult to adapt thc needy students. 1 cconomy of I'lenty to the traditional '\111- Presiding at Saturday cvening's din­crican theory oi the l'conomy of Scarcity. ncr was :-.r rs. Tod Ebcrle, of PhiladeI­dcclarl'd Dr. Lindeman. \\'e still lack an phia. Among those present wcre ~larc American pattern of reform. which it is P. Dowdell, Trenton, N, J.; ~Ir. and 0111' ta4; to create, ~I rs. H, E. \Ve\1s, Buck Hill Falls; (2) The sl'l'flnd \l'st of 1>el1lol'racy PJ'll- l\urt P. :-'lcKinnie, Bridgcton. N. J.; POIIIIlIl''' hy the ,pl'akel' wa~ "'Il.",· (111/ \\'altlT \V. ~Iaulc. \Vcst Grove; R. P. ,,',' Cl,'''i,','" pastil/fll digllily." \\'l' slill LodllllT, Philadelphia; ~I r, and :\Irs. hclic\'c in AIill'1'ica that it mu,t nlme Howard ~I. Buckman, George School; from \\'ork, wlll'n.·as industrial organiza- Claude C. Smith. Swarthmorc; Ray­tion prl'\'ellb that. '1'\\"0 ,lIlutilln,; Wl're 1I10nd K. Dl'nworth, Swarthmore; :\Ir. ~nggl'ste<l: "Planned Leisnre," ior which and ,\1 rs. Lockwood Fogg, \Vallingford; youth is n'ally educated, and "Humllr." Dorothea Fitch, Xl'\\' York; Lcon M'i his Iklightful illustrations, 1)1'. I'l'ar';lln. \\'ashington, D, c.; ~Ir. and: Lindeman a1llused his audience with the \1 rs, Thomas Atkinson, Lansdownc; i ~ar!y .·\meric:tn hUlllllris.t wh.. sa!d.: Elizalll,th H. RohlTls, Glen()ld~'n; COJl~-1 , \\ hl'n it n.1:111 gl'b .tll gOlllg dll\\"n 11111, I ma~ld~r and Mrs .. T~, C, Hast.lIlgs. :\.11-1 It ,"'e1llS ;~' lI"e~'t'rYlh111g \\'l'r,c grl'a~ecl illr 1 ;(:111, }-la.; :-'1 rs. ~11.rtal\l Lee ~·.ar1y Llp­tht' t1CCaS11!n. I hL' rl'l'cnt ('l'rman urder, plllcntt, CamdcJl, X. J., and (.uy DaVIS, that \\Titl'r~ slHl1lld nllw hegin to he i Clcnoldell. iunny \\'a, ridiculerl. as was the childish: l~================:'. llIelhod IIi achit'\'ing' dignity thl'Ough uni- 1 inl'llh an(1 hadgt's .. \ thirel snggestion iur th!' at'hil·\'t~l1\ellt ui personal dignity is ·'fdlu\\'ship.·' (3) Titling the lIext test "I'lura/ism," Ilr. I.indeman 1Irgl'd u~ til a,k ourscl \'cs ii We prartice it. .\re you glad oi dif­ierent ract's and 1·l'iigiClns. or woulcl you like to makc c\lIIl'rira uniiorm:" The BLOOMING HOUSE PLANTS AND VINES Chrysanthcmums in Glory Now! Party Arrangements and Corsages c\t Ihl' first showing of this picturc in 1.01H10n liity policelllcn wefC called out to hanrlll' the crowds which gathcred, al­though the scats sold at $5 each. In Gcr­mallY thc picture was hannl'd-possibly ,HALLOWE'EN PARTY COSTUl\IES 8Bc THE WHEEL 333 Dartillouth Ave. Tel. Swa. 2057-R CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER Edgmont Avenue - Seventh and Welsh Streets Nationally Known COTTON DRESSES At Our Special Price 94c-$1.49 $1.88 - $2.88 Sizes 3 to 6% -7 to 10 -12 to 16 DUTCH STYLES - with Dutch Pockets. Collars. large bows. tucked sklrts, JACKET STYLES - large flared sklrts, Sailor styles. SUSPENDER DRESSES­separate blouse, GAY PLAIDS-checks, novelty designs. plain and prlnted broadcloth. shantung and printed chalUs. GIRLS' JACKETS $2.79 BOYS' WOOL MACI{INAWS $3.98-$4.98 $5.98 strl'ngth oi the I"taht:.rian stall's is in $3 49 $4 98 Mortimer Snerd to unifurmity. Ilitler ahandulIl',1 Rotan' M FI · .. Greatly Underpriced And up to $10.98 . . t Charlie McCarthy i ~ Ciuh" ",hidl arl' hascri on dinl'rellce,:. i aro ower Ferdlnand the Bull GIRLS' SKIRTS Colorful PlaIds. Some with at- .,11) n .. t unifllnllity. \\'ith poetic dictil1n, the Sl Donald Duck tached and detachable hoods, s\)cahr illus(J'ate<i this point ui the need. lOp Plnocchl0 S8e some with zlpper lock pockets. 1,':,1 for t·ontra,.ts h.\' sa,\'in,(!", 'Twu ,1"II,lt'r I I And 40 others Lined and unlined. Slzes 6 to 18. , ., ' 315 Dickinson Ave. I heams call h"ld gl'cal \\'elght wlll'lI in nl11- : $1.88 --$2.88 Ilic~. Tw() :iCIs IIi Illu,cll's 1'1111 in opposite' Tclcl)hone Sw. 554 I i I :.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiii---iiiiiii-----------_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii __ iiiiiii_iiiiiii __ iiiiiii ___ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_~:; dirl'c,ti"lh alld aehic\'(' dynamic motioll.' ''':;;;================-'1,. .----~----~-- ~ A gn~t ,bllcer iIIIPITS~~ u,. I~ gr~lt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ru fi=========~==========~~~==~~====~==~ t I 1 I 1 ~ FOR PRIDE AND PERFORMANCE ~ - ~2.; this great structural ,Irenglh, w!;ich i~ II s rCllgl I all, r lyl Ill\. IJl'IJII1C1'an' has ;,:.',1 1 1 " nut the ,ta(Tato rh\"lhlll IIi dil,tatdr- ,ii PONTIAC allllounces Ij ~hi\l." 'il F G t N 11 (4 ~ "l'l1ll .1'''11 d,'/alllill!! lllt'ls jr"111 i1 Olll" rea ew I pr. 'pI1!J'lIlda ,)" (~erlllally i~ spt'llding three :,1 hundred million .h,llar, on prCJpagalH1a 'I Low priced ! Do we depend on colulIlIlisb ami COIll-' '1 SILVER STREAKS! II mcntat"r, i'll- UI1 r (kcisi"lIs:- he asked, ,II II ------- ---~.. , :lli TilE SPECIAL SIX TIlE DELUXE EIGUT I : ~ TilE DELUXE SIX TIm TORPEPO E'GHT Chill Autulllll Winds May Blow MEDIA WIIOLSTERY CO. J' "f1,'fi"f1 ilIi.",ls Phone l\1t~dia 1323 I:;; S('f' Them-Drive Them-Price Them-Ilispect Them But Chap YOVR Hands?- I';1·1 AT 011 , NO•' ,if R. LOUf;'HEAD, Inc. ,9th & Sproul Slreets :\1 ,Ii! CHESTER~ PA. ,'IIiIi I~ _ ~'o~_= _____ .-----= __ ~ Phone: Chester 4484 IF YOU STOI' OUR DRIVER OR CAU. MEDIA 174 ~IEDIA LAUNDRY Scnillg Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900 ++I++I++++tll++++++++++t+.+++++t++.I+++++III~'I++4+1+++++III •• f++44.++4.44++++++++++4.+41.++41++.11114.1111111.1 •••• oJ' SWARTHMOREtS RELIABLE TAILOR ESTABLISHED 1912 HARRIS & CO. TAILORS AND FURRIERS CLEANERS and DYERS NO. 11 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 504 ~1111 •• IIIII.I.IIIII.II.III •• t++

The Swarthmorean, 1939-10 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.